825 resultados para Health in Prison


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This is  the IPH response to the Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety's Draft Framework for Mental Health and Wellbeing


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The aim of the consultation was to collect views on how the European Union can contribute to reducing health inequalities both within and between member states. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health.  The Institute promotes co-operation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in research, training, information and policy to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. IPH acknowledges and appreciates the benefits of information sharing and joint action in relation to policy and practice between European countries and we are proud to have been the Irish/Northern Irish partner in several projects, most recently as Work Package Leader for DETERMINE, coordinated by EuroHealthNet and as collaborating partner for I2SARE, coordinated by Federation National des Observatories de Sante (FNORS).  Both projects are funded by the European Commission.


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IPH Chief Executive, Dr Jane Wilde gave evidence to the Northern Ireland Assembly Health Committee inquiry into obesity. Dr Wilde recommended the following: Supporting the Department of Health’s strategic approach based on an understanding of the nature and complexity of obesity. Urgent and short term action to coordinate current activities and ensure focus on the most vulnerable. Exploring new forms and incentives to promote cross departmental work. Setting intermediate outcomes and targets Building stronger links between research, policy and practice, for example asking the Health Committee to set up a round table of researchers and policy makers Working systematically and transparently to identify key areas for cooperation with UK, Ireland and Europe Drawing from IPH work and other research, Dr Wilde briefed the Health Committee on the extent and impact of obesity, reasons for rising levels of obesity and the need for a stronger strategic response. She highlighted the importance of cross government action, the responsibilities of those beyond the health sector and the need for stronger evidence-informed policy and practice.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes North-South co-operation in research, training, information and policy. The Institute commends the Department of Health and Children for producing the Discussion Paper on Proposed Health Information Bill (June 2008) and welcomes the opportunity to comment on it. The first objective of the Health Information: A National Strategy (2004) is to support the implementation of Quality and Fairness: A Health System for You (2001).The National Health Goals - such as ‘Better health for everyone’, ‘Fair access’ and ‘Responsive and appropriate care delivery’ - are expressed in terms of the health of the public as well as patients. The Discussion Paper focuses on personal information, and the data flows within the health system, that are needed to enhance medical care and maximise patient safety. The Institute believes that the Health Information Bill should also aim to more fully support the achievement of the National Health Goals and the public health function. This requires the development of more integrated information systems that link the healthcare sector and other sectors. Assessment of health services performance - in terms of the public’s health, health inequalities and achievement of the National Health Goals - require such information systems. They will enable the construction of public health key performance indicators for the healthcare services.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health.   Over the past ten years the Institute has worked closely with the Department of Health and Children and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland to build capacity for public health across the island of Ireland.   The Institute takes the view that health is determined by policies, plans and programmes in many sectors outside the health sector as well as being dependent on access to and availability of first class health services. The importance of other sectors is encapsulated in a social determinants of health perspective which recognises that health is largely shaped and influenced by the physical, social, economic and cultural environments in which people live, work and play. Figure 1 illustrates these multi-dimensional impacts on health and also serves to highlight the clear and inextricable links between health and sustainable development. Factors that impact on long-term sustainability will thus also impact on health.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. He Institute houses the all-Ireland population health observatory, INIsPHO. The Institute has enjoyed good working relations with HIQA and welcomes the opportunity to submit its views for inclusion in HIQA’s forthcoming Corporate Plan. Our response highlights the inter-relatedness of the four Functions of HIQA. The Institute believes that HIQA’s first Corporate Plan should aim to develop all four Functions in a co-ordinated manner that recognizes and takes advantage of their inter-dependence. For example; the Health Information Function should include a strong focus on, but not be limited to, information requirements to support the delivery of the other three Functions. As well as gathering relevant information in a complementary way, these other Functions can help define priorities for the Health Information Function. This approach will have implications for the organizational structures and processes within HIQA, and the way it conducts its business.


