932 resultados para Incollaggi, Single-lap joint, Effetto di bordo, CFRP, Analisi numerica, FEM
Abstract Background Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly prescribed agents for arthritic patients, although gastric effects limit their long-term use. Considering the reported gastric safety of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-releasing NSAIDs, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effects of H2S administration to rats with synovitis, we decided to evaluate the effects of the H2S-releasing naproxen derivative ATB-346 in this animal model. Methods Male Wistar rats were anesthetized with inhalatory halothane and pre-treated with equimolar oral doses of either naproxen (0.3, 1, 3 or 10 mg/kg) or ATB-346 (0.48, 1.6, 4.8, or 16 mg/kg) 30 min before the i.art. injection of 7.5 mg of carrageenan (CGN) into the right knee joint cavity. Joint swelling and pain score were assessed after 1, 3 and 5 h, and tactile allodynia after 2 and 4 h. After the last measurement, the joint cavity lavages were performed for counting of the recruited leukocytes. The drugs (at the highest doses) were also tested for their gastric effects by evaluating macroscopical damage score and neutrophil recruitment (measured as myeloperoxidase – MPO activity) in the stomachs 5 h after administration of the drugs. In addition, the serum naproxen pharmacokinetic profiles of both compounds, administered at the highest equimolar doses, were obtained during the first 6 h after dosing. Results At the two highest tested doses, both naproxen and ATB-346 reduced edema and pain score (measured 3 and 5 h after CGN; P < 0.001). Tactile allodynia was similarly inhibited by ~45% 4 h after CGN by both naproxen (at 1, 3 and 10 mg/kg) and ATB-346 (at 1.6 and 4.8 mg/kg; P < 0.001), as well as leukocyte infiltration. Naproxen (but not ATB-346) induced significant gastric damage and, despite the increased gastric MPO activity by ~130% in the naproxen-, but not in the ATB-346-treated rats, this effect was of no statistical significance. Conclusion The presence of a H2S-releasing moiety in the ATB-346 structure does not impair the antiinflammatory activity of the parent compound in rats with CGN-induced synovitis. In addition, released H2S may account for the absence of deleterious gastric effects, thus making of ATB-346 a potentially useful therapeutic alternative to traditional naproxen for treatment of patients with arthritis.
BACKGROUND: Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly prescribed agents for arthritic patients, although gastric effects limit their long-term use. Considering the reported gastric safety of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-releasing NSAIDs, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effects of H2S administration to rats with synovitis, we decided to evaluate the effects of the H2S-releasing naproxen derivative ATB-346 in this animal model. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were anesthetized with inhalatory halothane and pre-treated with equimolar oral doses of either naproxen (0.3, 1, 3 or 10 mg/kg) or ATB-346 (0.48, 1.6, 4.8, or 16 mg/kg) 30 min before the i.art. injection of 7.5 mg of carrageenan (CGN) into the right knee joint cavity. Joint swelling and pain score were assessed after 1, 3 and 5 h, and tactile allodynia after 2 and 4 h. After the last measurement, the joint cavity lavages were performed for counting of the recruited leukocytes. The drugs (at the highest doses) were also tested for their gastric effects by evaluating macroscopical damage score and neutrophil recruitment (measured as myeloperoxidase - MPO activity) in the stomachs 5 h after administration of the drugs. In addition, the serum naproxen pharmacokinetic profiles of both compounds, administered at the highest equimolar doses, were obtained during the first 6 h after dosing. RESULTS: At the two highest tested doses, both naproxen and ATB-346 reduced edema and pain score (measured 3 and 5 h after CGN; P < 0.001). Tactile allodynia was similarly inhibited by ~45% 4 h after CGN by both naproxen (at 1, 3 and 10 mg/kg) and ATB-346 (at 1.6 and 4.8 mg/kg; P < 0.001), as well as leukocyte infiltration. Naproxen (but not ATB-346) induced significant gastric damage and, despite the increased gastric MPO activity by ~130% in the naproxen-, but not in the ATB-346-treated rats, this effect was of no statistical significance. CONCLUSION: The presence of a H2S-releasing moiety in the ATB-346 structure does not impair the antiinflammatory activity of the parent compound in rats with CGN-induced synovitis. In addition, released H2S may account for the absence of deleterious gastric effects, thus making of ATB-346 a potentially useful therapeutic alternative to traditional naproxen for treatment of patients with arthritis.
