909 resultados para Gold atoms


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Engineering nanoparticles (NPs) for immune modulation require a thorough understanding of their interaction(s) with cells. Gold NPs (AuNPs) were coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) or a mixture of both with either positive or negative surface charge to investigate uptake and cell response in monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs). Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and transmission electron microscopy were used to confirm the presence of Au inside MDDCs. Cell viability, (pro-)inflammatory responses, MDDC phenotype, activation markers, antigen uptake and processing were analyzed. Cell death was only observed for PVA-NH2 AuNPs at the highest concentration. MDDCs internalize AuNPs, however, surface modification influenced uptake. Though limited uptake was observed for PEG-COOH AuNPs, a significant tumor necrosis factor-alpha release was induced. In contrast, (PEG+PVA)-NH2 and PVA-NH2 AuNPs were internalized to a higher extent and caused interleukin-1beta secretion. None of the AuNPs caused changes in MDDC phenotype, activation or immunological properties.


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In order to harness the unique properties of nanoparticles for novel clinical applications and to modulate their uptake into specific immune cells we designed a new library of homo- and hetero-functional fluorescence-encoded gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) using different poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(ethylene glycol)-based polymers for particle coating and stabilization. The encoded particles were fully characterized by UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy, zeta potential and dynamic light scattering. The uptake by human monocyte derived dendritic cells in vitro was studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy and quantified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. We show how the chemical modification of particle surfaces, for instance by attaching fluorescent dyes, can conceal fundamental particle properties and modulate cellular uptake. In order to mask the influence of fluorescent dyes on cellular uptake while still exploiting its fluorescence for detection, we have created hetero-functionalized Au-NPs, which again show typical particle dependent cellular interactions. Our study clearly prove that the thorough characterization of nanoparticles at each modification step in the engineering process is absolutely essential and that it can be necessary to make substantial adjustments of the particles in order to obtain reliable cellular uptake data, which truly reflects particle properties.


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We demonstrate how redox control of intra-molecular quantum interference in phase-coherent molecular wires can be used to enhance the thermopower (Seebeck coefficient) S and thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of single molecules attached to nanogap electrodes. Using first principles theory, we study the thermoelectric properties of a family of nine molecules, which consist of dithiol-terminated oligo (phenylene-ethynylenes) (OPEs) containing various central units. Uniquely, one molecule of this family possesses a conjugated acene-based central backbone attached via triple bonds to terminal sulfur atoms bound to gold electrodes and incorporates a fully conjugated hydroquinonecentral unit. We demonstrate that both S and the electronic contribution Z el T to the figure of merit ZT can be dramatically enhanced by oxidizing the hydroquinone to yield a second molecule, which possesses a cross-conjugated anthraquinone central unit. This enhancement originates from the conversion of the pi-conjugation in the former to cross-conjugation in the latter, which promotes the appearance of a sharp anti-resonance at the Fermi energy. Comparison with thermoelectric properties of the remaining seven conjugated molecules demonstrates that such large values of S and Z el T are unprecedented. We also evaluate the phonon contribution to the thermal conductance, which allows us to compute the full figure of merit ZT = Z el T/(1 + κ p/κ el), where κ p is the phonon contribution to the thermal conductance and κ el is the electronic contribution. For unstructured gold electrodes, κ p/κ el Gt⃒ 1 and therefore strategies to reduce κ p are needed to realize the highest possible figure of merit.


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In this paper, we confirm, with absolute certainty, a conjecture on a certain oscillatory behaviour of higher auto-ionizing resonances of atoms and molecules beyond a threshold. These results not only definitely settle a more than 30 year old controversy in Rittby et al. (1981 Phys. Rev. A 24, 1636–1639 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.24.1636)) and Korsch et al. (1982 Phys. Rev. A 26, 1802–1803 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.26.1802)), but also provide new and reliable information on the threshold. Our interval-arithmetic-based method allows one, for the first time, to enclose and to exclude resonances with guaranteed certainty. The efficiency of our approach is demonstrated by the fact that we are able to show that the approximations in Rittby et al. (1981 Phys. Rev. A 24, 1636–1639 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.24.1636)) do lie near true resonances, whereas the approximations of higher resonances in Korsch et al. (1982 Phys. Rev. A 26, 1802–1803 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.26.1802)) do not, and further that there exist two new pairs of resonances as suggested in Abramov et al. (2001 J. Phys. A 34, 57–72 (doi:10.1088/0305-4470/34/1/304)).


