928 resultados para GIS (geographic information system)
Human activities are altering greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and causing global climate change. The issue of impacts of human-induced climate change has become increasingly important in recent years. The objective of this work was to develop a database of climate information of the future scenarios using a Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. Future scenarios focused on the decades of the 2020?s, 2050?s, and 2080?s (scenarios A2 and B2) were obtained from the General Circulation Models (GCM) available on Data Distribution Centre from the Third Assessment Report (TAR) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The TAR is compounded by six GCM with different spatial resolutions (ECHAM4:2.8125×2.8125º, HadCM3: 3.75×2.5º, CGCM2: 3.75×3.75º, CSIROMk2b: 5.625×3.214º, and CCSR/NIES: 5.625×5.625º). The mean monthly of the climate variables was obtained by the average from the available models using the GIS spatial analysis tools (arithmetic operation). Maps of mean monthly variables of mean temperature, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and solar radiation were elaborated adopting the spatial resolution of 0.5° X 0.5° latitude and longitude. The method of elaborating maps using GIS tools allowed to evaluate the spatial and distribution of future climate assessments. Nowadays, this database is being used in studies of impacts of climate change on plant disease of Embrapa projects.
Curso de formación del software GIS MANIFOLD 8.0
The importance of the United States' wood and wood byproducts as biomass feedstocks is increasing as the concern about security and sustainability of global energy production continues to rise. Thus, second generation woody feedstock sources in Michigan, e.g., hybrid poplar and hybrid willow (Populus spp.), are viewed as a potential source of biomass for the proposed biofuel ethanol production plant in Kinross, MI. It is important to gain an understanding of the spatial distribution of current feedstock sources, harvesting accessibility via the transportation infrastructure and land ownerships in order to ensure long-term feedstock extent. This research provides insights into the current extent of aspen and northern hardwoods, and an assessment of potential for expanding the area of these feedstock sources based on pre-European settlement conditions. A geographic information system (GIS) was developed to compile available geospatial data for 33 counties located within 150 miles of the Kinross facility. These include present day and pre-European settlement land use/cover, soils, road infrastructure, and land ownerships. The results suggest that a significant amount of northern hardwoods has been converted to other land use/cover types since European settlement, and the "scattering" of aspen stands has increased. Furthermore, a significant amount of woody biomass is available in close proximity to the existing road network, which can be effectively utilized as feedstock. Potential aspen and northern hardwoods restoration areas are identified in the vicinity of road networks which can be used for future woody feedstock production.
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2016
If marine management policies and actions are to achieve long-term sustainable use and management of the marine environment and its resources, they need to be informed by data giving the spatial distribution of seafloor habitats over large areas. Broad-scale seafloor habitat mapping is an approachwhich has the benefit of producing maps covering large extents at a reasonable cost. This approach was first investigated by Roff et al. (2003), who, acknowledging that benthic communities are strongly influenced by the physical characteristics of the seafloor, proposed overlaying mapped physical variables using a geographic information system (GIS) to produce an integrated map of the physical characteristics of the seafloor. In Europe the method was adapted to the marine section of the EUNIS (European Nature Information System) classification of habitat types under the MESH project, andwas applied at an operational level in 2011 under the EUSeaMap project. The present study compiled GIS layers for fundamental physical parameters in the northeast Atlantic, including (i) bathymetry, (ii) substrate type, (iii) light penetration depth and (iv) exposure to near-seafloor currents andwave action. Based on analyses of biological occurrences, significant thresholds were fine-tuned for each of the abiotic layers and later used in multi-criteria raster algebra for the integration of the layers into a seafloor habitat map. The final result was a harmonised broad-scale seafloor habitat map with a 250 m pixel size covering four extensive areas, i.e. Ireland, the Bay of Biscay, the Iberian Peninsula and the Azores. The map provided the first comprehensive perception of habitat spatial distribution for the Iberian Peninsula and the Azores, and fed into the initiative for a pan- European map initiated by the EUSeaMap project for Baltic, North, Celtic and Mediterranean seas.