La terapia di resincronizzazione cardiaca (TRC) è un presidio non farmacologico che riduce la mortalità e la morbosità nei pazienti con scompenso refrattario alla terapia medica. La maggior parte dei dati riguardanti gli effetti della TRC coinvolgono i pazienti con le indicazioni consolidate seguenti: classe NYHA III-IV, ritardo della conduzione ventricolare (QRS>opp= 20 msec), disfunzione sistolica ventricolare sinistra (frazione di eiezione ventricolare sinistra >opp= 35%) e ritmo sinusale (RS). Mentre è noto che la fibrillazione atriale permanente (FA) sia presente in una porzione consistente dei pazienti con scompenso cardiaco, vi sono pochi dati riguardanti la sopravvivenza e gli effetti a lungo-termine della TRC in pazienti con scompenso cardiaco e fibrillazione atriale (FA); la maggior parte degli studi sono osservazionali ed hanno dimostrato che la TRC potrebbe conferire dei benefici a corto e medio termine anche in pazienti con FA permanente. Solo recentemente un ampio studio osservazionale ha descritto che, a lungo-termine, la TRC migliora significativamente la capacità funzionale, la frazione di eiezione e induce il rimodellamento inverso del ventricolo sinistro solamente in quei pazienti con FA dove la TRC viene combinata con l’ablazione del nodo atrio-ventricolare (NAV). La strategia ablativa del NAV infatti conferendo una stimolazione completa e costante, permette di eliminare gli effetti del ritmo spontaneo di FA (ritmo irregolare e tendenzialmente tachicardico) cheinterferisce in maniera importante con la stimolazione biventricolare in particolare durante gli sforzi fisici. Sulla base di queste premesse il presente studio si propone di valutare gli effetti a lungo-termine della TRC su pazienti con scompenso cardiaco e FA permanente focalizzando su due aspetti principali: 1) confrontando la sopravvivenza di pazienti con FA permanente rispetto ai pazienti in RS; 2) confrontando la sopravvivenza di pazienti in FA suddivisi secondo la modalità di controllo della frequenza con somministrazione di farmaci antiaritmici (gruppo FA-farm) oppure mediante controllo ablazione del NAV (gruppo FA-abl). Metodi e risultati: Sono presentati i dati di 1303 pazienti sottoposti consecutivamente ad impianto di dispositivo per la TRC e seguiti per un periodo mediano di 24 mesi. Diciotto pazienti sono stati persi durante il follow-up per cui la popolazione dello studio è rappresentata da una popolazione totale di 1295 pazienti di cui 1042 in RS e 243 (19%) in FA permanente. Nei pazienti con FA il controllo della frequenza cardiaca è stato effettuato mediante la somministrazione di farmaci anti-aritmici (gruppo FA-farm: 125 pazienti) oppure mediante ablazione del NAV (FA-abl: 118 pazienti). Rispetto ai pazienti in RS, i pazienti in FA permanente erano significativamente più vecchi, più spesso presentavano eziologia nonischemica, avevano una frazione di eiezione più elevata al preimpianto, una durata del QRS minore e erano più raramente trattati con un defibrillatore. Lungo un follow-up mediano di 24 mesi, 170/1042 pazienti in RS e 39/243 in FA sono deceduti (l’incidenza di mortalità a 1 anno era di 8,4% e 8,9%, rispettivamente). I rapporti di rischio derivanti dall’analisi multivariata con il 95% dell’intervallo di confidenza (HR, 95% CI) erano simili sia per la morte per tutte le cause che per la morte cardiaca (0.9 [0.57-1.42], p=0.64 e 1.00 [0.60-1.66] p=0.99, rispettivamente). Fra i pazienti con FA, il gruppo FA-abl presentava una durata media del QRS minore ed era meno frequentemente trattato con il defibrillatore impiantabile rispetto al gruppo FA-farm. Soli 11/118 pazienti del FA-abl sono deceduti rispetto a 28/125 nel gruppo FA-farm (mortalità cumulativa a 1 anno di 9,3% e 15,2% rispettivamente, p<0.001), con HR, 95% CI per FA-abl vs FA-farm di 0.15 [0.05-0.43],,p<0.001 per la mortalità per tutte le cause, di 0.18 [0.06-0.57], p=0.004 per la mortalità cardiaca, e di 0.09 [0.02-0.42], p<0.002 per la mortalità da scompenso cardiaco. Conclusioni: I pazienti con scompenso cardiaco e FA permanente trattati con la TRC presentano una simile sopravvivenza a lungo-termine di pazienti in RS. Nei pazienti in FA l’ablazione del NAV in aggiunta alla TRC migliora significativamente la sopravvivenza rispetto alla sola TRC; questo effetto è ottenuto primariamente attraverso una riduzione della morte per scompenso cardiaco.
