845 resultados para HIV-INFECTION
Since the arrival of several new antivirals and due to the growing molecular and clinical knowledge of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, therapy of hepatitis B has become complex. Clinical guidelines aim at streamlining medical attitudes: in this respect, the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) recently issued clinical practice guidelines for the management of chronic hepatitis B. Guidelines made by international experts need however to be adapted to local health care systems. Here, we summarise the EASL guidelines with some minor modifications in order to be compatible with the particular Swiss situation, while discussing in more detail some aspects. Chronic hepatitis B is a complex disease with several phases where host and viral factors interact: the features of this continuous interplay need to be evaluated when choosing the most appropriate treatment. The EASL guidelines recommend, as first-line agents, using the most potent antivirals available with the optimal resistance profile, in order to abate HBV DNA as rapidly and as sustainably as possible. Once therapy has been started, the infection evolves and resistant viral strains may emerge. Rescue therapy needs to be started early with more potent agents lacking cross-resistance.
Approximately 1 million people in the United States and over 30 million worldwide are living with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). While mortality from untreated infection approaches 100%, survival improves markedly with use of contemporary antiretroviral therapies (ART). In the United States, 25 drugs are approved for treating HIV-1, and increasing numbers are available in resource-limited countries. Safe and effective ART is a cornerstone in the global struggle against the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Variable responses to ART are due at least in part to human genetic variants that affect drug metabolism, drug disposition, and off-site drug targets. Defining effects of human genetic variants on HIV treatment toxicity, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics has far-reaching implications. In 2010, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases sponsored a workshop entitled, Pharmacogenomics A Path Towards Personalized HIV Care. This article summarizes workshop objectives, presentations, discussions, and recommendations derived from this meeting.
Developing a vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) poses an exceptional challenge. There are no documented cases of immune-mediated clearance of HIV from an infected individual, and no known correlates of immune protection. Although nonhuman primate models of lentivirus infection have provided valuable data about HIV pathogenesis, such models do not predict HIV vaccine efficacy in humans. The combined lack of a predictive animal model and undefined biomarkers of immune protection against HIV necessitate that vaccines to this pathogen be tested directly in clinical trials. Adaptive clinical trial designs can accelerate vaccine development by rapidly screening out poor vaccines while extending the evaluation of efficacious ones, improving the characterization of promising vaccine candidates and the identification of correlates of immune protection.
Introduction: Les efforts globaux pour contrôler la tuberculose sont présentement restreints par la prévalence croissante du VIH/SIDA. Quoique les éclosions de la tuberculose multi résistante (TB-MDR) soient fréquemment rapportées parmi les populations atteintes du SIDA, le lien entre VIH/SIDA et le développement de résistance n’est pas clair. Objectifs: Cette recherche visait à : (1) développer une base de connaissances concernant les facteurs associés à des éclosions de la TB-MDR parmi les patients atteints du VIH/SIDA; (2) utiliser ce cadre de connaissances pour accroître des mesures préliminaires pour mieux contrôler la tuberculose pulmonaire chez les patients atteints du VIH/SIDA; et (3) afin d’améliorer l’application des ces mesures, affiner les techniques bactériologiques existantes pour Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Méthodologie: Quatre études ont été réalisées : (1) Une étude longitudinale pour identifier les facteurs associés avec une éclosion de la TB-MDR parmi les patients