977 resultados para Gauls in Italy.


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Quando si parla di traduzione, si pensa spesso solo al risultato di un processo, valutato e analizzato come tale. Sembra ci si dimentichi del fatto che, prima di arrivare a quel risultato finale, il traduttore applica più o meno consapevolmente tutta quella serie di strumenti di analisi, critica, correzione, rilettura, riformulazione e modifica che rientrano nell’attività di revisione. A questa prima fase, di cui ogni traduttore fa esperienza nel lavorare alla propria traduzione, segue di norma una fase successiva in cui la traduzione è rivista da un’altra figura professionale della filiera editoriale (di solito, e auspicabilmente, un altro traduttore) e infine altre fasi ancora del processo di lavorazione e pubblicazione del testo tradotto. Oltre a essere un’attività cruciale di ogni attività di traduzione e processo editoriale, la revisione riveste anche un fondamentale ruolo didattico nella formazione dei traduttori. L’idea alla base di questo progetto di ricerca nasce dal bisogno di triangolare riflessioni e dati concreti sulla revisione provenienti dalla ricerca accademica, dalla pratica professionale e dall’esperienza didattico-formativa, in un triplice approccio che informa l’intero progetto, di cui si illustrano i principali obiettivi: • formulare una nuova e chiara definizione sommativa del termine “revisione” da potersi utilizzare nell’ambito della ricerca, della didattica e della prassi professionale; • fornire una panoramica tematica, critica e aggiornata sulla ricerca accademica e non-accademica in materia di revisione; • condurre un’indagine conoscitiva (tramite compilazione di questionari diversificati) sulla pratica professionale della revisione editoriale in Italia, allo scopo di raccogliere dati da traduttori e revisori, fornirne una lettura critica e quindi individuare peculiarità e criticità di questa fase del processo di lavorazione del libro tradotto; • presentare ipotesi di lavoro e suggerimenti su metodi e strumenti da applicare all’insegnamento della revisione in contesti didattici e formativi.


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Scegliere di consumare in modo sostenibile significa passare ad un nuovo modello di consumo. Tale modello richiede una maggiore consapevolezza e responsabilità da parte dei consumatori, unite all'adozione di nuovi stili di vita e di scelte d’acquisto, che permettano il raggiungimento di elevati livelli di benessere nel rispetto dell'ambiente. Un notevole sforzo è stato compiuto recentemente dai policy maker per incoraggiare il consumo sostenibile quali implementazioni dello sviluppo sostenibile. Ancora lunga, tuttavia, è la strada da percorrere per raggiungere pienamente questo obiettivo. Tra i prodotti sostenibili, il biologico si è rivelato di gran lunga il più rappresentativo: le statistiche di questo mercato mostrano, infatti, tendenze positive, sebbene il consumo risulti ancora eterogeneo e contenuto rispetto al consumo di alimenti convenzionali. Ciò mostra che il comportamento dei consumatori non è ancora abbastanza reattivo alle suddette politiche. Il presente studio si propone di contribuire alla ricerca sul consumo sostenibile approfondendo i fattori che incoraggiano o impediscono il consumo di prodotti alimentari biologici in Italia. Adottando un nuovo approccio si cerca di capire come i diversi segmenti di diete alimentari affrontino gli alimenti biologici in termini di consumi e di atteggiamenti. Un'analisi multivariata a più fasi è stata condotta su un campione di 3.004 consumatori. Un’analisi delle componenti principali non lineare è stata applicata alle variabili ordinali che misurano il consumo di ventuno categorie di alimenti. Successivamente è stata applicata la cluster analysis che ha dato luogo a quattro segmenti di abitudini alimentari. I prodotti biologici sono diventati parte delle abitudini alimentari in Italia in quasi un terzo della popolazione. Il consumo sembra essersi affermato soprattutto nel segmento con abitudini alimentari sane. Una scarsa attenzione ad una dieta sana, gli stili di vita, il reddito, l'accessibilità, la mancanza di consapevolezza condizionano le abitudini alimentari a scapito di un consumo più sostenibile.


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L’obiettivo del lavoro di ricerca consiste nell’analisi dei dati archeologici della sinagoga di Bova marina (RC). Dopo una veloce descrizione della presenza ebraica in Italia, attraverso i reperti archeologici, si è passati ad analizzare i dati degli scavi degli anni ’80 del Novecento e successivamente si è proceduto a delle nuove analisi stratigrafiche per definire la cronologia della sinagoga e dell’intero sito di S. Pasquale. Nella tesi sono riportati i nuovi dati inerenti il rilievo della sinagoga, le nuove ipotesi interpretative delle due aree sepolcrali e la lettura di un nuovo edificio collegabile alla stessa fase di vita della sinagoga.


