998 resultados para Functional constipation
The combination of cardiac viability and functional information enhances the identification of different heart tissues in the setting of ischemic heart disease. A method has recently been proposed for obtaining black-blood delayed-enhancement (DE) viability images using the stimulated-echo acquisition mode (STEAM) MRI pulse sequence in a single short breathhold. The method was validated against conventional inversion-recovery (IR) DE images for identifying regions of myocardial infarction (MI). The method was based on the acquisition of three consecutive images of the same anatomical slice. One image has T(1)-weighted contrast in which infarction appears bright. The two other images are used to construct an anatomical image of the heart, which is combined with the first image to produce a black-blood viability image. However, using appropriate modulation and demodulation frequencies, the latter two images bear useful information about myocardial deformation that results in a cardiac strain-encoding (SENC) functional image. In this work, a method is proposed for obtaining three consecutive SENC images in a single acquisition that can be combined to produce a composite image of the heart, which shows both functional and viability information. The proposed technique reduces scan time by one-half, compared with separate acquisitions of functional and viability images, and alleviates misregistration problems caused by separate breathholds.
This study investigated the spatial, spectral, temporal and functional proprieties of functional brain connections involved in the concurrent execution of unrelated visual perception and working memory tasks. Electroencephalography data was analysed using a novel data-driven approach assessing source coherence at the whole-brain level. Three connections in the beta-band (18-24 Hz) and one in the gamma-band (30-40 Hz) were modulated by dual-task performance. Beta-coherence increased within two dorsofrontal-occipital connections in dual-task conditions compared to the single-task condition, with the highest coherence seen during low working memory load trials. In contrast, beta-coherence in a prefrontal-occipital functional connection and gamma-coherence in an inferior frontal-occipitoparietal connection was not affected by the addition of the second task and only showed elevated coherence under high working memory load. Analysis of coherence as a function of time suggested that the dorsofrontal-occipital beta-connections were relevant to working memory maintenance, while the prefrontal-occipital beta-connection and the inferior frontal-occipitoparietal gamma-connection were involved in top-down control of concurrent visual processing. The fact that increased coherence in the gamma-connection, from low to high working memory load, was negatively correlated with faster reaction time on the perception task supports this interpretation. Together, these results demonstrate that dual-task demands trigger non-linear changes in functional interactions between frontal-executive and occipitoparietal-perceptual cortices.
Introduction: Recently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) of perivascular origin have been identified in several organs not including the heart. Using a novel cell isolation protocol, we have isolated cells sharing common characteristics from mouse hearts and pancreas. The aim of the present study was to characterize these cells in vitro.Methods: Cells were isolated from neonatal and adult mouse hearts and pancreas and cultured for more than 6 months. Surface marker expression was analyzed by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. Cell differentiation was tested using multiple differentiation media. Insulin production by pancreas-derived cells was tested by dithizone staining.Results: Cells showing a similar, distinctive morphology were obtained from the heart and pancreas after 4-8 weeks of culture. Cells from the two organs also showed a very similar immunophenotype, characterized by expression of c-kit (stem cell factor receptor), CD44, the common leukocyte marker CD45, and the monocytic markers CD11b and CD14. A significant proportion of cardiac and pancreatic cells expressed NG2, a marker for pericytes and other vascular cells. A significant proportion of cardiac, but not of pancreatic cells expressed stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1). However, cells did not express T, B or dendritic cell markers. Cells of both cardiac and pancreatic origin spontaneously formed "spheres" (spherical cell aggregates similar to "neurospheres" formed by neural stem cells) in vitro. Cardiosphere formation was enhanced by TNF-alpha. Several cardiospheres (but no "pancreatospheres") derived from neonatal (but not adult) cells showed spontaneous rhythmic contractions, thus demonstrating cardiac differentiation (this was confirmed by immunostaining for alpha-sarcomeric actinin). Beating activity was enhanced by low serum conditions. Cells from both organs formed adipocytes, osteocytes and osteocytes under appropriate conditions, the typical differentiation pattern of MSCs. Pancreas-derived cells also formed dithizonepositive insulin-producing cells.Conclusions: We have defined cardiac and pancreatic cell populations that share a common morphology, growth characteristics, and a unique immunophenotype. Expression of perivascular and monocytic markers, along with stem/priogenitor cell markers by these cells suggests a relationship with pericytes-mesoangioblasts and so-called multipotent monocytes. Cells show MSC-typical growth and differentiation patterns, together with tissue-specific differentiation potential: cardiomyocytes for cardiac-derived cells and insulinproducing cells for pancreas-derived cells.