959 resultados para INFRAINGUINAL BYPASS


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a eficiência da angioplastia primária infra-inguinal como método de salvamento de membros em pacientes portadores de lesões tróficas por isquemia crítica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 36 pacientes submetidos a angioplastias primárias sem stent. Todos os pacientes apresentavam isquemia crítica com lesão trófica - grau III, categoria 5 de Rutherford -, sendo 17 lesões na artéria femoral superficial, 16 na artéria poplítea e 51 em artérias da perna, totalizando 84 angioplastias. Foram analisadas também as prevalências em relação a sexo, membro afetado, idade e principais comorbidades, sendo tecidas considerações técnicas sobre os procedimentos, assim como os materiais utilizados. RESULTADOS: Considerou-se sucesso quando a lesão trófica que motivou a angioplastia cicatrizou, ou o nível de amputação limitou-se a artelhos ou ao antepé, sem ter havido necessidade de procedimento cirúrgico de reconstituição do fluxo sanguíneo (bypass), independentemente de tempo, drogas associadas e números de desbridamentos realizados. CONCLUSÃO: As angioplastias no segmento femoropoplíteo e infrapoplíteo são procedimentos de elevado sucesso técnico, baixa morbidade e mortalidade, constituindo-se procedimento eficaz em pacientes com isquemia crítica de membro inferior.


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Oxalate is a highly insoluble metabolic waste excreted by the kidneys. Disturbances of oxalate metabolism are encountered in enteric hyperoxaluria (secondary to malabsorption, gastric bypass or in case of insufficient Oxalobacter colonization), in hereditary hyperoxaluria and in intoxication (ethylene glycol, vitamin C). Hyperoxaluria causes a large spectrum of diseases, from isolated hyperoxaluria to kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis formation, eventually leading to kidney failure and systemic oxalosis with life-threatening deposits in vital organs. New causes of hyperoxaluria are arising recently, in particular after gastric bypass surgery, which requires regular and preemptive monitoring. The treatment of hyperoxaluria involves reduction in oxalate intake and increase in calcium intake. Optimal urine dilution and supplementation with inhibitors of kidney stone formation (citrate) are required. Some conditions may need vitamin B6 supplementation, and the addition of probiotics might be useful in the future. Primary care physicians should identify cases of recurrent calcium oxalate stones and severe hyperoxaluria. Further management of hyperoxaluria requires specialized care.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Parental history (PH) and genetic risk scores (GRSs) are separately associated with coronary heart disease (CHD), but evidence regarding their combined effects is lacking. We aimed to evaluate the joint associations and predictive ability of PH and GRSs for incident CHD. METHODS: Data for 4283 Caucasians were obtained from the population-based CoLaus Study, over median follow-up time of 5.6 years. CHD was defined as incident myocardial infarction, angina, percutaneous coronary revascularization or bypass grafting. Single nucleotide polymorphisms for CHD identified by genome-wide association studies were used to construct unweighted and weighted versions of three GRSs, comprising of 38, 53 and 153 SNPs respectively. RESULTS: PH was associated with higher values of all weighted GRSs. After adjustment for age, sex, smoking, diabetes, systolic blood pressure, low and high density lipoprotein cholesterol, PH was significantly associated with CHD [HR 2.61, 95% CI (1.47-4.66)] and further adjustment for GRSs did not change this estimate. Similarly, one standard deviation change of the weighted 153-SNPs GRS was significantly associated with CHD [HR 1.50, 95% CI (1.26-1.80)] and remained so, after further adjustment for PH. The weighted, 153-SNPs GRS, but not PH, modestly improved discrimination [(C-index improvement, 0.016), p = 0.048] and reclassification [(NRI improvement, 8.6%), p = 0.027] beyond cardiovascular risk factors. After including both the GRS and PH, model performance improved further [(C-index improvement, 0.022), p = 0.006]. CONCLUSION: After adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors, PH and a weighted, polygenic GRS were jointly associated with CHD and provided additive information for coronary events prediction.