Le intersezioni stradali, sono le aree individuate da tre o più tronchi stradali (archi) che convergono in uno stesso punto, nonchè dai dispositivi e dagli apprestamenti atti a consentire ed agevolare le manovre per il passaggio da un tronco all'altro. Rappresentano punti critici della rete viaria per effetto delle mutue interferenze tra le diverse correnti di traffico durante il loro attraversamento. Si acuiscono pertanto, nella loro "area di influenza", i problemi legati alla sicurezza e quelli relativi alla regolarità ed efficienza della circolazione. Dalla numerosità dei fattori da cui dipende la configurazione di un incrocio (numero e tipo di strade, entità dei flussi, situazioni locali, ecc.) deriva una ancor più vasta gamma di tipologie e di schemi. La rotatoria, come particolare configurazione di intersezione a raso, è lo schema che viene considerato nel presente lavoro di tesi, sia nei suoi caratteri essenziali e generali, sia nel particolare di una intersezione che, nel Comune di Bologna, è stata realizzata in luogo dell'intersezione semaforizzata precedente.
The knee joint is a key structure of the human locomotor system. The knowledge of how each single anatomical structure of the knee contributes to determine the physiological function of the knee, is of fundamental importance for the development of new prostheses and novel clinical, surgical, and rehabilitative procedures. In this context, a modelling approach is necessary to estimate the biomechanic function of each anatomical structure during daily living activities. The main aim of this study was to obtain a subject-specific model of the knee joint of a selected healthy subject. In particular, 3D models of the cruciate ligaments and of the tibio-femoral articular contact were proposed and developed using accurate bony geometries and kinematics reliably recorded by means of nuclear magnetic resonance and 3D video-fluoroscopy from the selected subject. Regarding the model of the cruciate ligaments, each ligament was modelled with 25 linear-elastic elements paying particular attention to the anatomical twisting of the fibres. The devised model was as subject-specific as possible. The geometrical parameters were directly estimated from the experimental measurements, whereas the only mechanical parameter of the model, the elastic modulus, had to be considered from the literature because of the invasiveness of the needed measurements. Thus, the developed model was employed for simulations of stability tests and during living activities. Physiologically meaningful results were always obtained. Nevertheless, the lack of subject-specific mechanical characterization induced to design and partially develop a novel experimental method to characterize the mechanics of the human cruciate ligaments in living healthy subjects. Moreover, using the same subject-specific data, the tibio-femoral articular interaction was modelled investigating the location of the contact point during the execution of daily motor tasks and the contact area at the full extension with and without the whole body weight of the subject. Two different approaches were implemented and their efficiency was evaluated. Thus, pros and cons of each approach were discussed in order to suggest future improvements of this methodologies. The final results of this study will contribute to produce useful methodologies for the investigation of the in-vivo function and pathology of the knee joint during the execution of daily living activities. Thus, the developed methodologies will be useful tools for the development of new prostheses, tools and procedures both in research field and in diagnostic, surgical and rehabilitative fields.