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The Department of Health and Children Statement of Strategy will map out in broad terms the Department’s key areas of strategic action in the coming three years and act as the backdrop against which the Business Plans of each division of the Department will be prepared. The Institute’s recent submission on the Department’s Strategy Statement proposes that tackling inequalities in health form a key area of strategic action across all divisions within the Department in the coming three years. The Institute called for the Department to make additional commitments to tackle health inequalities at their root causes, in addition to developing services to meet the needs of poor and vulnerable members of society. The submission states that the full implementation of the National Health Information Strategy is now a matter of urgency and also strongly recommends that the Department makes the achievement of the recommendations of the recent A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland a priority in the coming years within its enhanced policy evaluation and analysis role. A stronger leadership role to advance the vision set out in the Primary Care Strategy is encouraged. The submission also recommends the development of a new set of high-level long-term targets relating to the reduction of inequalities to provide an overarching policy context against which related policies and the HSE operations could be structured.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), Review of Housing and Health – Towards a Shared Agenda policy.   The Institute aims to improve health in Ireland, North and South by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute recognises the potential health impacts linked with housing and welcome the proactive approach NIHE is adopting. By identifying the wider determinants of health, the NIHE acknowledges that as a statutory organization they have a major role to play in contributing to improved health for Northern Ireland.   There are many causal pathways linking housing to health and due to the nature of social housing, a number of vulnerable groups, for example those on a low income or the Travelling Community are subject to NIHE policies.  Overall the policy outlines a number of key recommendations.  The Institute advise that the Implementation Plan which will incorporate the recommendations should outline targets which can be measurable, for example, under Objective 1 which identifies the reduction of fuel poverty.  We recommend that key targets are outlined to show what action the NIHE has set in accordance to measure a reduction in fuel poverty.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland aims to improve health in Ireland, North and South, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute’s work is based on the premise that improving health and reducing health inequalities will be best achieved through taking a broad determinants of health perspective. It applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of determinants on health including social, economic, environmental and biological factors. The Institute also recognises the importance of accessible, effective and efficient health and social services in determining health and the quality of life experienced by people. The Institute of Public Health welcomes the consultation process undertaken by the Department of Health and Children on a National Men’s Health Policy. In our response we focus on how inequality impacts on Irish men’s lives and how, as a consequence, ways to combat inequalities need to be at the heart of a health strategy for men


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The Institute of Public Health welcomes the current consultation on smoking in enclosed workplaces and public places. Having considered the three options given the Institute strongly supports option 5c – “a total ban on smoking in all enclosed workplaces and public places”. This clearly outlines that a total ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces is the only option which will adequately protect the health of all workers and contribute to reducing the prevalence of smoking in the population of Northern Ireland.As an organisation set up to promote North South co-operation we believe that a similar approach to smoking in public places and workplaces should be taken to that in the Republic of Ireland where there is clear evidence that such policies are practical, well supported and effective.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) was requested by the Department of Health (RoI) to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a proposed tax on sugar sweetened drinks (SSDs) in 2012. The public health priority for this proposal was to consider the potential of such a tax to address the problem of overweight and obesity in Ireland. The HIA was overseen by the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) and guided by a steering group. The HIA process involved a population profile, a stakeholder consultation event and a literature review. This information, paralleled by a modelling exercise undertaken by Dr. Mike Rayner and his team in the University of Oxford was presented to the steering group to inform their conclusions.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) was requested by the Department of Health to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a proposed tax on sugar sweetened drinks (SSDs) in 2012. The public health priority for this proposal was to consider the potential of such a tax to address the problem of overweight and obesity in Ireland. The HIA was overseen by the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) and guided by a steering group. The HIA process involved a population profile, a stakeholder consultation event and a literature review. This information, paralleled by a modelling exercise undertaken by Dr. Mike Rayner and his team in the University of Oxford was presented to the steering group to inform their conclusions.  This is the Technical Report.


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A Draft Strategy for Promoting Mental and Emotional Health in Northern Ireland


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The four key principles guiding the development of the Health Strategy (2001): Quality and Fairness: A Health System for You are equity, people-centredness, quality and accountability. High quality statistical data are fundamental to the delivery of each of these. Relevant, accurate and accessible information should inform all health decisions. This includes information for the public as well as data required to enable evidence-based service delivery and evaluation, policy formulation and the measurement of health gain.This compendium of health statistics brings together data from a wide variety of sources on demography, health status and the delivery of health services. It provides a broad overview of health in Ireland as well as serving as a resource and reference for those interested in particular aspects of health and the health services. Download document here


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North South Survey of Children’s Oral Health 2002 This report presents the results of the first contemporaneous North South study of the oral health of children and adolescents on the island of Ireland. The last National Survey of Childrenâ?Ts Oral Health in the Republic of Ireland was carried out in 1984. The present study describes the oral health experience of children and adolescents in Ireland today. The results are of interest to the public, to policymakers and to service providers and will be of assistance in the evaluation of current oral health services and the planning of services for the next decade. Click here to download PDF 666kb