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen, persistently infecting more than 170 million individuals worldwide. Studies of the HCV life cycle have become possible with the development of cell culture systems supporting the replication of viral RNA and the production of infectious virus. However, the exact functions of individual proteins, especially of nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B), remain poorly understood. NS4B triggers the formation of specific, vesicular membrane rearrangements, referred to as membranous webs, which have been reported to represent sites of HCV RNA replication. However, the mechanism of vesicle induction is not known. In this study, a panel of 15 mutants carrying substitutions in the highly conserved NS4B C-terminal domain was generated. Five mutations had only a minor effect on replication, but two of them enhanced assembly and release of infectious virus. Ten mutants were replication defective and used for selection of pseudoreversions. Most of the pseudoreversions also localized to the highly conserved NS4B C-terminal domain and were found to restore replication competence upon insertion into the corresponding primary mutant. Importantly, pseudoreversions restoring replication competence also restored heterotypic NS4B self-interaction, which was disrupted by the primary mutation. Finally, electron microscopy analyses of membrane alterations induced by NS4B mutants revealed striking morphological abnormalities, which were restored to wild-type morphology by the corresponding pseudoreversion. These findings demonstrate the important role of the C-terminal domain in NS4B self-interaction and the formation of functional HCV replication complexes.
Glibenclamide is neuroprotective against cerebral ischemia in rats. We studied whether glibenclamide enhances long-term brain repair and improves behavioral recovery after stroke. Adult male Wistar rats were subjected to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) for 90 minutes. A low dose of glibenclamide (total 0.6mg) was administered intravenously 6, 12, and 24 hours after reperfusion. We assessed behavioral outcome during a 30-day follow-up and animals were perfused for histological evaluation. In vitro specific binding of glibenclamide to microglia increased after pro-inflammatory stimuli. In vivo glibenclamide was associated with increased migration of doublecortin-positive cells in the striatum toward the ischemic lesion 72 hours after MCAO, and reactive microglia expressed sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) and Kir6.2 in the medial striatum. One month after MCAO, glibenclamide was also associated with increased number of NeuN-positive and 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine-positive neurons in the cortex and hippocampus, and enhanced angiogenesis in the hippocampus. Consequently, glibenclamide-treated MCAO rats showed improved performance in the limb-placing test on postoperative days 22 to 29, and in the cylinder and water-maze test on postoperative day 29. Therefore, acute blockade of SUR1 by glibenclamide enhanced long-term brain repair in MCAO rats, which was associated with improved behavioral outcome.
Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial malignant tumor in young children and arises at any site of the sympathetic nervous system. The disease exhibits a remarkable phenotypic diversity ranging from spontaneous regression to fatal disease. Poor outcome results from a rapidly progressive, metastatic and drug-resistant disease. Recent studies have suggested that solid tumors may arise from a minor population of cancer stem cells (CSCs) with stem cell markers and typical properties such as self-renewal ability, asymmetric division and drug resistance. In this model, CSCs possess the exclusive ability to initiate and maintain the tumor, and to produce distant metastases. Tumor cell subpopulations with stem-like phenotypes have indeed been identified in several cancer including leukemia, breast, brain and colon cancers. CSC hypothesis still needs to be validated in the other cancers including NB.NB originates from neural crest-derived malignant sympatho-adrenal cells. We have identified rare cells that express markers in conformity with neural crest stem cells and their derived lineages within primary NB tissue and cell lines, leading us to postulate the existence of CSCs in NB tumors.In the absence of specific markers to isolate CSCs, we adapted to NB tumor cells the sphere functional assay, based on the ability of stem cells to grow as spheres in non-adherent conditions. By serial passages of spheres from bone marrow NB metastases, a subset of cells was gradually selected and its specific gene expression profile identified by micro-array time-course analysis. The differentially expressed genes in spheres are enriched in genes implicated in development including CD133, ABC-transporters, WNT and NOTCH genes, identified in others solid cancers as CSCs markers, and other new markers, all referred by us as the Neurosphere Expression Profile (NEP). We confirmed the presence of a cell subpopulation expressing a combination of the NEP markers within a few primary NB samples.The tumorigenic potential of NB spheres was assayed by in vivo tumor growth analyses using orthotopic (adrenal glands) implantations of tumor cells into immune-compromised mice. Tumors derived from the sphere cells were significantly more frequent and were detected earlier compared to whole tumor cells. However, NB cells expressing the neurosphere-associated genes and isolated from the bulk tumors did not recapitulate the CSC-like phenotype in the orthotopic model. In addition, the NB sphere cells lost their higher tumorigenic potential when implanted in a subcutaneous heterotopic in vivo model.These results highlighted the complex behavior of CSC functions and led us to consider the stem-like NB cells as a dynamic and heterogeneous cell population influenced by microenvironment signals.Our approach identified for the first time candidate genes that may be associated with NB self-renewal and tumorigenicity and therefore would establish specific functional targets for more effective therapies in aggressive NB.
