981 resultados para GILL HISTOLOGY
The most important fisheries of Maputo Bay (Mozambique) are the gill netting of the Hilsa kelee and the trawling of the shrimps Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros . Data of capture and yields are presented and the number of artisanal fishing boats and semi-industrial fishing vessels is given.
Cast net fishing is a relatively important socio-economíc activity in Aby lagoon. About 516 fishermen practice this activity for an annual total production estimated at 336 millions CFA, which represents 54,000 CFA per month. The catches are essentially composed of Cichlidae (88,7 %) and Mugilidae (2,8 %). The annual production represents 15 % of that of other types of gears used (beach seines, syndicat seines and gill nets).
Two kinds of fishing gears insure the exploitation in Aby lagoon: the individual gears are represented essentially by gill nets and collective gears by seines. The number of gill nets varies between 1500 in 1981 and 5600 in 1986. The beach seines, which number varies between 40 and 60, are regularly used. The purse seines (15-30) have been superseded by "syndicat" seines (15) in 1990.
O Câncer de mama é um dos problemas de saúde pública mais importantes em nosso país. São estimados, para 2010, 49.400 novos casos de câncer de mama no Brasil, com um risco estimado de 51 casos a cada 100 mil mulheres. A estratégia de tratamento das pacientes com tumores de mama pode passar pelo uso de quimioterapia. A doxorrubicina é uma das drogas mais ativas para o câncer de mama, pertencendo ao grupo das antraciclinas. A família das antraciclinas apresenta como efeito colateral dano ao miocárdio que pode chegar a 36% dependendo da dose utilizada. O efeito sobre o miocárdio costuma ocorrer mais comumente durante ou logo após o último ciclo de quimioterapia podendo, entretanto ocorrer após vários anos do último ciclo de quimioterapia. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as alterações da função diastólica ventricular esquerda em mulheres usuárias de antraciclínicos no tratamento do câncer de mama. Realizamos um estudo prospectivo, em uma coorte de mulheres entre 18 e 69 anos, com câncer de mama e indicação de quimioterapia com doxorrubicina. Acompanhamos por período não inferior a 18 meses um grupo de 38 pacientes que cumpriram os critérios de elegibilidade. A dose de doxorrubicina utilizada variou de 50 a 60 mg/m/SC. Todos os pacientes são do sexo feminino, e portadores do tipo histológico carcinoma ductal infiltrante. Duas pacientes faleceram durante o estudo, de causa não cardíaca. Em nossa avaliação, ao final do estudo observamos que os parâmetros: dimensões do átrio esquerdo, dimensões do ventrículo esquerdo na diástole, dimensões do ventrículo esquerdo na sístole, velocidade da onda E, relação da fase de enchimento rápido pela sístole atrial, velocidade diastólica tardia do anel mitral, velocidade diastólica precoce do anel mitral, tempo de desaceleração e a relação da velocidade de enchimento rápido precoce de VE pela velocidade diastólica precoce do anel mitral demonstraram serem parâmetros de grande utilidade para seguimento da lesão cardíaca por antraciclínicos. Já o que não ocorreu com: a fração de encurtamento, fração de ejeção, volume do AE, volume do AE corrigido pela superfície corporal, velocidade diastólica tardia, tempo de relaxamento isovolumétrico, velocidade sistólica do anel mitral, que não apresentaram alterações significativas neste estudo. A análise da função diastólica utilizando o ecocardiograma mostrou ser um método eficaz, que em conjunto com a da função sistólica possibilita detectar precocemente o possível dano miocárdico, oriundo ao uso da quimioterapia com antraciclínicos, favorecendo uma intervenção terapêutica precoce e adequada.
Fishery statistics for 1978 are presented for: (1) total production; (2) effort and landings; (3) gill-net fisheries production landings and purchases; (4) monthly percentage composition of catch for Kariba area; (5) African camp effort statistics: (6) sardine fisheries.
Fishery statistics for 1979 are presented for: (1) total production; (2) effort; (3) landings and purchases; (4) monthly percentage composition and average weight of each species caught in gill-nets.
The 1980 statistics of the open-water sardine (Limnothrissa miodon ) fisheries and gill-net fisheries are presented. Summaries of total production and total effort, landings inshore and gill-net fisheries are also presented.
103 p.; 102 p.
