998 resultados para Geophysics.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the subsurface stratigraphy of the state of Montana from information acquired from well logs, composite logs, and measured sections. Underground stratigraphy is important for the intelligent prospecting for oil, gas, or water. A knowledge of the strata beneath us can be gathered only by measurements of numerous outcrops or by deep drilling with careful sampling or logging of the formations passed through.
Agate in any of its varieties presents numerous problems in regard to its origin. Many types have been described and their beauty elaborated upon, but little has been written concerning their formation and the problems involved. The genesis of agate implicates an amazing complexity of physical and colloidal chemistry, as well as, various principles of geology.
In the vicinity of Limespur, Montana, a siding along the Northern Pacific Railroad near Whitehall, Montana, occurs a characteristic type of arkose where in many small red mineral grains are distributed throughout the rock mass. It is in this respect that this arkose differs from other arkoses in the surrounding region.
The subject to be covered by this paper is based upon field study made during a six week stay at Jardine. The work began on June 19, 1937 and ended on July 31 of the same year.
This investigation, carried on in the metallurgical laboratories at the Montana School of Mines, was undertaken with the desire to work out a rapid method for the estimation, or the determination, of the amount of lead in zinc.
Today considerable work is being done in the compressed metal powder field which is gradually obtaining prominence as a valuable branch of metallurgy. The mass of data, however, has led to many different ideas on the results of sintering.
The reclamation of metals from scrap is becoming increasingly important in the metallurgical industry. Copper, because it does not corrode readily and is electronegative to most common metals, is peculiarly adapted to reclamation.
Gypsum deposits are widespread geographically and are in many geologic formations. Ordinarily their character and origin, for the most part sedimentary, are not difficult to ascertain. Near Lewis and Clark Caverns, east of Whitehall, Montana, occurs a deposit of gypsum unique in many respects.
Manganese has been successfully electrodeposited from aqueous solutions in past years by several workers in electrochemical and electrometallurgical fields. The present work was concerned, primarily, with investigation of electrodeposition from solutions which are commercially obtainable from the hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical treatment of the low grade manganese deposits of this country.
The alloy system selected for study was the binary alloy of platinum and silver. An examination of the various silver alloy diagrams revealed that of several possible alloys, the silver platinum was the most suitable with regard to solubility.
It is surprising to learn that so large a variety of igneous rocks is present in the Jardine and Crevasse Mountain mining districts, a region that is generally thought of as consisting principally of schists.
Kaolin has never been considered an important economic mineral in Montana. Deposits of Kaolin in this state are not described in the literature and apparently very few deposits have been found.
Work was first done on a known section, the south Boulder Section, in order to familiarize the student with the formations. Most of the area was mapped by plane table and telescopic alidade, general features being surveyed by automobile traverse and a pacing traverse.
The increase in hardness is attributed to the manganese silicide being precipitated from solid solution and deposited between crystal planes. The subsequent softening which occurs on prolonging the period of reheating is believed to be due to an agglomeration of the dispersed hardening agent.
The production of metallic manganese by electrolysis is of potential value for the recovery of this strategic metal from domestic deposits. These deposits are largely unsuitable for the production of ferromanganese, but they are amenable to low-cost leaching processes.