760 resultados para Industria de construção civil – Eliminação de residuos


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This work refers a comparison between a government’s index budget and another one which take into account the traditional method, in other words, taking real values practice in market as base. For its achievement will be used the design of a low standard single-family residence, quantifying all the materials needed for its construction with Prices Compositions Table for Budget, provided from the PINI publishing. After that, was made two budgets: one based on the SINAPI index costs, provided from Caixa Econômica Federal and calculated for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatistics; and another based on the costs used in the SESC work in Birigui city, as well as values collected from building material stores in the same city. Finally, with both finalized budgets, will be drawn a direct comparison in order to verifying if the index can be use as parameter for budget calculations for low standard residences


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One of the majors concerns in society today is to decrease the environmental impact caused by human activities and natural resource exploration. From this need to be more careful with the environment arose, in the field of civil construction, the term sustainable building. Projects that use natural resources rationally, without ceasing to bring comfort and functionality for customers, are becoming more a reality. This paper presents the share of electric energy in a sustainable building, with the analysis of the available renewable energies used in a project, presentation of new constructive techniques and technologies that are constantly emerging to achieve greater energy efficiency, with an appropriate use of energy received, also a decrease of the energy consumed by some devices present in a residence or business


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This paper concerns about the durability of new material in construction. It is noteworthy the fact that increases increasingly searching for alternative materials that do not depend only of natural resources and at the same time be an alternative for reuse of industrial waste. Since the construction materials have a long life and a high cost of civil works and maintenance, it is crucial to estimate the behavior of a new product. Thus , this work discuss the durability of mixed mortar lining , made with waste from the process Kraft pulp production , known as dregs and grits , in partial replacement of sand. Tests were conducted to simulate conditions as adverse environments of constant heat and fire, with the aim of analyzing the behavior of mortar mixed matched the behavior of standard mortar


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The present study addresses the application of the Environmental Management System in chicken production on a farm owned by the Nardo brothers, located in the city of Guapiaçu/SP (Brazil). The objectives were to analyze the process of solid waste generation, destination and forms of treatment in this activity; propose measures to reduce the use of potable water for non-potable ends; determine other measures identified through a questionnaire drafted by Embrapa (Brazilian Agriculture Research Cooperative) and administered to employees who have direct involvement in the productive process; pay visits to chicken production enterprises; and employ the guidelines proposed by the National Fowl-Breeding Sanitation Program that guide the application of the Environmental Management System. Adequate management of waste was put into effect through the construction of a compost shed capable of meeting current production demands, in which all procedures were accompanied from civil construction to the commercialization process of the organic fertilizer generated. The rain-gathering system for the roofs of the pens proposed to reduce the consumption of potable ground water destined for washing the floors of the pens was completely dimensioned and budgeted, allowing the motivated owners to place the project into effect in a timely fashion. Other simpler but no less important proposals were also made in order to bring the production up to the required quality standards.


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Are being released in the construction market in Brazil ventures called Super 6. These businesses sell the promise of delivery of the apartment in six months after the launch of the venture. To meet this deadline are being deployed the constructive method of concrete walls using aluminum shapes. This system basically consists of pouring slabs and walls once, i.e. building up the wall shapes and slab joints. On the walls are used cloth, with reinforcements in vain and corners of walls and on these screens are tied the electrical boxes and conduits. For each tower is used the so-called system of half way, i.e. the system so it is sufficient to mount the Middle deck. Using a concrete which can be deformed in the next day you can lift one deck every two days with ready electric and hydraulicsystem, without having to tow the wall doing only minor fixes in the imperfections after concrete. With this system won an incredible speed in the construction of the structure reducing in almost one-third the length of the work. This work aims to compare in terms of cost-benefit of masonry structural systems and this new concrete wall system called Super 6. For this comparison will be used as parameter values used for the achievement of the Enterprise Portal of Roses of constructor Tenda which is one of the first to use concrete wall system. This project basically consists of seven towers of six floors each and will be budgeted the cost of this project if it were held in structural masonry. From these data it will be possible to make a comparison about the actual beneficial to adopt this system


