997 resultados para Ilha do Capim - PA
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of supplements feeding on growth of calves grazing a Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça pasture during the dry season. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with three treatments and three replications. The treatments were: mineral salt ad libidum; multiple mixture (MM) fed at 0.2% of live weight (PV); and, concentrate feed (SC) fed at 0.7% of PV. Thirty six weaned calves averaging eight months and 192 kg of initial live weight were utilized. The masses and pasture components, nutritive value and rate of forage growth were evaluated. Animal performance was measured as average daily gain (ADG) and live weight gain (LWG). The supplemental feeding was adjusted after weighing. There was no difference between periods for forage mass and leaf: stem ratio. The highest values for forage green mass, leaf blades mass and stem percentage were observed in the first trial period. The canopy height and the available forage on offer did not differ among treatments. The percentage of dead was higher for the last periods of evaluation. The leaf: stem ratio and the leaf percentage were greater in the second period. There was significant difference (p<0,05) among treatments for the ADG and were 250, 460 and 770 g/day for salt, MM and SC, respectively. The biggest LWG was observed in the treatment SC. contents of PB, DIVMO, NDF and LDA on leaf blades, thatched roofs and dead material dead not differ among treatments. The highest GPV was observed in the SC treatment. The contents of PB, DIVMO, NDF and LDA for leaf blades stem and dead material did not differ among treatments. Independent of the use supplements , it is possible to keep steers gaining weight, during dry season, since the stocking rate is appropriately adjusted
Estudou-se os efeitos de herbicidas, isolados ou combinados, na cultura do algodão (Gossypium hirsutum L.) e eficiência no controle das plantas daninhas. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira - UNESP em solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro franco argilo-arenoso, localizada no município de Selvíria, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Os tratamentos testados com as doses em kg i.a/ha foram: alachlor a 2,15 e 2,58 em pré-emergência (pré), trifluralina a 0,96 em pré-plantio incorporado ao solo (ppi) isolada ou combinada com MSMA a 1,89, ou bentazon a 0,72 ou diuron a 1,20 em pós-emergência (pós) em jato dirigido, MSMA a 2,52 em pós, linuron a 1,0 em pré diuron a 1,6 em pré ou pós e testemunhas com e sem capina. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com doze tratamentos e quatro repetições. As aplicações em ppi e a semeadura foram realizadas dia 11. 12.81 e as em pré dia 18.12.81, com um pulverizador costal de pressão constante (CO2) de 30 1b/pol2, com barra de quatro bicos tipo leque Albuz verde e consumo de calda de 250 l/ha. As aplicações em pós foram realizadas. no dia 27.12.81, com o mesmo pulverizador com um bico tipo defletor, polijet azul, com protetor de jato, com pressão de 40 1b/pol2 e consumo de 500 I/ha. As espécies dominantes foram capim - colchão (Digitaria sangnalis (L.) Scop) e caruru (Amaranthus viridis L.) que foram excelentemente controladas, até 90 dias após a semeadura, por alachlor, diuron em pré, trifluralina + diuron, que reduziram mais de 80% do peso da biomassa seca da parte aérea destas. Os herbicidas não causaram fitotoxicidade à cultura. A presença das plantas daninhas reduziu em 58,9% a produção de algodão em caroço.
