955 resultados para Image-based cytometry


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In this paper we use the algorithm SeqSLAM to address the question, how little and what quality of visual information is needed to localize along a familiar route? We conduct a comprehensive investigation of place recognition performance on seven datasets while varying image resolution (primarily 1 to 512 pixel images), pixel bit depth, field of view, motion blur, image compression and matching sequence length. Results confirm that place recognition using single images or short image sequences is poor, but improves to match or exceed current benchmarks as the matching sequence length increases. We then present place recognition results from two experiments where low-quality imagery is directly caused by sensor limitations; in one, place recognition is achieved along an unlit mountain road by using noisy, long-exposure blurred images, and in the other, two single pixel light sensors are used to localize in an indoor environment. We also show failure modes caused by pose variance and sequence aliasing, and discuss ways in which they may be overcome. By showing how place recognition along a route is feasible even with severely degraded image sequences, we hope to provoke a re-examination of how we develop and test future localization and mapping systems.


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Purpose: The silk protein fibroin provides a potential substrate for use in ocular tissue reconstruction. We have previously demonstrated that transparent membranes produced from fibroin support cultivation of human limbal epithelial cells (Tissue Eng A. 14(2008)1203-11). We presently extend this body of work to studies of human limbal stromal cell (HLS) growth on fibroin in the presence and absence of serum. Methods: Primary cultures of HLS cells were established in DMEM/F12 medium supplemented with either 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) or 2% B27 supplement. Defined keratinocyte serum-free medium (DK-SFM, Invitrogen) was also tested. The resulting cultures were analysed by flow cytometry for expression of CD34, CD90, CD45, and CD141. Cultures grown under each condition were subsequently passaged either onto transparent fibroin membranes prepared from purified fibroin or within 3D scaffolds prepared from partially-solubilised fibroin. Results: HLS cultures were successfully established under each condition, but grew more slowly and passaged poorly in the absence of serum. Cultures grown in 10% FBS were <0.5% CD34+ (keratocytes) and >97% CD90+ (fibroblasts). Cultures established in 2% B27 formed floating spheres and contained >8% CD34+ cells and reduced CD90 expression. Cultures established in DK-SFM displayed traces of epithelial cell growth (CD141), but mostly consisted of CD90+ cells with <1% CD34+ cells. Cells of bone marrow lineage (CD45) were rarely observed under any conditions. Cultures grown in 10% FBS were able to adhere to and proliferate on silk fibroin 3-D scaffolds and transparent films while those grown serum-free could not. Adhesion of HLS cells to fibroin was initially poorer than that displayed on tissue culture plastic. Conclusions: HLS cultures containing cells of predominantly fibroblast lineage can be grown on fibroin-based materials, but this process is dependent upon additional ECM factors such as those provided by serum.


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Researchers examined the sun-protective intentions and behavior of young, Caucasian, Australian sportswomen aged between 17 and 35 years (N = 100). The study adopted a 2 x 2 experimental design, comparing group norms (supportive vs. non-supportive) and image norms (tanned vs. pale) related to sun protection and taking into account group identification with friends and peers in the sport. While no significant findings emerged involving image norms, regression analyses revealed a significant two-way interaction for group norm x identification on recreational sportswomen's intentions to engage in sun protection in the next fortnight. Participants identifying strongly with their group had stronger intentions to engage in sun protection when exposed to a norm reflecting fellow recreational sportswomen engaging in sun-protective actions in comparison to those exposed to a non-supportive group. In addition, while prior intentions to engage in sun protection were not significantly related to sun-protection behavior, post-manipulation intentions after exposure to the sun-protective information that was provided were significantly related to follow-up behavior. Overall, the findings supported the importance of group-based social influences, rather than tanned media images, on sun-protective decisions among young recreational sportswomen and provided a targeted source for intervention strategies encouraging sun safety among this at-risk group for repeated sun exposure.


