842 resultados para IL Task Force


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SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS: EFFECTS OF WALKING EXERCISE IN CHRONIC MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN O'Connor S.R.1, Tully M.A.2, Ryan B.3, Baxter D.G.3, Bradley J.M.1, McDonough S.M.11University of Ulster, Health & Rehabilitation Sciences Research Institute, Newtownabbey, United Kingdom, 2Queen's University, UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI), Belfast, United Kingdom, 3University of Otago, Centre for Physiotherapy Research, Dunedin, New ZealandPurpose: To examine the effects of walking exercise on pain and self-reported function in adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain.Relevance: Chronic musculoskeletal pain is a major cause of morbidity, exerting a substantial influence on long-term health status and overall quality of life. Current treatment recommendations advocate various aerobic exercise interventions for such conditions. Walking may represent an ideal form of exercise due to its relatively low impact. However, there is currently limited evidence for its effectiveness.Participants: Not applicable.Methods: A comprehensive search strategy was undertaken by two independent reviewers according to the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) and the recommendations of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Review Group. Six electronic databases (Medline, CINAHL, PsychINFO, PEDro, Sport DISCUS and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) were searched for relevant papers published up to January 2010 using MeSH terms. All randomised or non-randomised studies published in full were considered for inclusion. Studies were required to include adults aged 18 years or over with a diagnosis of chronic low back pain, osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. Studies were excluded if they involved peri-operative or post-operative interventions or did not include a comparative, non exercise or non-walking exercise control group. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force system was used to assess methodological quality. Data for pain and self-reported function were extracted and converted to a score out of 100.Analysis: Data were pooled and analyzed using RevMan (v.5.0.24). Statistical heterogeneity was assessed using the X2 and I2 test statistics. A random effects model was used to calculate the mean differences and 95% CIs. Data were analyzed by length of final follow-up which was categorized as short (≤8 weeks post randomisation), mid (2-12 months) or long-term (>12 months).Results: A total of 4324 articles were identified and twenty studies (1852 participants) meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the review. Overall, studies were judged to be of at least fair methodological quality. The most common sources of likely bias were identified as lack of concealed allocation and failure to adequately address incomplete data. Data from 12 studies were suitable for meta-analysis. Walking led to reductions in pain at short (<8 weeks post randomisation) (-8.44 [-14.54, -2.33]) and mid-term (>8 weeks - 12 month) follow-up (-9.28 [-16.34, -2.22]). No effect was observed for long-term (>12 month) data (-2.49 [-7.62, 2.65]). For function, between group differences were observed for short (-11.57 [-16.06, -7.08]) and mid-term data (-13.26 [-16.91, -9.62]). A smaller effect was also observed at long-term follow-up (-5.60 [-7.70, -3.50]).Conclusions: Walking interventions were associated with statistically significant improvements in pain and function at short and mid-term follow-up. Long-term data were limited but indicated that these effects do not appear to be maintained beyond twelve months.Implications: Walking may be an effective form of exercise for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain. However, further research is required which examines longer term follow-up and dose-response issues in this population.Key-words: 1. Walking exercise 2. Musculoskeletal pain 3. Systematic reviewFunding acknowledgements: Department of Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland.Ethics approval: Not applicable.


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Median survival has increased in people with cystic fibrosis (CF) during the past six decades, which has led to an increased number of adults with CF. The future impact of changes in CF demographics has not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to estimate the number of children and adults with CF in 34 European countries by 2025. Data were obtained from the European Cystic Fibrosis Society Patient Registry. Population forecasts were performed for countries that have extensive CF population coverage and at least 4 years of longitudinal data by modelling future entering and exiting flows in registry cohorts. For the other countries, population projections were performed based on assumptions from knowledge of current CF epidemiology. Western European countries' forecasts indicate that an increase in the overall number of CF patients by 2025, by approximately 50%, corresponds to an increase by 20% and by 75% in children and adults, respectively. In Eastern European countries the projections suggest a predominant increase in the CF child population, although the CF adult population would also increase.It was concluded that a large increase in the adult CF population is expected in the next decade. A significant increase in adult CF services throughout Europe is urgently required.