A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) causa a redução da capacidade respiratória e seu desenvolvimento é associado à fumaça de cigarro. O cigarro possui mais de 4800 substâncias tóxicas e causa a morte de seis milhões de pessoas por ano no mundo. Estudos buscam meios de reverter os males causados pela fumaça de cigarro. A própolis (P) é um produto produzido por abelhas que possui várias propriedades. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos antioxidantes da P em macrófagos murinos e na inflamação pulmonar aguda induzida pela fumaça de cigarro (CS) em camundongos. A análise dos compostos fitoquímicos do extrato alcóolico da P (EAP) foi feita por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massa (GC-MS). Células da linhagem RAW 264.7 foram tratadas em diversas concentrações de P durante 24 horas. Após tratamento, as seguintes análises foram realizadas: polifenóis totais; viabilidade celular (MTT); potencial redutor (DPPH); espécies reativas de oxigênio totais (ROS) e de malondialdeído (MDA). Trinta camundongos C57BL/6 foram divididos em 3 grupos (n=10/grupo): Controle+P, CS e CS+P. Ambos os grupos CS foram expostos a 6 cigarros/dia durante 5 dias. O grupo CS foi tratado com veículo. O pulmão e o lavado broncoalveolar (BAL) foram coletados para análise histológica e contagem diferencial de células. As análises para mieloperoxidase (MPO), superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutationa peroxidase (GPx), glutationa reduzida (GSH) e oxidada (GSSG), MDA, nitrito e western blotting para TNF-alfa foram realizadas. A análise fitoquímica do EAP mostrou a presença dos ácidos hidrocinâmicos e coumárico, a artepilina C e a drupanina. Foi observado o aumento concentração-dependente dos níveis de polifenóis totais (p<0,001), do MTT (p<0,001) e do DPPH (p<0,001), e o inverso com o MDA (p<0,001). Os níveis de ROS diminuem nas concentrações de 15,6 e 31,2 mg/mL (p<0,05, ambos). A histologia pulmonar do grupo Controle+P foi similar ao do CS+P e foi observado um influxo de macrófagos e neutrófilos no grupo CS (p<0,01 e p<0,001, respectivamente). Os níveis de MPO foram aumentados no grupo CS (526,534,72 mU/mg ptn, p<0,01), mas houve uma redução no grupo CS+P (385,127,64 mU/mg ptn, p<0,05) comparável ao Controle+P (13412,99 mU/mg ptn, p<0,001), o mesmo aconteceu com as enzimas antioxidantes: SOD (Controle+P: 523,529,6 U/mg ptn; CS: 523,529,6 U/mg ptn, p<0,001; CS+P: 246,815,69 U/mg ptn, p<0,001); CAT (Controle+P: 37,383,39 U/mg ptn; CS: 92,686,24 U/mg ptn, p<0,001; CS+P: 59,844,55 U/mg ptn, p<0,05); GPx (Controle+P: 2,230,17 (M/min/mg ptn) x 10-1; CS: 4,510,31 (M/min/mg ptn) x 10-1, p<0,001; CS+P: 2,640,19 (M/min/mg ptn) x 10-1, p<0,05). O inverso ocorreu com a relação GSH/GSSG (Controle+P: 1,0880,17; CS: 0,7360,07, p<0,05; CS+P: 1,2580,10, p<0,05). Os níveis de MDA (Controle+P: 0,2660,05 nMol/mg ptn; CS: 0,940,076 nMol/mg ptn, p<0,001; CS+P: 0,4980,06 nMol/mg ptn, p<0,01) e de nitrito (Controle+P: 50,014,19 Mol/mg ptn; CS: 108,77,73 Mol/mg ptn, p<0,001; CS+P: 58,843,42 nMol/mg ptn, p<0,01) estavam aumentados no CS que em outros grupos. A expressão de TNF-α foi observada no grupo CS. O tratamento da P apresentou ação anti-inflamatória e antioxidante em macrófagos e em camundongos expostos à fumaça de cigarro, possivelmente pela ação dos polifenóis presentes nela
Witcherwell like most new hatcheries has gone through a honeymoon period during which no major fish health problems have occurred. However, in 1994, there was an outbreak of Bacterial Gill Disease which caused high mortalities. This has emphasised the importance of developing and maintaining optimum husbandry practices for Witcherwell. These may also be applicable to other fish culture units in Central Area and the NW. To avoid the reoccurence of bacterial gill disease or other health problems and to ensure that stock of good health and quality are produced good husbandry practices must be followed. This report inculdes information on stock, disinfection, cross-contamination, cleaning, feed rates, flow rates, screening, treatments and possible problems.
The taxonomic status of Sebastes vulpes and S. zonatus were clarified by comprehensive genetic (amplif ied fragment length polymorphisms [AFLP] and mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA] variation) and morphological analyses on a total of 65 specimens collected from a single locality. A principal coordinate analysis based on 364 AFLP loci separated the specimens completely into two genetically distinct groups that corresponded to S. vulpes and S. zonatus according to body coloration and that indicated that they are reproductively isolated species. Significant morphological differences were also evident between the two groups; 1) separation by principal component analysis based on 31 measurements, and 2)separation according to differences in counts of gill rakers and dorsal-fin spines without basal scales, and in the frequencies of specimens with small scales on the lower jaw. Restriction of gene flow between the two groups was also indicated by the pairwise ΦST values estimated from variations in partial sequences from the mtDNA control region, although the minimum spanning network did not result in separation into distinct clades. The latter was likely due to incomplete lineage sorting between S. vulpes and S. zonatus owing to their recent speciation.