A series of mutations, including 5' and 3' deletions, as well as insertions were introduced into the 5' flanking nucleotide sequence of a vaccinia virus late gene. This DNA has been shown previously to contain all the necessary elements for correct regulation of the gene most probably transcribed by the viral RNA polymerase. To facilitate the assays, the mutated DNA was fused to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene and inserted into the genome of live vaccinia virus. The effects of the mutations on expression of the chimeric gene were studied by both enzyme assays and nuclease S1 analysis. The results showed that 5' deletions up to about 15 bp from the putative initiation site of transcription still yielded high levels of gene expression. All mutations, however, that deleted the authentic late mRNA start site, abolished promoter activity.
Functional neuroimaging has undergone spectacular developments in recent years. Paradoxically, its neurobiological bases have remained elusive, resulting in an intense debate around the cellular mechanisms taking place upon activation that could contribute to the signals measured. Taking advantage of a modeling approach, we propose here a coherent neurobiological framework that not only explains several in vitro and in vivo observations but also provides a physiological basis to interpret imaging signals. First, based on a model of compartmentalized energy metabolism, we show that complex kinetics of NADH changes observed in vitro can be accounted for by distinct metabolic responses in two cell populations reminiscent of neurons and astrocytes. Second, extended application of the model to an in vivo situation allowed us to reproduce the evolution of intraparenchymal oxygen levels upon activation as measured experimentally without substantially altering the initial parameter values. Finally, applying the same model to functional neuroimaging in humans, we were able to determine that the early negative component of the blood oxygenation level-dependent response recorded with functional MRI, known as the initial dip, critically depends on the oxidative response of neurons, whereas the late aspects of the signal correspond to a combination of responses from cell types with two distinct metabolic profiles that could be neurons and astrocytes. In summary, our results, obtained with such a modeling approach, support the concept that both neuronal and glial metabolic responses form essential components of neuroimaging signals.
La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) films have been deposited on (110)-oriented SrTiO3 (STO) substrates. X-ray diffraction and high-resolution electron microscopy reveal that the (110) LCMO films are epitaxial and anisotropically in-plane strained, with higher relaxation along the [1¿10] direction than along the [001] direction; x-ray absorption spectroscopy data signaled the existence of a single intermediate Mn3+/4+ 3d-state at the film surface. Their magnetic properties are compared to those of (001) LCMO films grown simultaneously on (001) STO substrates It is found that (110) LCMO films present a higher Curie temperature (TC) and a weaker decay of magnetization when approaching TC than their (001) LCMO counterparts. These improved films have been subsequently covered by nanometric STO layers. Conducting atomic-force experiments have shown that STO layers, as thin as 0.8 nm, grown on top of the (110) LCMO electrode, display good insulating properties. We will show that the electric conductance across (110) STO layers, exponentially depending on the barrier thickness, is tunnel-like. The barrier height in STO (110) is found to be similar to that of STO (001). These results show that the (110) LCMO electrodes can be better electrodes than (001) LCMO for magnetic tunnel junctions, and that (110) STO are suitable insulating barriers.
