989 resultados para Healthy user Bias
Quantum computing offers powerful new techniques for speeding up the calculation of many classically intractable problems. Quantum algorithms can allow for the efficient simulation of physical systems, with applications to basic research, chemical modeling, and drug discovery; other algorithms have important implications for cryptography and internet security.
At the same time, building a quantum computer is a daunting task, requiring the coherent manipulation of systems with many quantum degrees of freedom while preventing environmental noise from interacting too strongly with the system. Fortunately, we know that, under reasonable assumptions, we can use the techniques of quantum error correction and fault tolerance to achieve an arbitrary reduction in the noise level.
In this thesis, we look at how additional information about the structure of noise, or "noise bias," can improve or alter the performance of techniques in quantum error correction and fault tolerance. In Chapter 2, we explore the possibility of designing certain quantum gates to be extremely robust with respect to errors in their operation. This naturally leads to structured noise where certain gates can be implemented in a protected manner, allowing the user to focus their protection on the noisier unprotected operations.
In Chapter 3, we examine how to tailor error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant quantum circuits in the presence of dephasing biased noise, where dephasing errors are far more common than bit-flip errors. By using an appropriately asymmetric code, we demonstrate the ability to improve the amount of error reduction and decrease the physical resources required for error correction.
In Chapter 4, we analyze a variety of protocols for distilling magic states, which enable universal quantum computation, in the presence of faulty Clifford operations. Here again there is a hierarchy of noise levels, with a fixed error rate for faulty gates, and a second rate for errors in the distilled states which decreases as the states are distilled to better quality. The interplay of of these different rates sets limits on the achievable distillation and how quickly states converge to that limit.
Designing for all requires the adaptation and modification of current design best practices to encompass a broader range of user capabilities. This is particularly the case in the design of the human-product interface. Product interfaces exist everywhere and when designing them, there is a very strong temptation to jump to prescribing a solution with only a cursory attempt to understand the nature of the problem. This is particularly the case when attempting to adapt existing designs, optimised for able-bodied users, for use by disabled users. However, such approaches have led to numerous products that are neither usable nor commercially successful. In order to develop a successful design approach it is necessary consider the fundamental structure of the design process being applied. A three stage design process development strategy which includes problem definition, solution development and solution evaluation, should be adopted. This paper describes the development of a new design approach based on the application of usability heuristics to the design of interfaces. This is illustrated by reference to a particular case study of the re-design of a computer interface for controlling an assistive device.
How to regulate phytoplankton growth in water supply reservoirs has continued to occupy managers and strategists for some fifty years or so, now, and mathematical models have always featured in their design and operational constraints. In recent years, rather more sophisticated simulation models have begun to be available and these, ideally, purport to provide the manager with improved forecasting of plankton blooms, the likely species and the sort of decision support that might permit management choices to be selected with increased confidence. This account describes the adaptation and application of one such model, PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) to the problems of plankton growth in reservoirs. This article supposes no background knowledge of the main algal types; neither does it attempt to catalogue the problems that their abundance may cause in lakes and reservoirs.
We demonstrate the guiding of neutral atoms with two parallel microfabricated current-carrying wires on the atom chip and a vertical magnetic bias field. The atoms are guided along a magnetic field minimum parallel to the current-carrying wires and confined in the other two directions. We describe in detail how the precooled atoms are efficiently loaded into the two-wire guide. We present a detailed experimental study of the motional properties of the atoms in the guide and the relationship between the location of the guide and the vertical bias field. This two-wire guide with vertical bias field can be used to realize large area atom interferometer.
As borne out by everyday social experience, social cognition is highly dependent on context, modulated by a host of factors that arise from the social environment in which we live. While streamlined laboratory research provides excellent experimental control, it can be limited to telling us about the capabilities of the brain under artificial conditions, rather than elucidating the processes that come into play in the real world. Consideration of the impact of ecologically valid contextual cues on social cognition will improve the generalizability of social neuroscience findings also to pathology, e.g., to psychiatric illnesses. To help bridge between laboratory research and social cognition as we experience it in the real world, this thesis investigates three themes: (1) increasing the naturalness of stimuli with richer contextual cues, (2) the potentially special contextual case of social cognition when two people interact directly, and (3) a third theme of experimental believability, which runs in parallel to the first two themes. Focusing on the first two themes, in work with two patient populations, we explore neural contributions to two topics in social cognition. First, we document a basic approach bias in rare patients with bilateral lesions of the amygdala. This finding is then related to the contextual factor of ambiguity, and further investigated together with other contextual cues in a sample of healthy individuals tested over the internet, finally yielding a hierarchical decision tree for social threat evaluation. Second, we demonstrate that neural processing of eye gaze in brain structures related to face, gaze, and social processing is differently modulated by the direct presence of another live person. This question is investigated using fMRI in people with autism and controls. Across a range of topics, we demonstrate that two themes of ecological validity — integration of naturalistic contextual cues, and social interaction — influence social cognition, that particular brain structures mediate this processing, and that it will be crucial to study interaction in order to understand disorders of social interaction such as autism.
