929 resultados para Glass painting and staining


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This article presents an intermedial analysis of the Italian silent film Cabiria by Giovanni Pastrone within the cultural context of its time. Employing theories developed by Werner Wolf and Irina Rajewsky, the article lays out the intermedial and transmedial relationships of Cabiria with other media, in particular opera, literature, and painting, and illustrates that operatic references are incorporated recognizably during key moments of the film. By contrasting these references with specific cinematic techniques, Pastrone demonstrates that film is able to elicit an operatic sensation and that film is a distinct and valuable form of art.


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Foreign bodies are common findings in the maxillofacial region, most commonly the result of accidents and physical aggression. Among the objects frequently found in the orofacial tissues are fragments of metal, plastic, wood, and glass. Visualization and exact identification of the location of these objects can be challenging but is of major importance prior to surgical removal. The present case report describes the use of cone beam computed tomography to locate, visualize, and surgically remove glass particles in the oral cavity.


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Elderly patients frequently suffer from osteoporotic vertebral fractures resulting in the need of vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. Nevertheless, no data are available about the long-term consequences of cement injection into osteoporotic bone. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the long-term tissue reaction on bone cement injected to osteoporotic bone during vertebroplasty. The thoracic spine of an 80-year-old female was explanted 3.5 years after vertebroplasty with polymethylmethacrylate. The treatment had been performed due to painful osteoporotic compression fractures. Individual vertebral bodies were cut in axial or sagittal sections after embedding. The sections were analysed using contact radiography and staining with toluidine blue. Furthermore, selected samples were evaluated with scanning electron microscopy and micro-compted tomography (in-plane resolution 6 microm). Large amounts of newly formed callus surrounding the injected polymethylmethacrylate were detected with all imaging techniques. The callus formation almost completely filled the spaces between the vertebral endplate, the cancellous bone, and the injected polymethylmethacrylate. In trabecular bone microfractures and osteoclast lacuna were bridged or filled with newly formed bone. Nevertheless, the majority of the callus formation was found in the immediate vicinity of the polymethylmethacrylate without any obvious relationship to trabecular fractures. The results indicate for the first time that, contrary to established knowledge, even in osteoporosis the formation of large amounts of new bone is possible.


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Smoking is known to be linked to skin ageing and there is evidence for premature senescence of parenchymal lung fibroblasts in emphysema. To reveal whether the emphysema-related changes in cellular phenotype extend beyond the lung, we compared the proliferation characteristics of lung and skin fibroblasts between patients with and without emphysema. Parenchymal lung fibroblasts and skin fibroblasts from the upper torso (thus limiting sun exposure bias) were obtained from patients without, or with mild, or with moderate to severe emphysema undergoing lung surgery. We analysed proliferation rate, population doublings (PD), staining for senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) and gene expression of IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-rP1. Population doubling time of lung fibroblasts differed between control, mild, and moderate to severe emphysema (median (IQR) 29.7(10.0), 33.4(6.1), 44.4(21.2) h; p=0.012) and staining for beta-gal was elevated in moderate to severe emphysema. Compared to control subjects, skin fibroblasts from patients with emphysema did not differ with respect to proliferation rate, PD and beta-gal staining, and showed a lower abundance of mRNA for IGFBP-3 and -rP1 (p<0.05, each). These results suggest that the induction of a senescent fibroblast phenotype by cigarette smoke, as observed in emphysema, primarily occurs in the lung.


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We describe a microarray based broad-range screening technique for Escherichia coli virulence typing. Gene probes were amplified by PCR from a plasmid bank of characterised E. coli virulence genes and were spotted onto a glass slide to form an array of capture probes. Genomic DNA from E. coli strains which were to be tested for the presence of these virulence gene sequences was labelled with fluorescent cyanine dyes by random amplification and then hybridised against the array of probes. The hybridisation, washing and data analysis conditions were optimised for glass slides, and the applicability of the method for identifying the presence of the virulence genes was determined using reference strains and clinical isolates. It was found to be a sensitive screening method for detecting virulence genes, and a powerful tool for determining the pathotype of E. coli. It will be possible to expand and automate this microarray technique to make it suitable for rapid and reliable diagnostic screening of bacterial isolates.


