1000 resultados para Fragaria x
Importância das interações cultivares x locais e cultivares x anos na avaliação de milho na safrinha
Com o objetivo de verificar a importância da interação cultivares x locais e cultivares x anos e de identificar entre os híbridos já disponíveis os que sejam mais adaptados e estáveis para o cultivo em safrinha, foram estimados os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade a partir de dados obtidos em experimentos de avaliação de cultivares de milho na safrinha, nos anos de 1993, 1994 e 1995. Esses experimentos foram conduzidos nos Estados de São Paulo, Goiás e Paraná. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com três repetições. Constatou-se que a magnitude da variância da interação cultivares com anos dentro de locais foi mais expressiva do que entre locais, o que indica a necessidade de que as avaliações de cultivares na safrinha sejam realizadas num maior número de anos. As cultivares diferiram quanto à adaptabilidade e estabilidade de produção de grãos. Os materiais que se destacaram como mais adaptados e estáveis foram o híbrido simples Zeneca 8452, o híbrido triplo C 805 e o híbrido duplo Agromen 2012. Já os híbridos duplos BR 201, Planagri 411, AG 303 e C 125 foram os que mostraram menor adaptação e maior instabilidade.
Iowa has more than 13,000 miles of portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement. Some pavements have performed well for over 50 years, while others have been removed or overlaid due to the premature deterioration of joints and cracks. Some of the premature deterioration is classical D-cracking, which is attributed to a critically saturated aggregate pore system (freeze-thaw damage). However, some of the premature deterioration is related to adverse chemical reactivity involving carbonate coarse aggregate. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the value of a chemical analysis of carbonate aggregate using X-ray equipment to identify good or poor quality. At least 1.5% dolomite is necessary in a carbonate aggregate to produce a discernible dolomite peak. The shift of the maximum-intensity X-ray diffraction dolomite d-spacing can be used to predict poor performance of a carbonate aggregate in PCC. A limestone aggregate with a low percentage of strontium (less than 0.013) and phosphorus (less than 0.010) would be expected to give good performance in PCC pavement. Poor performance in PCC pavement is expected from limestone aggregates with higher percentages (above 0.05) of strontium.
L'objectiu de l'article és analitzar quin sentit té el kantisme a la filosofia de Llorens i Barba. S'ha afirmat sovint que potser Llorens es va distanciar de Kant al final de la seva vida. Aquesta qüestió ens pot ocultar quelcom més important: el veritable significat dels elements d'ètica kantiana dins de la filosofia de Llorens. Mostrarem que la influència de Kant és clara, però que cal tenir present que deriva igualment de la principal font de Llorens, el filòsof escocès William Hamilton. Per assolir aquesta conclusió analitzarem la presència de la noció de sentit comú en Kant i considerarem de quina manera l'ètica complementa la metafísica en Kant, Hamilton i Llorens.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) and thyroid hormone receptors (TR) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily, which regulate lipid metabolism and tissue differentiation. In order to bind to DNA and activate transcription, PPAR requires the formation of heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor (RXR). In addition to activating transcription through its own response elements, PPAR is able to selectively down-regulate the transcriptional activity of TR, but not vitamin D receptor. The molecular basis of this functional interaction has not been fully elucidated. By means of site-directed mutagenesis of hPPAR alpha we mapped its inhibitory action on TR to a leucine zipper-like motif in the ligand binding domain of PPAR, which is highly conserved among all subtypes of this receptor and mediates heterodimerization with RXR. Replacement of a single leucine by arginine at position 433 of hPPAR alpha (L433R) abolished heterodimerization of PPAR with RXR and consequently its trans-activating capacity. However, a similar mutation of a leucine residue to arginine at position 422 showed no alteration of heterodimerization, DNA binding, or transcriptional activation. The dimerization deficient mutant L433R was no longer able to inhibit TR action, demonstrating that the selective inhibitory effect of PPAR results from the competition for RXR as well as possibly for other TR-auxiliary proteins. In contrast, abolition of DNA binding by a mutation in the P-box of PPAR (C122S) did not eliminate the inhibition of TR trans-activation, indicating that competition for DNA binding is not involved. Additionally, no evidence for the formation of PPAR:TR heterodimers was found in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. In summary, we have demonstrated that PPAR selectively inhibits the transcriptional activity of TRs by competition for RXR and possibly non-RXR TR-auxiliary proteins. In contrast, this functional interaction is independent of the formation of PPAR:TR heterodimers or competition for DNA binding.
O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar a composição química da carne de cabrito-mamão (idade média de 72 dias), da raça Moxotó (MOX), grupos genéticos ¾ Pardo Alpina x ¼ Moxotó (3/4 PAMOX) e ½ Pardo Alpina x ½ Moxotó (1/2 PAMOX). A análise apresentou valores médios entre 77,80% a 80,25% de umidade; 15,90% a 19,08% de proteína; 1,12% a 1,21% de gordura, e 1,29% a 2,03% de cinzas. Quanto à composição mineral, os valores médios variaram de 5,62 mg/100 g a 8,21 mg/100 g de cálcio; 156,97 mg/100 g a 196,25 mg/100 g de fósforo; 0,26 mg/100 g a 0,48 mg/100 g de ferro; 16,25 mg/100 g a 23,72 mg/100 g de magnésio; 59,20 mg/100 g a 78,79 mg/100 g de sódio, e de 259,69 mg/100 g a 292,24 mg/100 g de potássio. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas a 5% de probabilidade entre os grupos genéticos no que diz respeito à composição de umidade, proteína e cinzas e mineral quanto a elementos estudados. Não houve diferenças entre os valores de gordura dos grupos genéticos.