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The growth of urban population associated with the shortage of supply of public infrastructure such as hospitals, kindergartens, schools, among others, has reinforced the need to develop alternative methods that simplify the construction processes and allows for a reduction in these costs works. The conventional processes have increasingly been shown ineffective to solve the problem of demand for different types of urban and rural buildings. Given this fact, industrial construction processes can gain space and have proven to be highly interesting to solve the above problems, in particular, considering the cost-effective and time. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the influence of moisture on the strength of metal plate connections connectors (printed plate with teeth). For the sizing of the links between structural lumber using metal connectors with teeth prints; controlled process variables (drying of the wood and the different moisture contents), and finally found results and compare them with different literatures order to obtain a qualitative efficiency of the process. Some specimens had very low expectations, can be explained by the presence of bone marrow, and pre-existing cracks. Thus, the results were discarded for further analysis and more accurate results


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The construction industry is booming, and the federal government is heavily financially supporting public housing. This scenario is very favorable for the development of construction materials, especially low-cost construction. Thus, this study aims to develop a new class of unfired clay masonry bricks: GGBS stabilized bricks. Studies show that the ground granulated blast furnace slag, a material used as raw material in cement manufacture, can be used together with calcium oxide in soil stabilization for the manufacture of bricks. This study aims to test and identify the best parameters for the manufacture of unfired bricks, adapting its composition to the materials found in Brazil and identify the optimum curing conditions for our climate. So far preliminary studies were done to verify the technical feasibility of the material. Future studies should be done to ascertain the economic feasibility and environmental gains of such material


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study of physical and mechanical properties of wood is essential for its structural use and it is of great importance to the construction industry. Thus, this study aimed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the wood Amaru - a hybrid of Eucalyptus, developed by Plantar Projects and Forest Products Ltda. In order to determine the properties of Amaru, round samples were used, which were provided to the Laboratory of Wood and Wooden Structures of the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo - LaMEM / EESC / USP. For the characterization of the physical properties, the apparent specific gravity and moisture content of the samples were determined. To the mechanical characterization, the following properties were evaluated: strength and stiffness in compression, strength and stiffness in bending, shear and tension. The procedures of the tests performed in this study were done according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Wood Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997. The specimen used were confectioned in actual dimensions, according to as those used in the construction system proposed by Plantar. The results obtained from the tests performed showed that the mechanical properties approached the values proposed by the Wood Standard NBR 7190. The visual grading was important to provide a primary idea about the failure modes to be obtained from the tests performed. The bending test showed the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and Modulus of Rupture (MOR), which resulted in 15822 MPa and 101,7 MPa, respectively. The compression test resulted in values Ec0,m and fc0, 15698 MPa and 50,7 MPa. The tensile strength (ft0) of this hybrid was calculated and its value obtained was 60,8 MPa. The shear strength (fv0) was 8,2 MPa. The results obtained from the tests are the basis for engineers and architects to design structures using wood species Amaru


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A teoria em finanças tem evoluído cada vez mais aproximando a teoria financeira às práticas reais adotadas nas empresas e nos mercados financeiros. A partir de Modigliani e Miller, que contribuíram para o ramo das finanças com a teoria da Irrelevância Financeira, o caminho se abriu para uma série de debates a cerca da importância das variáveis financeiras na determinação do valor da empresa. Foram levantados questionamentos a respeito da perfeição dos mercados e apresentado argumentos como a assimetria de informações, os custos de agência, a restrição financeira e outras implicações à teoria do investimento. Atualmente o que se sabe é que o fator investimento está altamente ligado às finanças e, portanto, relaciona-se com os meios de financiamento presentes no mercado e com a organização interna e financeira das firmas, esse ramo de estudo recebe o nome de Finanças Corporativas. Diante da teoria financeira, o objetivo é analisar a indústria siderúrgica de duas economias atualmente em destaque, Brasil e China através da análise econômico-financeira de quatro empresas de capital aberto do setor: Gerdau, Usiminas, Baosteel e Masteel. Cabe destacar que a indústria siderúrgica é base para outras indústrias, como construção civil, automóveis, máquinas, entre outros e, por isso, é tida como sinalizadora do desenvolvimento econômico de um país, assim também, o Brasil e a China são caracterizados como grandes potenciais emergentes e fontes de atração de investimentos internacionais