Se desarrolló un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) automatizado para el análisis espacial de las capturas, del esfuerzo pesquero, de la abundancia estimada de especies mediante el índice de Captura por Unidad de Esfuerzo (CPUE) y de su relación con algunos factores ambientales (profundidad, tipo de fondo y temperatura superficial del mar) de la esquería artesanal asentada en la península de Araya, Estado Sucre, República de Venezuela. Este programa automatizado, denominado SIGPAR, fue desarrollado utilizando el lenguaje Microsoft® Visual Basic 6 y la respectiva librería del software SIG Idrisi®, a cuyo menú principal fue agregado un nuevo módulo que facilita la interacción con los usuarios.Palabras claves: Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG); pesquería artesanal; Península de Araya, Venezuela.AbstractA Geographic Information System (GIS) application software was developed for the spatial analysis of fishing catches, the estimated abundance of species by the Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) index, and its relationship with various environmental factors (depth, type of bottom, and surface temperature of the sea) of the artisanal fishery based in the Peninsula of Araya, State of Sucre, in Venezuela. This application, named SIGPAR, was developed using Microsoft® Visual Basic 6 and IDRISI®. A menu button was added to the GIS software IDRISI® for convenience of users.Key Words: Geographic Information System (GIS), Artisanal Fisheries, Araya, Venezuela.
Este artículo describe la puesta en funcionamiento de una herramienta de información geográfica para la gestión y planificación de recursos hídricos de Cataluña desarrollada mediante plataformas OpenSource. Esta herramienta ha de permitir responder a sucesos extremos como la sequía, facilitando de manera intuitiva y rápida elementos de evaluación y toma de decisiones. Este Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) de gestión de los recursos hídricos se ha desarrollado para obtener resultados a medida del cliente. Su interfaz ágil y sencilla, su capacidad multiusuario, su alto rendimiento y escalabilidad y la ausencia de costes de licencia hacen que, con una inversión limitada, se obtenga una amortización muy rápida. Cabe destacar la automatización de procesos sistemáticos, geoprocesos y análisis multicriterio definidos por el cliente, que le permiten ahorrar tiempo y recursos, así como aumentar la productividad.Palabras clave: Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), acceso abierto, gestión, agua, automatizaciónAbstractThis article describes the implementation of a geographical information tool developed on an OpenSource platform for the management and planning of water resources in Catalonia. This Geographic Information System (GIS) is designed to deliver fast and intuitive evaluation and decision making criteria in response to extreme events, such as drought. Its strong customization, user friendliness, multiuser capability, performance and scalability, together with its license-free condition, allow for an extremely fast return on investment. The embedded automation of user-defined systemic processes, geo-processes and multi-criteria analyses provide significant time and resource savings and productivity Key Words: Geographic Information System (GIS), Open Source, water supply management, automation
Se presenta metodología general del enfoque de riesgo a través de la tecnología de los Sistemas de Información Geográfcos, la evolución de los conceptos del enfoque integral de riesgo como apoyo a la Gestión de las Cuencas Hidrográfcas y su evolución. Mediante ejemplos de proyectos realizados con base en una metodología integradora en la variable de riesgo, que es útil, para realizar un ordenamiento integral de los recursos ambientales (biofísicos, socioeconómico-culturales) a nivel de la Cuenca Hidrográfca.El grado de riesgo se determina, partiendo de que el riesgo se entiende como una evaluación cognoscitiva de las pérdidas que pueden ocurrirle a un elemento expuesto, de acuerdo con sus características, su situación y un contexto particular de tiempo y de espacio, el análisis, cuantifca espacialmente el grado de riesgo, utilizando la tecnología SIG.El modelo general de ordenamiento territorial con énfasis en prevención en el que se considere el riesgo como una función de la amenaza y de la vulnerabilidad, esto es, r = f(A,V) Finalmente, se introduce la evolución de los conceptos con el aporte de los escenarios de amenazas y el manejo de la vulnerabilidad socioeconómica que permite aplicar el enfoque de riesgo integral, por medio de la tecnología SIG.Palabras claves: Amenaza, vulnerabilidad, riesgo, manejo integrado de recursos naturales,ordenamiento territorial, Sistemas de Información Geográfcos.Abstract General methodology of focusing on risk is presented through the technology of the Geographic Information System (GIS), the evolution of the concepts of the integral focus of risk as a support to the management of Hydrographic Watershed and its evolution.Through examples of completed projects, an integrative methodology is made of the risk variable that is useful to achieving an integral ordering of the environmental resources (biophysics, socioeconomic-cultural) at the Hydrographic Watershed level.The risk degree is determined, starting form the premise that the risk can be understood as a cognitive evaluation from the losses that can happen to an exposed element, according to their characteristics, situation and a particular context of time and space, the quantifed analysis, especially of the degree of risk, using GIS technology.The general model of territorial ordering, with emphasis on prevention and what is considered the risk as a function of the hazard and the vulnerability, that is: r = f(A, V).Finally, evolution of the concepts is introduced, with the contribution of the hazard scenarios and management of the socioeconomic vulnerability that allows application of the risk focus, by GIS technology.Key words: hazards, vulnerability, risk, integrated management of natural resources, territorial ordering, GIS, Geographic Information Systems.
