999 resultados para Hidden, Samuel.


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Reading absurdist plays as hopeful is rare because they are filled with portrayals of horror and despair. However, the tragedy of these plays can allow the audience to experience an atypical kind of hope, often during the final moments of the play. Though the conclusions of the plays are usually ambiguous, this ambiguity and lack of resolutiondoes not preclude hope. The characters persist through their suffering and react in ways that can allow a hopeful affect on the audience. The three absurdist playwrights, Samuel Beckett, Edward Albee, and Sam Shepard, express differing views of the tragic nature of the human condition. However, persistent through all of their work is the ability to view tragedy as having a hopeful affect on the audience. Though the plays do not necessitate a reading of hopefulness, their plays do not preclude this. These absurdist plays do not force the audience into despair, but instead leave open the option of experiencing an expectation and determination for life.


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In summer 1866 the Austro-Prussian struggle for supremacy in Germany erupted into open conflict. King Georg V of Hanover sided with other governments loyal to the German Confederation against Prussia, but after initially defeating Prussian forces at Langensalza, he was forced to capitulate. Two days after the battle, on June 29, 1866, the widow of the Hanoverian general Sir Georg Julius von Hartmann told her daughter in no uncertain terms how she felt about the Prussian government and its allies. In her opinion they were nothing more than “robber states” that cloaked their disregard for the Ten Commandments in sanctimonious public displays of piety. “These Protestant Jesuits,” she continued, “offend me more than the Catholic ones. You know that I am German with all my heart and love my Germany, but I cannot consider them genuine Germans anymore because they only want to make Germany Prussian.”


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Limitations associated with the visual information provided to surgeons during laparoscopic surgery increases the difficulty of procedures and thus, reduces clinical indications and increases training time. This work presents a novel augmented reality visualization approach that aims to improve visual data supplied for the targeting of non visible anatomical structures in laparoscopic visceral surgery. The approach aims to facilitate the localisation of hidden structures with minimal damage to surrounding structures and with minimal training requirements. The proposed augmented reality visualization approach incorporates endoscopic images overlaid with virtual 3D models of underlying critical structures in addition to targeting and depth information pertaining to targeted structures. Image overlay was achieved through the implementation of camera calibration techniques and integration of the optically tracked endoscope into an existing image guidance system for liver surgery. The approach was validated in accuracy, clinical integration and targeting experiments. Accuracy of the overlay was found to have a mean value of 3.5 mm ± 1.9 mm and 92.7% of targets within a liver phantom were successfully located laparoscopically by non trained subjects using the approach.


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