620 resultados para Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


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BACKGROUND: The development of heart failure is associated with changes in the size, shape, and structure of the heart that has a negative impact on cardiac function. These pathological changes involve excessive extracellular matrix deposition within the myocardial interstitium and myocyte hypertrophy. Alterations in fibroblast phenotype and myocyte activity are associated with reprogramming of gene transcriptional profiles that likely requires epigenetic alterations in chromatin structure. The aim of our work was to investigate the potential of a currently licensed anticancer epigenetic modifier as a treatment option for cardiac diseases associated with hypertension-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis.

METHODS AND RESULTS: The effects of DNA methylation inhibition with 5-azacytidine (5-aza) were examined in a human primary fibroblast cell line and in a spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) model. The results from this work allude to novel in vivo antifibrotic and antihypertrophic actions of 5-aza. Administration of the DNA methylation inhibitor significantly improved several echocardiographic parameters associated with hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction. Myocardial collagen levels and myocyte size were reduced in 5-aza-treated SHRs. These findings are supported by beneficial in vitro effects in cardiac fibroblasts. Collagen I, collagen III, and α-smooth muscle actin were reduced in a human ventricular cardiac fibroblast cell line treated with 5-aza.

CONCLUSION: These findings suggest a role for epigenetic modifications in contributing to the profibrotic and hypertrophic changes evident during disease progression. Therapeutic intervention with 5-aza demonstrated favorable effects highlighting the potential use of this epigenetic modifier as a treatment option for cardiac pathologies associated with hypertrophy and fibrosis.


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BACKGROUND: A number of studies have demonstrated the presence of a diabetic cardiomyopathy, increasing the risk of heart failure development in this population. Improvements in present-day risk factor control may have modified the risk of diabetes-associated cardiomyopathy.

AIM: We sought to determine the contemporary impact of diabetes mellitus (DM) on the prevalence of cardiomyopathy in at-risk patients with and without adjustment for risk factor control.

DESIGN: A cross-sectional study in a population at risk for heart failure.

METHODS: Those with diabetes were compared to those with other cardiovascular risk factors, unmatched, matched for age and gender and then matched for age, gender, body mass index, systolic blood pressure and low density lipoprotein cholesterol.

RESULTS: In total, 1399 patients enrolled in the St Vincent's Screening to Prevent Heart Failure (STOP-HF) cohort were included. About 543 participants had an established history of DM. In the whole sample, Stage B heart failure (asymptomatic cardiomyopathy) was not found more frequently among the diabetic cohort compared to those without diabetes [113 (20.8%) vs. 154 (18.0%), P = 0.22], even when matched for age and gender. When controlling for these risk factors and risk factor control Stage B was found to be more prevalent in those with diabetes [88 (22.2%)] compared to those without diabetes [65 (16.4%), P = 0.048].

CONCLUSION: In this cohort of patients with established risk factors for Stage B heart failure superior risk factor management among the diabetic population appears to dilute the independent diabetic insult to left ventricular structure and function, underlining the importance and benefit of effective risk factor control in this population on cardiovascular outcomes.


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BACKGROUND: Patients older than 65 years have traditionally not been considered candidates for heart transplantation. However, recent studies have shown similar survival. We evaluated immediate and medium-term results in patients older than 65 years compared with younger patients. METHODS: From November 2003 to December 2013, 258 patients underwent transplantation. Children and patients with other organ transplantations were excluded from this study. Recipients were divided into two groups: 45 patients (18%) aged 65 years and older (Group A) and 203 patients (81%) younger than 65 years (Group B). RESULTS: Patients differed in age (67.0 ± 2.2 vs. 51.5 ± 9.7 years), but gender (male 77.8 vs. 77.3%; p = 0.949) was similar. Patients in Group A had more cardiovascular risk factors and ischemic cardiomyopathy (60 vs. 33.5%; p < 0.001). Donors to Group A were older (38.5 ± 11.3 vs. 34.0 ± 11.0 years; p = 0.014). Hospital mortality was 0 vs. 5.9% (p = 0.095) and 1- and 5-year survival were 88.8 ± 4.7 versus 86.8 ± 2.4% and 81.5 ± 5.9 versus 77.2 ± 3.2%, respectively. Mean follow-up was 3.8 ± 2.7 versus 4.5 ± 3.1 years. Incidence of cellular/humoral rejection was similar, but incidence of cardiac allograft vasculopathy was higher (15.6 vs. 7.4%; p = 0.081). Incidence of diabetes de novo was similar (p = 0.632), but older patients had more serious infections in the 1st year (p = 0.018). CONCLUSION: Heart transplantation in selected older patients can be performed with survival similar to younger patients, hence should not be restricted arbitrarily. Incidence of infections, graft vascular disease, and malignancies can be reduced with a more personalized approach to immunosuppression. Allocation of donors to these patients does not appear to reduce the possibility of transplanting younger patients.


