973 resultados para Froude scaling


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Within the Tsallis thermodynamics framework, and using scaling properties of the entropy, we derive a generalization of the Gibbs-Duhem equation. The analysis suggests a transformation of variables that allows standard thermodynamics to be recovered. Moreover, we also generalize Einsteins formula for the probability of a fluctuation to occur by means of the maximum statistical entropy method. The use of the proposed transformation of variables also shows that fluctuations within Tsallis statistics can be mapped to those of standard statistical mechanics.


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An experimental study of the acoustic emission generated during a martensitic transformation is presented. A statistical analysis of the amplitude and lifetime of a large number of signals has revealed power-law behavior for both magnitudes. The exponents of these distributions have been evaluated and, through independent measurements of the statistical lifetime to amplitude dependence, we have checked the scaling relation between the exponents. Our results are discussed in terms of current ideas on avalanche dynamics.


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Intensive numerical studies of exact ground states of the two-dimensional ferromagnetic random field Ising model at T=0, with a Gaussian distribution of fields, are presented. Standard finite size scaling analysis of the data suggests the existence of a transition at ¿c=0.64±0.08. Results are compared with existing theories and with the study of metastable avalanches in the same model.


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We study the dynamics of generic reaction-diffusion fronts, including pulses and chemical waves, in the presence of multiplicative noise. We discuss the connection between the reaction-diffusion Langevin-like field equations and the kinematic (eikonal) description in terms of a stochastic moving-boundary or sharp-interface approximation. We find that the effective noise is additive and we relate its strength to the noise parameters in the original field equations, to first order in noise strength, but including a partial resummation to all orders which captures the singular dependence on the microscopic cutoff associated with the spatial correlation of the noise. This dependence is essential for a quantitative and qualitative understanding of fluctuating fronts, affecting both scaling properties and nonuniversal quantities. Our results predict phenomena such as the shift of the transition point between the pushed and pulled regimes of front propagation, in terms of the noise parameters, and the corresponding transition to a non-Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. We assess the quantitative validity of the results in several examples including equilibrium fluctuations and kinetic roughening. We also predict and observe a noise-induced pushed-pulled transition. The analytical predictions are successfully tested against rigorous results and show excellent agreement with numerical simulations of reaction-diffusion field equations with multiplicative noise.


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We show that time-dependent couplings may lead to nontrivial scaling properties of the surface fluctuations of the asymptotic regime in nonequilibrium kinetic roughening models. Three typical situations are studied. In the case of a crossover between two different rough regimes, the time-dependent coupling may result in anomalous scaling for scales above the crossover length. In a different setting, for a crossover from a rough to either a flat or damping regime, the time-dependent crossover length may conspire to produce a rough surface, although the most relevant term tends to flatten the surface. In addition, our analysis sheds light into an existing debate in the problem of spontaneous imbibition, where time-dependent couplings naturally arise in theoretical models and experiments.


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We study the influence of disorder strength on the interface roughening process in a phase-field model with locally conserved dynamics. We consider two cases where the mobility coefficient multiplying the locally conserved current is either constant throughout the system (the two-sided model) or becomes zero in the phase into which the interface advances (one-sided model). In the limit of weak disorder, both models are completely equivalent and can reproduce the physical process of a fluid diffusively invading a porous media, where super-rough scaling of the interface fluctuations occurs. On the other hand, increasing disorder causes the scaling properties to change to intrinsic anomalous scaling. In the limit of strong disorder this behavior prevails for the one-sided model, whereas for the two-sided case, nucleation of domains in front of the invading front are observed.


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We have systematically analyzed six different reticular models with quenched disorder and no thermal fluctuations exhibiting a field-driven first-order phase transition. We have studied the nonequilibrium transition, appearing when varying the amount of disorder, characterized by the change from a discontinuous hysteresis cycle (with one or more large avalanches) to a smooth one (with only tiny avalanches). We have computed critical exponents using finite size scaling techniques and shown that they are consistent with universal values depending only on the space dimensionality d.


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We consider the distribution of cross sections of clusters and the density-density correlation functions for the A+B¿0 reaction. We solve the reaction-diffusion equations numerically for random initial distributions of reactants. When both reactant species have the same diffusion coefficients the distribution of cross sections and the correlation functions scale with the diffusion length and obey superuniversal laws (independent of dimension). For different diffusion coefficients the correlation functions still scale, but the scaling functions depend on the dimension and on the diffusion coefficients. Furthermore, we display explicitly the peculiarities of the cluster-size distribution in one dimension.


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We study the problem of the partition of a system of initial size V into a sequence of fragments s1,s2,s3 . . . . By assuming a scaling hypothesis for the probability p(s;V) of obtaining a fragment of a given size, we deduce that the final distribution of fragment sizes exhibits power-law behavior. This minimal model is useful to understanding the distribution of avalanche sizes in first-order phase transitions at low temperatures.