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This exploratory study aims at investigating the professional opportunities available to a specialised translator within the process of international business development. Firstly, the analysis focuses on a review of the theoretical principles affirming the need of a fine-tuned language strategy, especially in the process of internationalization, managed by professionals with translation, language and cultural skills. Against this background, the focus is on the role played by a specialised translator within this process. With the aim of exploring the translator’s role within this process, the analysis focuses on business centers in Italy, which bring together demand and supply of language services and services for company internationalisation. According to the results that shows the opportunities available to a specialised translator with extra skills, the analysis focuses on the placement of this professional within the process. A specialised translator can be a language and cultural consultant for the internationalised company, as well as a Project Manager working for its international development. The conclusions describe the role which a specialised translator with economic or international marketing skills might play within this framework, and pave the way for future developments of this analysis.


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Il presente elaborato descrive l’attività di progetto svolta durante il periodo di tirocinio presso la business unit “automotive technologies” della Robert Bosch GmbH: la Robert Bosch GmbH Branch in Italy che ha sede a Torino, e che si configura come fornitore di componenti per l’industria automotive. La funzione logistica è l’ufficio in cui si è svolta l’esperienza di tirocinio, che si è sviluppato nell’ambito del progetto di Container Management System. In particolare, è stato analizzato il sistema di gestione dei Returnable Packaging relativi ai componenti che vengono forniti agli stabilimenti dei clienti localizzati in Italia. L’elaborato è composto da due parti: una parte teorica e una parte pratica. La parte teorica espone gli strumenti teorici sui quali si fondano i contenuti sviluppati nella parte pratica. La parte pratica è volta a descrivere l’attività di progetto da un punto di vista strettamente operativo. Il primo capitolo illustra i motivi che hanno determinato l’avvio del progetto. Sono poi messi in evidenza quali sono gli obiettivi intermedi e finali che si intendono raggiungere, declinandoli in termini di organizzazione del lavoro. Sono qui esposte le basi teoriche del metodo utilizzato e della disciplina a cui si fa riferimento. Viene inoltre dato spazio alla trattazione di alcuni topic nell’ambito dei Returnable Packaging, approfondendo l’argomento per il settore automotive. Il secondo capitolo descrive la struttura organizzativa, i settori di business e le attività svolte dal gruppo Robert Bosch GmbH nel mondo e in Italia. Viene dato particolare rilievo alla sede di Torino ed alla divisione logistica di quest’ultima, in modo tale da descrivere il contesto entro il quale si sviluppa il progetto. Il capitolo presenta infine gli attori che operano nella catena logistica analizzata, descrivendone le attività svolte e caratterizzando la rete logistica studiata al fine di definire i confini entro i quali si sviluppa il progetto. Il terzo capitolo presenta l’analisi effettuata sul caso in esame, descrivendone le modalità operative per ciascuna fase. Il quarto capitolo presenta delle osservazioni sull’analisi effettuata, la validazione tecnico econimica delle soluzioni proposte e le considerazioni conclusive.


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The aim of this work is to assess the effectiveness of a project carried out in the Autonomous Province of Trento to promote language learning among young people. The project consisted in a television quiz show featuring games in Italian, English and German. Eight classes from five high schools took part in the game show, which was aired between November 2014 and January 2015 by the local channel Trentino TV. Since multilingualism has been part of the European Union policy, legislation and practices for many decades, the first chapter of this dissertation offers an overview of the main EU language education policies which seek to promote language learning among all citizens. It then focuses on the commitment of the EU and its member States to find new strategies to show the benefits of language learning outside formal education, also using both old and new media. Some TV and radio shows on multilingualism broadcast in Italy and in other EU countries are also briefly described. The second chapter is devoted to Uno Two Drei, the quiz show created by the Autonomous Province of Trento and Trentino TV to promote the learning of English and German among students while enhancing their personal growth and development. The role of everyone involved in the project is outlined, as well as the concept and planning phases and the realization stage. The third chapter focuses largely on the impacts of the initiative on the target group, namely 17-year-old students. Opinions of the participants were first collected in January, when a final meeting was held between the organizers and the schools. Since the researcher has managed the German part of the project, in the following months a questionnaire was administered to the 48 students who played in the German team and to their teachers as well. From both the meeting and the questionnaires it has emerged that the main goals of the initiative were achieved: generally speaking, students have been motivated to study languages and learn new things, the bonds between them have been strengthened and their sense of solidarity has been enhanced.


