972 resultados para GENETIC-ANALYSIS
In this study, we describe the first survey in Thailand of Trypanosoma theileri, a widespread and prevalent parasite of cattle that is transmitted by tabanid flies. Investigation of 210 bovine blood samples of Thai cattle from six farms by hematocrit centrifuge technique (HCT) revealed 14 samples with trypanosomes morphologically compatible to T. theileri. Additional animals were positive for T. theileri by PCR based on the Cathepsin L-like sequence (TthCATL-PCR) despite negative by HCT, indicating cryptic infections. Results revealed a prevalence of 26 +/- 15% (95% CI) of T. theileri infection. Additionally, 12 samples positive for T. theileri were detected in cattle from other 11 farms. From a total of 30 blood samples positive by HCT and/or PCR from 17 farms, seven were characterized to evaluate the genetic polymorphism of T. theileri through sequence analysis of PCR-amplified CATL DNA sequences. All CATL sequences of T. theileri from Thai cattle clustered with sequences of the previously described phylogenetic lineages TthI and TthII, supporting only two major lineages of T. theileri in cattle around the world. However, 11 of the 29 CATL sequences analyzed showed to be different, disclosing an unexpectedly large polymorphic genetic repertoire, with multiple genotypes of T. theileri not previously described in other countries circulating in Thai cattle. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.A. Ferreira Neto, E.C. Santos Junior, U. Fra Paleo, D. Miranda Barros, and M.C.O. Moreira. 2011. Optimal subdivision of land in agrarian reform projects: an analysis using genetic algorithms. Cien. Inv. Agr. 38(2): 169-178. The objective of this manuscript is to develop a new procedure to achieve optimal land subdivision using genetic algorithms (GA). The genetic algorithm was tested in the rural settlement of Veredas, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This implementation was based on the land aptitude and its productivity index. The sequence of tests in the study was carried out in two areas with eight different agricultural aptitude classes, including one area of 391.88 ha subdivided into 12 lots and another of 404.1763 ha subdivided into 14 lots. The effectiveness of the method was measured using the shunting line standard value of a parceled area lot`s productivity index. To evaluate each parameter, a sequence of 15 calculations was performed to record the best individual fitness average (MMI) found for each parameter variation. The best parameter combination found in testing and used to generate the new parceling with the GA was the following: 320 as the generation number, a population of 40 individuals, 0.8 mutation tax, and a 0.3 renewal tax. The solution generated rather homogeneous lots in terms of productive capacity.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este estudo visou avaliar a variabilidade e distância genética dentro de uma população-base de melhoramento genético de Eucalyptus grandis. A avaliação da variabilidade genética tem como objetivos principais analisar a base genética da população-base e montar um banco de dados marcadores moleculares da população em análise. Essa população é formada por 327 indivíduos, principalmente das procedências de Coff's Harbour, Atherton e Rio Claro. Devido à heterozigosidade natural dessa população, ela pode ser dividida em diversas subpopulações, de acordo com a latitude e longitude de origem; e dentro de subpopulações, em função do grau de melhoramento genético já realizado do material analisado no Brasil. Isso permitiu avaliar quanto da variabilidade detectada dentro da população-base foi devido a esses fatores: procedência e grau de melhoramento. A aplicação da técnica RAPD permitiu avaliar 70 locos polimórficos, que foram analisados utilizando-se o coeficiente de Jaccard, o que resultou em matrizes de similaridade genética entre os indivíduos. Os dados de similaridade genética posteriormente foram submetidos à análise estatística. Osdados indicaram que a população-base apresenta ampla base genética, com média de similaridade genética de 0,328. O subgrupo denominado Região 3, composto por material selvagem da macrorregião de Atherton, juntamente com material de APS da macrorregião de Coff's Harbour, foi um dos que mais contribuíram para a ampla base genética da população-base. Foi possível detectar diferença estatística entre as populações selvagens das procedências de Atherton e Coff's Harbour, assim como entre essas procedências e a de Rio Claro.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Leprosy is a complex infectious disease influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The genetic contributing factors are considered heterogeneous and several genes have been consistently associated with susceptibility like PARK2, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), lymphotoxin-alpha (LTA) and vitamin-D receptor (VDR). Here, we combined a case-control study (374 patients and 380 controls), with meta-analysis (5 studies; 2702 individuals) and biological study to test the epidemiological and physiological relevance of the interleukin-10 (IL-10) genetic markers in leprosy. We observed that the -819T allele is associated with leprosy susceptibility either in the case-control or in the meta-analysis studies. Haplotypes combining promoter single-nucleotide polymorphisms also implicated a haplotype carrying the -819T allele in leprosy susceptibility (odds ratio (OR) = 1.40; P = 0.01). Finally, we tested IL-10 production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with Mycobacterium leprae antigens and found that -819T carriers produced lower levels of IL-10 when compared with noncarriers. Taken together, these data suggest that low levels of IL-10 during the disease outcome can drive patients to a chronic and unprotective response that culminates with leprosy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The patterns of genetic variation of samples of Candida spp. isolated from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were examined. Thirty-seven strains were isolated from different anatomical sites obtained from different infection episodes of 11 patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These samples were subjected to randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using 9 different primers. Reproducible and complex DNA banding patterns were obtained. The experiments indicated evidence of dynamic process of yeast colonization in HIV-infected patients, and also that certain primers are efficient in the identification of species of the Candida genus. Thus, we conclude that RAPD analysis may be useful in providing genotypic characters for Candida species typing in epidemiological investigations, and also for the rapid identification of pathogenic fungi.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dois pacientes índices da família analisada neste estudo foram submetidos a adrenalectomia bilateral devido a feocromocitoma. Foi, então, realizado o estudo genético dos pacientes e de sete parentes de primeiro grau. Os dois pacientes com feocromocitoma e dois outros membros assintomáticos da família apresentaram a mutação c496G>T no exon 3 do gene VHL. A família perdeu seguimento médico. Três anos após a realização da avaliação genética, a irmã dos pacientes, portadora da mutação, foi encaminhada para o nosso serviço após uma gestação complicada por pré-eclampsia. Ela referia paroxismos sugestivos de feocromocitoma, mas as metanefrinas urinárias eram negativas. Entretanto, a tomografia computadorizada de abdômen evidenciou uma massa adrenal que também se contrastou na cintilografia com metaiodobenzilguanidina (MIBG). Esse estudo mostra que a análise molecular do paciente índice pode levar à identificação de parentes assintomáticos portadores da mutação. Além disso, mesmo com as metanefrinas urinárias negativas, a identificação de uma mutação específica levou a um aumento da suspeita e detecção de feocromocitoma na irmã dos afetados pela doença.
