997 resultados para Heat balance
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat treatment and ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) in the prevention of chilling injury in mangoes cv. Tommy Atkins previously stored or not under injury condition after their transference to ambient condition. Fruits were divided into groups: two were hydrothermally treated (46.1 ºC/90 min; 55 ºC/5 min) and two were exposed to UV-C radiation (1.14 kJ m-2; 2.28 kJ m-2). These groups were stored under chilling injury conditions (5 ºC for 14 days), as established in preliminary tests. Other untreated groups were stored at 12 ºC or 5 ºC. After the storage period, they were transferred to ambient conditions (21.9 ºC; 55% RH) and the quality was evaluated. All the data were submitted to multivariate analysis as the tool to verify the simultaneous effect of the treatments under the quality parameters. The multivariate analysis indicated that the hydrothermal treatments at 46.1 °C/90 min and 55 °C/5 min and the UV-C radiation at doses of 1.14 kJ m-2 and 2.28 kJ m-2 were effective in minimized the symptoms of chilling injury in mangoes ‘Tommy Atkins’ stored at 5 °C for 14 days. However, after their transference to environmental condition at 21.9 °C, only the UV-C kept this control, especially at a dose of 2.28 kJ m-2. This treatment did not prevent the development of the characteristic color or affected the normal ripening and allowed the conservation of fruit for a period of 14 days at 5 °C, plus seven days of storage at environmental condition, which corresponds to the shipping transportation plus the time for sale.
Exercising in the heat induces thermoregulatory and other physiological strain that can lead to impairments in endurance exercise capacity. The purpose of this consensus statement is to provide up-to-date recommendations to optimise performance during sporting activities undertaken in hot ambient conditions. The most important intervention one can adopt to reduce physiological strain and optimise performance is to heat acclimatise. Heat acclimatisation should comprise repeated exercise-heat exposures over 1-2 weeks. In addition, athletes should initiate competition and training in a euhydrated state and minimise dehydration during exercise. Following the development of commercial cooling systems (eg, cooling-vest), athletes can implement cooling strategies to facilitate heat loss or increase heat storage capacity before training or competing in the heat. Moreover, event organisers should plan for large shaded areas, along with cooling and rehydration facilities, and schedule events in accordance with minimising the health risks of athletes, especially in mass participation events and during the first hot days of the year. Following the recent examples of the 2008 Olympics and the 2014 FIFA World Cup, sport governing bodies should consider allowing additional (or longer) recovery periods between and during events, for hydration and body cooling opportunities, when competitions are held in the heat.
In the past decade, there has been renewed interest in immune/inflammatory changes and their associated oxidative/nitrosative consequences as key pathophysiological mechanisms in schizophrenia and related disorders. Both brain cell components (microglia, astrocytes, and neurons) and peripheral immune cells have been implicated in inflammation and the resulting oxidative/nitrosative stress (O&NS) in schizophrenia. Furthermore, down-regulation of endogenous antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms has been identified in biological samples from patients, although the degree and progression of the inflammatory process and the nature of its self-regulatory mechanisms vary from early onset to full-blown disease. This review focuses on the interactions between inflammation and O&NS, their damaging consequences for brain cells in schizophrenia, the possible origins of inflammation and increased O&NS in the disorder, and current pharmacological strategies to deal with these processes (mainly treatments with anti-inflammatory or antioxidant drugs as add-ons to antipsychotics).
Customers are more and more interested in the environmental impacts of the products they purchase. Different labels give the required environmental information to consumers and the labels might affect to the consuming decisions. The European Union has set a plan for sustainable consuming, which encourages industry and commerce to calculate carbon footprints for the products. A term “carbon footprint” means carbon dioxide emissions across the product lifecycle. In this thesis, carbon footprints are calculated for two different fibre-based packages. In the end, greenhouse gas emissions from fibre-package production are compared to greenhouse gas emissions from PET bottle production. The data for mill processes is exact and monitored in the mill. In addition, data was gathered from raw material and material suppliers, customers, official records, KCL-eco databases and literature. The data for PET bottle is sourced from literature. End-of-life operations affect greatly on the carbon footprint of a fibre-based package. The results show that the carbon footprint is smallest when used packages are recycled. Recycling saves also natural resources. If used packages are not recyclable for some reason, it is recommended to use them in energy production. Through waste incineration fossil fuels could be substituted and greenhouse gas emissions avoided.
