999 resultados para Inibidores de ciclo-oxigenase


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A laboratory experiment that enables the professor to introduce the problematic of sustainable development in pharmaceutical chemistry to undergraduate students is proposed, using a simple synthetic procedure. Cholesteryl acetate is prepared by the esterification of cholesterol using Montmorillonite K10 as heterogeneous catalyst. Cholesterol and cholesteryl acetate are characterized by spectroscopic (¹H RMN, 13C RMN, FTIR) and thermal analysis techniques. The thermal methods are used to introduce the concepts of polymorphism and the nature of mesophases.


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A fluid conducting composite material prepared from graphite powder, commercial epoxy resin Araldite®, and cyclohexanone has been developed. The composition was optimized considering the mechanical properties as conductivity and adhesiveness using response surface methodology. This work employed cyclic voltammetry and amperometry to investigate the characteristics of such composite electrodes without and with the insertion of Prussian blue in the electrode body (bulk modified electrode). The composite electrodes were also successfully used for the amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide at 0.0V vs Ag/AgCl.


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Effects of two ethylene inhibitors, 1-methylcylopropene (1-MCP) and aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), on production of volatile compounds and mangiferin (a bioactive xanthone) in 'Tommy Atkins' mango fruit were investigated. Volatile composition and mangiferin content, in treated and untreated fruits at three maturity, stages were determined by SPME-GC-MS and HPLC, respectively. These chromatographical analysis revealed that the volatile profiles and mangiferin concentrations were not significantly different, suggesting that the use of ethylene inhibitors does not affect the mango aroma and functional properties relative to this xanthone. Moreover, a simple, precise and accurate HPLC method was developed for quantifying mangiferin in mango pulp.


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The region of Aracá River (Middle and Upper Rio Negro-AM) has peculiar characteristics, having soils with atypical profile and high organic matter contents in great deep. The levels of aluminum and iron in the soil samples increased as a function of depth and concentrations of mercury ranged from 0.097 to 0.964 µg g-1. Statistical analysis showed the degree of similarity between soil samples collected. The highest concentrations of mercury in soil samples are directly related to soil higher content of organic matter, directly influencing the fate and bioavailability of mercury species to the environment.


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We present in this work the influence of temperature on the dynamics of homogeneous chemical systems containing bromate and 1,4-cyclohexanedione (1,4-CHD) in acidic media. In particular, the following systems were studied: bromate/1,4-CHD/acid, bromate/1,4-CHD/ferroin/acid and bromate/1,4-CHD/trisbipyridine ruthenium/acid. Investigations were carried out by means of an electrochemical probe, at five temperatures between 5 and 45 °C. Activation energies (Ea) were estimated in different ways for the pre-oscillatory and oscillatory regimes. In any case, the Ea was found to depend on the catalyst, composition and initial concentrations. In addition, it was observed that ferroin and trisbipyridine ruthenium act as catalysts only during the transition between the induction period and oscillatory regime.


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Myrsinoic A acid, isolated from Myrsine cuneifolia and its hydrogenated derivative had their effect on photosynthesis tested. The compounds inhibited the electron flow (basal, phosphorylating and uncoupled) from water to methylviologen; therefore, they act as Hill reaction inhibitors in spinach thylakoids. They inhibited partial reactions of PSII electron flow from water to 2,5-dichloro-1,4-benzoquinone, from water to sodium silicomolybdate, and partially electron flow from diphenylcarbazide to 2,6-dichloroindophenol. Their inhibition sites were at the donor and acceptor sides of PSII, between P680 and Q A. Chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements confirmed the behavior of the compounds (pool of quinones).


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The evaluations of Chorophyll a fluorescence emitted by superior plants carry structural information and photosynthetic apparatus function. Quantitative analysis apparatus of fluorescence kinetic were measured by energy flows (ABS), (TR), (ET) and (DI), known as phenomenological phenomena of OJIP test. Four furocoumarins were isolated from Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae), and chorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence assays were performed with these compounds to evaluate the photosynthesis inhibition potential. This test was realized in spinach`s leaf discs and in Lolium perenne leaves. The results indicated the herbicide potential mainly for bergapten and chalepin.


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Heavy metals and pesticides are usually associated with the main problems humankind has created in the natural environment. However, compounds with characteristics of essential macronutrients are causing serious environmental changes that could intensify, compromising the diversity of life on the planet. This is the case of nitrogen compounds, produced by industrial processes for use in intensive agriculture in addition to those unwittingly produced from human activities, available in excess in the environment. These compounds warrant greater attention from researchers in various fields of knowledge and public agencies for environmental control, toward minimizing their availability in the environment, thereby returning conditions closer to the natural environmental balance of the planet.


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This work describes a mentorship experience. Mentorship of novice teachers by experienced teachers is an important aspect in training teachers for universities. The strategy followed in this work consisted of a double improvement cycle (or clinical supervision cycle), based on the use of recordings of classes. Each of these cycles included planning, recording, viewing and analysis. Conclusions were reached in a final meeting after video analysis. In order to systematize the viewing, analysis and assessment of the videos, an observation test was employed. Class planning, contents, methodology, and verbal and nonverbal communication skills were evaluated using the test.


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Teaching classes and events regarding the molecular aspects of drug-receptor interactions is not an easy task. The ligand stereochemistry and the spatial arrangement of the macromolecular targets highly increase the complexity of the process. In this context, the use of alternative and more playful approaches could allow students to gain a more thorough understanding of this important topic in medicinal chemistry. Herein, we describe a practical teaching approach that uses computational strategies as a tool for drug-receptor interaction studies performed for angiotencsin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi). Firstly, the students learn how to find the crystallographic structure (enzyme-ligand complex). Then, they proceed to the treatment of crude crystallographic data. Thereafter, they learn how to analyze the positioning of the drug on the active site of the enzyme, looking for regions related to the molecular recognition. At the end of the study, students can summarize the molecular requirements for the interaction and the structure-activity relationships of the studied drugs.


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We report herein a study on the glycosylation of cyclohexanol with four D-glucosamine-based peracetylated glycosyl chlorides bearing different substituents at C-2 and three glycosylation promoters, silver carbonate, silver triflate and mercury II chloride/mercury II oxide, by the Koenigs-Knorr method. Under the conditions studied, glycosylation was successful only when 3,4,6-tri-O -acetyl-2-deoxy-2-phthalimido-α-D-glucopyranosyl chloride was used as the glycosyl donor, with silver carbonate proving the best promoter. In order to investigate the influence of the nature of the halogen at C-1, we also carried out the glycosylation of cyclohexanol with 3,4,6-tri-O -acetyl-2-deoxy-2-phthalimido-α-D-glucopyranosyl bromide, a more reactive glycosyl donor. As expected, the yield with the bromide derivative was higher with the three promoters and, again, silver carbonate was the most efficient promoter. Finally, to illustrate the well-known efficient procedure for conversion of the phtalimido group at C-2 to the corresponding acetamido group, cyclohexyl 3,4,6-tri-O -acetyl-2-deoxy-2-phtalimido-β-D-glucopyranoside was converted into cyclohexyl 2-deoxy-2-acetamido-β-D-glucopyranoside in two steps, namely, hydrazinolysis of the phtalimido group followed by chemoselective acetylation of the free amino group by treatment with acetic anhydride in methanol, at 77% overall yield.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar porcentagem de germinação, vigor, sanidade de sementes e produtividade de 18 linhagens de soja (Glycine max). O ensaio de campo foi conduzido na Fazenda Experimental do Capim Branco da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e 18 tratamentos, constituídos pelos genótipos de soja. Os genótipos UFV94-426803 e BR92-06665 apresentaram a maior e a menor porcentagem de germinação (96 e 69%, respectivamente). Essa variável correlacionou-se positivamente com o vigor das sementes (r= +0,79), e negativamente com a incidência de Fusarium semitectum, Phomopsis sojae e Colletotrichum dematium (r= -0,33, -0,39, e --0,26, respectivamente). As linhagens CSP-5 e BR93-6957 apresentaram, respectivamente, o maior (90) e o menor (54,5) vigor das sementes. Houve correlação positiva do vigor das sementes com a produtividade de grãos (r= +0,59), e negativa com a incidência de F. semitectum e P. sojae (r= -0,36 e --0,60, respectivamente). Verificou-se uma incidência de 47 e 9% de F. semitectum, respectivamente, para os genótipos FT-2002 e CSP-5. Os genótipos BR93-6957 e UFV94-426803 apresentaram, respectivamente, 49,7 e 2,1% de incidência de P. sojae e 'CSP-2' foi o genótipo que apresentou a maior incidência de C. dematium, (3,8%). 'FT-2001' e 'UFV94-1896' apresentaram, respectivamente, a maior (3,9 t/ha) e a menor (2,48 t/ha) produtividade de grãos. Houve correlação negativa dessa variável com a incidência de P. sojae (r= -0,44). As cultivares BR-16 e OCEPAR-3 apresentaram valores intermediários para todas variáveis avaliadas, embora não tenham diferido significativamente dos demais genótipos avaliados nesse ensaio.


