605 resultados para ISA


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Water is now considered the most important but vulnerable resource in the Mediterranean region. Nev ertheless, irrigation expanded fast in the region (e.g. South Portugal and Spain) to mitigate environmental stress and to guarantee stable grape yield and quality. Sustainable wine production depends on sustain able water use in the wine’s supply chain, from the vine to the bottle. Better understanding of grapevine stress physiology (e.g. water relations, temperature regulation, water use efficiency), more robust crop monitoring/phenotyping and implementation of best water management practices will help to mitigate climate effects and will enable significant water savings in the vineyard and winery. In this paper, we focused on the major vulnerabilities and opportunities of South European Mediterranean viticulture (e.g. in Portugal and Spain) and present a multi-level strategy (from plant to the consumer) to overcome region’s weaknesses and support strategies for adaptation to water scarcity, promote sustainable water use and minimize the environmental impact of the sector.


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Water deficit is the most limiting factor for yield and fruit-quality parameters in papaya crop (Carica papaya L.), deficit-irrigation (DI) strategies offering a feasible alternative to manage limiting water resources. When DI is applied, it is crucial to assess the physiological status of the crop in order to maintain the plant within a threshold value of water stress so as no to affect yield or fruit-quality parameters. The aim of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of thermal imaging in young papaya plants to assess the physiological status of this crop when it is subjected to different DI regimes, studying the relationships between the changes in leaf temperature (Tleaf) and in the major physiological parameters (i.e., stomatal conductance to water vapor, gs; transpiration, E; and net photosynthesis, An). The trial was conducted in a greenhouse from March to April of 2012. Plants were grown in pots and subjected to four irrigation treatments: (1) a full irrigation treatment (control), maintained at field capacity; (2) a partial root-zone drying treatment, irrigated with 50% of the total water applied to control to only one side of roots, alternating the sides every 7 days; (3) a regulated deficit irrigation (50% of the control, applied to both sides of plant); (4) and a non-irrigated treatment, in which irrigation was withheld from both sides of the split root for 14 days, followed by full irrigation until the end of the study. Significant relationships were found between Tleaf and major physiological variables such as gs, E and An. Additionally, significant relationships were found between the difference of leaf-to-air temperature (ΔTleaf–air) and gas-exchange measurements, which were used to establish the optimum range of ΔTleaf–air as a preliminary step to the crop-water monitoring and irrigation scheduling in papaya, using thermal imaging as the main source of information. According to the results, we conclude that thermal imaging is a promising technique to monitor the physiological status of papaya during drought conditions.


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RÉSUMÉ Il n?existe presque pas d?études qui caractérisent l?effet du climat viticole sur la typicité des vins en considérant les différents types de climats à l?échelle mondiale. Cette étude fait partie d?un projet CYTED de zonage vitivinicole. L?objectif a été de caractériser l?effet du climat viticole sur la typicité des vins sur une macro région viticole du monde. La méthodologie a été appliquée à un ensemble de 45 régions viticoles situées sur 6 pays Ibéro-Américains : Argentine, Bolivie, Brésil, Chili, Espagne et Portugal. Le climat viticole de chaque région viticole a été caractérisé para les 3 indices climatiques viticoles du Système CCM Géoviticole : IH (Indice Héliothermique de Huglin), (IF) Indice de Fraîcheur des Nuits) et IS (Indice de Sécheresse). Les principales caractéristiques sensorielles observées de façon fréquente sur des vins rouges représentatifs élaborés avec des raisins-de-cuve de chacune des ces 45 régions viticoles ont été décrites pour des ?nologues de chaque pays, an utilisant la méthodologie proposée par Zanus & Tonietto (2007). L?évaluation sensorielle réalisée concerne l?intensité de perception de la Couleur (Cou), de l?Arôme Total (Ar), de l?Arôme ? fruit mûr (Ar-Fm), de la Concentration (Con), de l?Alcool (Al), des Tanins (Tan), de l?Acidité (Ac) et la Longueur en bouche (Lon). Les données ont été soumises à l?analyse des corrélations pour l?ensemble des variables et à l?ACP. L?étude indique qu?une partie de la typicité des vins es déterminée par le climat viticole des régions et que les indices du Système CCM Géoviticole sont pertinents pour relier aux caractéristiques sensorielles des vins. Le déterminisme de l?IH, de l?IS et de l?IF à été mis en évidence. MOTS CLÉS : climat viticole, indice climatique, Système CCM, vin, typicité.


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No litoral de Santa Catarina ocorrem ambientes naturais, diversificados e de extraordinária beleza, importante atrativo turístico e residencial. Com a expansão dos balneários, principalmente a partir da década de 1970, essas áreas vêm sofrendo profundas transformações em sua estrutura espacial, pela pressão antrópica, com a proliferação de ocupações irregulares. Este trabalho tem como propósito analisar a evolução temporal do uso e ocupação do solo e da problemática socioambiental dos municípios de Passo de Torres e Balneário Gaivota, localizados no extremo sul do Estado. A metodologia consistiu na análise de fotografias aéreas do ano de 1966 e imagens atuais de satélites, trabalhos de campo, pesquisa bibliográfica e uso de técnicas aplicadas aos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas. Este estudo de uso e ocupação do solo fornece subsídios para o ordenamento territorial nos espaços costeiros e contribui para a compreensão da formação sócio-espacial regional da zona costeira do Brasil meridional.


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O município de São Francisco do Sul está localizado na região Nordeste do estado de Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil. A ocupação desta ilha nos leva ao século XVI com a chegada da expedição de Binot Paulmier de Gonneville em 1504; embora tenham sido os franceses os primeiros a chegar, foram os portugueses que a povoaram. Até meados do século XX, a atividade econômica estava ligada principalmente a agricultura. O grande impulso econômico ocorreu apartir de 1955, com a ampliação do porto e a instalação do terminal da PETROBRÁS (1977). O objetivo da pesquisa busca descrever ao longo da história o desenvolvimento local. Utilizou-se como linha teórica a formação sócio-espacial, que a categoria de formação social como base para se pensar o espaço, favorecendo o aprofundamento das reflexões do local. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a evolução econômica de São Francisco do Sul, sustentada pela agricultura, transformou-se pelo crescimento das atividades de serviços, ligadas diretamente ao porto e ao turismo. Atualmente busca-se também a dinamização fabril, que ainda é incipiente.