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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) causes significant morbidity and mortality in infants of developing countries and is the most common cause of diarrhea in travelers to these areas. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections are commonly caused by ingestion of fecally contaminated food. A timely method for the detection of ETEC in foods would be important in the prevention of this disease. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay which has been successful in detecting the heat-labile and heat-stable toxins of ETEC in stool was examined to determine its utility in foods. This PCR assay, preceded by a glass matrix and chaotropic DNA extraction, was effective in detecting high numbers of ETEC in a variety of foods. Ninety percent of 121 spiked food samples yielded positive results. Samples of salsa from Guadalajara, Mexico and Houston, Texas were collected and underwent DNA extraction and PCR. All samples yielded negative results for both the heat-labile and heat-stable toxins. Samples were also subjected to oligonucleotide probe analysis and resulted in 5 samples positive for ETEC. Upon dilution testing, it was found that positive PCR results only occurred when 12,000 to 1,000,000 bacteria were present in 200 mg of food. Although the DNA extraction and PCR method has been shown to be both sensitive and specific in stool, similar results were not obtained in food samples. ^


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Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous section makes it possible to observe cells and tissues at high resolution in a close-to-native state. The specimen remains hydrated; chemical fixation and staining are fully avoided. There is minimal molecular aggregation and the density observed in the image corresponds to the density in the object. Accordingly, organotypic hippocampal rat slices were vitrified under high pressure and controlled cryoprotection conditions, cryosectioned at a final thickness of approximately 70 nm and observed below -170 degrees C in a transmission electron microscope. The general aspect of the tissue compares with previous electron microscopy observations. The detailed analysis of the synapse reveals that the density of material in the synaptic cleft is high, even higher than in the cytoplasm, and that it is organized in 8.2-nm periodic transcleft complexes. Previously undescribed structures of presynaptic and postsynaptic elements are also described.


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Millions of houses and apartments built before 1978 have paint that contains lead. Chips, dust, and fumes from this paint can be very dangerous if they are not handled properly. Lead is particularly hazardous to unborn babies, infants, and young children. Volunteers in painting and housing-rehabilitation programs often work in homes that contain lead paint. The work they perform can create a lead hazard if they disturb this paint and produce paint chips or dust. Volunteers Opening Doors is a video program for these volunteers. It explains how volunteers can protect housing residents,themselves, and their families from lead poisoning by using the five keys to lead safety: 1. Protect residents and their belongings. 2. Prepare the work area. 3. Protect yourself from dust and debris. 4. Work wet. 5. Work clean.


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Millions of houses and apartments built before 1978 have paint that contains lead. Chips, dust, and fumes from this paint can be very dangerous if they are not handled properly. Lead is particularly hazardous to unborn babies, infants, and young children. Volunteers in painting and housing-rehabilitation programs often work in homes that contain lead paint. The work they perform can create a lead hazard if they disturb this paint and produce paint chips or dust. Volunteers Opening Doors is a video program for these volunteers. It explains how volunteers can protect housing residents,themselves, and their families from lead poisoning by using the five keys to lead safety: 1. Protect residents and their belongings. 2. Prepare the work area. 3. Protect yourself from dust and debris. 4. Work wet. 5. Work clean.


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Rosalía L. de Flichman (1908-1992) es conocida en Mendoza sobre todo por su labor pictórica, la que creció y evolucionó desde la década de 1950, tanto en la difusión alcanzada por sus obras, como en los nuevos y diversos estilos transitados por la artista. También su nombre apareció en relatos de viaje a lejanos países publicados en diarios y revistas locales. En 1987 publicó el texto Rojos y blancos, Ucrania, que pertenece por su temática a la Literatura de Inmigración. En el libro, la autora recupera algunos recuerdos de su infancia en Ucrania, narra la huida familiar hacia el Oeste de Europa por causa de los pogromos de zaristas y bolcheviques y, por último, concluye con el viaje y la llegada a la Argentina en 1922. La perspectiva femenina del relato, su entrecruzamiento con la etapa vital por la que atraviesa la protagonista, así como la utilización del color y la luz otorgan a Rojos y blancos. Ucrania un valor literario más allá del puramente testimonial, que sin dudas enriquece la Literatura de Inmigración argentina y, dentro de ella, las letras femeninas de escritoras de origen judío.