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The mining of sand, currently, is essential for urban growth, by providing input for the building industry. The consequences of this mining activity to environmental triggers may be severe and irreversible. Among the major impacts caused by sand mining the riparian vegetation removal is detached. The riparian vegetation is essential for balance and maintaining the local ecosystem. For all that had been shown, is possible to verify the importance of environmental studies in areas wich there are mining. This study aimed specially to assess environmental impacts triggered by a mining, located near the headwaters of the stream Mandu, situated in Ajapi, District of Rio Claro-SP. For this purpose, we used remote sensing techniques and GIS to produce thematic maps of slope, pedology, geology, land use and occupation of the soil, and riparian vegetation, using the capabilities of GIS / ArcGIS. The slope map was based on data from the Cartographic IGC 1979, scale 1:10,000. For the production of pedological and geological maps were used Semi-Detailed soil survey of the state of São Paulo, 1981 (1:100,000) and the Geological Map of Zaine (1994), scale 1:50,000, respectively. Since the maps of Use and Land Occupation and Riparian Forest were obtained by visual interpretation of the image of CBERS 2010 following the merger between the HRC and CCD images. From these mappings, and through multi-criteria analysis, map of susceptibility to erosion was made, which supported the environmental assessment of the studied area, indicating susceptible and unsuitable areas for the deployment of economic activities and urban sprawl. This study serves as a model can be replicated in other watersheds, assisting in the proper use planning and land use, aiming at the rational use of natural resources


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Companies that invest in current technologies maintain themselves updated, improve their business rules and anticipate themselves against rivals providing a better service to their customers. This project aims to develop an ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning module for Android which complements an existing manager system and, that attends the needs of a rental equipment business for civil building, i.e., it improves the communication channel company-client and betters the identification and control of products. During the developing of this project, it was necessary to study the company business rules, analyze the requirements and the appropriate technologies. This project was organized in two parts, contemplating e ach of these needs. It were implemented specific modules for generate budgets and pre-orders in the first part and, the use of radiofrequency tags in the second one. Thus, it was possible to assign mobility to company business rules so that a better rental service can be provided and the equipments can be better managed


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This scientific research focus on the “Estudo de Impacto de Vizinhança” (EIV, Neighborhood Impact Study), a legal instrument instituted by federal law, and regulated by municipal law, that aims to evaluate the impacts in the neighborhood caused by the implantation or expansion of ventures within the urban zone. The main objective of this research was the formulation of general guidelines for EIV elaboration. Therefore, the following steps were considered: review of the legislation and literature on the theme; assessment of existing municipal legislation about this theme; assessment of EIVs elaborated within Rio Claro (SP); elaboration of the general guidelines for EIV elaboration, which were summarized in a flowchart


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This paper has it is hypotesis on the government program “My Home, My Life” and the assumption that it is a public politic attached to the market logic of financialization of the housing. It is understood that this program encourage capital for the main constructors and incorporated of brazilian heritage elite. It also served as well to promote more rentability to international capital and intensified the sociospacial segregration process as real state speculation has been potencialized. This work aims to present and discuss the program contradictions that have been sustained on the speech of wide subsidy offer and habitance construcution for low income workers - month income until three minimum salaries. Documents have shown that in the first phase of the program, habitance construction for this sector of population corresponded only to 5,5% of total habitation deficit. Businessmen on residance civil construction and public politic representatives have confirmed that the program interests are linked to financial market logic.The real benefits are not for low income workers, but for real state agents through extraordinaty profits of land and the so called new medium workers class(worker class C).We will search for embasement on the country history through the different governments and housing policies, in value theory and the concept of land income to understand the financialization process of the housing. We will also analyse oficial documents and the agents speech involved in real state market to show program contradictions and whose the real benefts are for


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