896 resultados para Head trauma


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This paper reports a case in which a previous traumatic injury at the age of 2 and pulp necrosis to a primary incisor resulted in a rare injury to the permanent successor tooth. The radiographic examination at the age of 9 showed the arrest of root formation of the permanent maxillary right central incisor, which did not erupt. Tooth 11 was extracted and a functional removable space maintainer was prepared. At the age of 17, the patient received an anterior fixed prosthesis for re-establishment of the esthetics, phonetics and deglutition.


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Different components of complex integrated systems may be specialized for different functions, and thus the selective pressures acting on the system as a whole may be conflicting and can ultimately constrain organismal performance and evolution. The vertebrate cranial system is one of the most striking examples of a complex system with several possible functions, being associated to activities as different as locomotion, prey capture, display and defensive behaviours. Therefore, selective pressures on the cranial system as a whole are possibly complex and may be conflicting. The present study focuses on the influence of potentially conflicting selective pressures (diet vs. locomotion) on the evolution of head shape in Tropidurinae lizards. For example, the expected adaptations leading to flat heads and bodies in species living on vertical structures may conflict with the need for improved bite performance associated with the inclusion of hard or tough prey into the diet, a common phenomenon in Tropidurinae lizards. Body size and six variables describing head shape were quantified in preserved specimens of 23 species, and information on diet and substrate usage was obtained from the literature. No phylogenetic signal was observed in the morphological data at any branch length tested, suggesting adaptive evolution of head shape in Tropidurinae. This pattern was confirmed by both factor analysis and independent contrast analysis, which suggested adaptive co-variation between the head shape and the inclusion of hard prey into the diet. In contrast to our expectations, habitat use did not constrain or drive head shape evolution in the group.


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Skeletal alpha-tropomyosin (Tm) is a dimeric coiled-coil protein that forms linear assemblies under low ionic strength conditions in vitro through head-to-tail interactions. A previously published NMR structure of the Tin head-to-tail complex revealed that it is formed by the insertion of the N-terminal coiled-coil of one molecule into a cleft formed by the separation of the helices at the C-terminus of a second molecule. To evaluate the contribution of charged residues to complex stability, we employed single and double-mutant Tm fragments in which specific charged residues were changed to alanine in head-to-tail binding assays, and the effects of the mutations were analyzed by thermodynamic double-mutant cycles and protein-protein docking. The results show that residues K5, K7, and D280 are essential to the stability of the complex. Though D2, K6, D275, and H276 are exposed to the solvent and do not participate in intermolecular contacts in the NMR structure, they may contribute to head-to-tail complex stability by modulating the stability of the helices at the Tm termini.


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This paper seeks to describe and discuss the impact of inspections of schools in Sweden. It outlines the political context, based on New Public Management (NPM) theory, according to what role the Schools Inspectorate is supposed to play in order to govern and control. Attention is also devoted, referring an on-going case study, to how inspections influence head teachers and their leadership in their everyday work.   Reports from the Schools inspectorate are public. This forces both politicians and head teachers to take measures. In this case, the head teachers perceived that the inspection reports confirmed what they already knew, but it also gave them an alibi and a tool to push their teachers to take part in everyday school development work. During the first year after the inspection the head teachers mainly strived to adjust formal deficiencies in local steering documents. However, some of the deviations reported from the Schools inspectorate are regarding pedagogical problems that are complicated and difficult to handle. As interventions in many cases will show up much later the results are, for example as increased goal fulfilment, in this case, still an open question. Nevertheless, it seems obvious that the Schools Inspectorate must be seen as a result of the governing philosophy that denotes New Public Management NPM).


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This paper seeks to describe and discuss the impact of inspections of schools in Sweden. It outlines the political context, based on New Public Management (NPM) theory, according to what role the Schools Inspectorate is supposed to play in order to govern and control. Attention is also devoted, referring an on-going case study, to how inspections influence head teachers and their leadership in their everyday work.   Reports from the Schools inspectorate are public. This forces both politicians and head teachers to take measures. In this case, the head teachers perceived that the inspection reports confirmed what they already knew, but it also gave them an alibi and a tool to push their teachers to take part in everyday school development work. During the first year after the inspection the head teachers mainly strived to adjust formal deficiencies in local steering documents. However, some of the deviations reported from the Schools inspectorate are regarding pedagogical problems that are complicated and difficult to handle. As interventions in many cases will show up much later the results are, for example as increased goal fulfilment, in this case, still an open question. Nevertheless, it seems obvious that the Schools Inspectorate must be seen as a result of the governing philosophy that denotes New Public Management NPM).