atteints du SIDA qui ont reçu le traitement directement supervisé de courte durée (DOTS) pour la tuberculose pulmonaire au Lima et au Pérou entre 1999 et 2005; (2) Une étude transversale pour décrire différentes étapes de l’histoire naturelle de la tuberculose, la prévalence et les facteurs associés avec la mycobactérie qu’on retrouve dans les selles des patients atteints du SIDA; (3) Un projet pilote pour développer des stratégies de dépistage pour la tuberculose pulmonaire parmi les patients hospitalisés atteints du SIDA, en utilisant l’essaie Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility (MODS); et (4) Une étude laboratoire pour identifier les meilleures concentrations critiques pour détecter les souches MDR de M. tuberculosis en utilisant l’essaie MODS. Résultats : Étude 1 démontre qu’une épidémie de TB-MDR parmi les patients atteints du SIDA qui ont reçu DOTS pour la tuberculose pulmonaire ait été causée par la superinfection du clone de M. tuberculosis plutôt que le développement de la résistance secondaire. Bien que ce clone ait été plus commun parmi la cohorte de patients atteints du SIDA, il n’avait aucune différence de risque pour superinfection entre les patients avec ou sans SIDA. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’un autre facteur, possiblement associé à la diarrhée, peu contribuer à la prévalence élevée de ce clone chez les patients atteints du SIDA. Étude 2 suggère que chez la plupart des patients atteints du SIDA il a été retrouvé une mycobactérie dans leurs selles alors qu’ils étaient en phase terminale au niveau de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Or, les patients atteints du SIDA ayant été hospitalisés pendant les deux dernières années pour une autre condition médicale sont moins à risque de se retrouver avec une mycobactérie dans leurs selles. Étude 3 confirme que la tuberculose pulmonaire a été commune à tous les patients hospitalisés atteints du SIDA, mais diagnostiquée incorrectement en utilisant les critères cliniques présentement recommandés pour la tuberculose. Or, l’essaie MODS a détecté pour la plupart de ces cas. De plus, MODS a été également efficace quand la méthode a été dirigée aux patients soupçonnés d’avoir la tuberculose, à cause de leurs symptômes. Étude 4 démontre les difficultés de détecter les souches de M. tuberculosis avec une faible résistance contre ethambutol et streptomycine en utilisant l’essai MODS avec les concentrations de drogue présentement recommandées pour un milieu de culture. Cependant, l’utilité diagnostique de MODS peut être améliorée ; modifier les concentrations critiques et utiliser deux plaques et non une, pour des tests réguliers. Conclusion: Nos études soulèvent la nécessité d’améliorer le diagnostic et le traitement de la tuberculose parmi les patients atteints du SIDA, en particulier ceux qui vivent dans des régions avec moins de ressources. Par ailleurs, nos résultats font ressortir les effets indirects que les soins de santé ont sur les patients infectés par le VIH et qu’ils peuvent avoir sur le développement de la tuberculose.
For enveloped viruses, genome entry into the target cell involves two major steps: virion binding to the cell-surface receptor and fusion of the virion and cell membranes. Virus-cell membrane fusion is mediated by the virus envelope complex, and its fusogenicity is the result of an active virus-cell interaction process that induces conformation changes within the envelope. For some viruses, such as influenza, exposure to an acidic milieu within the cell during the early steps of infection triggers the necessary structural changes. However, for other pathogens which are not exposed to such environmental stress, activation of fusogenicity can result from precise thiol/disulfide rearrangements mediated by either an endogenous redox autocatalytic isomerase or a cell-associated oxidoreductase. Study of the activation of HIV envelope fusogenicity has revealed new knowledge about how redox changes within a viral envelope trigger fusion. We discuss these findings and their implication for anti-HIV therapy. In addition, to compare and contrast the situation outlined for HIV with an enveloped virus that can fuse with the cell plasma membrane independent of the redox status of its envelope protein, we review parallel data obtained on SARS coronavirus entry.