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This thesis is a proposed translation of the picture book Flip Flap Safari, written by the German author Axel Scheffler and published in 2014. The translation is presented along with an analysis and a commentary in which I analyse and examine the main translation problems of this kind of literature. and I explain the reasons behind my solutions. The translation of a picture book is a creative challenge because it requires translator to use their linguistic and cultural skills together with their imagination and to evaluate the phonetic dimension of the source text and reproduce in the target language. In the first part of my thesis I will introduce an overview of children’s literature in Italy and I will then focus on Flip Flap Safari, analysing the text and providing biographical information about its author-illustrator Axel Scheffler. In the second part of my thesis I will present my translation of the book, which will be followed by a reflection about the main problems I had to face during the translation process.


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This dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of amateur subtitling, known as fansubbing. Although this phenomenon began in the late ‘80s, in recent years amateur subtitling has spread worldwide, thanks to both Internet and fan communities, also known as fandoms. At first, amateur subtitling was mainly centred on the translation of Japanese cartoons, but nowadays fandoms also tend to subtitle other kinds of audiovisual products, such as American TV series. Thanks to fansubbing, which is created by fans for other fans, fandoms claim that they would prefer to have subtitled rather than dubbed versions of audiovisual products, which is the norm in Italy and Spain. The dissertation provides a linguistic analysis of the fansubbing in Spanish of the Italian TV series Romanzo Criminale. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse fansubbing from the linguistic point of view, as well as from the point of view of the translation. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate to what extent this translation can be compared to professional subtitling. The first chapter offers an introduction to the TV series and provides an overview of the main events and characters. The second chapter deals with an analysis of the strategies that fansubbers use to translate cultural elements from Italian into Spanish. The third chapter focuses on linguistic mistakes due to calques and linguistic interference between Italian and Spanish. The fourth chapter provides an analysis of some translation errors which occurred during the decoding of the original text. The aim is to understand if this kind of mistake might jeopardize the comprehension of the original message.


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The work done is about the seismic analysis of an existing reinforced concrete structure that is equipped with a special bracing device. The main objective of the research is to provide a simple procedure that can be followed in order to design the lateral bracing system in such a way that the actual behavior of the structure matches the desired pre-defined objective curve. a great attention is devoted to the internal actions in the structural elements produced by the braces. The device used is called: Crescent shaped braces. This device is a special type of bracing because it has a banana-like geometry that allows the designer to have more control over the stiffness of the structure, especially under cyclic behavior, Unlike the conventional bracing that resists only through its axial stiffness. This device has been installed in a hospital in Italy. However, it has not been exposed to any ground motion so far. Different analysis methods, such as static pushover and dynamic time-history have been used in the analysis of the structure.


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This dissertation deals with the translations of seven books for children written by the Chicano author Pat Mora. I started to be interested in the Chicano world, a world suspended between Mexico and the United States, after reading a book by Sandra Cisneros. I decided to deepen my curiosity and for this reason, I discovered a hybrid reality full of history, culture and traditions. In this context, the language used is characterized by a continuous code switching between Spanish and English and I thought it was an interesting phenomenon from the literary and translation point of view. During my research in the Chicano culture, I ran across Pat Mora. Her books for children fascinated me because of their actual themes (the cultural diversity and the defense of identity) and their beautiful illustrations. For this reason, I chose to translate seven of her books because I believe they could be an enrichment for children literature in Italy. The work consists of five chapters. The first one deals with the identity of Chicano people, their history, their literature and their language. In the second chapter, I outline Pat Mora’s profile. I talk about her biography and I analyze her most famous works. In the third chapter, I introduce the seven books for children to be translated and I point out their plots and main themes. In the fourth chapter, I present the translation of the books. The fifth chapter is the translation comment. I deal with the linguistic analysis of the source texts and the analysis of the target texts focusing on the choices made during the translation process.


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This dissertation deals with the translation into Italian of selected passages from the Young Adult historical novel Apache – Girl Warrior by English author Tanya Landman. The book was chosen after contacting Italian publisher Settenove, dedicated to preventing gender-based violence through children's books and essays. The novel, set in the second half of the Nineteenth Century, tells the story of Siki, a fourteen years old Native American girl who decides to become a warrior in order to avenge her family, killed by the Mexicans. The story also deals with the contact and conflict between Native Americans and white settlers during the so-called Apache Wars. Chapter I deals with Apache's genre; it consists in an overview of the historical novel form and its diffusion, both in Italy and in the English-speaking world. Typical features and themes are also dealt with in this chapter. Chapter II is dedicated to Apache's author. Landman's other works and her mission as a writer are taken into account, as well as the inspirations that led her to writing the novel and the process of research on American history it involved. This chapter also includes a comparison between Tanya Landman's and Louise Erdrich's works. In chapter III, Apache is compared to two well-known novels for children and young adults, The little house on the prairie and Caddie Woodlawn; the aim of this is to demonstrate how widespread misrepresentations about Native Americans are in mainstream literature. Chapter IV analyzes the novel and serves as an introduction to its translation, focusing on its plot, themes, characters and language, while chapter V presents the passages I've chosen to translate; their translation can be found later in the same chapter. In chapter VI, I comment on the choices made during the translation process; translation problems are divided into culture-specific, stylistic, semantic and linguistic.