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Examining how, in the novel, Bulgakov shows the conflict between logic and faith through the actions of his characters : the characters who are logical are generally not portrayed as wise and are said to not appreciate, nor understand, faith.


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Objetivos: Avaliar a associação entre depressão (DSM IV) na vida adulta e trauma psicológico na infância em uma amostra clínica de pacientes do ambulatório do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Por trauma na infância considerou-se abuso sexual, maus tratos, exposição a violência e perdas, por morte ou separação da criança de seus pais, antes dos 18 anos de idade. Métodos: Em um estudo caso controle, foram avaliados pacientes deprimidos (n = 90) e pacientes não deprimidos (n = 50). Através do M.I.N.I. e M.I.N.I plus (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview / Brazilian Version 5.0.0.) avaliou-se a presença de depressão e comorbidades. Utilizou-se as escalas Screening Survey of Children's Exposure to Community Violence Richters & Martinez, 1993 Modified by Osofsky, 1995 and Zeannah, 1996 e a Familial Experiences Interview 1988 de Naomi Ogata para avaliar traumas na infância. Resultados: encontrou-se uma maior prevalência de abuso sexual (P = 0,018), história de maus tratos físicos por parte dos pais ou cuidadores (P = 0,005) e exposição à violência (P = 0,007) no grupo de pacientes deprimidos em relação ao grupo de pacientes não deprimidos. Quanto a perdas na infância não se encontrou diferença entre os dois grupos. Quando estas variáveis foram controladas para potenciais fatores confundidores (sexo, etnia, estado civil, doença mental na família, e renda per capita), somente a exposição a múltiplos episódios de violência e história de maus tratos físicos por parte dos pais ou cuidadores se mantiveram como variáveis independentes. Conclusões: Nossos achados, à semelhança de outras pesquisas, encontraram uma associação entre traumas psicológicos na infância e depressão na vida adulta, sugerindo que múltiplos estressores, em maior ou menor grau, na infância, se encontram associados a depressão na vida adulta.


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Este estudo trata da violência sob o olhar das trabalhadoras de enfermagem no cuidado aos pacientes hospitalizados vítimas de violência, em um hospital de pronto socorro em trauma. O Hospital de Pronto Socorro de Porto Alegre / HPS – RS atende pacientes vítimas de trauma de toda a região metropolitana e do interior do Estado. As internações decorrentes da violência, nos últimos anos, representam um aumento significativo na demanda dos atendimentos e internações. O estudo tem como objetivo geral conhecer e compreender o modo de olhar e o fazer das trabalhadoras de enfermagem no cuidado ao paciente vítima de violência, hospitalizado nesse serviço. Para tanto, se propõe caracterizar, do ponto de vista sociodemográfico e epidemiológico, o paciente hospitalizado no HPS por violência. Apóia-se na tipologia dos estudos híbridos que articulam bases teóricas e metodológicas de múltiplas origens e quantificações associadas a dados qualitativos. As unidades de internação do HPS são o campo de estudo. Os sujeitos são os pacientes hospitalizados por traumas decorrentes de violência, no período de janeiro a junho de 2001, e as trabalhadoras de enfermagem desse hospital Entre os resultados encontraram-se 697 pacientes hospitalizados, nesse período, vítimas de violência; 90,5% do sexo masculino; 73% brancos e 27% negros ou descendentes dessa etnia; 59% da faixa etária dos 20 aos 39 anos; a faixa etária dos 11 aos 39 anos corresponde a um percentual de 78,9% das internações; 47,9% agredidos por arma de fogo, 26,5% por arma branca, 25% vitimas de agressão física 0,3% foram vítimas de estupro. Entre os diagnósticos mais freqüentes encontram-se trauma abdominal, trauma torácico, traumatismos múltiplos, traumatismo crânio encefálico. 59.5% (415) são procedentes de Porto Alegre, e os bairros mais freqüentes são Partenon, Lomba do Pinheiro e Cristal. Em relação ao “olhar” da enfermagem no cuidado a esse paciente ficou evidente a preocupação das trabalhadoras e a dificuldade desse enfrentamento, visto que, no hospital, não existem estratégias definidas em relação à violência, num âmbito mais amplo, além do tratamento da lesão causada pelo trauma. Cada trabalhadora lida com esse cuidado da forma que acredita ser a mais adequada e utiliza as estratégias que dispõe para suportar e enfrentar essa realidade. Além disso, os serviços públicos de saúde necessitam se auto-avaliar e propiciar a criação de espaços e co-responsabilizar-se nesse processo.