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The Standards and Accreditation Program exists to encourage the ongoing development of high quality public library services in Iowa. In Service to Iowa: Public Library Standards is the manual for the State Library of Iowa’s standards program. It was first published in 1985 and was updated in 1989, 1997, 2004, 2010, and now in 2016. Iowa’s voluntary public library standards program was established to give public libraries a tool to identify strengths and areas for improvement. It is also used to document the condition of public library service in Iowa, to distribute Direct State Aid funding, and to meet statutory requirements. In 2015, the Iowa Commission of Libraries appointed the Public Library Standards Advisory Task Force to revise In Service to Iowa. The Task Force in turn solicited feedback from the State Library Advisory Panel to ensure that proposed standards meet the changing needs of Iowa’s public libraries. All task force members support and stress the importance of the accreditation process and thank the Iowa public library community for its assistance.


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The State Library of Iowa’s Standards and Accreditation Program exists to encourage the ongoing development of high quality public library services in Iowa. The Public Library Standards Advisory Task Force will work with State Library staff to review current standards in light of known best practices and current trends, and to develop the 4th edition of In Service to Iowa: Public Library Measures of Quality.


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The biological immune system is a robust, complex, adaptive system that defends the body from foreign pathogens. It is able to categorize all cells (or molecules) within the body as self-cells or non-self cells. It does this with the help of a distributed task force that has the intelligence to take action from a local and also a global perspective using its network of chemical messengers for communication. There are two major branches of the immune system. The innate immune system is an unchanging mechanism that detects and destroys certain invading organisms, whilst the adaptive immune system responds to previously unknown foreign cells and builds a response to them that can remain in the body over a long period of time. This remarkable information processing biological system has caught the attention of computer science in recent years. A novel computational intelligence technique, inspired by immunology, has emerged, called Artificial Immune Systems. Several concepts from the immune have been extracted and applied for solution to real world science and engineering problems. In this tutorial, we briefly describe the immune system metaphors that are relevant to existing Artificial Immune Systems methods. We will then show illustrative real-world problems suitable for Artificial Immune Systems and give a step-by-step algorithm walkthrough for one such problem. A comparison of the Artificial Immune Systems to other well-known algorithms, areas for future work, tips & tricks and a list of resources will round this tutorial off. It should be noted that as Artificial Immune Systems is still a young and evolving field, there is not yet a fixed algorithm template and hence actual implementations might differ somewhat from time to time and from those examples given here.


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The biological immune system is a robust, complex, adaptive system that defends the body from foreign pathogens. It is able to categorize all cells (or molecules) within the body as self-cells or non-self cells. It does this with the help of a distributed task force that has the intelligence to take action from a local and also a global perspective using its network of chemical messengers for communication. There are two major branches of the immune system. The innate immune system is an unchanging mechanism that detects and destroys certain invading organisms, whilst the adaptive immune system responds to previously unknown foreign cells and builds a response to them that can remain in the body over a long period of time. This remarkable information processing biological system has caught the attention of computer science in recent years. A novel computational intelligence technique, inspired by immunology, has emerged, called Artificial Immune Systems. Several concepts from the immune have been extracted and applied for solution to real world science and engineering problems. In this tutorial, we briefly describe the immune system metaphors that are relevant to existing Artificial Immune Systems methods. We will then show illustrative real-world problems suitable for Artificial Immune Systems and give a step-by-step algorithm walkthrough for one such problem. A comparison of the Artificial Immune Systems to other well-known algorithms, areas for future work, tips & tricks and a list of resources will round this tutorial off. It should be noted that as Artificial Immune Systems is still a young and evolving field, there is not yet a fixed algorithm template and hence actual implementations might differ somewhat from time to time and from those examples given here.