Polyphenols, including flavonoids and stilbenes, are an essential part of human diet and constitute one of the most abundant and ubiquitous group of plant secondary metabolites. The level of these compounds is inducible by stress or fungal attack, so attempts are being made to identify likely biotic and abiotic elicitors and to better understand the underlying mechanism. Resveratrol (3,5,4’-trihydroxystilbene), which belongs to the stilbene family, is a naturally occurring polyphenol, found in several fruits, vegetables and beverages including red wine. It is one of the most important plant polyphenols with proved benefic activity on animal health. In the last two decades, the potential protective effects of resveratrol against cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the chemopreventive properties against cancer, have been largely investigated. The most important source of polyphenols and in particular resveratrol for human diet is grape (Vitis vinifera). Since stilbenes and flavonoids play a very important role in plant defence responses and enviromental interactions, and their effects on human health seem promising, the aim of the research of this Thesis was to study at different levels the activation and the regulation of their biosynthetic pathways after chitosan treatment. Moreover, the polyphenol production in grape cells and the optimisation of cultural conditions bioreactor scale-up, were also investigated. Cell suspensions were obtained from cv. Barbera (Vitis vinifera L.) petioles and were treated with a biotic elicitor, chitosan (50 μg/mL, dissolved in acetic acid) to promote phenylpropanoid metabolism. Chitosan is a D-glucosamine polymer from fungi cell wall and therefore mimes fungal pathogen attack. Liquid cultures have been monitored for 15 days, measuring cell number, cell viability, pH and grams of fresh weight. The endogenous and released amounts of 7 stilbenes (trans and cis isomers of resveratrol, piceid and resveratroloside, and piceatannol), gallic acid, 6 hydroxycinnamic acids (trans-cinnamic, p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic, sinapic and chlorogenic acids), 5 catechines (catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin and epicatechin-gallate) and other 5 flavonoids (chalcon, naringenin, kaempferol, quercetin and rutin) in cells and cultural medium, were measured by HPLC-DAD analysis and total anthocyanins were quantified by spectrophotometric analysis. Chitosan was effective in stimulating trans-resveratrol endogenous accumulation with a sharp peak at day 4 (exceeding acetic acid and water controls by 36% and 63%, respectively), while it did not influence the production of the cis-isomer. Compared to both water and acetic acid controls, chitosan decreased the release of both trans- and cis-resveratrol respect to controls. No effect was shown on the accumulation of single resveratrol mono-glucoside isomers, but considering their total amount, normalized for the relative water control, it was possible to evidence an increase in both accumulation and release of those compounds, in chitosan-treated cells, throughout the culture period and particularly during the second week. Many of the analysed flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids were not present or detectable in trace amounts. Catechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) were detectable both inside the cells and in the culture media, but chitosan did not affect their amounts. On the contrary, total anthocyanins have been stimulated by chitosan and their level, from day 4 to 14, was about 2-fold higher than in both controls, confirming macroscopic observations that treated suspensions showed an intense brown-red color, from day 3 onwards. These elicitation results suggest that chitosan selectively up-regulates specific biosynthetic pathways, without modifying the general accumulation pattern of other flavonoids. Proteins have been extracted from cells at day 4 of culture (corresponding to the production peak of trans-resveratrol) and separated by bidimensional electrophoresis. The 73 proteins that showed a consistently changed amount between untreated, chitosan and acetic acid (chitosan solvent) treated cells, have been identified by mass spectrometry. Chitosan induced an increase in stilbene synthase (STS, the resveratrol biosynthetic enzyme), chalcone-flavanone isomerase (CHI, that switches the pathway from chalcones to flavones and anthocyanins), pathogenesis-related proteins 10 (PRs10, a large family of defence proteins), and a decrease in many proteins belonging to primary metabolisms. A train of six distinct spots of STS encoded by the same gene and increased by chitosan, was detected on the 2-D gels, and related to the different phosphorylation degree of STS spots. Northern blot analyses have been performed on RNA extracted from cells treated with chitosan and relative controls, using probes for STS, PAL (phenylalanine ammonia lyase, the first enzyme of the biosynthetic pathway), CHS (chalcone synthase, that shares with STS the same precursors), CHI and PR-10. The up-regulation of PAL, CHS and CHI transcript expression levels correlated with the accumulation of anthocyanins. The strong increase of different molecular weight PR-10 mRNAs, correlated with the 11 PR-10 protein spots identified in proteomic analyses. The sudden decrease in trans-resveratrol endogenous accumulation after day 4 of culture, could be simply explained by the diminished resveratrol biosynthetic activity due to the lower amount of biosynthetic enzymes. This might be indirectly demonstrated by northern blot expression analyses, that showed lower levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and stilbene synthase (STS) mRNAs starting from day 4. Other possible explanations could be a resveratrol oxidation process and/or the formation of other different mono-, di-glucosides and resveratrol oligomers such as viniferins. Immunolocalisation experiments performed on grape protoplasts and the subsequent analyses by confocal microscope, showed that STS, and therefore the resveratrol synthetic site, is mostly associated to intracellular membranes close to the cytosolic side of plasma membrane and in a smaller amount is localized in the cytosol. STS seemed not to be present inside vacuole and nucleus. There were no differences in the STS intracellular localisation between the different treatments. Since it was shown that stilbenes are largely released in the culture medium and that STS is a soluble protein, a possible interaction of STS with a plasma membrane transporter responsible for the extrusion of stilbenes in the culture medium, might be hypothesized. Proteomic analyses performed on subcellular fractions identified in the microsomial fraction 5 proteins taking part in channel complexes or associated with channels, that significantly changed their amount after chitosan treatment. In soluble and membrane fractions respectively 3 and 4 STS and 6 and 3 PR-10 have been identified. Proteomic results obtained from subcellular fractions substantially confirmed previous result obtained from total cell protein extracts and added more information about protein localisation and co-localisation. The interesting results obtained on Barbera cell cultures with the aim to increase polyphenol (especially stilbenes) production, have encouraged scale up tests in 1 litre bioreactors. The first trial fermentation was performed in parallel with a normal time-course in 20 mL flasks, showing that the scale-up (bigger volume and different conditions) process influenced in a very relevant way stilbenes production. In order to optimise culture parameters such as medium sucrose amount, fermentation length and inoculum cell concentration, few other fermentations were performed. Chitosan treatments were also performed. The modification of each parameter brought relevant variations in stilbenes and catechins levels, so that the production of a certain compound (or class of compounds) could be hypothetically promoted by modulating one or more culture parameters. For example the catechin yield could be improved by increasing sucrose content and the time of fermentation. The best results in stilbene yield were obtained in a 800 mL fermentation inoculated with 10.8 grams of cells and supplemented with chitosan. The culture was fed with MS medium added with 30 g/L sucrose, 25 μg/mL rifampicin and 50 μg/mL of chitosan, and was maintained at 24°C, stirred by marine impeller at 100 rpm and supplied of air at 0.16 L/min rate. Resveratroloside was the stilbene present in the larger amount, 3-5 times more than resveratrol. Because resveratrol glucosides are similarly active and more stable than free resveratrol, their production using a bioreactor could be a great advantage in an hypothetical industrial process. In my bioreactor tests, stilbenes were mainly released in the culture medium (60-80% of the total) and this fact could be another advantage for industrial applications, because it allows recovering the products directly from the culture medium without stopping the fermentation and/or killing the cells. In my best cultural conditions, it was possible to obtain 3.95 mg/L of stilbenes at day 4 (maximum resveratrol accumulation) and 5.13 mg/L at day 14 (maximum resveratroloside production). In conclusion, chitosan effect in inducing Vitis vinifera defense mechanisms can be related to its ability to increase the intracellular content of a large spectrum of antioxidants, and in particular of resveratrol, its derivates and anthocyanins. Its effect can be observed at transcriptional, proteomic (variation of soluble and membrane protein amounts) and metabolic (polyphenols production) level. The chitosan ability to elicit specific plant matabolisms can be useful to produce large quantities of antioxidant compounds from cell culture in bioreactor.
Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono state messe a confronto le ATP sintasi wild-type e γM23-K in cromatofori del batterio fotosintetico Rhodobacter capsulatus sotto gli aspetti funzionale e regolatorio. Si pensava inizialmente che la mutazione, in base a studi riportati in letteratura condotti sull’omologa mutazione in E. coli, avrebbe indotto disaccoppiamento intrinseco nell’enzima. Il presente lavoro ha chiarito che il principale effetto della mutazione è un significativo aumento dell’affinità dell’enzima per l’ADP inibitorio, che ne determina il ridotto livello di ATP idrolisi e la rapidissima reinattivazione in seguito ad attivazione da forza protonmotiva. Il residuo 23 della subunità γ si trova posizionato in prossimità della regione conservata DEELSED carica negativamente della subunità β, e l’introduzione nel mutante di una ulteriore carica positiva potrebbe determinare una maggiore richiesta di energia per indurre l’apertura del sito catalitico. Un’analisi quantitativa dei dati di proton pumping condotta mediante inibizione parziale dell’idrolisi del wildtype ha inoltre mostrato come il grado di accoppiamento del mutante in condizioni standard non differisca sostanzialmente da quello del wild-type. D’altro canto, è stato recentemente osservato come un disaccoppiamento intrinseco possa venire osservato in condizioni opportune anche nel wild-type, e cioè a basse concentrazioni di ADP e Pi. Nel presente lavoro di tesi si è dimostrato come nel mutante l’osservazione del fenomeno del disaccoppiamento intrinseco sia facilitata rispetto al wild-type. È stato proprio nell’ambito delle misure condotte sul mutante che è stato possibile dimostrare per la prima volta il ruolo fondamentale della componente elettrica della forza protonmotiva nel mantenere lo stato enzimatico ad elevato accoppiamento. Tale ruolo è stato successivamente messo in luce anche nel wild-type, in parte anche grazie all’uso di inibitori specifici di F1 e di FO. Il disaccoppiamento intrinseco nel wild-type è stato ulteriormente esaminato anche nella sua dipendenza dalla rimozione di ADP e Pi; in particolare, oltre all’amina fluorescente ACMA, è stata utilizzata come sonda di ΔpH anche la 9-aminoacridina e come sonda di Δψ l’Oxonolo VI. In entrambi i casi il ruolo accoppiante di questi due ligandi è stato confermato, inoltre utilizzando la 9-aminoacridina è stato possibile calibrare il segnale di fluorescenza con salti acido-base, dando quindi una base quantitativa ai dati ottenuti. Noi riteniamo che il più probabile candidato strutturale coinvolto in questi cambiamenti di stato enzimatici sia la subunità ε, di cui è noto il coinvolgimento in processi di regolazione e in cambiamenti strutturali indotti da nucleotidi e dalla forza protonmotiva. In collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica dell’Università di Friburgo è in atto un progetto per studiare i cambiamenti strutturali presumibilmente associati al disaccoppiamento intrinseco tramite FRET in singola molecola di complessi ATP-sintasici marcati con fluorofori sia sulla subunità ε che sulla subunità γ. Nell’ambito di questa tesi sono stati creati a questo fine alcuni doppi mutanti cisteinici ed è stato messo a punto un protocollo per la loro marcatura con sonde fluorescenti.
This Ph.D. candidate thesis collects the research work I conducted under the supervision of Prof.Bruno Samor´ı in 2005,2006 and 2007. Some parts of this work included in the Part III have been begun by myself during my undergraduate thesis in the same laboratory and then completed during the initial part of my Ph.D. thesis: the whole results have been included for the sake of understanding and completeness. During my graduate studies I worked on two very different protein systems. The theorical trait d’union between these studies, at the biological level, is the acknowledgement that protein biophysical and structural studies must, in many cases, take into account the dynamical states of protein conformational equilibria and of local physico-chemical conditions where the system studied actually performs its function. This is introducted in the introductory part in Chapter 2. Two different examples of this are presented: the structural significance deriving from the action of mechanical forces in vivo (Chapter 3) and the complexity of conformational equilibria in intrinsically unstructured proteins and amyloid formation (Chapter 4). My experimental work investigated both these examples by using in both cases the single molecule force spectroscopy technique (described in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6). The work conducted on angiostatin focused on the characterization of the relationships between the mechanochemical properties and the mechanism of action of the angiostatin protein, and most importantly their intertwining with the further layer of complexity due to disulfide redox equilibria (Part III). These studies were accompanied concurrently by the elaboration of a theorical model for a novel signalling pathway that may be relevant in the extracellular space, detailed in Chapter 7.2. The work conducted on -synuclein (Part IV) instead brought a whole new twist to the single molecule force spectroscopy methodology, applying it as a structural technique to elucidate the conformational equilibria present in intrinsically unstructured proteins. These equilibria are of utmost interest from a biophysical point of view, but most importantly because of their direct relationship with amyloid aggregation and, consequently, the aetiology of relevant pathologies like Parkinson’s disease. The work characterized, for the first time, conformational equilibria in an intrinsically unstructured protein at the single molecule level and, again for the first time, identified a monomeric folded conformation that is correlated with conditions leading to -synuclein and, ultimately, Parkinson’s disease. Also, during the research work, I found myself in the need of a generalpurpose data analysis application for single molecule force spectroscopy data analysis that could solve some common logistic and data analysis problems that are common in this technique. I developed an application that addresses some of these problems, herein presented (Part V), and that aims to be publicly released soon.