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We study the spatial and temporal distribution of hydrogen energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) from the heliosheath observed with the IBEX-Lo sensor of the Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (IBEX) from solar wind energies down to the lowest available energy (15 eV). All available IBEX-Lo data from 2009 January until 2013 June were included. The sky regions imaged when the spacecraft was outside of Earth's magnetosphere and when the Earth was moving toward the direction of observation offer a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio even at very low energies. We find that the ENA ribbon—a 20° wide region of high ENA intensities—is most prominent at solar wind energies whereas it fades at lower energies. The maximum emission in the ribbon is located near the poles for 2 keV and closer to the ecliptic plane for energies below 1 keV. This shift is an evidence that the ENA ribbon originates from the solar wind. Below 0.1 keV, the ribbon can no longer be identified against the globally distributed ENA signal. The ENA measurements in the downwind direction are affected by magnetospheric contamination below 0.5 keV, but a region of very low ENA intensities can be identified from 0.1 keV to 2 keV. The energy spectra of heliospheric ENAs follow a uniform power law down to 0.1 keV. Below this energy, they seem to become flatter, which is consistent with predictions. Due to the subtraction of local background, the ENA intensities measured with IBEX agree with the upper limit derived from Lyα observations.


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We present the observations of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) produced at the lunar surface in the Earth's magnetotail. When the Moon was located in the terrestrial plasma sheet, Chandrayaan-1 Energetic Neutrals Analyzer (CENA) detected hydrogen ENAs from the Moon. Analysis of the data from CENA together with the Solar Wind Monitor (SWIM) onboard Chandrayaan-1 reveals the characteristic energy of the observed ENA energy spectrum (the e-folding energy of the distribution function) ∼100 eV and the ENA backscattering ratio (defined as the ratio of upward ENA flux to downward proton flux) <∼0.1. These characteristics are similar to those of the backscattered ENAs in the solar wind, suggesting that CENA detected plasma sheet particles backscattered as ENAs from the lunar surface. The observed ENA backscattering ratio in the plasma sheet exhibits no significant difference in the Southern Hemisphere, where a large and strong magnetized region exists, compared with that in the Northern Hemisphere. This is contrary to the CENA observations in the solar wind, when the backscattering ratio drops by ∼50% in the Southern Hemisphere. Our analysis and test particle simulations suggest that magnetic shielding of the lunar surface in the plasma sheet is less effective than in the solar wind due to the broad velocity distributions of the plasma sheet protons.


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In the heliosheath beyond the termination shock, low energy (<0.5 keV) neutral atoms are created by charge exchange with interstellar neutrals. Detecting these neutrals from Earth's orbit is difficult because their flux is reduced substantially by ionization losses as they propagate from about 100 to 1 AU and because there are a variety of other signals and backgrounds that compete with this weak signal. Observations from IBEX-Lo and -Hi from two opposing vantage points in Earth's orbit established a lower energy limit of about 0.1 keV on measurements of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) from the heliosphere and the form of the energy spectrum from about 0.1 to 6 keV in two directions in the sky. Below 0.1 keV, the detailed ENA spectrum is not known, and IBEX provides only upper limits on the fluxes. However, using some assumptions and taking constraints on the spectrum into account, we find indications that the spectrum turns over at an energy between 0.1 and 0.2 keV.


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We analyze the data on hydrogen energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) emissions from the dayside of Mars, recorded by a Neutral Particle Detector of the Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms aboard Mars Express from 14 March to 9 July 2004. We first identify and analyze events of the ENA flux enhancement coinciding with the presence of the crustal magnetic anomalies on the dayside of Mars. We then backtrace the ENA emissions to the lower altitudes (source region) and build up an average map of the flux intensities in the geographic coordinates with all the available data. The map shows a peak-to-valley ENA flux enhancement of 40%–90% close to the crustal magnetic anomaly regions. These results suggest the influence of the magnetic anomalies on the ENA emission from the dayside of Mars. The enhancement may result from the deviation of the highly directional plasma flow above anomalies toward the detectors such that more charge exchange ENAs would be recorded. Alternatively, higher exospheric densities above the anomalies would also result in an increase of the charge exchange ENA flux.