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Right ventricular (RV) rupture in cases of mediastinitis following cardiac surgery is a rare and dangerous complication. Bleeding from the right ventricle occurs mainly after sternal reopening, due to either iatrogenic manipulation (wire removal, lesions due to wiring maneuvers) or mechanical shearing forces, producing direct injury. We present a case of RV wall perforation due to infection in a recurrent postoperative mediastinitis with a closed chest. The current literature on treatment of postoperative mediastinitis is also reviewed.


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Deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) is a feared complication following cardiac surgery. This study describes clinical, microbiological, and treatment outcomes of DSWI and determines risk factors for complications. Of 55 patients with DSWI, 66% were male and mean age was 68.2years. Initial sternotomy was for coronary artery bypass graft in 49% of patients. Sternal debridement at mean 25.4±18.3days showed monomicrobial (94%), mainly Gram-positive infection. Secondary sternal wound infection (SSWI) occurred in 31% of patients, was mostly polymicrobial (71%), and was predominantly due to Gram-negative bacilli. Risk factors for SSWI were at least 1 revision surgery (odds ratio [OR] 4.8 [95% confidence interval {CI} 1.0-22.4], P=0.047), sternal closure by muscle flap (OR 4.6 [1.3-16.8], P=0.02), delayed sternal closure (mean 27 versus 14days, P=0.03), and use of vacuum-assisted closure device (100% versus 58%, P=0.008). Hospital stay was significantly longer in patients with SSWI (69days versus 48days, P=0.04).


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Effects of counseling and guidance on health behavior, health, and functional abilities of coronary artery bypass (cab) patients Hospital periods of heart patients are brief and full of activity today, and for that reason, the meaning of counseling and guidance becomes emphasized. The present intervention study started based on observations of staff members at the heart organization. According to these observations, there were gaps in counseling and guidance intended for coronary artery bypass (CAB) patients. The purpose of the present intervention study was to describe and evaluate the program on counseling and guidance organized for patients who were referred to CAB operations. More specifically, the study was to assess its short-term (3-month), intermediate (6-month), and long-term (12-month) effects on health behavior, health, and functional abilities of CAB patients of any age on one hand and elderly on the other, as well as on their mortality. The data consisted of those individuals having coronary heart disease (CHD) and living in Uusimaa (n = 365) who went through their first CAB operation at the Helsinki University Hospital between May 7th, 1998 and December 31st, 2001. Based on the need of urgency, they were divided into two groups: 1) surgery with regular referral procedure (non-acute) or 2) surgery in the acute phase of CHD. Randomization into an intervention and a control group was separately carried out within these two groups. A subgroup was formed by including those 65 years or older who were operated on with regular referral procedure. Data on health behavior, health, and functional abilities were gathered with survey questionnaires. Times and causes of death were examined January 1st, 1998 through December 31st, 2004. Intervention included counseling and guidance in small groups. The intervention of the non-acutely operated patients was implemented prior to and following surgery, whereas the intervention of the acutely operated patients was implemented after surgery alone. The control group received regular health care services. Counseling and guidance contributed in positive terms to the frequency of alcohol use among non-acutely operated men and to the frequencies of exercise and functional ability among women. The intervention was also capable of having an effect on the exercise frequencies of elderly and acutely operated men. The present intervention did not have an effect on the body mass index, whereas it had barely a slight effect on the health status of the CAB patients. The findings of the intervention and generalizations resulting from them must be viewed critically because the data analysis utilized a multi-testing situation, many variables, and several subgroups. The study did not involve intention to treat analysis. Additionally, a loss of patients was great especially among the elderly and acutely operated patients.