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O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo o modelo emergente de forças de escalão subagrupamento capazes de operações dispersas e detentoras de elementos de combate, apoio de combate, apoio de serviços e apoio de comando, modeladas no conceito de Força- Tarefa Subagrupamento. O objetivo do estudo é avaliar a possibilidade de emprego de Forças-Tarefa Subagrupamento nos cenários do Conceito Estratégico Militar. Nesse sentido, são analisadas duas operações de estados aliados, para as quais módulos do tipo Força-Tarefa Subagrupamento foram gerados, a Operação Romeo-Alfa e a Operação Serval. Ambas as operações são então comparadas e transpostas para os cenários de emprego da ação militar presentes no Conceito Estratégico Militar, especificamente, para o cenário de Segurança Cooperativa. Partindo do pressuposto que as forças são geradas para cenários, portanto, dependentes destes, se as operações analisadas geraram Forças-Tarefa Subagrupamentos e se são traduzíveis no cenário de Segurança Cooperativa, logo, a geração e emprego de Forças-Tarefa Subagrupamento é possível para este cenário. O trabalho conclui com a recomendação de que o modelo Força-Tarefa Subagrupamento seja adotado, com o objetivo de favorecer a capacidade de adaptação das Forças Armadas face aos requisitos do novo paradigma da conflitualidade.


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Se realizó un estudio transversal en 237 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 19 años. La muestra fue aleatoria, estratificada, proporcional de un universo finito y homogéneo. Se determinaron los valores en suero de colesterol, triglicéridos LDL y HDL en mg/dl. Se midieron los índices antropométricos de peso, talla y se clasificó el estado nutricional de acuerdo a IMC según normas del International Task Force; los antecedentes familiares, la actividad física, el estado nutricional y los hábitos alimenticios. Se realizó un análisis univariado, bivariado y multivariado. La prevalencia de hiperlipidemia fue de 29.1 por ciento (IC: 23.3 por ciento - 34.8 por ciento). Hipertrigliceridemia 17.3 por ciento. Hipercolesterolemia 16.5 por ciento. La prevalencia de sobrepeso fue de 16 por ciento y la obesidad un 2.5 por ciento. El 54 por ciento de adolescentes son sedentarios. El 67.5 por ciento manifiesta tener antecedentes familiares. En cuanto a los patrones de ingesta alimenticia se halló bajo consumo de lácteos y huevos 59.9 por ciento, de frutas 51.1 por ciento, de verduras, 70 por ciento, de carnes 72.2 por ciento, y de cereales 30.4 por ciento. El exceso de consumo de cereales (OR 2.4 IC 1.2 - 4.8) y el sobrepeso (OR 3.4 IC 1.6 - 6.9) resultaron ser factores de riesgo para la hiperlipidemia, mientras que la talla (OR 0.5 IC 0.2 - 0.9) resultó ser un factor protector. Existe una alta prevalencia de hiperlipidemia en los adolescentes escolarizados de la ciudad de Cuenca. Es necesario implementar programas d intervención adcuados para adoptar estilos de vida saludables


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Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes for the growing prevalence of non-communicable diseases worldwide and there is a need for more evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions that aim to increase physical activity at the population level. This study aimed to update a systematic review published in 2008 by searching peer-reviewed and unpublished literature of economic evaluations of transport interventions that incorporate the health related effects of physical activity. Our analysis of methods for the inclusion of physical activity related health effects into transport appraisal over time demonstrates that methodological progress has been made. Thirty-six studies were included, reflecting an increasing recognition of the importance of incorporating these health effects into transport appraisal. However, significant methodological challenges in the incorporation of wider health benefits into transport appraisal still exist. The inclusion of physical activity related health effects is currently limited by paucity of evidence on morbidity effects and of more rigorous evidence on the effectiveness of interventions. Significant scope exists for better quality and more transparent reporting. A more consistent approach to the inclusion of benefits and disbenefits would reinforce the synergies between the health, environmental, transport and other sectors. From a transport sector perspective the inclusion of physical activity related health benefits positively impacts cost effectiveness, with the potential to contribute to a more efficient allocation of scarce resources based on a more comprehensive range of merits. From a public health perspective the inclusion of physical activity related health benefits may result in the funding of more interventions that promote active transport, with the potential to improve population levels of physical activity and to reduce prevalence of physical activity related diseases.