T cell responses to viral epitopes are often composed of a small number of codominant clonotypes. In this study, we show that tumor Ag-specific T cells can behave similarly. In a melanoma patient with a long lasting HLA-A2/NY-ESO-1-specific T cell response, reaching 10% of circulating CD8 T cells, we identified nine codominant clonotypes characterized by individual TCRs. These clonotypes made up almost the entire pool of highly differentiated effector cells, but only a fraction of the small pool of less differentiated "memory" cells, suggesting that the latter serve to maintain effector cells. The different clonotypes displayed full effector function and expressed TCRs with similar functional avidity. Nevertheless, some clonotypes increased, whereas others declined in numbers over the observation period of 6 years. One clonotype disappeared from circulating blood, but without preceding critical telomere shortening. In turn, clonotypes with increasing frequency had accelerated telomere shortening, correlating with strong in vivo proliferation. Interestingly, the final prevalence of the different T cell clonotypes in circulation was anticipated in a metastatic lymph node withdrawn 2 years earlier, suggesting in vivo clonotype selection driven by metastases. Together, these data provide novel insight in long term in vivo persistence of T cell clonotypes associated with continued cell turnover but not replicative senescence or functional alteration.
Cerebral blood flow can be studied in a multislice mode with a recently proposed perfusion sequence using inversion of water spins as an endogenous tracer without magnetization transfer artifacts. The magnetization transfer insensitive labeling technique (TILT) has been used for mapping blood flow changes at a microvascular level under motor activation in a multislice mode. In TILT, perfusion mapping is achieved by subtraction of a perfusion-sensitized image from a control image. Perfusion weighting is accomplished by proximal blood labeling using two 90 degrees radiofrequency excitation pulses. For control preparation the labeling pulses are modified such that they have no net effect on blood water magnetization. The percentage of blood flow change, as well as its spatial extent, has been studied in single and multislice modes with varying delays between labeling and imaging. The average perfusion signal change due to activation was 36.9 +/- 9.1% in the single-slice experiments and 38.1 +/- 7.9% in the multislice experiments. The volume of activated brain areas amounted to 1.51 +/- 0.95 cm3 in the contralateral primary motor (M1) area, 0.90 +/- 0.72 cc in the ipsilateral M1 area, 1.27 +/- 0.39 cm3 in the contralateral and 1.42 +/- 0.75 cm3 in the ipsilateral premotor areas, and 0.71 +/- 0.19 cm3 in the supplementary motor area.
Selostus: Heraproteiinit terveysvaikutteisten elintarvikkeiden kehittämisessä
Calibrated BOLD fMRI is a promising alternative to the classic BOLD contrast due to its reduced venous sensitivity and greater physiological specificity. The delayed adoption of this technique for cognitive studies may stem partly from a lack of information on the reproducibility of these measures in the context of cognitive tasks. In this study we have explored the applicability and reproducibility of a state-of-the-art calibrated BOLD technique using a complex functional task at 7 tesla. Reproducibility measures of BOLD, CBF, CMRO2 flow-metabolism coupling n and the calibration parameter M were compared and interpreted for three ROIs. We found an averaged intra-subject variation of CMRO2 of 8% across runs and 33% across days. BOLD (46% across runs, 36% across days), CBF (33% across runs, 46% across days) and M (41% across days) showed significantly higher intra-subject variability. Inter-subject variability was found to be high for all quantities, though CMRO2 was the most consistent across brain regions. The results of this study provide evidence that calibrated BOLD may be a viable alternative for longitudinal and cognitive MRI studies.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is abundantly expressed in adipocytes, and plays an important role in adipocyte differentiation and fat accretion. It is a heterodimeric partner of the retinoid X receptors alpha, beta and gamma, which are also expressed in the adipose tissue. As lethality of PPARgamma(-/-) and RXRalpha(-/-) mouse fetuses precluded the analysis of PPARgamma and RXRalpha functions in mature adipocytes, we generated RXRalpha(ad-/-) and PPARgamma(ad-/-) mice, in which RXRalpha and PPARgamma are selectively ablated in adult adipocytes, respectively. Even though the adiposity of RXRalpha(ad-/-) mice is similar to that of control mice when fed a regular diet, they are resistant to chemically and dietary-induced obesity. However, mature adipocytes lacking either both RXRalpha and RXRgamma or PPARgamma die, and are replaced by newly formed adipocytes. Thus, in adipocytes, RXRalpha is essential for lipogenesis, but RXRgamma can functionally replace RXRalpha for the adipocyte vital functions exerted by PPARgamma/RXR heterodimers.