954 resultados para HONEY BEE


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Wild bee species abundance based on combined flight traps (yellow funnels with perspex windows) placed at ecotones between semi-natural habitats and agricultural fields. Design: six agricultural dominated landscapes of 4x4 km with one trap per square km in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), activity of traps in late spring-early summer (three sampling rounds) and late summer (three sampling rounds).


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Wild bee species abundance based on combined flight traps (yellow funnels with perspex windows) placed at ecotones between semi-natural habitats and agricultural fields. Design: six agricultural dominated landscapes of 4x4 km with one trap per square km in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), activity of traps in late spring-early summer (three sampling rounds) and late summer (three sampling rounds).


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Wild bee species abundance based on combined flight traps (yellow funnels with perspex windows) placed at ecotones between semi-natural habitats and agricultural fields. Design: six agricultural dominated landscapes of 4x4 km with one trap per square km in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), activity of traps in late spring-early summer (three sampling rounds) and late summer (three sampling rounds).


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In 2001 we started as part of the EU FP5 project Greenveins monitoring of insect communities in the normal landscape of Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), which is dominated by agricultural use. We selected four landscape sites of 4x4 km and recorded insects using combined flight traps, combining the ideas of window and yellow pan traps (see Duelli et al., 1999). Traps consist of a yellow funnel (25 cm diameter) filled with water (preserving agent added) and two perspex windows mounted in a way that they are crossed in the center. Within each square km of a site one trap was placed at ecotones between semi-natural habitats and agricultural fields (16 traps per site). Traps were operated in late spring-early summer (three sampling rounds) and late summer (three sampling rounds). Follow-up sampling started in 2010 as long-term monitoring within the TERENO project (www.tereno.net), contributing to the LTER network (Long-Term Ecosystem Research) in Germany (www.lter-d.de) and internationally as well (www.lter-europe.net). Metadata about the sites and related activities and data sets can be found in the DEIMS Repository for Research Sites and Datasets (https://data.lter-europe.net/deims/). In 2010 another two landscapes were added and yearly sampled in the same way. Due to long processing time of trapped insects data of follow-up years will be available about 18 months after trapping.


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Wild bee species abundance based on combined flight traps (yellow funnels with perspex windows) placed at ecotones between semi-natural habitats and agricultural fields. Design: six agricultural dominated landscapes of 4x4 km with one trap per square km in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), activity of traps in late spring-early summer (three sampling rounds) and late summer (three sampling rounds).


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Wild bee species abundance based on combined flight traps (yellow funnels with perspex windows) placed at ecotones between semi-natural habitats and agricultural fields. Design: six agricultural dominated landscapes of 4x4 km with one trap per square km in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), activity of traps in late spring-early summer (three sampling rounds) and late summer (three sampling rounds).


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The pressures on honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations, resulting from threats by modern pesticides, parasites, predators and diseases, have raised awareness of the economic importance and critical role this insect plays in agricultural societies across the globe. However, the association of humans with A. mellifera predates post-industrial-revolution agriculture, as evidenced by the widespread presence of ancient Egyptian bee iconography dating to the Old Kingdom (approximately 2400 bc)1. There are also indications of Stone Age people harvesting bee products; for example, honey hunting is interpreted from rock art2 in a prehistoric Holocene context and a beeswax find in a pre-agriculturalist site3. However, when and where the regular association of A. mellifera with agriculturalists emerged is unknown4. One of the major products of A. mellifera is beeswax, which is composed of a complex suite of lipids including n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids and fatty acyl wax esters. The composition is highly constant as it is determined genetically through the insect’s biochemistry. Thus, the chemical ‘fingerprint’ of beeswax provides a reliable basis for detecting this commodity in organic residues preserved at archaeological sites, which we now use to trace the exploitation by humans of A. mellifera temporally and spatially. Here we present secure identifications of beeswax in lipid residues preserved in pottery vessels of Neolithic Old World farmers. The geographical range of bee product exploitation is traced in Neolithic Europe, the Near East and North Africa, providing the palaeoecological range of honeybees during prehistory. Temporally, we demonstrate that bee products were exploited continuously, and probably extensively in some regions, at least from the seventh millennium cal bc, likely fulfilling a variety of technological and cultural functions. The close association of A. mellifera with Neolithic farming communities dates to the early onset of agriculture and may provide evidence for the beginnings of a domestication process.


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Abstract Honey is a high value food commodity with recognized nutraceutical properties. A primary driver of the value of honey is its floral origin. The feasibility of applying multivariate data analysis to various chemical parameters for the discrimination of honeys was explored. This approach was applied to four authentic honeys with different floral origins (rata, kamahi, clover and manuka) obtained from producers in New Zealand. Results from elemental profiling, stable isotope analysis, metabolomics (UPLC-QToF MS), and NIR, FT-IR, and Raman spectroscopic fingerprinting were analyzed. Orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) was used to determine which technique or combination of techniques provided the best classification and prediction abilities. Good prediction values were achieved using metabolite data (for all four honeys, Q2 = 0.52; for manuka and clover, Q2 = 0.76) and the trace element/isotopic data (for manuka and clover, Q2 = 0.65), while the other chemical parameters showed promise when combined (for manuka and clover, Q2 = 0.43).