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We propose a computationally efficient image border pixel based watermark embedding scheme for medical images. We considered the border pixels of a medical image as RONI (region of non-interest), since those pixels have no or little interest to doctors and medical professionals irrespective of the image modalities. Although RONI is used for embedding, our proposed scheme still keeps distortion at a minimum level in the embedding region using the optimum number of least significant bit-planes for the border pixels. All these not only ensure that a watermarked image is safe for diagnosis, but also help minimize the legal and ethical concerns of altering all pixels of medical images in any manner (e.g, reversible or irreversible). The proposed scheme avoids the need for RONI segmentation, which incurs capacity and computational overheads. The performance of the proposed scheme has been compared with a relevant scheme in terms of embedding capacity, image perceptual quality (measured by SSIM and PSNR), and computational efficiency. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme is computationally efficient, offers an image-content-independent embedding capacity, and maintains a good image quality


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The problem of estimating pseudobearing rate information of an airborne target based on measurements from a vision sensor is considered. Novel image speed and heading angle estimators are presented that exploit image morphology, hidden Markov model (HMM) filtering, and relative entropy rate (RER) concepts to allow pseudobearing rate information to be determined before (or whilst) the target track is being estimated from vision information.


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Bioacoustic data can provide an important base for environmental monitoring. To explore a large amount of field recordings collected, an automated similarity search algorithm is presented in this paper. A region of an audio defined by frequency and time bounds is provided by a user; the content of the region is used to construct a query. In the retrieving process, our algorithm will automatically scan through recordings to search for similar regions. In detail, we present a feature extraction approach based on the visual content of vocalisations – in this case ridges, and develop a generic regional representation of vocalisations for indexing. Our feature extraction method works best for bird vocalisations showing ridge characteristics. The regional representation method allows the content of an arbitrary region of a continuous recording to be described in a compressed format.


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Purpose Videokeratoscopy images can be used for the non-invasive assessment of the tear film. In this work the applicability of an image processing technique, textural-analysis, for the assessment of the tear film in Placido disc images has been investigated. Methods In the presence of tear film thinning/break-up, the reflected pattern from the videokeratoscope is disturbed in the region of tear film disruption. Thus, the Placido pattern carries information about the stability of the underlying tear film. By characterizing the pattern regularity, the tear film quality can be inferred. In this paper, a textural features approach is used to process the Placido images. This method provides a set of texture features from which an estimate of the tear film quality can be obtained. The method is tested for the detection of dry eye in a retrospective dataset from 34 subjects (22-normal and 12-dry eye), with measurements taken under suppressed blinking conditions. Results To assess the capability of each texture-feature to discriminate dry eye from normal subjects, the receiver operating curve (ROC) was calculated and the area under the curve (AUC), specificity and sensitivity extracted. For the different features examined, the AUC value ranged from 0.77 to 0.82, while the sensitivity typically showed values above 0.9 and the specificity showed values around 0.6. Overall, the estimated ROCs indicate that the proposed technique provides good discrimination performance. Conclusions Texture analysis of videokeratoscopy images is applicable to study tear film anomalies in dry eye subjects. The proposed technique appears to have demonstrated its clinical relevance and utility.


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Despite the importance of destination image in market competitiveness, and the popularity of the field within tourism literature, there remains a dearth of published research examining travellers’ perceptions of destinations in South America. This manuscript addresses this gap by testing a model of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) associated with three South American countries; Chile, Brazil and Argentina. The introduction of direct air links and a free trade agreement in 2008 has led destination marketing organisations (DMOs) in these countries to increase promotional efforts in the Australian market. This study shows that the CBBE model is an appropriate tool to explore consumers’ attitudes in the long haul travel context. The findings provide DMOs of the three countries studied, with benchmarks against which to compare the impact of future marketing communications in Australia. The results provide increased transparency and accountability to stakeholders, such as South American tourism businesses and Australian travel intermediaries.


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There are several methods for determining the proteoglycan content of cartilage in biomechanics experiments. Many of these include assay-based methods and the histochemistry or spectrophotometry protocol where quantification is biochemically determined. More recently a method based on extracting data to quantify proteoglycan content has emerged using the image processing algorithms, e.g., in ImageJ, to process histological micrographs, with advantages including time saving and low cost. However, it is unknown whether or not this image analysis method produces results that are comparable to those obtained from the biochemical methodology. This paper compares the results of a well-established chemical method to those obtained using image analysis to determine the proteoglycan content of visually normal (n=33) and their progressively degraded counterparts with the protocols. The results reveal a strong linear relationship with a regression coefficient (R2) = 0.9928, leading to the conclusion that the image analysis methodology is a viable alternative to the spectrophotometry.


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Machine vision is emerging as a viable sensing approach for mid-air collision avoidance (particularly for small to medium aircraft such as unmanned aerial vehicles). In this paper, using relative entropy rate concepts, we propose and investigate a new change detection approach that uses hidden Markov model filters to sequentially detect aircraft manoeuvres from morphologically processed image sequences. Experiments using simulated and airborne image sequences illustrate the performance of our proposed algorithm in comparison to other sequential change detection approaches applied to this application.