The assembly of HIV is relatively poorly investigated when compared with the process of virus entry. Yet a detailed understanding of the mechanism of assembly is fundamental to our knowledge of the complete life cycle of this virus and also has the potential to inform the development of new antiviral strategies. The repeated multiple interaction of the basic structural unit, Gag, might first appear to be little more than concentration dependent self-assembly but the precise mechanisms emerging for HIV are far from simple. Gag interacts not only with itself but also with host cell lipids and proteins in an ordered and stepwise manner. It binds both the genomic RNA and the virus envelope protein and must do this at an appropriate time and place within the infected cell. The assembled virus particle must successfully release from the cell surface and, whilst being robust enough for transmission between hosts, must nonetheless be primed for rapid disassembly when infection occurs. Our current understanding of these processes and the domains of Gag involved at each stage is the subject of this review. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma doença grave que afeta a população de vários países, onde o Brasil apresenta a maior prevalência da infecção nas Américas. Com o estudo do gene codificante da proteína B de superfície (HASPB ou K26) de Leishmania infantum é possível identificar as variações polimórficas intraespecíficas e, assim, será possível consolidar a descrição de um perfil polimórfico presente no Estado de Pernambuco. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar as regiões polimórficas do gene HASPB (K26) de Leishmania infantum em amostras clínicas positivas para leishmaniose visceral e coinfecção LV/HIV. O sistema K26 PCR foi otimizado utilizando concentrações variadas de DNA genômico de L. infantum. Foi realizado o screening de amostras clínicas de DNA através de dois sistemas de PCR simples, kDNA e ITS1/RFLP, para ensaios posteriores com a K26 PCR nas amostras positivas. A curva de dissociação de alta definição (qPCR-HRM) foi empregada na localização de temperaturas de melting específicas para L. infantum. Os amplicons do gene K26 foram sequenciados e alinhados as sequencias selecionadas em base de dados. A K26 PCR apresentou limiar de detecção de 1 pg para amplicon de 700 pb. A especificidade dos primers foi avaliada experimentalmente e in silico, apresentando anelamento inespecífico com DNA humano. Em paralelo, foram selecionadas 78 amostras de DNA através dos dois sistemas screening, sendo 17 caracterizadas como L. infantum. Os ensaios com DNA das amostras clínicas para o sistema K26 PCR revelaram bandas espúrias. A análise através qPCR-HRM em DNA genômico do parasita resultou em amplificação com Tm de 88,2 °C, já o ensaio com amostra clínica revelou duas amplificações com distintas temperaturas de melting, 84,6 e 88,2 °C. Três amplicons do gene K26 foram sequenciados e alinhados a cinco sequencias da base de dados, indicando 38,2 % de similaridade. Pode-se concluir que o sistema K26 PCR é recomendável para análise dos polimorfismos genéticos, contanto que o DNA seja extraído diretamente de espécies isoladas em meio de cultura.
Mannose-binding C-type lectin receptors, expressed on Langerhans cells and subepithelial dendritic cells (DCs) of cervico-vaginal tissues, play an important role in HIV-1 capture and subsequent dissemination to lymph nodes. DC-SIGN has been implicated in both productive infection of DCs and the DC-mediated trans infection of CD4(+) T cells that occurs in the absence of replication. However, the molecular events that underlie this efficient transmission have not been fully defined. In this study, we have examined the effect of the extracellular domains of DC-SIGN and Langerin on the stability of the interaction of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein with CD4 and also on replication in permissive cells. Surface plasmon resonance analysis showed that DC-SIGN increases the binding affinity of trimeric gp140 envelope glycoproteins to CD4. In contrast, Langerin had no effect on the stability of the gp140:CD4 complex. In vitro infection experiments to compare DC-SIGN enhancement of CD4-dependent and CD4-independent strains demonstrated significantly lower enhancement of the CD4-independent strain. In addition DC-SIGN increased the relative rate of infection of the CD4-dependent strain but had no effect on the CD4-independent strain. DC-SIGN binding to the HIV envelope protein effectively increases exposure of the CD4 binding site, which in turn contributes to enhancement of infection.