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Land-use change and intensification threaten bee populations worldwide, imperilling pollination services. Global models are needed to better characterise, project, and mitigate bees' responses to these human impacts. The available data are, however, geographically and taxonomically unrepresentative; most data are from North America and Western Europe, overrepresenting bumblebees and raising concerns that model results may not be generalizable to other regions and taxa. To assess whether the geographic and taxonomic biases of data could undermine effectiveness of models for conservation policy, we have collated from the published literature a global dataset of bee diversity at sites facing land-use change and intensification, and assess whether bee responses to these pressures vary across 11 regions (Western, Northern, Eastern and Southern Europe; North, Central and South America; Australia and New Zealand; South East Asia; Middle and Southern Africa) and between bumblebees and other bees. Our analyses highlight strong regionally-based responses of total abundance, species richness and Simpson's diversity to land use, caused by variation in the sensitivity of species and potentially in the nature of threats. These results suggest that global extrapolation of models based on geographically and taxonomically restricted data may underestimate the true uncertainty, increasing the risk of ecological surprises.


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Planners require solutions that address routine work needs and seems essential to improving efficiency and productivity. There are a great number of different factors related to beekeeper activity as well the quality and productivity of different bee products. The spatial analysis is a powerful tool for overlap and relates various levels of information on a map, and consequently a very useful for beekeeping activity planning. This work proposes and applies a methodology to potential beekeeping assessment in Montesinho Natural Park, a region in the northwest of Portugal. The beekeeping potential maps were developed with the following data sources: legal standards, vegetation, land use, topography, water resources, roads, electromagnetic fields, and some honey physico-chemical analysis. The design and implementation of spatial analysis model based on Geographic Information System (GIS) to beekeeping planning activities has already been described by Anjos et al (2014). Spatial analysis techniques allows to define the potential beekeeper map supporting the beekeeper management in this region. Anjos O, Silva G, Roque N, Fernandez P, 2014. GIS based analysis to support the beekeeping planning. Book of abstracts of the International Symposium on Bee Products 3rd edition – Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission (IHC), Faculty of medicine, University of Rijeka, p:61


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We analyzed six apiaries in several natural environments with a Mediterranean ecosystem in Madrid, central Spain, in order to understand how landscape and management characteristics may influence apiary health and bee production in the long term. We focused on five criteria (habitat quality, landscape heterogeneity, climate, management and health), as well as 30 subcriteria, and we used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to rank them according to relevance. Habitat quality proved to have the highest relevance, followed by beehive management. Within habitat quality, the following subcriteria proved to be most relevant: orographic diversity, elevation range and important plant species located 1.5 km from the apiary. The most important subcriteria under beehive management were honey production, movement of the apiary to a location with a higher altitude and wax renewal. Temperature was the most important subcriterion under climate, while pathogen and Varroa loads were the most significant under health. Two of the six apiaries showed the best values in the AHP analysis and showed annual honey production of 70 and 28 kg/colony. This high productivity was due primarily to high elevation range and high orographic diversity, which favored high habitat quality. In addition, one of these apiaries showed the best value for beehive management, while the other showed the best value for health, reflected in the low pathogen load and low average number of viruses. These results highlight the importance of environmental factors and good sanitary practices to maximize apiary health and honey productivity.


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Honey is rich in sugar content and dominated by fructose and glucose that make honey prone to crystallize during storage. Due to honey composition, the anhydrous glass transition temperature of honey is very low that makes honey difficult to dry alone and drying aid or filler is needed to dry honey. Maltodextrin is a common drying aid material used in drying of sugar-rich food. The present study aims to study the processing of honey powder by vacuum drying method and the impact of drying process and formulation on the stability of honey powder. To achieve the objectives, the series of experiments were done: investigating of maltodextrin DE 10 properties, studying the effect of drying temperature, total solid concentration, DE value, maltodextrin concentration and anti-caking agent on honey powder processing and stability. Maltodextrin provide stable glass compared to lower molecular weight sugars. Dynamic Dew Point Isotherm (DDI) data could be used to determine amorphous content of a system. The area under the first derivative curve from DDI curve is equal to the amount of water needed by amorphous material to crystallize. The drying temperature affected the amorphous content of vacuum-dried honey powder. The higher temperature seemed to result in honey powder with more amorphous component. The ratio of maltodextrin affected more significantly the stability of honey powder compared to the treatments of total solids concentration, DE value and drying temperature. The critical water activity of honey powder was lower than water activity of the equilibrium water content corresponding to BET monolayer water content. Addition of anti-caking agent increased stability and flow-ability of honey powder. Addition of Calcium stearate could inhibit collapse of the honey powder during storage.