Most methods employed to estimate the height of waves generated by the wind require the surface length over which the wind blows. The choice of method depends on the nature of the water body, being applicable to ocean areas or interior water bodies, such as bays, lakes and reservoirs. One of the usual solutions has been the direct usage of the method validated in ocean waters for interior waters, therefore, not taking into consideration the effect of the restriction imposed by the shores. Nevertheless, the excessive quantity of operations of the method applied to interior water bodies (where the shore is a restraint condition) may not assure a satisfactory precision degree, unless an accurate enough graphic base of the shore with the addition of the operator's subjectivity is used. Thus, this scientific community brings this discussion to light, proposing a classic solution based on the application of the adequate method to interior waters (Saville et al., 1954) via automatized processing. Therefore, a program in AutoLISP, a computational language, has been developed. The application of the program has determined the maximum wind fetches in Ilha Solteira, state of São Paulo, reservoir as being between 9.5 and 12.5 km, in contrast with a previous study which has predicted far longer fetches (factor of three).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A cidade de Ilha Solteira está propondo o projeto Conquista da Água, visando ao desenvolvimento sustentável do Município, a partir do turismo, da cultura e da ciência e tecnologia. Para atingir esse objetivo, os planejadores do meio físico-ambiental necessitam de dados que possam auxiliá-los na seleção dos melhores locais onde serão instalados as avenidas, o aeroporto e os demais espaços que comporão esse projeto. A elaboração do mapa de uso e cobertura do solo da área de interesse do projeto constitui um dos temas necessários ao banco de dados a ser utilizado pelos planejadores. Neste trabalho, é apresentado o estado de degradação dessa área, o que auxiliará na definição das estratégias de conservação ambiental.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of doses and sources of nitrogen in the productivity and quality characteristics of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. A randomized block design in a factorial scheme 5x3x3, with 4 repetitions was used. The treatments were constituted by 5 doses of nitrogen: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kg/ha/cut, 3 sources: Entec - amonium sulfonitrate + nitrification inhibitor - dymethilpirazolphosphate, Ammonium sulfate and Urea, in 3 cuts, accomplished with intervals of 30, 30 and 34 days to evaluate the production of dry mass, crude protein content (PB), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), total digestible nutrients (NDT) and chlorophyll content. The chlorophilometer data increased when user as a function of N doses with Entec and Urea sources and up to 174 kg/ha of N with ammonium sulfate; showing significant correlation with N content in plants. Independently of the source, the application up to 200 kg N/ha/application in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu provided increment in the production of dry mass improving the quality composition for increasing the PB and NDT content and, decreasing the FDN and FDA contents.
Productivity and nutritional quality of Tobiata grass as a function of NPK fertilization. The present study had as objective to study five N rates (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha(-1)), two P(2)O(5) rates (96 and 30 kg ha(-1)) as superphosphate triple, and two doses of K(2)O (170 and 143 kg ha(-1)) as potassium chloride, in the forage Panicum maximum cv. Tobiata, with irrigation. The experiment was conducted using a randomized blocks design with four replicates. In the implantation of the experiment, P and K were applied based on theoretical doses required to reach values of 40 mg dm(-3) of P and K 5% of CTC. After three cuts, dry mass produced by the forage was estimated in order to obtain the values of the nutrients exported by the plant. Only after this procedure did the application of the doses of N take place. The production of dry mass - DM, crude protein - CP, neutral-detergent fiber - NDF, and acid-detergent fiber - ADF, were influenced by cuts; increasing N fertilization increased the production of DM, CP and decreased ADF and NDF, providing better forage quality. The fertilization with phosphorus and potassium can be done based on DM production or P and K content in soil.
Com o objetivo de se verificar a viabilidade econômica da cultura do melão, na região de Ilha Solteira, ano agrícola 1991/92, procedeu-se a uma análise econômica para estudar o comportamento de dois cultivares de melão Eldorado 300 e Valenciano Amarelo CAC, variando a adubação de cobertura, ou seja, utilizando-se 3 doses de N e de K2O: 2,5; 5,0 e 10,0 g/planta. O experimento foi irrigado através de um sistema de gotejamento, sendo que o investimento inicial para aquisição do material de irrigação para uma área de 1 ha, foi da ordem de US$ 11.500,00. Apesar do alto valor do investimento inicial, a cultura se mostrou altamente rentável. Com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que todos os tratamentos apresentaram rentabilidade positiva, sendo que a maior receita líquida encontrada foi de US$ 4.048,00 do resultado econômico, gerado pela diferença entre a receita bruta e o custo total, recebe influência direta dos níveis de produtividade e do preço alcançado pelo produto.
Em fruticultura, existe hoje uma grande tendência de aumento da densidade de cultivo, procurando com isso uma maior produção por área. Pretendeu-se, neste trabalho, desenvolvido em Ilha Solteira-SP, estimar e analisar comparativamente o custo de produção e a lucratividade de bananeira-'Nanicão Jangada', sob duas densidades de cultivo: 1666 plantas (3,0mx2,0m) e 2500 plantas (2,0mx2,0m). Para o cálculo do custo, utilizou-se a estrutura do custo total de produção (CTP). Considerando os dois ciclos produtivos do bananal, o espaçamento de plantio mais adensado (com maior número de plantas por área) apresentou resultados econômicos mais satisfatórios que os obtidos para o cultivo menos adensado. A cultivar 'Nanicão Jangada' é uma alternativa de cultivo viável para a região de Ilha Solteira-SP.
O artigo trata do processo de retomada e reconhecimento da Terra Indígena Las Casas, PA, de ocupação tradicional dos índios caiapó. O intuito é mostrar que os Caiapó interpretam esse evento, que é também jurídico e administrativo, a partir de suas próprias ló- gicas culturais, a ele incorporando novas agências e visões de mundo
Tourism is an activity that uses the spatial objects and also produces and because it creates an economic activity areas for leisure. So for this to occur itdoes need a space reorganized, with infrastructure to receive visitors. And in the process of construction / reconstruction of tourist destination the state comes as a precursor, creating public policies that tourism can develop. Thus, this paper examines the transformation process by which the spaces are aiming to become tourist, and what changes occur in socio-spatial dynamic of the city in which this activity is inserted. The spatial area of study refers to the Alto de Santa Rita, Santa Cruz and the Isla de Santana Tourist Complex in Caicó both in Rio Grande do Norte. The reconstruction of the Island de Santana did not occur randomly, in order that the spatial changes were performed to meet the demand for which Caicó had to perform his greatest social and religious event, the Feast of Santana, which occurs since its colonization in year 1748 and also the Carnival these two events being considered as a strong tourist attraction of the city. And the Santa Rita High was built in order to enter the city of Santa Cruz in the script of religious tourism of the state through the devotion of the patron. The Dissertation isstructured in five parts, the first refers to the introduction of the work, while the second examines how tourism wound to the Rio Grande do Norte and internalizesthe third part deals with the spaces for tourism in these cities, the the fourthidentifies as the symbolism of these spaces influence the transformation and the latter reveals how these spaces affect the socio-economic structure of cities across the events
Realizou-se um experimento para avaliar a silagem de capim-elefante cv. Taiwan A-146, submetida a seis tratamentos e quatro repetições: A - capim-elefante emurchecido ao sol por 8 horas; B - capim-elefante sem emurchecimento; C - capim-elefante (98%) mais farelo de mandioca (2%); D - capim-elefante (96%) mais farelo de mandioca (4%); E - capim-elefante (92%) mais farelo de mandioca (8%) e F - capim-elefante (88%) mais farelo de mandioca (12%). A adição de 12% de farelo de mandioca mostrou-se mais eficiente que o emurchecimento em aumentar o teor de matéria seca da silagem. A adição de farelo de mandioca promoveu decréscimo no teor de proteína bruta, matéria orgânica, fibra em detergente neutro e hemicelulose de forma linear, porém aumentou os teores de extrativo não nitrogenado, matéria mineral e carboidratos solúveis das silagens. Os teores de ácido lático mostraram-se baixos, indicando que o farelo de mandioca não foi utilizado de forma eficiente pelos lactobacilos. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as porcentagens dos ácidos acético, propiônico, butírico e lático nas silagens. O emurchecimento e a adição de farelo de mandioca podem ser utilizados como alternativas para aumentar o teor de matéria seca da silagem.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The growth of body proportions of Sardinella brasiliensis was not homogeneous in the study area, between Macaé (RJ) and Santa Catarina Island (SC); the growth rates (K) of the von Bertalanffy growth curve were greater than growth rates for another áreas. In this area the biomass estimates for pelagic fish is poor, and near Cabo Frio occurs an upwelling zone. These facts permit the sardines to attain large lengths in this area. Between Rio de Janeiro and Florianópolis the growth rates were lower than in the northern part and Paranaguá Bay. on the other hand the biomass estimates for pelagic fish in Rio de Janeiro-Florianópolis region was very high, and in this zone the population density is high and the growth rates are small. Paranaguá Bay is a particular region because of its geographical and oceanographic conditons; this is a shelter region with different features and the sardines living there attain small length. In this area the growth rates are intermediary among growth rates for fishes from Macaé-Cabo Frio and Rio de Janeiro-Florianópolis regions. Therefore, the growth rates for sardines in southeast Brazilian proves to be dependent of the population density, food and oceanographic conditions.