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Introducció Aquest treball, aborda l'atenció domiciliaria a les persones amb dependència des de la perspectiva de la teràpia ocupacional a la comarca d’Osona. Conèixer aquesta tipologia de persones i la seva problemàtica, ha de servir per adaptar les infraestructures d’aquests serveis a fi de donar millor resposta a les seves necessitats. Objectiu Descriure la tipologia d'usuaris que es deriven al servei de Teràpia Ocupacional Domiciliària a la comarca d'Osona Metodologia S'ha realitzat un estudi descriptiu preliminar d'una mostra (n=65) de usuaris de la base de dades del Banc D'ajudes Tècniques (BAT Osona) del Consell Comarcal d'Osona. En aquest estudi s'han analitzat les variables de sexe, edat, nivell funcional, diagnòstic, situació familiar, agents derivadors, motius de derivació i problemàtica principal detectada. Resultats S'indica un perfil femení de la mostra (72,09%), amb una mitjana d'edat de 74,41 anys. A nivell funcional, la mitjana de puntuació ha estat de 65 punts en l'Ìndex de Barthel, en persones amb patologia osteoarticular en el 18,60% dels casos. La situació familiar situa un perfil compartit de persones que viuen en família (41,86%) o soles (39,53%). En les derivacions al servei, el 58,13% dels casos es fa des dels Ajuntaments i per dificultats en el quarto de bany (46,51%). La problemàtica més detectada en aquests domicilis és la dificultat per l'accés a la banyera (67,40%). Conclusió Aquests resultats ens indiquen una clara tipologia de persones que s’han d’atendre i unes problemàtiques en la seva vivenda que provoquen serioses dificultats de desenvolupament funciona. Es precís, en futures investigacions acotar encara més aquets perfils i problemàtiques a fi de precisar les estratègies d’intervenció i optimitzar millor aquest tipus de recursos.


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Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is generally considered a safe alternative contrast media for digital subtraction angiography in patients with renal insufficiency ar hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast material. In this article we report one case in wich this technique was used successfully in a 48 years old man with elevated levels of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen suffering from a trofic isquemic lesion in lhe right toe. The method was used preoperatively after an inconclusive duplex scan of lhe limb. No complications related to the method of imaging were found and the patient submitted to a bypass grafting revascularization procedure.


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiência e enfatizar o aprendizado obtido em um programa incipiente de transplante hepático desenvolvido em Hospital Universitário de Recife-PE. MÉTODO: Foram estudados os primeiros 20 pacientes submetidos a transplante ortotópico de fígado, de maneira simplificada, no período de agosto de 1999 a março de 2002. Foram analisadas as indicações, a reserva funcional hepática pré-operatória, o volume de sangue transfundido, o tempo de isquemia, o tempo de permanência em UTI, a morbidade e a mortalidade. A cirrose por vírus C foi a indicação de transplante em 9 pacientes (45%), seguida de cirrose alcoólica em 7 (35%). Quarenta e cinco por cento dos pacientes foram classificados como CHILD-PUGH A, 35% como B, e apenas 20% como C. RESULTADOS: O tempo de isquemia médio foi de 9h 09' (+ 2h 33'). Foram utilizadas em média 2,88 (+ 2,11) unidades de hemácias. A técnica empregada foi a convencional sem bypass em 90% dos casos e piggyback nos restantes. No pós-operatório, houve um caso de trombose de artéria hepática e outro de veia porta. Oito pacientes apresentaram complicações biliares, todas resolvidas por via endoscópica ou percutânea. A sobrevida global é de 100%, no período de seguimento de 2 a 32 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que é possível realizar transplantes de fígado, com bons resultados, em hospital universitário do Nordeste do Brasil, desde que se reúnam as mínimas condições de estrutura física e recursos humanos.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar prospectivamente o tratamento cirúrgico de pacientes portadores de obesidade mórbida, realizadas no Serviço de Cirurgia Geral do HC-UFPE (SCG/HC-UFPE). MÉTODO: No período de novembro de 1997 a fevereiro de 2001 foram operados 228 pacientes oriundos do Ambulatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica do SCG/ HC-UFPE e da clínica privada dos dois primeiros autores. A idade variou de 20 a 59 anos de idade (média de 34 anos). O índice de massa corporal médio (IMC) foi de 46 Kg/m², variando entre 35 e 98 Kg/m². O sexo feminino foi predominante, constituindo 58% dos casos. RESULTADOS: A gastroplastia com bypass jejunal em Y de Roux (operação de Fobi/Capella) foi realizada em 207 pacientes (47 com colecistectomia), gastroplastia vertical (Operação de Mason) em três casos, sete casos de operações descritas por Scopinaro, cinco casos de utilização de banda gástrica por via laparoscópica, cinco casos gastroplastias verticais em Y de Roux (operação de Fobi/Capella) videolaparoscópica e um caso de " Switch duodenal". As comorbidades mais freqüentemente encontradas foram: hipertensão arterial sistêmica (68%), refluxo gastroesofágico (34%), varizes de membros inferiores (36%), artropatia degenerativa (31%), dislipidemia (21%), e diabetes (19%). A presença de colelitíase, com indicação de colecistectomia, ocorreu em 21% dos pacientes. A ferida operatória foi o principal sítio das complicações pós-operatórias: formação de seroma e infecção ocorrendo em 33% e 8,1% respectivamente. Complicações graves ocorreram em 18 pacientes (7,8%), com quatro óbitos (1,8%). O período médio de internamento foi de 4,3 dias. O acompanhamento ambulatorial demonstrou que a perda ponderal média em 12 meses atingiu 41% do peso pré-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico da obesidade mórbida é uma alternativa eficaz e eficiente no controle do excesso de peso.