The hypothesis that heavy fishing pressure has led to changes in the biological characteristics of the estuary cobbler (Cnidoglanis macrocephalus) was tested in a large seasonally open estuary in southwestern Australia, where this species completes its life cycle and is the most valuable commercial fish species. Comparisons were made between seasonal data collected for this plotosid (eeltail catfish) in Wilson Inlet during 2005–08 and those recorded with the same fishery-independent sampling regime during 1987–89. These comparisons show that the proportions of larger and older individuals and the catch rates in the more recent period were far lower, i.e., they constituted reductions of 40% for fish ≥430 mm total length, 62% for fish ≥4 years of age, and 80% for catch rate. In addition, total mortality and fishing-induced mortality estimates increased by factors of ~2 and 2.5, respectively. The indications that the abundance and proportion of older C. macrocephalus declined between the two periods are consistent with the perception of long-term commercial fishermen and their shift toward using a smaller maximum gill net mesh to target this species. The sustained heavy fishing pressure on C. macrocephalus between 1987–89 and 2005–08 was accompanied by a marked reduction in length and age at maturity of this species. The shift in probabilistic maturation reaction norms toward smaller fish in 2005–08 and the lack of a conspicuous change in growth between the two periods indicate that the maturity changes were related to fishery-induced evolution rather than to compensatory responses to reduced fish densities.
The reproductive biology of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) was assessed from 1001 fish (ranging from 121 to 275 cm in eye-to-fork length; EFL) caught by Taiwanese offshore longliners in the western Pacific Ocean from September 2000 to December 2001 and from 843 gonad samples from these fish, The overall sex ratio of the catch was approximately 1:1 dur ing the sampling period, but blue marlin are sexually dimorphic; females are larger than males. Reproductive activity (assessed by histology), a gonadosomatic index, and the distribution of oocyte diameters, indicated that spawning occurred predominantly from May to September. The estimated sizes-at-maturity (EFL50) were 179.76 ±1.01 cm (mean ±standard error) for females and 130 ±1 cm EFL for males. Blue marlin are multiple spawners and oocytes develop asynchronously. The proportion of mature females with ovaries containing postovulatory follicles (0.41) and hydrated oocytes (0.34) indicated that the blue marlin spawned once every 2–3 days on average. Batch fecundity (BF) for 26 females with the most advanced oocytes (≥1000 μm), but without postovulatory follicles, ranged from 2.11 to 13.50 million eggs (6.94 ± 0.54 million eggs). The relationships between batch fecundity (BF, in millions of eggs) and EFL and round weight (RW, kg) were BF = 3.29 × 10 –12 EFL5.31 (r2 = 0.70) and BF = 1.59 × 10–3 RW 1.73 (r2= 0.67), respectively. The parameters estimated in this study are key information for stock assessments of blue marlin in the western Pacific Ocean and will contribute to the conservation and sustainable yield of
Estimation of individual egg production (realized fecundity) is a key step either to understand the stock and recruit relationship or to carry out fisheries-independent assessment of spawning stock biomass using egg production methods. Many fish are highly fecund and their ovaries may weigh over a kilogram; therefore the work time can be consuming and require large quantities of toxic fixative. Recently it has been shown for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) that image analysis can automate fecundity determination using a power equation that links follicles per gram ovary to the mean vitellogenic follicular diameter (the autodiametric method). In this article we demonstrate the precision of the autodiametric method applied to a range of species with different spawning strategies during maturation and spawning. A new method using a solid displacement pipette to remove quantitative fecundity samples (25, 50, 100, and 200 milligram [mg]) is evaluated, as are the underlying assumptions to effectively fix and subsample the ovary. Finally, we demonstrate the interpretation of dispersed formaldehyde-fixed ovarian samples (whole mounts) to assess the presence of atretic and postovulatory follicles to replace labor intensive histology. These results can be used to estimate down regulation (production of atretic follicles) of fecundity during maturation.
Most fisheries select the size of fish to be caught (are size selective), and many factors, including gear, market demands, species distributions, fishery laws, and the behavior of both fishermen and fish, can contribute to that selectivity. Most fishing gear is size-selective and some, such as gill nets, are more so than others. The targeting behavior of fishermen is another key reason commercial and recreational fisheries tend to be size-selective. The more successful fishermen constantly seek areas and methods that yield larger or more profitable sizes of fish. Fishery regulations, especially size limits, produce size-selective harvests. Another factor with the potential to cause selectivity in a hook-and-line fishery is the different behavioral responses of fish to the bait or lure, whether the different responses arise among different fish sizes or between the sexes.