"Live High-Train Low" (LHTL) training can alter oxidative status of athletes. This study compared prooxidant/antioxidant balance responses following two LHTL protocols of the same duration and at the same living altitude of 2250 m in either normobaric (NH) or hypobaric (HH) hypoxia. Twenty-four well-trained triathletes underwent the following two 18-day LHTL protocols in a cross-over and randomized manner: Living altitude (PIO2 = 111.9 ± 0.6 vs. 111.6 ± 0.6 mmHg in NH and HH, respectively); training "natural" altitude (~1000-1100 m) and training loads were precisely matched between both LHTL protocols. Plasma levels of oxidative stress [advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) and nitrotyrosine] and antioxidant markers [ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase], NO metabolism end-products (NOx) and uric acid (UA) were determined before (Pre) and after (Post) the LHTL. Cumulative hypoxic exposure was lower during the NH (229 ± 6 hrs.) compared to the HH (310 ± 4 hrs.; P<0.01) protocol. Following the LHTL, the concentration of AOPP decreased (-27%; P<0.01) and nitrotyrosine increased (+67%; P<0.05) in HH only. FRAP was decreased (-27%; P<0.05) after the NH while was SOD and UA were only increased following the HH (SOD: +54%; P<0.01 and UA: +15%; P<0.01). Catalase activity was increased in the NH only (+20%; P<0.05). These data suggest that 18-days of LHTL performed in either NH or HH differentially affect oxidative status of athletes. Higher oxidative stress levels following the HH LHTL might be explained by the higher overall hypoxic dose and different physiological responses between the NH and HH.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli antaa kuva vastapainevoimalaitoksen automaation toiminnallisesta suunnittelusta ja soveltaa teoriaa suunnittelemalla toiminnallisuus vesihöyrypiirin tärkeimmille osuuksille. Työssä on esitelty tyypillinen EPCM-voimalaitosprojekti, joka toteutetaan ulkopuolisen avustajan kanssa tehdyllä yhteistyöllä. Projektin koostuu laitoksen suunnittelu-, rakennus-, asennus- sekä käyttöönottovaiheista. Huomioitavia asioita ovat mm. projektin budjetti sekä aikataulu. Valvonnalla on suuri merkitys projektin onnistumiseen. Lisäksi työssä esitellään vastapainevoimalaitoksen vesihöyrypiirin prosessi, pääsäädöt sekä automaatiojärjestelmä. Vesihöyrypiirillä tarkoitetaan syöttövesi-, höyry- ja kaukolämpöjärjestelmää. Pääsäädöillä pyritään saamaan tuotanto vastaamaan kulutusta. Voimalaitoksen painopiste on kaukolämmön tuottaminen. Automaatiojärjestelmän toiminnoilla tarkoitetaan järjestelmän suorittamia ohjauksia, säätöjä sekä hälytyksiä. Toiminnallisessa suunnittelussa tehdään toimilaitteille niin yksittäisohjaukset, säädöt kuin hälytysluettelot. Työssä tehty toiminnallinen suunnittelu keskittyy erityisesti toimilaitteiden säätöpiireihin. Säätöpiirit koostuvat tärkeimmistä prosessiin liittyvistä komponenteista ja säätömerkeistä. Toiminnallisen suunnittelun dokumentaatioita käytetään automaatiojärjestelmän sovellusohjelmoinnin pohjana.
Among existing fungal pathogens, Candida glabrata is outstanding in its capacity to rapidly develop resistance to currently used antifungal agents. Resistance to the class of azoles, which are still widely used agents, varies in proportion (from 5 to 20%) depending on geographical area. Moreover, resistance to the class of echinocandins, which was introduced in the late 1990s, is rising in several institutions. The recent emergence of isolates with acquired resistance to both classes of agents is a major concern since alternative therapeutic options are scarce. Although considered less pathogenic than C. albicans, C. glabrata has still evolved specific virulence traits enabling its survival and propagation in colonized and infected hosts. Development of drug resistance is usually associated with fitness costs, and this notion is documented across several microbial species. Interestingly, azole resistance in C. glabrata has revealed the opposite. Experimental models of infection showed enhanced virulence of azole-resistant isolates. Moreover, azole resistance could be associated with specific changes in adherence properties to epithelial cells or innate immunity cells (macrophages), both of which contribute to virulence changes. Here we will summarize the current knowledge on C. glabrata drug resistance and also discuss the consequences of drug resistance acquisition on the balance between C. glabrata and its hosts.
El estudio analiza el nivel de cumplimiento que el año 2006 hacían las sedes web de las universidades españolas de las Pautas de accesibilidad al contenido de la web (WCAG), versión 1.0, en su nivel A. Los resultados del análisis se comparan con los obtenidos el año 2001. Por el lado positivo se observa una mayor implantación de las alternativas a gráfi cos, hojas de estilo CSS y de las alternativas a Flash y PDF; y que un número mayor de universidades (10 en total) logra en 2006 un cumplimiento al 100 % del nivel A de las WCAG. Por el lado negativo se observa una peor calidad de los textos y un menor cumplimiento de las normas de accesibilidad, respecto a los resultados del año 2001, en las páginas de los planes de estudio, usualmente generadas de forma automática. El estudio, de forma complementaria, también analiza el nivel de seguimiento de los indicadores de la norma 508 de Estados Unidos y de otros 5 indicadores adicionales de usabilidad. En cuanto al cumplimiento de la norma 508, no obligatoria en España, ninguna universidad logra el 100 % de cumplimiento. Respecto a los otros indicadores el cumplimiento es de un 65 %. Como resultado global se constata que el nivel de accesibilidad sigue en niveles bajos, similar al del año 2001, y con grandes diferencias entre centros; estos resultados indican un nivel de cumplimiento menor del que cabría esperar por los cambios aplicados en la legislación española a favor de la accesibilidad de los sitios web.