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This thesis focuses on the translation of six picture books that challenge and subvert – each one in its peculiar way – typical stereotypes found in Children’s Literature. I think that stereotyping is an all-important theme in picture books because these books are the ones that will introduce children to literature and young readers have the right to find in it every kind of model. Showing children a variety of characters that reflects the multiple forms of reality will allow them to choose which kind of person to be. In my opinion, this freedom is much needed especially here, in Italy, in this moment of history. This work also studies the stereotypes that have appeared – and are still present, to some extent – in Children’s Literature, the ways in which they are dangerous for young readers, and how they have changed over time. I centered my research on three major themes that have been subject to stereotyping: race, disability and gender. I searched for the right books to translate paying attention not only to the themes they focused on but also to how they dealt with such themes, the tone of each picture book and, obviously, its quality. The selection resulting from my research reflects a diverse world and a celebration of difference. Before actually translating them, I engaged in a deep analysis of their structures, themes and meanings, so that I would be able to enter the ‘world’ of the book and to understand its ‘secrets’ better. This analysis proved to be fundamental during the translation phase and allowed me to make conscious translation choices that I have explored in the part dedicated to the commentary of the translation.


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This work is focused on the translation of the first half of the novel Pontypool Changes Everything, written by Canadian author and screenplay writer Tony Burgess in 1998 and – quite surprisingly – still unpublished in Italy. Although the book disguises itself as a product for general consumption – more precisely as a tale of zombies – it is clear from the very beginning that the author is not interested in conforming to the conventions of the genre to which his work belongs. On the contrary, he seems to exploit the recent success of zombiea-pocalypse inspired stories to build up a more complex type of narrative. Nonetheless, he writes a story that introduces certain innovative elements in the rather repetitive and seemingly outworn genre, like the idea of a language-borne virus. Burgess, who has a graduate degree in semiotics, was by his own admission “insufferably preoccupied with literary malformations” when he wrote the book. As a matter of fact his narrative tackles issues – albeit superficially and always entertainingly – that seem to stem from the theories which originated in the field of linguistics around the second half of the twentieth century. It goes without saying that translating – as much as reading – such a book is both a difficult and compelling operation. As a translator you are required to constantly shift from one strategy to another, paying great attention to the semantic nuances of the written words whilst keeping in mind what the actual intention of the text is. Together with the book translation, this dissertation offers a brief introduction to the fundamental principles of translation and a detailed analysis of some of the translation problems posed by the novel.


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Tomatoes are the most common crop in Italy. The production cycle requires operations in the field and factory that can cause musculoskeletal disorders due to the repetitive movements of the upper limbs of the workers employed in the sorting phase. This research aims to evaluate these risks using the OCRA (occupational repetitive actions) index method This method is based firstly on the calculation of a maximum number of recommended actions, related to the way the operation is performed, and secondly on a comparison of the number of actions effectively carried out by the upper limb with the recommended calculated value. The results of the risk evaluation for workers who manually sort tomatoes during harvest showed a risk for the workers, with an exposure index greater than 20; the OCRA index defines an index higher than 3.5 as unacceptable. The present trend of replacing manual sorting onboard a vehicle with optical sorters seems to be appropriate to reduce the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and is supported from both a financial point of view and as a quality control measure.


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Background. No comprehensive systematic review has been published since 1998 about the frequency with which cancer patients use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Methods. MEDLINE, AMED, and Embase databases were searched for surveys published until January 2009. Surveys conducted in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States with at least 100 adult cancer patients were included. Detailed information on methods and results was independently extracted by 2 reviewers. Methodological quality was assessed using a criteria list developed according to the STROBE guideline. Exploratory random effects metaanalysis and metaregression were applied. Results. Studies from 18 countries (152; >65 000 cancer patients) were included. Heterogeneity of CAM use was high and to some extent explained by differences in survey methods. The combined prevalence for “current use” of CAM across all studies was 40%. The highest was in the United States and the lowest in Italy and the Netherlands. Metaanalysis suggested an increase in CAM use from an estimated 25% in the 1970s and 1980s to more than 32% in the 1990s and to 49% after 2000. Conclusions. The overall prevalence of CAM use found was lower than often claimed. However, there was some evidence that the use has increased considerably over the past years. Therefore, the health care systems ought to implement clear strategies of how to deal with this. To improve the validity and reporting of future surveys, the authors suggest criteria for methodological quality that should be fulfilled and reporting standards that should be required.