The study aimed at verifying the associated factors of self-perceived body changes in adults living with HIV in highly-active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. This cross-sectional study was conducted among people living with HIV on HAART for at least three months. A standardized questionnaire was used for assessing self-perceived body changes. Associated factors relating to self-reported body changes in people living with HIV (PLHIV) were assessed with Student`s t-test and chi-square test. In total, 507 patients were evaluated. The mean time since diagnosis was 6.6 years [standard deviation (SD)+/-4.1], and the mean duration of HAART was 5.1 years (SD+/-3.3). Self-perceived body changes were reported by 79.5% of the participants and were associated with viral load and duration of HAART. Fibre intake was lower among males who gained in abdominal fat (p=0.035). HAART-related body changes were reported by the large majority of the population and were associated with demographic and clinical variables.
Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection is common in sub-Saharan Africa, but its prevalence in Mozambique is unknown. The seroprevalence of HHV-8 in a cohort of individuals seen at public health centers in Northern (n = 208), Central (n = 226), or Southern (n = 318) Mozambique was examined. All individuals were interviewed to obtain socioeconomic, demographic and clinical data and were tested for serum anti-HHV-8 antibodies using an immunofluorescence assay. The overall frequency of HHV-8 antibodies was 21.4% and, in spite of the diversity of epidemiological characteristics of the tested individuals, did not differ significantly among regions: 18.7%, 24.3% and 21.4% in the North, Center, and South, respectively (chi(2), 2.37; P = 0.305). The variables that were associated significantly with the presence of HHV-8 antibodies were gender, age, level of education, number of siblings and HIV serostatus, but these differed across the regions. In the North, although tested individuals lived under poor socioeconomic conditions, no association between HHV-8 infection and household variables was detected, with the exception of the number of siblings (P = 0.042). In the Central region, HHV-8 infection was associated with gender (P = 0.010), the number of household members (P = 0.031), and the place of attendance (P = 0.021). In the South, HHV-8 infection was associated with the number of siblings (P = 0.023) and HIV status (P = 0.002). The overall prevalence of HHV-8 seropositivity increased with age. These results demonstrate that Mozambique is another country in Africa with endemic HHV-8 infection, and, because of the AIDS epidemic, continued access to antiretroviral treatment is necessary to avert an outbreak of AIDS-Kaposi`s sarcoma. J. Med. Virol. 82:1216-1223, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of GB virus C (GBV-C) viraemia and anti-E2 antibody, and to assess the effect of co-infection with GBV-C and HIV during a 10-year follow-up of a cohort of 248 HIV-infected women. Laboratory variables (mean and median CD4 counts, and HIV and GBV-C viral loads) and clinical parameters were investigated. At baseline, 115 women had past exposure to GBV-C: 57 (23%) were GBV-C RNA positive and 58 (23%) were anti-E2 positive. There was no statistical difference between the groups (GBV-C RNA + /anti-E2 -, GBV-C RNA - /anti-E2 + and GBV-C RNA - /anti-E2 -) regarding baseline CD4 counts or HIV viral loads (P = 0.360 and 0.713, respectively). Relative risk of death for the GBV-C RNA + /anti-E2 - group was 63% lower than that for the GBV-C RNA - /anti-E2 - group. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that only HIV loads >= 100,000 copies/mL and AIDS-defining illness during follow-up were associated with shorter survival after AIDS development. It is likely that antiretroviral therapy (ART) use in our cohort blurred a putative protective effect related to the presence of GBV-C RNA.
Genital mycoplasmas are natural inhabitants of the male urethra and are potentially pathogenic species playing an aetiological role in both genital infections and male infertility. This study aims to determine the presence of Mycoplasma genitalium DNA in urine samples of HIV-1-infected men in Sao Paulo city. Realtime polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using the primers My-ins and Mgso-2 and the Taqman probe Mgen-P1 as described previously. A total of 223 HIV-1-infected men were tested with a mean age of 44 years. Thirteen (5.8%) presented M. genitalium in urine and the co-infection was more common among homosexual men (76.9% versus 51.9%, P < 0.26). In conclusion, realtime PCR was a useful and rapid method for detecting M. genitalium DNA in urine samples. Further studies should be conducted to assess the clinical significance of these results on HIV transmission and its impact on HIV viral load.
