902 resultados para Handling of fish


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Introduction This study evaluated the presence of pathogenic human parasites on field-grown strawberries in the Federal District of Brazil. Methods A total of 48 samples of strawberries and 48 soil samples from 16 properties were analyzed. Results Contaminated strawberries were detected in 56% of the properties. Schistosoma mansoni, Ascaris lumbricoides or Ascaris suum, Balantidium coli, Endolimax nana, and Entamoeba spp. were detected. Soil was contaminated with Entamoeba spp., Entamoeba coli, Strongyloides spp., Ancylostomatidae, and Hymenolepis nana. Conclusions Producers should be instructed on the safe handling of strawberries in order to reduce the incidence of strawberries that are contaminated with enteroparasites.


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The hospital pharmacy in large and advanced institutions has evolved from a simple storage and distribution unit into a highly specialized manipulation and dispensation center, responsible for the handling of hundreds of clinical requests, many of them unique and not obtainable from commercial companies. It was therefore quite natural that in many environments, a manufacturing service was gradually established, to cater to both conventional and extraordinary demands of the medical staff. That was the case of Hospital das Clinicas, where multiple categories of drugs are routinely produced inside the pharmacy. However, cost-containment imperatives dictate that such activities be reassessed in the light of their efficiency and essentiality. METHODS: In a prospective study, the output of the Manufacturing Service of the Central Pharmacy during a 12-month period was documented and classified into three types. Group I comprised drugs similar to commercially distributed products, Group II included exclusive formulations for routine consumption, and Group III dealt with special demands related to clinical investigations. RESULTS: Findings for the three categories indicated that these groups represented 34.4%, 45.3%, and 20.3% of total manufacture orders, respectively. Costs of production were assessed and compared with market prices for Group 1 preparations, indicating savings of 63.5%. When applied to the other groups, for which direct equivalent in market value did not exist, these results would suggest total yearly savings of over 5 100 000 US dollars. Even considering that these calculations leave out many components of cost, notably those concerning marketing and distribution, it might still be concluded that at least part of the savings achieved were real. CONCLUSIONS: The observed savings, allied with the convenience and reliability with which the Central Pharmacy performed its obligations, support the contention that internal manufacture of pharmaceutical formulations was a cost-effective alternative in the described setting.


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Ethnobiology includes the study of how populations perceive and classify organisms. This study focuses on the utilization and classification of fishes by fishermen from the Tocantins river. The study area is located between the cities of Imperatriz and Estreito (Maranhão and Tocantins States). Interviews with fishermen and collection of fish species were performed from October 1987 to June 1988. The criteria used by fishermen to classify fish species are mainly morphological, such as related to body shape and coloration. Fish habitat is also an information used in folk classification. Terrestrial plants and animals are a reference for some fish names. Fishermen showed a deeper knowledge and detailed classification of species of fish used for food, sale, or medicine. Folk classification represents the knowledge a population has on its environment, and it is more detailed on species which are part of its realized niche as indicated by this study.


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The cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is the most intensively commercialized ornamental fish from the Rio Negro Basin (Amazonas State, Brasil). Analysis of the stomach and gut contents of fish caught in their natural habitats show conclusively that the cardinal is essentially a predator, feeding on the mesofauna that adheres to submerged litter, roots and waterplants. Microcrustacea and chironomid larvae (Diptera) were the most frequently ingested prey, while algae intake was relatively infrequent. It is argued that the relatively small size of the cardinals captured in their natural habitat is due to the annual migrations imposed by the inundation cycles, rather than to resource limitation, because it is known from earlier investigations of similar habitats, that these plant substrates are densely colonized by the aquatic mesofauna. Cardinals raised in captivity are larger and have higher rates of growth.


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The artificial fish swarm algorithm has recently been emerged in continuous global optimization. It uses points of a population in space to identify the position of fish in the school. Many real-world optimization problems are described by 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problems that are NP-hard. In the last decades several exact as well as heuristic methods have been proposed for solving these problems. In this paper, a new simpli ed binary version of the artificial fish swarm algorithm is presented, where a point/ fish is represented by a binary string of 0/1 bits. Trial points are created by using crossover and mutation in the different fi sh behavior that are randomly selected by using two user de ned probability values. In order to make the points feasible the presented algorithm uses a random heuristic drop item procedure followed by an add item procedure aiming to increase the profit throughout the adding of more items in the knapsack. A cyclic reinitialization of 50% of the population, and a simple local search that allows the progress of a small percentage of points towards optimality and after that refines the best point in the population greatly improve the quality of the solutions. The presented method is tested on a set of benchmark instances and a comparison with other methods available in literature is shown. The comparison shows that the proposed method can be an alternative method for solving these problems.


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Body composition analysis is relevant to characterize the nutritional requirements and finishing phase of fish. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between ichthyometric (weight, total and standard length, density and yields), bromatological (fat, protein, ash and water content) and bioelectrical-impedance-analysis (BIA) (resistance, reactance, phase angle and composition indexes) variables in the hybrid tambatinga (Colossoma macropomum × Piaractus brachypomus). In a non-fertilized vivarium, 520 juveniles were housed and fed commercial rations. Then, 136 days after hatching (DAH), 15 fish with an average weight of 37.69 g and average total length of 12.96 cm were randomly chosen, anesthetized (eugenol) and subjected to the first of fourteen fortnightly assessments (BIA and biometry). After euthanasia, the following parts were weighed: whole carcass with the head, fillet, and skin (WC); fillet with skin (FS); and the remainder of the carcass with the head (CH). Together, FS and CH were ground and homogenized for the bromatological analyses. Estimates of the body composition and yields of tambatinga, with models including ichthyometric and BIA variables, showed correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 (for the FS yield) to 1,00 (for the total ash). Similarly, models that included only BIA variables had correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 (FS and CH yields) to 0.98 (for the total ash). Therefore, in tambatinga, the BIA technique allows the estimation of the yield of the fillet with skin and the body composition (water content, fat, ash, and protein). The best models combine ichthyometric and BIA variables.


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Centipedes are opportunistic carnivore predators, and large species can feed on a wide variety of vertebrates, including bats. The aim of this study was to report the third record of bat predation by centipedes worldwide, the first record in the Amazon region, while covering aspects of foraging, capture and handling of prey. We observed the occurence in a fortuitous encounter at Cristalino State Park, located in the Amazon region of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The attack took place in a small wooden structure, at about three meters from the floor, and was observed for 20 minutes. During the observation, the centipede stung the neck and abdominal region of the bat several times, grabbing the prey with its 15 pairs of front legs while hanging from the ceiling with its hind legs. This type of observation suggests that vertebrates can be important preys for invertebrates such as giant centipedes, both for its nutritional composition and for the amount of energy available in a single prey.


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The evolution of the construction caused a need to use more effective equipments, capable of meeting the increasingly demanding deadlines for the completion of works. In this context, the safety and efficiency of equipment have become key aspects in order to optimize the execution time of the works, as well as reducing labor costs and loss of materials. With the evolution of construction and construction processes, cranes have come to represent a signal of the construction of buildings, revealing to be, in most of the cases, the main equipment of construction sites. Currently, some engineers revels some apprehension regarding the use and handling of cranes which is natural and acceptable, since an equipment failure can lead to serious or fatal accidents. The factors affecting safety management of the cranes in construction sites were investigated, identified, classified and evaluated according to their degree of importance, through interviews with representatives of the general contractors of a set of selected construction sites.


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The recruitment of 0-group plaice to sandy beach nursery grounds in Galway Bay was examined, using a Riley push-net, from February to June in 2005 and 2006. Sampling was carried out every two weeks on spring tides. Three beaches were sampled, Ballyloughan, Silverstrand and Glann na Ri. Archived 0-group plaice, for Ballyloughan and Silverstrand, from 2004, were processed. Results were compared to findings from a previous study carried out in 2002 and 2003 (Allen 2004). Otolith microstructure analysis was used to determine hatching dates, larval duration, settlement dates, post-larval age and daily growth rates of 0-group plaice in April and May 2005. Results were compared to a previous study (Allen 2004). Hatching dates in Galway Bay ranged from late January to early April in 2005. No significant difference in hatching dates was observed between years or between beaches sampled. Larval duration of 0-group plaice in Galway Bay ranged from 21 to 45 days for fish sampled in April and May 2005. No significant difference was observed in larval age between beaches sampled in Galway Bay or between years in April 2003 and 2005. A significant difference was observed between larval age and years in May 2003 and 2005, however no significant difference was observed between beaches. Settlement timing was calculated using push-net data and otolith microstructure analysis. Settlement of 0-group plaice in Galway Bay generally started in early March and finished in May. Settlement patterns, calculated using otolith microstructure analysis, in 2003 and 2005, were not significantly different to one another. There was also no difference in settlement patterns between the beaches sampled. Results from the present study showed no spatial difference in the pelagic life cycle stages of fish caught in April and May 2003 and 2005.


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Background: Several studies have demonstrated clinical benefits of fish consumption for the cardiovascular system. These effects are attributed to the increased amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids in these foods. However, the concentrations of fatty acids may vary according to region. Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the amount of,cholesterol and fatty acids in 10 Brazilian fishes and in a non-native farmed salmon usually consumed in Brazil. Methods: The concentrations of cholesterol and fatty acids, especially omega-3, were determined in grilled fishes. Each fish sample was divided in 3 sub-samples (chops) and each one was extracted from the fish to minimize possible differences in muscle and fat contents. Results: The largest cholesterol amount was found in white grouper (107.6 mg/100 g of fish) and the smallest in badejo (70 mg/100 g). Omega-3 amount varied from 0.01 g/100 g in badejo to 0.900 g/100 g in weakfish. Saturated fat varied from 0.687 g/100 g in seabass to 4.530 g/100 g in filhote. The salmon had the greatest concentration of polyunsaturated fats (3.29 g/100 g) and the highest content of monounsaturated was found in pescadinha (5.98 g/100 g). Whiting and boyfriend had the best omega-6/omega 3 ratios respectively 2.22 and 1.19, however these species showed very little amounts of omega-3. Conclusion: All studied Brazilian fishes and imported salmon have low amounts of saturated fat and most of them also have low amounts of omega-3.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the diet of fish species that use the mangrove vegetation for shelter and feeding in a river southeastern Brazil. The fieldwork, including collecting and underwater observations, was carried out in the dry (July and August 2004) and in the rainy season (February and March 2005) in order to assess the existence of seasonal variation in the diets. Seven kinds of food items were consumed, two of plant origin and five of animal origin. Crustaceans predominated in the diet of most species, either in the form of unidentified fragments or discriminated in eight groups. The predominance of species using mainly a single food source (crustaceans, principally Ostracoda and Tanaidacea) and the existence of seasonal variation in the diets of some species became very evident in the analysis food niche breadth, with a predominance of dietary specialists. In the Rio da Fazenda mangrove, the submersed marginal vegetation was used by the ichthyofauna as a locale for foraging, and principally as cover by bottom-feeding species. These species may be using the vegetation for protection from aerial and aquatic predators, or even from the pull of the current during the turn of the tide. In the study area, the great diversity of crustaceans constitutes an important food source for most fish species which adjusted their diet according to seasonal changes in food availability and to interactions with other species.


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Fish assemblages from two sandy beaches in the lower Purus river (Amazonas, Brazil) were compared. Four sampling groups were represented by: day and night samples in sandy beach inside the Reserva Biológica de Abufari (biological reserve) and day and night samples in the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Piagaçu-Purus (sustainable development reserve). Samples were collected during low water levels (November) in 2007. The fish were sampled by means of seines with mesh size of 5 mm between opposing knots, 11 m long and 6 m wide. A total of 112 fish species belonging to nine orders and 27 families was captured. The vast majority of the dominant forms consisted of small fishes (< 100 mm SL) or juveniles. Samples collected in Abufari at night presented more specimens (3,540), higher richness (84 spp.), larger total biomass (76,614 g) and higher diversity (H'= 2.57) than the other groups. The composition of fish assemblages was significantly different among all analyzed groups (ANOSIM, p < 0.0001, R= 0.71). NMDS analysis also clustered all species in four distinct groups according to species composition per period and site. SIMPER analyses showed that 80% of variation of species composition among the groups examined was due to 12 species. However, fish composition did not show any correlation with the abiotic factors examined. Different levels of use in both reserves may explain differences in fish composition.