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The authors present a case of distal common bile duct injury. Ligation of the bile duct and a bypass cholecystojejunostomy were chosen as treatment. Diagnosis of blunt traumatic injury to the extrahepatic biliary ducts may be difficult due to the benign nature of initial bile peritonitis. Surgical treatment for associated abdominal injuries usually makes the diagnosis possible. One of the challenges in the treatment of these injuries relates to the small diameter of the, usually, normal common bile duct. Primary repair and T tube drainage is the best option for non-complex injuries. End-to-end anastomosis and, preferentially, biliary-enteric anastomosis are the best surgical options for more complex injuries. Severe injuries have high complication rates, especially when the distal portion of the common bile duct is affected. Early leaks and late strictures are likely to develop in these situations. Cholecistojejunostomy and ligation of the injuried common bile duct are good surgical options for complex injuries. They carry a low complication rate and consequently low morbidity.


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Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most frequent entities worldwide and partial hepatectomy has been the preferred option for treatment. We report the case of a 28-year-old Jehovah's Witness who came to us complaining about an abdominal mass. Angio-MRI showed a large heterogeneous mass in the left hepatic lobe. Ex situ liver resection followed by right hepatic lobe autotransplantation was performed, using extra-corporeal venous-venous bypass. He had an uneventful postoperative outcome and was discharged on the 10th postoperative day. The histology revealed hepatocellular carcinoma.


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We report a case of patient in whom a gastric remnant cancer developed about five years after a gastric bypass for morbid obesity. We review the literature on gastric cancer after gastroplasty. Access of gastric remnant after gastroplasty (Fobi-Capella) prevents evaluation and treatment of its disorders.


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Access to the gastric remnant and duodenum is lost after Roux-en-Y gastric bypasses for morbid obesity. Laparoscopic transgastric endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography has recently been described to manage biliary problems in such cases. We describe the first brazilian case of management of choledocholithiasis after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass using this approach.


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The gastric bypass is a good option in the therapy of morbid obesity. Nevertheless, it must be considered the rare condition as occurred in a patient with previous abdominal surgery with Situs Inversus Totalis. A 24 year-old male patient with body mass index of 40 Kg/ m², multiple dietary failures, and arterial hypertension as co-morbidities, with a anterior paramedial right incision due to a previous appendicectomy (8 years ago).With a indication for bariatric surgery, was performed Roux-en-Y gastric bypass by laparoscopic procedure, with previous planning of Situs Inversus Totalis.