Objetivou-se avaliar os aspectos sociais e de saúde e a percepção diante do diagnóstico de indivíduos com a coinfecção HIV/tuberculose. Estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantiqualitativa, realizado em hospital de referência em Fortaleza, Ceará, de janeiro a abril de 2009, utilizando-se entrevista semiestruturada em ambiente privativo. Os dados foram analisados de modo descritivo e por análise de conteúdo. Participaram 16 pacientes com coinfecção HIV/tuberculose, 56,25% do sexo masculino, com faixa etária predominante entre 31 a 39 anos (43,75%), com pouca escolaridade e renda familiar mensal de aproximadamente um salário mínimo. A forma predominante da apresentação da tuberculose foi a pulmonar (62,50%). A percepção sobre a descoberta da coinfecção foi demonstrada por duas categorias: Medo e angústia face ao diagnóstico e Mudanças nos hábitos de saúde e no estilo de vida. Urge, diante dos achados, a promoção do bem-estar psicológico e físico desses pacientes, por meio de ações políticas e de saúde
Investigar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com coinfecção HIV/ tuberculose e apreender as mudanças impostas para viver simultaneamente com estas doenças transmissíveis. Métodos: Pesquisa com abordagem qualiquantitativa, realizada em ambulatório especializado em Fortaleza, Brasil, entre 2009 e 2010, com 34 coinfectados. Para coleta de dados foi utilizada uma escala de qualidade de vida, denominada HAT-QoL que possui 42 itens e questões abertas para possibilitar perceber as mudanças em face das doenças. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes tinha tuberculose na forma pulmonar, eram homens, com pouca escolaridade. A qualidade de vida mostrou-se prejudicada nos domínios relacionados às questões econômicas, sexuais e de sigilo. Ainda, foi evidenciado, que a coinfecção impõe mudanças no cotidiano que corroboram e ampliam o comprometimento da qualidade de vida. Conclusão: Vivenciar a coinfecção, mesmo com terapêutica adequada, produz alterações na vida dos infectados, cujas repercussões podem ser amenizadas com intervenções que promovam a saúde
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has undergone changes in terms of clinical and epidemiological presentation worldwide. Urbanization has been described in different regions of Brazil and the world, as well as in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. These changes have impacted in the clinical outcome of Leishmania infection. A new clinical entity called co-infection of HIV/Leishmania has been described as a consequence of overlapping areas of occurrence of VL and HIV / AIDS in different countries including Brazil. The aim of this study was to define the process of periurbanization of the LV and describe a case series of co-infection HIV / Leishmania in Rio Grande do Norte. A new demographic pattern of VL was detected, with an increase in the number VL adult male subjects. Analysis of spatial distribution of VL in the state of Rio Grande do Norte showed that in the past 20 years VL tends to occur in larger cities and therefore the highest risk disease is greater in the eastern and western regions. The first region included Natal, the state capital, where the process of suburbanization began in 1990, and more recently the city of Mossoró, the second largest state, where periurbanization began in the last five years. In 1990, the emergence of co-infection HIV/Leishmania in the state was observed. Case-control study revealed that the new clinical entity affects adult males, who acquired HIV through sexual intercourse, 40% of those with a preivous history of leishmania infection Relapse and death from LV is increased in HIV positive compared with HIV-negative patients matched by sex and age. This pattern is similar to the observed in Europe, except of the route of transmission, where in Europe occured concomitantly, by parenteral route in drug users. Analysis of spatial distribution identified overlapping new areas of occurrence of HIV / AIDS and LV potentially signaling to increased risk of this new clinical entity as described above. Therefore, epidemiological surveillance for co-infection HIV / Leishmania should be adopted in all areas of risk of VL. At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate drug resistance currently used in the treatment of VL, as well as parenteral transmission of L infantum/ chagasi in areas where drug dependence is a risk factor for HIV acquisition