Regulator of G-protein signalling (RGS) proteins negatively regulate heterotrimeric G-protein signalling through their conserved RGS domains. RGS domains act as GTPase-activating proteins, accelerating the GTP hydrolysis rate of the activated form of Gα-subunits. Although omnipresent in eukaryotes, RGS proteins have not been adequately analysed in non-mammalian organisms. The Drosophila melanogaster Gαo-subunit and the RGS domain of its interacting partner CG5036 have been overproduced and purified; the crystallization of the complex of the two proteins using PEG 4000 as a crystallizing agent and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis are reported. Diffraction data were collected to 2.0 Å resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source.
The two goals of this project stated in the Proposal were: (1) study lime diffusion in clayey soils, and (2) find the role of MgO in soil-dolomitic lime stabilization. Because of the practice significance of these goals we temporarily overstaffed this project, giving somewhat a "crash" program. As a result, proposed work was finished up early (as were the funds), and more important, some of the findings were early enough and of sufficient merit to put into field trials in the Fall of 1964. The work now being completed and the funds all being expended, this Final Report is therefore submitted before the anticipated project termination date.
The most abundant clay mineral group in Iowa soils is montmorillonite, most commonly calcium-saturated (Hanway et al, 1960). The calcium montmorillonite-water system was therefore selected for detailed X-ray study. Montmorillonite is unusual among minerals in that it has an expanding lattice in the c direction. That is, upon wetting with water, the individual silicate layers separate to allow entry of water, and the mineral expands. Characteristics of this expansion are readily studied by means of X-ray diffraction: the X-ray diffraction angle gives the average layer-to-layer "d001" spacing for any given moisture condition; the sharpness of the diffraction peak is a measure of uniformity of the d001 spacing; and the intensity of the peak relates to uniformity of the d001 spacing and in addition to the electron density distribution within the repeating elements. The latter is embodied in the "structure factor".
Two goals were pursued in this research: first, to evaluate statistically some effects of sample preparation and instrument geometry on reproducibility of X-ray diffraction intensity data; and second, to develop a procedure for finding minimum peak and background counting times for a desired level of accuracy. The ratio of calcite to dolomite in limestones was determined in trials. Ultra-fine wet grinding of the limestone in porcelain impact type ball mill gave most consistent X-ray results, but caused considerable line broadening, and peaks were best measured on an area count basis. Sample spinning reduced variance about one third, and a coarse beam-medium detector slit arrangement was found to be best. An equation is developed relating coefficient of variation of a count ratio to peak and background counts. By use of the equation or graphs the minimum coefficient of variation is predicted from one fast scan, and the number and optimum arrangement of additional counting periods to reduce variation to a desired limit may be obtained. The calculated coefficient is the maximum which may be attributed to the counting statistic but does not include experimental deviations.
Segmentos nodais estiolados são utilizados para a micropropagação e conservação da identidade genética em várias culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a multiplicação in vitro de segmentos estiolados para produção de mudas do abacaxi híbrido PE x SC-52. Talos de plântulas produzidos in vitro receberam inóculo em tubos de ensaio contendo o meio de cultura MS e mantidos no escuro por 60 dias, para estiolamento. Foram utilizados três tratamentos, sem reguladores de crescimento, ANA a 1,86 mg/L e AIA a 1,75 mg/L em cinco repetições com dez explantes por repetição. Não houve diferença no número de brotos estiolados por explante entre os tratamentos avaliados. No entanto, aos 35 dias de cultivo, os tratamentos com ANA e AIA apresentavam maior número de nós por broto, sendo o ANA superior aos demais após 60 dias. Brotos estiolados in vitro por 60 dias foram colocados horizontalmente em placas de Petri contendo o meio MS e incubados na presença de luz. Foram usados quatro tratamentos para a regeneração das plântulas, sem reguladores de crescimento; BAP a 2 mg/L; ANA a 1,86 mg/L + BAP a 2 mg/L e CIN a 5 mg/L, em quatro repetições, com sete brotos estiolados, por repetição. O BAP promoveu maior número de plântulas regeneradas por broto e por nó, com uma média de 10,4 plântulas por broto estiolado, aos 30 dias.
Monalysin was recently described as a novel pore-forming toxin (PFT) secreted by the Drosophila pathogen Pseudomonas entomophila. Recombinant monalysin is multimeric in solution, whereas PFTs are supposed to be monomeric until target membrane association. Monalysin crystals were obtained by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using PEG 8000 as precipitant. Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that monalysin crystals belonged to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 162.4, b = 146.2, c = 144.4 Å, β = 122.8°, and diffracted to 2.85 Å resolution using synchrotron radiation. Patterson self-rotation analysis and Matthews coefficient calculation indicate that the asymmetric unit contains nine copies of monalysin. Heavy-atom derivative data were collected and a Ta6Br14 cluster derivative data set confirmed the presence of ninefold noncrystallographic symmetry.
Although the radiation doses involved in basic research radiology are relatively small, the increasing number of radiological procedures makes risks becoming increasingly high. Quality control techniques in radiological practice have to ensure an adequate system of protection for people exposed to radiation. These techniques belong to a quality assurance program for X-ray machines and are designed to correct problems related to equipment and radiological practices, to obtain radiological images of high quality and to reduce the unnecessary exposures.
This article summarizes the basic principles of photoelectron spectroscopy for surface analysis, with examples of applications in material science that illustrate the capabilities of the related techniques.
In this article the main possibilities of single crystal and powder diffraction analysis using conventional laboratory x-ray sources are introduced. Several examples of applications with different solid samples and in different fields of applications are shown illustrating the multidisciplinary capabilities of both techniques.