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La odontología está inmersa en un nuevo paradigma: no se puede pensar en ninguna técnica restauradora sin que participen fenómenos de adhesión. El desarrollo de pernos de fibra de vidrio, sumado a los procedimientos de restauraciones adhesivas puede utilizarse como uno de los tantos recursos de la odontología de invasión mínima. Los pernos de fibra de vidrio ofrecen varias ventajas: comportamiento anisótropo, módulo de elasticidad bajo, buena resistencia mecánica, el lecho que aloja al perno de fibra requiere de una mínima preparación y se cementan con cementos adhesivos con carga, permitiendo de esta manera obtener una superficie homogénea que se interpone entre el perno de fibra y los tejidos dentales, conectándolo a los tejidos del conducto y sustituyendo mecánicamente la dentina. El caso clínico que se reporta se presentó para su resolución en la Clínica Integrada III F. O. UNCuyo durante el año lectivo 2009. El paciente presentaba una fractura amelodentinaria desde hacía cuatro años, con compromiso de la vitalidad y un proceso periapical. Durante los procedimientos endodónticos se realizó una perforación de la pared del conducto que se selló mediante la colocación de hidróxido de calcio y la obturación del mismo con conos de gutapercha. Se efectuó el seguimiento clínico y radiográfico del caso en donde se constató la reparación del proceso apical y luego se procedió a la restauración del elemento dentario con resinas compuestas con la ayuda de un poste de fibra de vidrio cementado con cemento resinoso. Dadas las características del tratamiento endodóntico realizado, se decidió dejar más porción del cono de gutapercha a pesar de lo aconsejado por numerosos autores, ya que de esta manera se aseguró el sellado de la perforación radicular para evitar de esta manera la nanofiltración hacia el interior del elemento dentario.


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Este trabajo intenta mostrar la pervivencia de Lucrecio en unos pocos momentos de la tradición: en el reemplazo de la religión grecolatina por la cristiana, en la renovada convivencia de ambas creencias a partir del Humanismo (con su repercusión en la pintura del Renacimiento), y su reaparición, explícita o silente, en la producción de Jorge Luis Borges


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En sus Memorabilia, Jenofonte transcribe dos conversaciones mantenidas por Sócrates con un pintor y un escultor. En el presente artículo se analiza el significado de dos términos que aparecen a lo largo de ambos diálogos y que se consideran fundamentales para la teoría griega del arte: ethos y pathos. Ambos aluden a determinados rasgos expresivos susceptibles de ser plasmados en la pintura y en la escultura: el término ethos se refiere a rasgos caracteriológicos intrínsecos y pathos a características extrínsecas y coyunturales. Uno de los puntos más interesantes del texto de Jenofonte es que la noción de mimesis se adscribe a la pintura y la escultura como una característica básica y definitoria. Este concepto de mimesis en el sentido de "imitación" aparece por primera vez aquí como categoría estética dominante.


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Este trabajo intenta mostrar la pervivencia de Lucrecio en unos pocos momentos de la tradición: en el reemplazo de la religión grecolatina por la cristiana, en la renovada convivencia de ambas creencias a partir del Humanismo (con su repercusión en la pintura del Renacimiento), y su reaparición, explícita o silente, en la producción de Jorge Luis Borges


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En sus Memorabilia, Jenofonte transcribe dos conversaciones mantenidas por Sócrates con un pintor y un escultor. En el presente artículo se analiza el significado de dos términos que aparecen a lo largo de ambos diálogos y que se consideran fundamentales para la teoría griega del arte: ethos y pathos. Ambos aluden a determinados rasgos expresivos susceptibles de ser plasmados en la pintura y en la escultura: el término ethos se refiere a rasgos caracteriológicos intrínsecos y pathos a características extrínsecas y coyunturales. Uno de los puntos más interesantes del texto de Jenofonte es que la noción de mimesis se adscribe a la pintura y la escultura como una característica básica y definitoria. Este concepto de mimesis en el sentido de "imitación" aparece por primera vez aquí como categoría estética dominante.