Neste trabalho estudamos as características das distribuições da lacuna de rapidez em amostras de eventos de minimum bias de colisões pp a ps=7 TeV no CMS/LHC. Tais eventos são constituídos por processos difrativos, além de processos de QCD mole. São investigados o tamanho e a localização das lacunas, assim como as correlações entre as distribuições obtidas a partir dos objetos reconstruídos no detector e as distribuições obtidas a partir das partículas geradas via simulação Monte Carlo. Uma boa compreensão dessas distribuições pode, eventualmente, possibilitar a caracterização de eventos difrativos nos dados.
Microglia are largely known as the major orchestrators of the brain inflammatory response. As such, they have been traditionally studied in various contexts of disease, where their activation has been assumed to induce a wide range of detrimental effects. In the last few years, a series of discoveries have challenged the current view of microglia, showing their active and positive contribution to normal brain function. This Research Topic will review the novel physiological roles of microglia in the developing, mature and aging brain, under non-pathological conditions. In particular, this Research Topic will discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which microglia contribute to the formation, pruning and plasticity of synapses; the maintenance of the blood brain barrier; the regulation of adult neurogenesis and hippocampal learning; and neuronal survival, among other important roles. Because these novel findings defy our understanding of microglial function in health as much as in disease, this Research Topic will also summarize the current view of microglial nomenclature, phenotypes, origin and differentiation, sex differences, and contribution to various brain pathologies. Additionally, novel imaging approaches and molecular tools to study microglia in their non-activated state will be discussed. In conclusion, this Research Topic seeks to emphasize how the current research in neuroscience is challenged by never-resting microglia.
Inicialmente, este trabalho tece algumas considerações a respeito de apontamentos conceituais teórico-práticos da Homeopatia e fala da construção social da demanda para tal prática, tendo em vista responder ao mal estar difuso que inquieta nossos usuários. A realização de estudos como este que busquem compreender as terapêuticas que incluem as práticas integrativas e complementares no SUS, tal com a Homeopatia, a partir do entendimento sobre sua utilização tanto pelos praticantes como pelos usuários pode contribuir para a pesquisa social sobre essas práticas, visando sua efetiva institucionalização no sistema público de saúde no país. O objetivo deste trabalho foi buscar compreender qual o entendimento de pacientes e de médicos sobre a resposta ao tratamento homeopático, a partir de suas narrativas, visando identificar a existência de relação com os sentidos da integralidade do cuidado. Trata-se de uma pesquisa avaliativa de natureza qualitativa, adotando como informantes-chaves o paciente e o profissional homeopata, e utilizando o prontuário como fonte de informação secundária, com a finalidade de complementar as informações. Como campo de investigação, foram escolhidos três tipos de atendimentos distintos: dois tipos de atendimento realizados em serviços públicos, onde o profissional realiza abordagem exclusivamente homeopática (nos municípios de Juiz de fora e do Rio de Janeiro) e um no PSF de Volta Redonda, no qual o atendimento homeopático está incluído nas atividades do médico de família. Foram realizadas também entrevistas cujas análises foram ordenadas (com relação às narrativas dos entrevistados) em diversas disposições para possibilitar diferentes cortes de análises. Os resultados apresentados são discutidos relacionando-os com as categorias representativas da Integralidade que mais se fizeram presentes, a saber, a Integralidade na dimensão da abordagem total do paciente, a autonomia e o cuidado. Essas categorias nos levam a pensar na possibilidade de apresentarem-se como campos possíveis de serem incluídos em fichas clínicas nas quais o profissional, juntamente com o paciente, seriam convidados a refletir, a cada etapa do tratamento, e a sinalizar em que direção a resposta terapêutica está se dando, registrando suas observações de forma objetiva e contribuindo, desta forma, para a análise e a avaliação da integralidade no tratamento homeopático. As conclusões deste trabalho contribuem no sentido de ampliar as possibilidades de avaliação, dando visibilidade à dimensão integral do tratamento homeopático com todo o seu leque semântico e dialógico evidenciados neste estudo, bem como de proporcionar avanços no processo de institucionalização no sistema público de atendimento à saúde, pois a avaliação enquanto etapa final desse processo ocorre ao se medir seus resultados e conferir-lhe validação. Tal atitude ainda possibilita, ao binômio médico-paciente, uma oportunidade de crítica e de avaliação permanente sobre o processo terapêutico que se está experimentando.