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This paper highlights the efforts to support female academics in the information systems (IS) discipline over recent years. The development of the AIS task force on women in IS and the formation of the AIS Women’s Network have been significant initiatives to get the conversation started, yet much work remains. Findings from three separate events (an AIS- and Elsevier Foundation-sponsored survey, a pre-ICIS workshop panel update on the state of current research in the area of women and IS, and an in-depth discussion between workshop attendees at the 2015 AISWN Pre-ICIS Workshop on Advancing Women in IS), clearly indicate issues remain. Therefore, we also develop an agenda for future work to help advance women in the IS discipline.


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Bipolar disorder is a recurrent chronic disorder characterised by fluctuations in mood state and energy. It affects more than 1% of the world's population irrespective of nationality, ethnic origin, or socioeconomic status. Bipolar disorder is one of the main causes of disability among young people, leading to cognitive and functional impairment and raised mortality, particularly death by suicide. A high prevalence of psychiatric and medical comorbidities is typical in affected individuals. Accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder is difficult in clinical practice because onset is most commonly a depressive episode and looks similar to unipolar depression. Moreover, there are currently no valid biomarkers for the disorder. Therefore, the role of clinical assessment remains key. Detection of hypomanic periods and longitudinal assessment are crucial to differentiate bipolar disorder from other conditions. Current knowledge of the evolving pharmacological and psychological strategies in bipolar disorder is of utmost importance.


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The Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) proposed six Action Groups. After almost three years of activity, many achievements have been obtained through commitments or collaborative work of the Action Groups. However, they have often worked in silos and, consequently, synergies between Action Groups have been proposed to strengthen the triple win of the EIP on AHA. The paper presents the methodology and current status of the Task Force on EIP on AHA synergies. Synergies are in line with the Action Groups’ new Renovated Action Plan (2016-2018) to ensure that their future objectives are coherent and fully connected. The outcomes and impact of synergies are using the Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the EIP on AHA (MAFEIP). Eight proposals for synergies have been approved by the Task Force: Five cross-cutting synergies which can be used for all current and future synergies as they consider overarching domains (appropriate polypharmacy, citizen empowerment, teaching and coaching on AHA, deployment of synergies to EU regions, Responsible Research and Innovation), and three cross-cutting synergies focussing on current Action Group activities (falls, frailty, integrated care and chronic respiratory diseases).


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Private land conservation forms an integral part of Australia’s natural resource management and biodiversity conservation efforts, and the past two decades have seen a significant growth in the establishment of in-perpetuity conservation covenants. Specifically, conservation covenants address key national goals such as building the National Reserve System and expanding the markets for ecosystem services. However, a number of financial barriers exist to achieving these goals, and the national tax review in the form of the Tax White Paper Task Force provides an opportunity to address these barriers. This article provides a number of specific recommendations which outline how these financial barriers for private land conservation might be addressed by the Federal Government.


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This executive order by Governor Nikki R. Haley establishes the South Carolina Veterans Policy Advisory Committee, which shall act as an advisory committee to the South Carolina Military Base Task Force for the purpose of analyzing the contributions and needs of veterans in the State of South Carolina.


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El síndrome antifosfolípido es un desorden autoinmune caracterizado por hipercoagulabilidad que requiere terapia anticoagulante como pilar fundamental, siendo la warfarina el tratamiento de elección en los casos que requieren manejo por largos periodos. Sin embargo, los pacientes con anticoagulante lúpico positivo representan un reto porque tienen mayor riesgo de presentar eventos trombóticos, sumado a que el seguimiento con el International Normalized Ratio (INR) no es confiable, ya que estos anticuerpos generan interferencia con las pruebas de laboratorio basadas en fosfolípidos, como es el caso del tiempo de protrombina (PT) con INR basal prolongado, incluso antes del inicio de la terapia anticoagulante. Por tal razón, se ilustra el caso de una paciente con síndrome antifosfolípido primario y anticoagulante lúpico positivo quien ha presentado múltiples episodios trombóticos, a pesar de recibir terapia anticoagulante. Además se hace una revisión de la literatura disponible y se postulan nuevas metas de INR en estos pacientes diferentes de las que se plantean actualmente.