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A ocorrência das doenças foliares de final de ciclo em soja (Glycine max) causadas pelos fungos Septoria glycines e Cercospora kikuchii é facilmente observada no campo. Entretanto, são necessárias informações precisas sobre a quantificação de danos e perdas na produtividade. A falta de um método padrão de quantificação visual para essas doenças pode levar a estimativas imprecisas da severidade das mesmas, induzindo a conclusões erradas. Com o objetivo de elaborar uma escala diagramática para quantificar a severidade dessas doenças, foram coletadas em campo, folhas apresentando diferentes níveis de severidade. A área de cada folha e sua correspondente severidade foram determinadas e, obedecendo-se a "Lei do estímulo de Weber-Fechner", foi elaborada uma escala com os níveis de severidade de doença: 2,4; 15,2; 25,9; 40,5 e 66,6%. A validação foi realizada por nove avaliadores, sem experiência na avaliação das doenças de final de ciclo, os quais estimaram a severidade de 30 folhas de soja com sintomas destas doenças. A precisão das avaliações variou de acordo com o avaliador (0,84demonstrando que a escala desenvolvida é adequada para a avaliação das doenças de final de ciclo em soja.


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O nematóide de cisto da soja, Heterodera glycines, causa consideráveis reduções de produtividade à cultura da soja. Ocorrem 11 raças do NCS no Brasil e, no Maranhão, há registro somente da raça 9. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer o ciclo de vida de uma população de H. glycines raça 9, em soja, sob condições de clima tropical. O ensaio foi conduzido em casa-de-vegetação telada, no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Soja, em Balsas, Maranhão. As médias de temperaturas neste período foram de 28,7 °C no solo e 31,7 °C no ar e a média da umidade relativa do ar foi de 49,8 %. Plântulas de soja BRS Sambaíba foram transplantadas para vasos contendo solo areno-argiloso infestado com 4000 ovos de H. glycines raça 9. Foram avaliados os números de fêmeas e de cistos por sistema radicular aos 17, 20, 23, 26, 29 e 32 dias após a infestação. O número médio de fêmeas por sistema radicular de soja aumentou significativamente entre o 17º e o 29º dia após a infestação do solo, diminuindo no 32º dia, quando começaram a surgir os primeiros cistos. Nas condições testadas, H. glycines raça 9 completou o ciclo de vida em 29 dias após a infestação do solo. Desta forma, é possível a ocorrência de 3 a 4 gerações do nematóide durante o ciclo da soja em Balsas, Maranhão.


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Las enfermedades de fin de ciclo de la soja (EFC), ampliamente difundidas en Argentina, afectan el rendimiento del cultivo y la calidad de la semilla cosechada. La aplicación foliar de fungicidas representa una alternativa eficiente en las actuales condiciones de cultivo (monocultivo y siembra directa). Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron 1) determinar los agentes causales de la EFC presentes en los ensayos, 2) evaluar la disminución de rendimiento causada por las EFC y 3) valorar la eficiencia de control de mezclas de triazoles y azoxistrobina aplicados en las etapas reproductivas R3 o R5, para el control de las mismas. Se realizaron cuatro ensayos, dos en la campaña 2004/2005, y dos en la campaña 2005/2006, en Armstrong, Santa Fe, núcleo del área sojera de la Región Pampeana. Se utilizaron dos mezclas de azoxistrobina, una con cyproconazole y otra con difenoconazole, y una mezcla de los dos últimos. Los patógenos detectados fueron: Cercospora kikuchii, Colletotrichum truncatum, Septoria glycines, Glomerella glycines y Phomopsis sojae. Todos los tratamientos tuvieron mayores rendimientos que el control no tratado en todos los ensayos, con un nivel de significancia del 5%. Se concluye que, bajo las condiciones de los ensayos, con altas precipitaciones entre R1 y R5.5, los productos utilizados, controlaron eficientemente las EFC presentes.