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Altération de la régénération musculaire dans la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique. La maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC) est caractérisée par une obstruction bronchique irréversible et progressive. L’atrophie musculaire périphérique y est fréquente et a un impact négatif sur la capacité fonctionnelle et la survie des sujets atteints. Toutefois, on ignore si une altération du processus de régénération musculaire est un processus ayant cours dans l’atrophie musculaire périphérique. Le but de la présente thèse était donc d’étudier les cellules satellites, principales cellules responsables de la régénération musculaire dans les muscles périphériques de patients ayant une MPOC. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué l’historique de réplication du tissu musculaire et la sénescence des cellules satellites. Les changements morphologiques ayant lieu dans le muscle au cours de la progression de la maladie rendent le muscle plus susceptible aux dommages, induisant un raccourcissement prématuré des télomères. Un raccourcissement des télomères chez les sujets ayant une MPOC avec atrophie est concomitant avec une augmentation du nombre de cellules satellites sénescentes et de l’épuisement du potentiel de régénération compromettant le maintien de la masse musculaire chez ces sujets. Dans un deuxième et troisième temps, nous avons étudié les étapes amenant une cellule satellite vers une cellule musculaire dans les muscles périphériques et respiratoires de patients ayant une MPOC comparativement à des sujets contrôles. Les cellules satellites sont impliquées dans la réparation du tissu musculaire. Dans les cellules satellites provenant des sujets ayant une MPOC, une altération de la prolifération et de la différentiation a été observée. Ces résultats sont compatibles avec une altération de la régénération musculaire pouvant conduire à l’atrophie musculaire dans la MPOC. Le quatrième volet de ce projet s’intéressait à l’impact d’un entraînement en résistance sur l’activité des cellules satellites et le rôle joué par la myostatine dans ce contexte. La littérature montre que l’exercice en résistance est bien toléré et aide les patients ayant une MPOC à retrouver une meilleure qualité de vie. Cependant, il semble qu’ils n’y répondent pas tous aussi bien que les sujets contrôles. La capacité de réponse des cellules satellites à un entraînement en résistance semble inadéquate, suggérant ainsi un défaut de leur activation. Dans la dernière étude de cette thèse, nous avons voulu évaluer l’impact de l’inflammation systémique en étudiant SAA1, une protéine de phase aiguë et p21, une protéine du cycle cellulaire dans la dégradation des protéines des cellules musculaires. Les liens de causalité entre l’affection primaire et les différentes comorbidités demeurent nébuleux dans la MPOC. SAA1 et p21 sont augmentés dans les muscles squelettiques des patients ayant une MPOC et par ailleurs, SAA1 est capable d’induire la dégradation des protéines musculaires. Cette thèse expose les premiers éléments impliquant l’altération de la régénération musculaire avec la dysfonction musculaire observée chez les patients ayant une MPOC. Ces résultats vont certainement contribuer au développement de nouvelles thérapies et stratégies d’intervention dans le but d’améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes atteintes d’une MPOC. En somme, les travaux effectués dans le cadre de la présente thèse montrent que plusieurs mécanismes agissent de concert avec l’inactivité physique afin d’induire le phénotype dysfonctionnel dans les muscles des patients ayant une MPOC.


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A Miocardiopatia Takotsubo (MT) ocorre maioritariamente em doentes idosos do género feminino, com associação causal a fatores de stress emocional ou físico. O stress poderá provocar elevações nos níveis de catecolaminas e hiperexpressividade do sistema nervoso simpático, resultando num quadro semelhante a stunning miocárdico neurogénico, onde ocorre “balonamento” dos segmentos meso‐apicais do ventrículo esquerdo (VE). Este traduz‐se em alterações da cinética das paredes do VE e é identificado por ecocardiografia ou ventriculografia. A coronariografia, tipicamente, revela ausência de estenose superior a 50%, oclusões do lúmen ou rutura de placa, mas a apresentação clínica na fase aguda é sugestiva de Síndrome Coronário Agudo (SCA) e o eletrocardiograma (ECG) apresenta alterações sugestivas de Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio (EAM) anterior. Os achados mais comuns são o supradesnivelamento do segmento ST e inversão da onda T nas derivações pré‐cordiais. Alterações de repolarização nas derivações inferiores ou laterais, ausência de alterações eletrocardiográficas, bloqueio de ramo de novo, taquicardia ventricular (TV) ou fibrilhação ventricular (FV) podem ocorrer, ainda que com menor frequência. O supradesnivelamento do segmento ST reverte ao fim de poucos dias, mas persistem ondas T negativas e um prolongamento do intervalo QT com duração que pode ir até quatro meses. Este prolongamento do intervalo QT indicia um maior risco de disritmias ventriculares malignas em doentes com vulnerabilidade por QT longo prévio. Assim, o ECG tem utilidade limitada no diagnóstico da MT, mas permite avaliar a sua evolução e identificar os doentes em risco de desenvolver arritmias malignas