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The possibility of local elastic instabilities is considered in a first¿order structural phase transition, typically a thermoelastic martensitic transformation, with associated interfacial and volumic strain energy. They appear, for instance, as the result of shape change accommodation by simultaneous growth of different crystallographic variants. The treatment is phenomenological and deals with growth in both thermoelastic equilibrium and in nonequilibrium conditions produced by the elastic instability. Scaling of the transformed fraction curves against temperature is predicted only in the case of purely thermoelastic growth. The role of the transformation latent heat on the relaxation kinetics is also considered, and it is shown that it tends to increase the characteristic relaxation times as adiabatic conditions are approached, by keeping the system closer to a constant temperature. The analysis also reveals that the energy dissipated in the relaxation process has a double origin: release of elastic energy Wi and entropy production Si. The latter is shown to depend on both temperature rate and thermal conduction in the system.


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The radial displacement of a fluid annulus in a rotating circular Hele-Shaw cell has been investigated experimentally. It has been found that the flow depends sensitively on the wetting conditions at the outer interface. Displacements in a prewet cell are well described by Darcy's law in a wide range of experimental parameters, with little influence of capillary effects. In a dry cell, however, a more careful analysis of the interface motion is required; the interplay between a gradual loss of fluid at the inner interface, and the dependence of capillary forces at the outer interface on interfacial velocity and dynamic contact angle, result in a constant velocity for the interfaces. The experimental results in this case correlate in the form of an empirical scaling relation between the capillary number Ca and a dimensionless group, related to the ratio of centrifugal to capillary forces, which spans about three orders of magnitude in both quantities. Finally, the relative thickness of the coating film left by the inner interface, alpha i, is obtained as a function of Ca.


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We analyze the influence of the density dependence of the symmetry energy on the average excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (GMR) in stable and exotic neutron-rich nuclei by applying the relativistic extended Thomas-Fermi method in scaling and constrained calculations. For the effective nuclear interaction, we employ the relativistic mean field model supplemented by an isoscalar-isovector meson coupling that allows one to modify the density dependence of the symmetry energy without compromising the success of the model for binding energies and charge radii. The semiclassical estimates of the average energy of the GMR are known to be in good agreement with the results obtained in full RPA calculations. The present analysis is performed along the Pb and Zr isotopic chains. In the scaling calculations, the excitation energy is larger when the symmetry energy is softer. The same happens in the constrained calculations for nuclei with small and moderate neutron excess. However, for nuclei of large isospin the constrained excitation energy becomes smaller in models having a soft symmetry energy. This effect is mainly due to the presence of loosely-bound outer neutrons in these isotopes. A sharp increase of the estimated width of the resonance is found in largely neutron-rich isotopes, even for heavy nuclei, which is enhanced when the symmetry energy of the model is soft. The results indicate that at large neutron numbers the structure of the low-energy region of the GMR strength distribution changes considerably with the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy, which may be worthy of further characterization in RPA calculations of the response function.


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The formation of a hollow cellular sphere is often one of the first steps of multicellular embryonic development. In the case of Hydra, the sphere breaks its initial symmetry to form a foot-head axis. During this process a gene, ks1, is increasingly expressed in localized cell domains whose size distribution becomes scale-free at the axis-locking moment. We show that a physical model based solely on the production and exchange of ks1-promoting factors among neighboring cells robustly reproduces the scaling behavior as well as the experimentally observed spontaneous and temperature-directed symmetry breaking.


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We calculate the chemical potential ¿0 and the effective mass m*/m3 of one 3He impurity in liquid 4He. First a variational wave function including two- and three-particle dynamical correlations is adopted. Triplet correlations bring the computed values of ¿0 very close to the experimental results. The variational estimate of m*/m3 includes also backflow correlations between the 3He atom and the particles in the medium. Different approximations for the three-particle distribution function give almost the same values for m*/m3. The variational approach underestimates m*/m3 by ~10% at all of the considered densities. Correlated-basis perturbation theory is then used to improve the wave function to include backflow around the particles of the medium. The perturbative series built up with one-phonon states only is summed up to infinite order and gives results very close to the variational ones. All the perturbative diagrams with two independent phonons have then been summed to compute m*/m3. Their contribution depends to some extent on the form used for the three-particle distribution function. When the scaling approximation is adopted, a reasonable agreement with the experimental results is achieved.


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The scaling up of the Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition (HW-CVD) technique to large deposition area can be done using a catalytic net of equal spaced parallel filaments. The large area deposition limit is defined as the limit whenever a further increment of the catalytic net area does not affect the properties of the deposited film. This is the case when a dense catalytic net is spread on a surface considerably larger than that of the film substrate. To study this limit, a system able to hold a net of twelve wires covering a surface of about 20 cm x 20 cm was used to deposit amorphous (a-Si:H) and microcrystalline (μc-Si:H) silicon over a substrate of 10 cm x 10 cm placed at a filament-substrate distance ranging from 1 to 2 cm. The uniformity of the film thickness d and optical constants, n(x, λ) and α(x,¯hω), was studied via transmission measurements. The thin film uniformity as a function of the filament-substrate distance was studied. The experimental thickness profile was compared with the theoretical result obtained solving the diffusion equations. The optimization of the filament-substrate distance allowed obtaining films with inhomogeneities lower than ±2.5% and deposition rates higher than 1 nm/s and 4.5 nm/s for (μc-Si:H) and (a-Si:H), respectively.