Pyrolyysiöljy on biomassasta nopealla hapettomalla lämpökäsittelyprosessilla saatavaa nestemäistä polttoainetta. Kasvavien uusiutuvan energian käyttötavoitteiden myötä pyrolyysiöljystä on tullut kiinnostava vaihtoehto fossiilisille polttoöljyille. Suurimmat käytön haasteet ovat alhainen lämpöarvo, korkeat kiintoainepitoisuudet ja happamuus fossiilisiin polttoöljyihin verrattuna sekä eri raaka-aineista syntyvät ominaisuuksiltaan erilaiset pyrolyysiöljyt. Pyrolyysiöljyn kaupallinen tuotanto on vasta käynnistymässä eikä sen laadulle ole olemassa standardeja, joten eri valmistajien tuotteet voivat poiketa toisistaan huomattavastikin. Suomessa on Valtion teknillisen tutkimuskeskuksen (VTT) toimesta kehitetty Integrated Thermal Process (ITP)-konsepti, jossa pyrolyysiöljyn tuotantoprosessi on liitetty kiertoleijukattilaprosessiin. Prosessien yhdistämisellä voidaan parantaa kokonaishyötysuhdetta sekä hyödyntää laitosten yhteistä käyttöä ja polttoaineen hankintaa. Pyrolyysiprosessin tarvitsema lämpöenergia otetaan petihiekan välityksellä kattilasta, jossa poltetaan myös prosessissa syntyvät oheistuotteet. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin pyrolyysiprosessin vaikutusta voimalaitoksen toimintaan ja luotiin malli voimalaitoksen energiataseessa tapahtuvien muutosten arviointiin. Malli laskee sekä pyrolysaattorin että raaka-aineen käsittelyn vaikutukset voimalaitoksen sähkön- ja lämmöntuotantoon. Lisäksi mallin avulla voidaan arvioida pyrolysaattorin aiheuttama raaka-aineen tarve sekä voimalaitoksen lisäpolttoaineen tarve. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös pyrolyysiöljyn ominaisuuksia ja käyttökohteita, sekä tarvittavia muutoksia olemassa olevaan voimalaitokseen. Lisäksi arvioitiin tuotannon kannattavuutta. Mallia sovellettiin esimerkkivoimalaitokseen, jossa on harkittu pyrolyysiöljyn tuotannon aloittamista. Laskelmien perusteella pyrolyysiöljyn tuotannolla on sähkön- ja lämmöntuotantoa alentava sekä polttoaineen tarvetta korottava vaikutus. Pyrolyysiprosessin lisääminen nostaa voimalaitoksen kokonaishyötysuhdetta. Suotuisissa olosuhteissa öljytuotanto ITP-konseptilla näyttäisi olevan taloudellisesti kannattavaa.
We and others have reported mutations in LONP1, a gene coding for a mitochondrial chaperone and protease, as the cause of the human CODAS (cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular and skeletal) syndrome (MIM 600373). Here, we delineate a similar but distinct condition that shares the epiphyseal, vertebral and ocular changes of CODAS but also included severe microtia, nasal hypoplasia, and other malformations, and for which we propose the name of EVEN-PLUS syndrome for epiphyseal, vertebral, ear, nose, plus associated findings. In three individuals from two families, no mutation in LONP1 was found; instead, we found biallelic mutations in HSPA9, the gene that codes for mHSP70/mortalin, another highly conserved mitochondrial chaperone protein essential in mitochondrial protein import, folding, and degradation. The functional relationship between LONP1 and HSPA9 in mitochondrial protein chaperoning and the overlapping phenotypes of CODAS and EVEN-PLUS delineate a family of "mitochondrial chaperonopathies" and point to an unexplored role of mitochondrial chaperones in human embryonic morphogenesis.
ABSTRACT: A workshop was held at the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases with a focus on the impact of sleep and circadian disruption on energy balance and diabetes. The workshop identified a number of key principles for research in this area and a number of specific opportunities. Studies in this area would be facilitated by active collaboration between investigators in sleep/circadian research and investigators in metabolism/diabetes. There is a need to translate the elegant findings from basic research into improving the metabolic health of the American public. There is also a need for investigators studying the impact of sleep/circadian disruption in humans to move beyond measurements of insulin and glucose and conduct more in-depth phenotyping. There is also a need for the assessments of sleep and circadian rhythms as well as assessments for sleep-disordered breathing to be incorporated into all ongoing cohort studies related to diabetes risk. Studies in humans need to complement the elegant short-term laboratory-based human studies of simulated short sleep and shift work etc. with studies in subjects in the general population with these disorders. It is conceivable that chronic adaptations occur, and if so, the mechanisms by which they occur needs to be identified and understood. Particular areas of opportunity that are ready for translation are studies to address whether CPAP treatment of patients with pre-diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) prevents or delays the onset of diabetes and whether temporal restricted feeding has the same impact on obesity rates in humans as it does in mice.