A catalogue of the type specimens of Isoptera, Mantodea, Mecoptera, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Zoraptera deposited in the Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, Brazil, is presented and updated to December, 2007. A total of eight holotypes and seven lots of paratypes of nine species of Isoptera; three holotypes and one paratype of three species of Mantodea; five holotypes and five lots of paratypes of five species of Mecoptera; eight holotypes and five lots of paratypes of eleven species of Orthoptera; three holotypes, three neotypes and two lots of paratypes of seven species of Plecoptera; six holotypes and seven lots of paratypes of ten species of Trichoptera; and two holotypes and three lots of paratypes of three species of Zoraptera, are listed. Specific names are listed alphabetically within the family, followed by bibliographic citation, original genus name, status of type, collection number, locality data and remarks when appropriate.
[Institutes (français). 1841]
Species of the oxyurum group (sensu Lauck) consist of five extant Neotropical small species, whose lengths range 15.0 to 20.0 mm. The anterior interocular width about 1.5 times the width of an eye and ventral diverticulum of phallus flattened, circular, and large are, in combination, diagnostic. The small species of the oxyurum group were included in the Lauck´s key to the identification of the species groups, without dealing with the species included in it because many of them are very similar in appearance. Therefore here we redescribe and key the Belostoma species of the oxyurum group. Belostoma oxyurum (Dufour) is newly recorded from Brazil (Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul). Holotype and lectotype are designated for B. oxyurum and B. sanctulum Montandon, respectively. The aspect of the prosternal keel, the ratio between the width of the ventral diverticulum of phallus and its length in ventral view, and the aspect of dorsal arms of ventral diverticulum have proven useful for better species delimitation. Based on specimens from Pará State (N. Brazil), Belostoma carajaensis Ribeiro & Estévez, sp. nov. is described and illustrated. This new species differs from B. sanctulum in having anteoculus shorter than interoculus and the dorsal arms of ventral diverticulum divergent and large. A male specimen of B. noualhieri Montandon was collected in São Paulo State and based mainly on features of male genitalia, this species is here also included under oxyurum group.
Describe las operaciones Perú Antar I, II y III que se ejecutaron entre los meses de enero y febrero de 1988, 1989 y 1991, respectivamente, a bordo del BIC Humboldt en el estrecho de Bransfield, ampliandose el área de estudio, en Antar III, a los alrededores de la isla Elefante. Se presenta la distribución horizontal y vertical así como los estimados de biomasa del krill (Euphausia superba) determinados en el área de estudio en tales expediciones. En todos los casos se emplearon los mismos equipos y similares metodologías. Se incluye una revisión de los antecedentes de evaluación acústica del krill tendientes al cálculo de su biomasa en la zona del Estrecho de Bransfield e Isla Elefante. Los estimados de biomasa fueron los siguientes: ANTAR I, 17.0x106 t (±29,41%) con una densidad de 536,05 g/m2; en ANTAR II, 5,67 x 106 t (±16,66%) con una densidad de 176,66 g/m2 ; en ANTAR III, 8,43 x 106 t (±12,0%) con una densidad de 200,93 g/m2 . Las principales zonas de concentración del krill se observaron entre la Isla Rey Jorge e Isla Elefante en ANTAR I; entre las Islas Bravante y Livingstone en ANTAR II; y, entre las Islas Decepción y Trinidad, y al norte de la Isla Elefante, en ANTAR III.
Purpose/Objective(s): To analyze the long-term outcome of treatment with concomitant cisplatin and hyperfractionated radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer compared with hyperfractionated radiotherapy alone.Materials/Methods: From July 1994 to July 2000 a total of 224 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were randomized to either hyperfractionated radiotherapy (median dose 74.4 Gy; 1.2 Gy twice daily) or the same radiotherapy combined with two cycles of concomitant cisplatin (20mg/m2 for 5 consecutive days of weeks 1 and 5). The primary endpoint was time to any treatment failure; secondary endpoints were locoregional failure, metastatic failure, overall survival, and late toxicity assessed according to RTOG criteria. The trial was registered at the National Institutes of Health (www.clinicaltrials.gov; identifier number: NCT00002654).Results: Median follow-up was 9.5 years (range, 0.1 - 15.4 years). Median time to any treatment failure was not significantly different between treatment arms (p = 0.19). Locoregional control (p\0.05), distant metastasis-free survival (p = 0.02) and cancer specific survival (p = 0.03) were significantly improved in the combined treatment arm, with no difference in late toxicity between treatment arms. However, overall survival was not significantly different (p = 0.19). Conclusions: After long-term follow-up combined treatment with cisplatin and hyperfractionated, radiotherapy maintained an improved locoregional control, distant metastasis-free survival, and cancer specific survival as compared to hyperfractionated radiotherapy alone with no difference in late toxicity.Author Disclosure: P. Ghadjar, None; M. Simcock, None; G. Studer, None; A.S. Allal, None; M. Ozsahin, None; J. Bernier, None; M. To¨ pfer, None; F. Zimmermann, None; C. Glanzmann, None; D.M. Aebersold, None.
Describe la magnitud y fluctuaciones de las poblaciones de ves guaneras, incluyendo sus migraciones y mortandades en relación con los cambios del medio ambiente y la disponibilidad de alimento.
Philipotabanus (Mimotabanus) henriquesi sp. nov. é descrita e ilustrada baseada em 30 fêmeas e dois machos coletados em vegetação de Cerrado, nos municípios de Carolina, Alto Parnaíba e Mirador, região sul do estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Este é o primeiro registro de uma espécie do subgênero no Brasil.
A localização geográfica do arquipélago de Cabo Verde na zona saheliana entre as isoietas de 250 mm e 500 mm aproximadamente, aliada aos condicionalismos físicos, climáticos e económicos explicam em grande parte, os escassos recursos hídricos disponíveis. Devido ao caracter torrencial das chuvas, os resultados de aplicação das diferentes técnicas e sistemas de “water harvesting”, provaram no passado de que se tratam de tecnologias que podem contribuir para uma melhor gestão dos recursos hídricos. Por esta razão, deverão continuar a fazer parte dos programas de investigação aplicada, aperfeiçoadas e divulgadas no seio das comunidades rurais e nas áreas urbanas devido ao baixo custo do preço da água captada e as vantagens de caracter ambiental. Este trabalho faz uma abordagem sobre as tecnologias de aproveitamento de águas superficiais, com destaque para os sistemas de “water harvesting”, e discute as potencialidades do seu desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde.
Cette étude présente une méthode d'analyse comparative destinée à explorer le processus de « différenciation » considéré ici comme un principe fondamental de l'interaction des cultures et de la création littéraire. Celle-ci tire sa capacité de créer des effets de sens toujours nouvellement pertinents de sa façon de se différencier des voix et des façons de dire déjà existantes. L'étude présente les présupposés, fondements théoriques et objectifs d'une telle « comparaison différentielle » qui accorde une importance constitutive aux langues et aux contextes énonciatifs dont émanent les oeuvres littéraires. Le souci d'explorer ce qui est « différentiel » ne mène pas au constat d'irréductibles différences, mais à la découverte du dialogisme intertextuel et interculturel qui sous-tend toute création littéraire. Les études littéraires en reçoivent un nouvel attrait, car elles nous apprennent quelque chose d'essentiel qu' Eduard Glissant résume dans cette formule : « C'est par la différence que fonctionne ce que j'appelle la Relation avec un grand R ».