Genetic and phylogenetic analyses of the region containing the glycoprotein (G) gene, which is related to pathogenicity and antigenicity, and the G-L intergenic region were carried out in 14 Brazilian rabies virus isolates. The isolates were classified as dog-related rabies virus (DRRV) or vampire bat-related rabies virus (VRRV), by nucleoprotein (N) analysis. The nucleotide and amino acid (AA) homologies of the area containing the G protein gene and G-L intergenic region were generally lower than those of the ectodomain. In both regions, nucleotide and deduced AA homologies were lower among VRRVs than among DRRVs. There were AA differences between DRRV and VRRV at 3 antigenic sites and epitopes (IIa, WB+ and III), suggesting that DRRV and VRRV can be distinguished by differences of antigenicity. In a comparison of phylogenetic trees between the ectodomain and the area containing the G protein gene and G-L intergenic region, the branching patterns of the chiropteran and carnivoran rabies virus groups differed, whereas there were clear similarities in patterns within the DRRV and VRRV groups. Additionally, the VRRV isolates were more closely related to chiropteran strains isolated from Latin America than to Brazilian DRRV. These results indicate that Brazilian rabies virus isolates can be classified as DRRV or VRRV by analysis of the G gene and the G-L intergenic region, as well as by N gene analysis.
Arachis villosulicarpa is a perennial species cultivated for its soft and tasty seeds by indigenous inhabitants of the Mate Grosso State, Brazil. Besides A. hypogaea, this species is considered as the only species of Arachis which represents a valuable food source for human consumption. Due to the lack of knowledge concerning the genetic diversity of A. villosulicarpa, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic variability of the accessions from the Germplasm Collection of CENARGEN/EMBRAPA (Brasilia, DF, Brazil) and Institute Agronomico (IAC, Campinas, SP, Brazil). In addition, the genetic similarity between A. villosulicarpa, the related wild species A. pietrarellii, and the cultivated peanut A. hypogaea cv. Tatu was evaluated. From the entire sample analyzed of A. villosulicarpa, the accession from Institute Agronomico showed the highest indices of diversity for both enzymatic systems analyzed, pointing this accession as a promising source of genetic variability that must be preserved in the Germplasm Bank. A high level of genetic similarity was observed between A. pietrarellii and A. villosulicarpa, supporting previous suggestions that A. pietrarellii could be the ancestral progenitor species of A. villosulicarpa or that both species originated from a common ancestor.
Paspalum dilatatum is a valuable forage grass in the subtropics. This species consists of several sexual (tetraploid) and apomict (penta- and hexaploid) biotypes. It has been proposed that the presence of a genome of unknown origin, the X genome, is responsible for apomixis in penta- and hexaploid biotypes. Here we evaluated the utility of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers for discriminating sexual and apomictic P dilatatum biotypes. DNA samples from nine accessions, including P. intermedium, P. juergensh, and P dilatatum (ssp. flavescens, and the common and Uruguayan biotypes) were analyzed with 86 RAPID primers. Three hundred sixty-two fragments were scored and genetic similarity estimates revealed that the penta- and hexaploid biotypes were highly similar (S,, greater than or equal to 0.913). Forty RAPDs were unique to the penta- and hexaploid biotypes. Overall RAPID markers were useful for assessing genetic variation among closely related P dilatatum genotypes as well as generating putative X genome markers.
Restricted breeding seasons in beef cattle lead to censoring of reproductive data. In this paper, age at first conception (AFC) of Nellore females exposed to the sires for the first time between 11 and 16 months of age, was studied aiming to verify the possibility of genetically advance sexual precocity using a survival model. The final data set contained 6699 records of AFC in days. Records of females that did not calve in the next year following exposure to the sire were considered censored (77.5% of total). The model used was a Weibull mixed survival model including effects of contemporary groups, period (fixed) and animal (random). The effect of the contemporary groups on AFC was important (p < 0.01). Heritabilities were 0.51 and 0.76 in logarithmic and original scales respectively. Results indicate that it is possible to genetically advance sexual precocity, using the outcome of survival analysis of AFC as selection criterion. They also suggest that improvements of the environment could advance sexual precocity too, thus an adequate pregnancy rate for farmers could quickly be achieved.