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BACKGROUND: Patients older than 65 years have traditionally not been considered candidates for heart transplantation. However, recent studies have shown similar survival. We evaluated immediate and medium-term results in patients older than 65 years compared with younger patients. METHODS: From November 2003 to December 2013, 258 patients underwent transplantation. Children and patients with other organ transplantations were excluded from this study. Recipients were divided into two groups: 45 patients (18%) aged 65 years and older (Group A) and 203 patients (81%) younger than 65 years (Group B). RESULTS: Patients differed in age (67.0 ± 2.2 vs. 51.5 ± 9.7 years), but gender (male 77.8 vs. 77.3%; p = 0.949) was similar. Patients in Group A had more cardiovascular risk factors and ischemic cardiomyopathy (60 vs. 33.5%; p < 0.001). Donors to Group A were older (38.5 ± 11.3 vs. 34.0 ± 11.0 years; p = 0.014). Hospital mortality was 0 vs. 5.9% (p = 0.095) and 1- and 5-year survival were 88.8 ± 4.7 versus 86.8 ± 2.4% and 81.5 ± 5.9 versus 77.2 ± 3.2%, respectively. Mean follow-up was 3.8 ± 2.7 versus 4.5 ± 3.1 years. Incidence of cellular/humoral rejection was similar, but incidence of cardiac allograft vasculopathy was higher (15.6 vs. 7.4%; p = 0.081). Incidence of diabetes de novo was similar (p = 0.632), but older patients had more serious infections in the 1st year (p = 0.018). CONCLUSION: Heart transplantation in selected older patients can be performed with survival similar to younger patients, hence should not be restricted arbitrarily. Incidence of infections, graft vascular disease, and malignancies can be reduced with a more personalized approach to immunosuppression. Allocation of donors to these patients does not appear to reduce the possibility of transplanting younger patients.


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Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas Disease, is phylogenetically distributed into nearly identical genetic strains which show divergent clinical presentations including differences in rates of cardiomyopathy in humans, different vector species and transmission cycles, and differential congenital transmission in a mouse model. The population structure of these strains divides into two groups, which are geographically and clinically distinct. The aim of this study was to compare the transcriptome of two strains of T. cruzi, Sylvio vs. Y to identify differences in expression that could account for clinical and biochemical differences. We collected and sequenced RNA from T. cruzi-infected and control Human Foreskin Fibroblasts at three timepoints. Differential expression analysis identified gene expression profiles at different timepoints in Sylvio infections, and between Sylvio and Y infections in both parasite and host. The Sylvio strain parasite and the host response to Sylvio infection largely mirrored the host-pathogen interaction seen in our previous Y strain work. IL-8 was more highly expressed in Sylvio-infected HFFs than in Y-infected HFFs.


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Heart failure (HF) is a major health concern affecting 15 million people in Europe and around 900 000 people in the U.K. HF predominantly affects the elderly, with the mean age of patients with a diagnosis of HF between 70 and 80 years. Most previous HF studies have accordingly focused on older patients. Although HF is less common in younger adults (<65 years), 15% to 20% of patients hospitalised with HF are younger than 60 years of age. Very few studies have described the characteristics of younger adults with HF and its outcome. The aims of this thesis are to describe the clinical characteristics of younger adults with HF, explore the epidemiology of HF in younger adults and determine their short- and long-term outcomes. This was made possible by access multiple databases consisting of large patient cohorts with HF. The first chapter is a systematic literature review of younger adults with HF. Gaps in the current literature were identified and the thesis focused on some of these. The CHARM study allows detail characterisations of younger adults with HF. It recorded characteristics of patients with HF, including symptoms and signs of HF, electrocardiographic changes, chest radiographic findings, and also left ventricular ejection fraction. HF hospitalisations and its precipitating factors were also recorded systematically. Younger adults were more likely to have a third heart sound and hepatomegaly, but less likely to have pulmonary crackles and peripheral oedema. Similarly, radiological findings in younger adults were less likely to show interstitial pulmonary oedema or pleural effusion. Interestingly, younger adults aged <40 years not only have similar HF hospitalisation rate to older patients, however during their presentation with decompensated HF, they were less likely to have clinical pulmonary oedema and radiological signs of HF. Physicians managing younger adults with HF need to be aware of this. Younger adults were also less compliant with medications and lifestyle restriction resulting in hospitalisation with decompensated HF. Fortunately, despite these challenges, mortality rates in younger adults with HF were lower compared to older patients. To further substantiate the findings from the CHARM study, the MAGGIC study, a meta-analysis consists of over 40 000 patients with HF from large observational studies and randomised controlled trials, was examined. In both databases, the commonest aetiology of HF in younger adults was dilated cardiomyopathy. The ejection fraction was the lowest in younger adults. Similar to the CHARM study, mortality rates in younger adults were lower compared to older patients. However, in the MAGGIC study, by stratifying mortality into patients with preserved ejection fraction and with reduced ejection fraction, younger patients with preserved ejection fraction have a much lower mortality rate compared to patients with reduced ejection fraction. Findings from clinical trials are not always reflective of the real life clinical practice. The U.K. Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), a large and well-validated primary care database with 654 practices contributing information into the database representing approximated 8% of the U.K. population, is a rich dataset offering a unique opportunity to examine the characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of younger adults with HF in the community. In contrast to the CHARM and MAGGIC studies, younger adults aged <40 years were stratified into 20-29 and 30-39 years in the CPRD analysis. This is possible due to the larger number of younger adults with HF. Further stratifying the younger age groups demonstrated heterogeneity among younger adults with HF. In contrast to previous data showing younger adults have lower co-morbidities, the proportions of depression, chronic kidney disease, asthma, and any connective tissue disease were high among patients aged 20-29 years in the analysis from the CPRD. Surprisingly, the treatment rates for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, and aldosterone antagonist were the lowest in patients aged 20-29 years. With the exception of patients aged ≥80 years, treatment rate with beta-blocker was also the lowest in patients aged 20-29 years. With over two decades of follow up, long-term mortality rates in younger adults with HF can be determined. The mortality rates continued to decline from 1988 to 2011. Physicians managing younger adults with HF can now use this contemporary data to provide prognostic information to patients and their family. A hospital administrative database is the logical next platform to explore younger adults with HF. The Alberta Ministry of Health database links an outpatient database to a hospitalisation database providing ample data to examine the relationship between outpatient clinic visits and hospital admissions in younger adults with HF. Following a diagnosis of HF in the outpatient setting, younger adults were admitted to the hospital with decompensated HF much sooner than older patients. Younger adults also presented to emergency department more frequently following their first hospitalisation for HF. In conclusion, this thesis presented the characteristics and outcomes of younger adults with HF, and helped to extend our current understanding on this important topic. I hope the data presented here will benefit not only physicians looking after younger adults with HF, but also patients and their family.


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Non-compaction of the ventricular myocardium (NCM) is a genetic cardiomyopathy usually due to mutationof the G4.5 gene located in the Xq28 chromosomal region. This congenital disorder is characterized by pronounced trabeculations and intertrabecular recesses resulting from abnormal embryogenesis between the fifth and eighth fetal weeks. The reported prevalence in the general population is between 0.014% and 1.3%. The classic triad of complications includes heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias and systemic embolic events, although some patients have an asymptomatic form. NCM is commonly diagnosed by echocardiography, but contrast ventriculography, CT and MRI can also be used. Here we present a case of left ventricle NCM, manifested after respiratory infection, in a pregnant patient with congenital thrombophilia and a history of myocardial infarction.


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Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is the most common form of autosomal-recessive ataxia. Common nonmotor features include cardiomyopathy and diabetes mellitus. At present, no effective treatments are available to prevent disease progression. Age of onset varies from infancy to adulthood. In the majority of patients, FRDA is caused by intronic GAA expansions in FXN, which encodes a highly-conserved small mitochondrial matrix protein, frataxin. A mouse model of FRDA has been difficult to generate because complete loss of frataxin causes early embryonic lethality. Although there are some controversies about the function of frataxin, recent biochemical and structural studies have confirmed that it is a component of the multiprotein complex that assembles iron-sulfur clusters in the mitochondrial matrix. The main consequences of frataxin deficiency are energy deficit, altered iron metabolism, and oxidative damage.


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Introduction: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), a cardiomyopathy characterized by fibrofatty degeneration of the myocardium with progressive dysfunction, electrical instability, and sudden death, occurs in approximately 1 in 5000 people in the United States. Case Presentation: We present a nine-year-old girl complaining of dyspnea, easy fatigability and skin lesions. She had a history of an occasional epistaxis and weakness since 20 days before her admission, accompanied by the symptoms and signs of common cold, specially cough, during the last two days. Conclusions: This case does confirm that dilated cardiomyopathy’s spectrum is wider than ever known and that like what happened at the congress of Boston in 2006, a more comprehensive approach to its genetic types needs to be done.


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This study evaluates hypercholesterolemic rabbits, examining the retinal changes in Müller cells and astrocytes as well as their variations after a period of normal blood-cholesterol values induced by a standard diet. New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups: G0, fed a standard diet; G1A, fed a 0.5% cholesterol-enriched diet for 8 months; and G1B, fed as G1A followed by standard diet for 6 months. Eyes were processed for transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry (GFAP). While G1B resembled G0 more than did G1A, they shared alterations with G1A: a) as in G1A, Müller cells were GFAP+, filled spaces left by axonal degeneration, formed glial scars and their nuclei were displaced to the nerve-fibre layer. The area occupied by the astrocytes associated with the nerve-fibre bundles (AANFB) and by perivascular astrocytes (PVA) in G1A and G1B was significantly lower than in controls. However, no significant differences in PVA were found between G1A and G1B. In G1B, type I PVA was absent and replaced by hypertrophic type II cells; b) Bruch's membrane (BM) was thinner in G1B than in G1A; c) the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cytoplasm contained fewer lipids in G1B than in G1A; d) in G1A and G1B choriocapillaris and retinal vessel showed alterations with respect to G0; e) cell death and axonal degeneration in the retina were similar in G1A and G1B. The substitution of a hyperlipemic diet by a standard one normalizes blood-lipid levels. However, the persistence of damage at retinal vessels and BM-RPE could trigger chronic ischemia.


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Les canaux sodiques dépendants du voltage (Nav) sont des protéines transmembranaires largement exprimées au sein de l’organisme. Ils sont responsables de l’initiation des potentiels d’action au niveau des cellules excitables et régissent ainsi de nombreuses fonctions physiologiques telles que les fonctions cognitives et sensorielles, les fonctions motrices et la fonction cardiaque. Au niveau du coeur, le sous-type Nav1.5 est majoritairement exprimé à la surface des cardiomyocytes. Leurs dysfonctions sont traditionnellement associées à de nombreux troubles électriques cardiaques. Des mutations de ces canaux ont récemment été reliées au développement d’un phénotype clinique complexe associant diverses arythmies et la cardiomyopathie dilatée (DCM), une atteinte morphologique. L’objectif de mon doctorat a donc été l’identification mais aussi la caractérisation d’un potentiel défaut biophysique commun à l’ensemble des mutations Nav1.5 associées au développement de ce phénotype clinique atypique. Premièrement, nous nous sommes intéressés à deux mutations des canaux Nav1.5 retrouvées chez des patients atteints de DCM, et dont les altérations biophysiques ont été décrites comme divergentes. L’étude parallèle de ces deux mutants nous a amenés à identifier une caractéristique commune : la création d’une nouvelle voie de perméation alternative au sein des canaux Nav1.5, le pore oméga. Dans un second temps, nous avons souhaité consolider l’association entre la création du pore oméga et le développement pathologique. Cette seconde étude portant sur deux autres mutants Nav1.5 a permis de confirmer l’apparition d’un pore oméga et ainsi d’accroître la suspicion du caractère délétère de ce pore oméga. Finalement, à l’aide d’une cinquième mutation des canaux Nav1.5, nous avons investigué les conséquences physiopathologiques de la création d’un pore oméga. Cette étude, a clairement démontré les conséquences néfastes d’un tel pore au niveau de l’homéostasie ionique cellulaire. Ces perturbations se répercutent par la suite sur les signaux électriques, les propriétés morphologiques mais aussi fonctionnelles des cardiomyocytes. Les études menées lors de mon doctorat ont ainsi abouti à l’identification du pore oméga comme étant une caractéristique biophysique commune aux mutations des canaux Nav1.5 associées au développement des arythmies et de la dilatation cardiaque.