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Clustering identities in a broadcast video is a useful task to aid in video annotation and retrieval. Quality based frame selection is a crucial task in video face clustering, to both improve the clustering performance and reduce the computational cost. We present a frame work that selects the highest quality frames available in a video to cluster the face. This frame selection technique is based on low level and high level features (face symmetry, sharpness, contrast and brightness) to select the highest quality facial images available in a face sequence for clustering. We also consider the temporal distribution of the faces to ensure that selected faces are taken at times distributed throughout the sequence. Normalized feature scores are fused and frames with high quality scores are used in a Local Gabor Binary Pattern Histogram Sequence based face clustering system. We present a news video database to evaluate the clustering system performance. Experiments on the newly created news database show that the proposed method selects the best quality face images in the video sequence, resulting in improved clustering performance.


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The selection of optimal camera configurations (camera locations, orientations, etc.) for multi-camera networks remains an unsolved problem. Previous approaches largely focus on proposing various objective functions to achieve different tasks. Most of them, however, do not generalize well to large scale networks. To tackle this, we propose a statistical framework of the problem as well as propose a trans-dimensional simulated annealing algorithm to effectively deal with it. We compare our approach with a state-of-the-art method based on binary integer programming (BIP) and show that our approach offers similar performance on small scale problems. However, we also demonstrate the capability of our approach in dealing with large scale problems and show that our approach produces better results than two alternative heuristics designed to deal with the scalability issue of BIP. Last, we show the versatility of our approach using a number of specific scenarios.


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Efficient and effective feature detection and representation is an important consideration when processing videos, and a large number of applications such as motion analysis, 3D scene understanding, tracking etc. depend on this. Amongst several feature description methods, local features are becoming increasingly popular for representing videos because of their simplicity and efficiency. While they achieve state-of-the-art performance with low computational complexity, their performance is still too limited for real world applications. Furthermore, rapid increases in the uptake of mobile devices has increased the demand for algorithms that can run with reduced memory and computational requirements. In this paper we propose a semi binary based feature detectordescriptor based on the BRISK detector, which can detect and represent videos with significantly reduced computational requirements, while achieving comparable performance to the state of the art spatio-temporal feature descriptors. First, the BRISK feature detector is applied on a frame by frame basis to detect interest points, then the detected key points are compared against consecutive frames for significant motion. Key points with significant motion are encoded with the BRISK descriptor in the spatial domain and Motion Boundary Histogram in the temporal domain. This descriptor is not only lightweight but also has lower memory requirements because of the binary nature of the BRISK descriptor, allowing the possibility of applications using hand held devices.We evaluate the combination of detectordescriptor performance in the context of action classification with a standard, popular bag-of-features with SVM framework. Experiments are carried out on two popular datasets with varying complexity and we demonstrate comparable performance with other descriptors with reduced computational complexity.


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A security system based on the recognition of the iris of human eyes using the wavelet transform is presented. The zero-crossings of the wavelet transform are used to extract the unique features obtained from the grey-level profiles of the iris. The recognition process is performed in two stages. The first stage consists of building a one-dimensional representation of the grey-level profiles of the iris, followed by obtaining the wavelet transform zerocrossings of the resulting representation. The second stage is the matching procedure for iris recognition. The proposed approach uses only a few selected intermediate resolution levels for matching, thus making it computationally efficient as well as less sensitive to noise and quantisation errors. A normalisation process is implemented to compensate for size variations due to the possible changes in the camera-to-face distance. The technique has been tested on real images in both noise-free and noisy conditions. The technique is being investigated for real-time implementation, as a stand-alone system, for access control to high-security areas.


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Field robots often rely on laser range finders (LRFs) to detect obstacles and navigate autonomously. Despite recent progress in sensing technology and perception algorithms, adverse environmental conditions, such as the presence of smoke, remain a challenging issue for these robots. In this paper, we investigate the possibility to improve laser-based perception applications by anticipating situations when laser data are affected by smoke, using supervised learning and state-of-the-art visual image quality analysis. We propose to train a k-nearest-neighbour (kNN) classifier to recognise situations where a laser scan is likely to be affected by smoke, based on visual data quality features. This method is evaluated experimentally using a mobile robot equipped with LRFs and a visual camera. The strengths and limitations of the technique are identified and discussed, and we show that the method is beneficial if conservative decisions are the most appropriate.