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This work was carried out in Marco river, São José dos Ausentes municipality, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. This region is located within the Campos Sulinos biome, an area of great biological importance due to its high diversity and endemism of fish. The feeding habits and food overlap between Eurycheilichthys pantherinus (Reis & Schaefer, 1992) (n=108) and Pareiorhaphis hystrix Pereira & Reis, 2002 (n=60) are described. Monthly samples were obtained between September 2000 and July 2001 with dipnets using the kick sampling technique. Stomach contents were analyzed based on frequency of occurrence, volumetric frequency and index of alimentary importance. The level of dietary specialization and food overlap were determined by the Levins measure and the Morisita index, respectively. Eurycheilichthys pantherinus fed mainly on immature aquatic insects, such as Dipterans and Ephemeropterans, and was classified as insectivore. Pareiorhaphis hystrix fed mainly on detritus associated with small amounts of aquatic insects, and was classified as detritivore. Species are clearly segregated by the use of food resources in Marco River. Their diets did not overlap and the differences observed in their feeding habits probably contribute for their coexistence.


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The South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens (Shaw, 1800) population is steadily expanding along the Patagonian coast of Argentina in the last decades. However, little is known about the feeding ecology of the species in the area. The aim of this study was to analyze the food habits of O. flavescens from 91 scats collected at Río Negro province, during the winter and spring of 2005. Fish occurred in 96% of scats containing prey remains, followed by cephalopods (26%). Raneya brasiliensis (Kaup, 1856) was the most frequent and abundant species occurring in 58.6% of samples and constituting almost 50% of fish predated. Second in importance were Porichthys porosissimus (Cuvier, 1829) and Cynoscion guatucupa (Cuvier, 1830) in terms of occurrence (%FO 20.7) and numbers (29.6%) respectively. The squid Loligo gahi (d'Orbigny, 1835) was the most frequent cephalopod prey (42.1%), whereas Octopus tehuelchus (d'Orbigny, 1834) was the most abundant (77%). The higher amount and diversity of prey found in the spring in comparison with the winter season might be related to a higher feeding activity of seals or to a seasonal increase in food availability in the area.


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The construction of reservoirs is considered an important source of impacts on the fish fauna, severely altering the structure of the assemblage. This paper aimed to describe the structure of the fish assemblage of the Goioerê River, determining its longitudinal distribution and patterns of species dominance. The evaluation of its longitudinal variation in the diversity and abundance of the fish assemblage was conducted in July and October 2004 and January and May 2005. The collections were carried out near the headwaters (Gurucaia), middle stretch (Olaria), just above the falls (Paiquerê) and downstream (Foz). Forty-four species were captured. The Gurucaia fish assemblages differed significantly from Olaria, Paiquerê and Foz. The Olaria assemblages differed significantly from the Foz. Gurucaia showed the lowest diversity and abundance of species. Astyanax aff paranae Eigenmann,1914 (78% of the total) was found to be dominant at this site. Almost the same species richness was found at Olaria and Paiquerê, although Olaria had the greatest abundance of individuals. Astyanax aff paranae, Cyphocharax modestus (Fernández-Yépez, 1948) and Astyanax altiparanae Garutti & Britski, 2000 were the top three dominants and comprised over 71% of the total number of fish caught. At Paiquerê, Astyanax altiparanae, Hypostomus aff ancistroides (Ihering, 1911) and Loricariichthys platymetopon Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1979 composed 58% of the catches. Thirty-one species were recorded at Foz, which presented the greatest richness. The most abundant species were Apareiodon affinis (Steindachner, 1879), Galeocharax knerii (Steindachner, 1879) and A.altiparanae, which contributed to 50% of the total catches in this environment.These results record the fish biodiversity and how the community is longitudinally structured in the Goioerê River, and also demonstrate how this type of evaluation is important to understanding the fish community patterns and finding solutions to problems related to the conservation and management of the basin.