994 resultados para Illinois. Division of Rehabilitation Services.


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Presenta la experiencia de la Division de Transportes y Comunicaciones en el uso de computadores para aplicaciones substantivas. Examina los sistemas aplicados - codigo de puertos, ISIS, TRANDIS, COMPA -; el uso de procesamiento de textos en la preparacion de documentos de investigacion e informes y en la correspondencia, y entrega algunas consideraciones con respecto al uso de los microcomputadores.


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Prefacio de Alicia Bárcena y Luciano Sáez


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Visual perception and action are strongly linked with parallel processing channels connecting the retina, the lateral geniculate nucleus, and the input layers of the primary visual cortex. Achromatic vision is provided by at least two of such channels formed by the M and P neurons. These cell pathways are similarly organized in primates having different lifestyles, including species that are diurnal, nocturnal, and which exhibit a variety of color vision phenotypes. We describe the M and P cell properties by 3D Gábor functions and their 3D Fourier transform. The M and P cells occupy different loci in the Gábor information diagram or Fourier Space. This separation allows the M and P pathways to transmit visual signals with distinct 6D joint entropy for space, spatial frequency, time, and temporal frequency. By combining the M and P impacts on the cortical neurons beyond V1 input layers, the cortical pathways are able to process aspects of visual stimuli with a better precision than it would be possible using the M or P pathway alone. This performance fulfils the requirements of different behavioral tasks.


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Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities. Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move. Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed. Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications. Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.


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The management of health services is a complex administrative practice due to the breadth of the field of health and the need to reconcile individual, corporate and collective interests that are not always convergent. In this context, the evaluation needs to have specific characteristics in order to fulfill its role. The scope of this study was to establish the characteristics that the evaluation for the management of health services should have to contribute to decision-making. Usefulness, opportunity, feasibility, reliability, objectivity and directionality represent the set of principles upon which the evaluation should be based. Evaluations should lead to decisions that guarantee not only their efficiency and effectiveness but also their implementation. The evaluation process should ensure that decisions involve all stakeholders in order to render the implementation of decisions feasible, and take into account the health needs of the population and the goals set for the services. The scope of this article is to elicit a debate among different stakeholders in the evaluation in the hope that it can contribute to the reflection on the real usefulness of evaluations in which the political component in management has been increasingly prevalent.


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Questa tesi prende spunto da altri studi realizzati nel campo delle esattamente nel campo delle “Swam Intelligence”, una branca delle intelligenze artificiali prende spunto dal comportamento di animali sociali, sopratutto insetti come termini, formiche ed api, per trarne interessanti metafore per la creazione di algoritmi e tecniche di programmazione. Questo tipo di algoritmi, come per gli esempi tratti dalla biologia, risultano dotati di interessanti proprietà adatte alla risoluzione di certi problemi nell'ambito dell'ingegneria. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di mostrare tramite un esempio pratico le proprietà dei sistemi sviluppati tramite i principi delle Swarm Intelligence, evidenziando la flessibilità di questi sistemi. Nello specifico, la mia tesi analizzerà il problema della suddivisione del lavoro in una colonia di formiche, fornendo un esempio pratico quale il compito di cattura di prede in un determinato ambiente. Ho sviluppato un'applicazione software in Java che simula tale comportamento, i dati utilizzati durante le diverse simulazioni possono essere modificati tramite file di testo, in modo da ottenere risultati validi per diversi contesti.


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The general aim of this dissertation was to uncover the association between psychosocial factors and rehabilitation outcome after stroke. METHOD. A sample of patients with stroke (n=40) and their caregivers (n=36) were assessed at admission to and six months after discharge from rehabilitation hospital, using the following instruments: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, structured interview based on Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research, Symptom Questionnaire, Psychosocial Index, Psychological Well-Being Scales, and Family Assessment Device. 40 subjects from the general population underwent the same psychological assessment. In addition, patients' functional status was measured using the Functional Independence Measure. RESULTS. Stroke survivors reported lower education and higher alcohol consumption than controls. No significant differences emerged between the two groups in the prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses or psychosomatic syndromes, however patients reported significantly higher levels of anxiety, depression, somatic symptoms, and lower autonomy than controls. Caregivers reported significantly higher scores in anxiety, depression, and somatic symptoms compared to normative data, while no impairments emerged in psychological well-being and family functioning. At six-month follow-up, in patients a significant decrease in smoking habit and an increase in DSM diagnoses were reported. Both stroke survivors and caregivers showed significant reductions in anxiety, with patients displaying also a decrease in somatic symptoms, an increase in stress and a deterioration in quality of life. Significant deteriorations in several aspects of family functioning was perceived only by patients. An association between patients' functional recovery in the cognitive domain and family behavior control emerged. For caregivers, family functioning significantly predicted hostility and somatic symptoms were associated with family affective involvement. CONCLUSIONS. These data highlight the utility in the Italian setting of the adoption of a psychosocial assessment and a family-systems approach in stroke rehabilitation, in order to development interventions properly targeted to the characteristics of patients and their family members.


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During a half-day symposium, the topic 'Channels and Transporters' was covered with five lectures, including a presentation on 'Introduction and Basics of Channels and Transporters' by Beat Ernst, lectures on structure, function and physiology of channels and transporters ('The Structural Basis for Ion Conduction and Gating in Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channels' by Raimund Dutzler and 'Uptake and Efflux Transporters for Endogenous Substances and for Drugs' by Dietrich Keppler), and a case study lecture on 'Avosentan' by Werner Neidhart. The program was completed by Matthias Hediger who introduced to the audience the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR)-TransCure in his lecture entitled 'From Transport Physiology to Identification of Therapeutic Targets'.


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This paper examines accounting and financial reporting as ceremonial rituals. Its specific focus is upon changes in annual reporting rituals of financial services firms during periods of market crisis. Our preliminary findings suggest that several of the firms in our study may have made changes in their reporting rituals to construct alternative realities in an attempt to mask conflict, preserve stability, foster unity, and reinforce new social norms, core values, and corporate identities.