996 resultados para Handmade papers of Carnauba
This manuscript, which White entitled A faint sketch of the character, history & services of the Immortal Washington, appears to be a draft of the eulogy on Washington that he delivered publicly in Methuen and which was printed by Seth H. Moore and published by in February 1800.
This memoir, written by White in 1837, describes his undergraduate years at Harvard from 1793 to 1797. It contains lengthy passages about a wide variety of experiences White had as a student. He wrote about his classes and professors, student life, American politics, politics in the world at large, food, his classmates, and many other topics. The memoir includes passages from a diary that White seems to have kept as a student, as well as reflections clearly written later in life. White wrote this memoir in 15 separate notebooks, each embossed with "Platner & Porter, Congress" in the upper left-hand corner. Platner & Porter was the manufacturer of the notebooks.
This half-page slip contains receipts for two Harvard College Library books received by Harvard College Tutors John Mellen (1752-1828; Harvard AB 1770) and William Bentley (1759-1819; Harvard AB 1777).
In this brief petition of John Wyeth to the Harvard Corporation, he requests the ability to borrow books from the "Publick Library" of the College.
It is unknown who made these manuscript copies of three letters from John Henry Tudor to Moody Noyes; they are not in Tudor's hand. The letters were written on September 23, 1800; November 7, 1800; and February 20, 1801. Noyes and Tudor were classmates at Harvard College, where both graduated in the class of 1800. The letters were written after they had graduated from Harvard, and in them Tudor recounts travels with his family around New England, including a stay in Saratoga and Ballston Springs, New York; his interest, shared by Moody, in entering into a store or other form of business, although he found "merchants in general [to be] a contemptible set of beings"; the maxims of the Duke de la Rochefoucauld; his hurt feelings at Moody's failure to answer his letters; and his imminent travels to Cuba with his brother, Frederic, made in hopes of restoring his health.
This subseries consists of a paper notebook containing a handwritten draft of the report presented to the Harvard Corporation on April 30, 1804 by the Committee to frame Rules, Directions, and Statutes of the Boylston Professorship of Rhetoric and Oratory. The handwritten report provides a numbered list of rules related to the Boylston Professorship and is dated April 16, 1804. The report is followed by a certification signed May 1, 1804 from President Joseph Willard that he was unable to attend the meeting of the Corporation to discuss the professorship.
This folder contains a bill from Samuel Shapleigh to the Town of Cambridge for keeping school from July 20 through October 20, 1789; it was submitted on November 2, 1789. Shapleigh requested reimbursement for his room, board, and furniture, in addition to his teaching.
The first two pages of this notebook contain a comparative chronology of the reign of Augustus, outlined in two columns. One column outlines the chronology according to ecclesiastical scholar Laurence Echard, and the other column outlines the chronology according to William Cave. The rest of the notebook contains extensive entries on the following subjects, with related rules, problems, and illustrations: fractions, decimals, arithmetical progression, geometrical progression, "disjunct proportion, or ye Golden Rule," signs and symbols, integers, geometrical definitions, and Euclidian geometry.
This notebook contains prose entries about many different scholars' accounts of Jesus Christ's Resurrection. Prince apparently studied over fifty authors' writings concerning the Resurrection and recorded in this notebook what he considered to be the significant details of each authors' interpretation.
Small notebook containing notes kept by John Winthrop on sermons he attended between September 1, 1728 and October 19, 1729, while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The volume contains one-to-two page entries on specific sermons and provides the biblical text and related doctrines, questions, and conclusions. The inside back cover contains a handwritten index of the minister who gave the sermon, most often Nathaniel Appleton.
One folded leaf containing a chart in John Winthrop's hand listing the number of deaths by month for 1759-1768 and listing the chief causes of mortality. The verso contains a list of the number of deaths by year according to age groups.
This manuscript grammar notebook, written in Chaldean Aramaic and English, appears to have originally belonged to William Bentley (Harvard A.B. 1777); Bentley's name and a date, "December 1776," appear on the volume but have been struck through, and the handwriting appears to be his. The names of Elisha Parmele and Polly Parmele are also on the volume; presumably it was given to Elisha by Bentley, and upon Elisha's death in 1784 it was passed to Polly.
Leather hardcover notebook containing a handwritten copy of John Winthrop's course of experimental and philosophical lectures presented between March 10, 1746 and June 16, 1746. The first one-hundred pages of the volume are divided into twenty chapters which were presented in thirty-three lectures. The chapters contain text and diagrams on mechanical powers, the lever, the pulley, the axis in peritrochio, the inclined plane, the wedge, the screw, compound engines, the laws of motion, gravity, attraction of cohesion, the power of repulsion, magnetism, fluids, electricity, opticks, and astronomy. There is a five-page addenda to the course summary added in 1747, and a sixty-page text titled "The Method of Astronomical calculations" containing thirteen problems related to calculating distances with a list of astronomical characters, and followed with charts related to the eclipse of Jupiter's satellites.
Edward Everett Hale has speculated that Parmele prepared this document, written primarily in Syriac, for an event at Harvard. It is unknown whether or not it was delivered.
This document describes Parmele's examination before an association of ministers in Berkshire County and records their subsequent decision to recommend him as a candidate for "the gospel ministry." Stephen West was the moderator of this meeting, and Daniel Collens was its scribe.