Il documento pre-normativo italiano sul rinforzo di strutture in c.a. mediante l’uso di materiale fibrorinforzato. 1.1 INTRODUZIONE La situazione unica dell’Italia per quanto riguarda la conservazione delle costruzioni esistenti, è il risultato della combinazione di due aspetti, come primo, il medio-alto rischio sismico di una gran parte di territorio, come testimoniato dalla zonizzazione sismica recente, e come secondo aspetto, l'estrema complessità di un ambiente edilizio che non ha confronto nel mondo. Le tipologie della costruzione in Italia si distinguono a quelle stimate come patrimonio storico, che in alcuni casi risalgono a circa 2000 anni fa, a quelle che sono state costruite in ultimi cinque secoli, durante e dopo il Rinascimento, che sono considerate come patrimonio culturale ed architettonico dell' Italia (e del mondo!), infine a quelle fatte in tempi recenti, considerevolmente durante e dopo il boom economico del l960 ed ora visti come antiquate. Le due prime categorie in gran parte sono composte dalle edilizie di muratura, mentre agli ultimi principalmente appartengono le costruzioni di cemento armato.
La presente tesi analizza il comportamento differito in una prova di flessione su quattro punti su una trave prefabbricata con getto di soletta integrativa in opera. Sono riportati i risultati della prova di carico e di rottura sulla trave. Le prove sono state eseguite presso il Laboratorio di Prove Strutture (DISTART) dell'Università di Bologna. La trave è composta di due tipi di calcestreuzzo, realizzati in tempi diversi e con proprietà meccaniche diverse. L'obiettivo della campagna sperimentale è studiare l'effetto delle fasi di costruzione sull'evoluzione delle tensioni e delle deformazioni nel tempo e sulla resistenza ultima della trave. Il comportamento sperimentale è stato confrontato con i risultati numerici ottenuti con un modello a fibre in grado di cogliere anche i fenomeni legati al creep.
A new multi-energy CT for small animals is being developed at the Physics Department of the University of Bologna, Italy. The system makes use of a set of quasi-monochromatic X-ray beams, with energy tunable in a range from 26 KeV to 72 KeV. These beams are produced by Bragg diffraction on a Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite crystal. With quasi-monochromatic sources it is possible to perform multi-energy investigation in a more effective way, as compared with conventional X-ray tubes. Multi-energy techniques allow extracting physical information from the materials, such as effective atomic number, mass-thickness, density, that can be used to distinguish and quantitatively characterize the irradiated tissues. The aim of the system is the investigation and the development of new pre-clinic methods for the early detection of the tumors in small animals. An innovative technique, the Triple-Energy Radiography with Contrast Medium (TER), has been successfully implemented on our system. TER consist in combining a set of three quasi-monochromatic images of an object, in order to obtain a corresponding set of three single-tissue images, which are the mass-thickness map of three reference materials. TER can be applied to the quantitative mass-thickness-map reconstruction of a contrast medium, because it is able to remove completely the signal due to other tissues (i.e. the structural background noise). The technique is very sensitive to the contrast medium and is insensitive to the superposition of different materials. The method is a good candidate to the early detection of the tumor angiogenesis in mice. In this work we describe the tomographic system, with a particular focus on the quasi-monochromatic source. Moreover the TER method is presented with some preliminary results about small animal imaging.