This paper reviews the potential use of three types of spatial technology to land managers, namely satellite imagery, satellite positioning systems and supporting computer software. Developments in remote sensing and the relative advantages of multispectral and hyperspectral images are discussed. The main challenge to the wider use of remote sensing as a land management tool is seen as uncertainty whether apparent relationships between biophysical variables and spectral reflectance are direct and causal, or artefacts of particular images. Developments in satellite positioning systems are presented in the context of land managers’ need for position estimates in situations where absolute precision may or may not be required. The role of computer software in supporting developments in spatial technology is described. Spatial technologies are seen as having matured beyond empirical applications to the stage where they are useful and reliable land management tools. In addition, computer software has become more user-friendly and this has facilitated data collection and manipulation by semi-expert as well as specialist staff.
Using Landsat imagery, forest canopy density (FCD) estimated with the FCD Mapper®, was correlated with predominant height (PDH, measured as the average height of the tallest 50 trees per hectare) for 20 field plots measured in native forest at Noosa Heads, south-east Queensland, Australia. A corresponding image was used to calculate FCD in Leyte Island, the Philippines and was validated on the ground for accuracy. The FCD Mapper was produced for the International Tropical Timber Organisation and estimates FCD as an index of canopy density using reflectance characteristics of Landsat Enhanced Thematic (ETM) Mapper images. The FCD Mapper is a ‘semi-expert’ computer program which uses interactive screens to allow the operator to make decisions concerning the classification of land into bare soil, grass and forest. At Noosa, a positive strong nonlinear relationship (r2 = 0.86) was found between FCD and PDH for 15 field plots with variable PDH but complete canopy closure. An additional five field plots were measured in forest with a broken canopy and the software assessed these plots as having a much lower FCD than forest with canopy closure. FCD estimates for forest and agricultural land in the island of Leyte and subsequent field validation showed that at appropriate settings, the FCD Mapper differentiated between tropical rainforest and banana or coconut plantation. These findings suggest that in forests with a closed canopy this remote sensing technique has promise for forest inventory and productivity assessment. The findings also suggest that the software has promise for discriminating between native forest with a complete canopy and forest which has a broken canopy, such as coconut or banana plantation.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar a lógica fuzzy para geração de zonas de manejo, na área agrária e ambiental. Uma das aplicações consistiu da utilização do método fuzzy C-means, para geração de zonas de manejo para a cultura do mamoeiro, em um plantio comercial localizado em São Mateus-ES, com base em determinações realizadas através de amostragens e análises químicas do solo, considerando os atributos: P, K, Ca, Mg, e Saturação por bases (V%). Aplicou-se também a lógica fuzzy para desenvolver e executar um procedimento para dar suporte ao processo de tomada de decisões, envolvendo análise multicritério, gerando mapas de adequabilidade ao uso público e a conservação no Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça, no município de Alegre-ES, considerando como fatores a localização da cachoeira, o uso do solo, os recursos hídricos, as trilhas, os locais de acessos, a infraestrutura, a declividade da área, e utilizando a abordagem de Sistema de Informações Geográficas para análise e combinação da base de dados. A partir das zonas de manejo geradas, foi possível explicar a variabilidade espacial dos atributos do solo na área de estudo da cultura do mamoeiro, e observa-se que as similaridades entre as zonas geradas, a partir de diferentes atributos, mostrou variação, mas observa-se uma influência nos dados, principalmente pelos atributos P e V. A partir do zoneamento da Unidade de Conservação foi possível selecionar áreas mais aptas ao ecoturismo, sendo encontradas próximas da cachoeira, trilhas em zonas de reflorestamento e de Mata Atlântica. Quanto às áreas propensas a medidas de conservação localizam-se próximas à cachoeira e às estruturas do parque, devido à maior pressão antrópica exercida nesses locais. Outras áreas que se destacaram, foram as áreas de pastagem, por estarem em estágio de regeneração natural. Os resultados indicam áreas de mesmo potencial de produção do mamoeiro, ou quando aplicado à área ambiental, áreas que devem receber maior cuidado para utilização por ecoturismo e para preservação e servem de base para a tomada de decisões, visando melhor aproveitamento da área.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica