945 resultados para Fluid and crystallized Intelligence


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A toxoplasmose é uma das parasitoses mais comuns em gatos sendo que a sua seroprevalência mundial varia entre 5,5% e 97,4%. Em Portugal, existem poucos estudos sobre a prevalência da toxoplasmose e, por isso, este estudo tem como objetivo principal contribuir para o conhecimento da seroprevalência de base clínica no nosso país. Para a sua realização, foram colhidas amostras de soro de 63 gatos e recolhidos dados epidemiológicos sobre a idade, a raça, o género, o tipo de alimentação, o acesso ao exterior e o tipo de habitat dos progenitores. As amostras de soro foram analisadas através da técnica de imunofluorescência indireta, tendo sido encontrados 25 gatos seropositivos, correspondendo a uma seroprevalência de base clínica de 41%. O único fator de risco identificado foi o acesso ao exterior. A idade do animal não foi estatisticamente significativa como fator de risco, mas observou-se um aumento da prevalência em animais até aos 6 anos de idade. Os gatos de progenitores com acesso ao exterior, animais de género feminino e com alimentação de risco apresentaram maior número de seropositivos, no entanto, estes resultados não foram estatisticamente significativos.


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Este ensayo analiza aspectos de la dilatada labor como periodista, crítico literario, narrador de ficción y, sobre todo, la producción poética del ecuatoriano Alejandro Carrión. Señala que su narrativa, desde muy temprano, evidencia el tono satírico que no abandonaría jamás, tanto como su «vocación festiva de la sedición». Destaca su labor como periodista, principalmente con el seudónimo de Juan sin cielo. Menciona algunos aportes de Carrión en tanto crítico literario, recogidos principalmente en la revista Letras del Ecuador. El hilo conductor del ensayo –a ratos nostálgica semblanza– se nutre de una perspectiva inevitable: ciertos rasgos de su personalidad (su experiencia en «romances y serpientes», la vocación de incisivo y mordaz humorista, su «naturaleza confrontacional» y aguda inteligencia), además de sus dotes de narrador satírico y de poeta.


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Current gas-based in vitro evaluation systems are extremely powerful research techniques. However they have the potential to generate a great deal more than simple fermentation dynamics. Details from four experiments are presented in which adaptation, and novel application, of an in vitro system allowed widely differing objectives to be examined. In the first two studies, complement methodologies were utilised. In such assays, an activity or outcome is inferred through the occurrence of a secondary event rather than by direct observation. Using an N-deficient incubation medium, the increase in starch fermentation, when supplemented with individual amino acids (i.e., known level of N) relative to that of urea (i.e., known quantity and N availability), provided an estimate of their microbial utilisation. Due to the low level of response observed with some arnino acids (notably methionine and lysine), it was concluded, that they may not need to be offered in a rumen-inert form to escape rumen microbial degradation. In another experiment, the extent to which degradation of plant cell wall components was inhibited by lipid supplementation was evaluated using fermentation gas release profiles of washed hay. The different responses due to lipid source and level of inclusion suggested that the degree of rumen protection required to ameliorate this depression was supplement dependent. That in vitro inocula differ in their microbial composition is of little interest per se, as long as the outcome is the same (i.e., that similar substrates are degraded at comparable rates and end-product release is equivalent). However where a microbial population is deficient in a particular activity, increasing the level of inoculation will have no benefit. Estimates of hydrolytic activity were obtained by examining fermentation kinetics of specific substrates. A number of studies identified a fundamental difference between rumen fluid and faecal inocula, with the latter having a lower fibrolytic activity, which could not be completely attributed to microbial numbers. The majority of forage maize is offered as an ensiled feed, however most of the information on which decisions such as choice of variety, crop management and harvesting date are made is based on fresh crop measurements. As such, an attempt was made to estimate ensiled maize quality from an in vitro analysis of the fresh crop. Fermentation profiles and chemical analysis confirmed changes in crop composition over the growing season, and loss of labile carbohydrates during ensiling. In addition, examination of degradation residues allowed metabolizable energy (ME) contents to be estimated. Due to difficulties associated with starch analysis, the observation that this parameter could be predicted by difference (together with an assumed degradability), allowed an estimate of ensiled maize ME to be developed from fresh material. In addition, the contribution of the main carbohydrates towards ME showed the importance of delaying harvest until maximum starch content has been achieved. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polarized epithelial cells are responsible for the vectorial transport of solutes and have a key role in maintaining body fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Such cells contain structurally and functionally distinct plasma membrane domains. Brush border and basolateral membranes of renal and intestinal epithelial cells can be separated using a number of different separation techniques, which allow their different transport functions and receptor expressions to be studied. In this communication, we report a proteomic analysis of these two membrane segments, apical and basolateral, obtained from the rat renal cortex isolated by two different methods: differential centrifugation and free-flow electrophoresis. The study was aimed at assessing the nature of the major proteins isolated by these two separation techniques. Two analytical strategies were used: separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) at the protein level or by cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after proteolysis (i.e., at the peptide level). Proteolytic peptides derived from the proteins present in gel pieces or from HPLC fractions after proteolysis were sequenced by on-line liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Several hundred proteins were identified in each membrane section. In addition to proteins known to be located at the apical and basolateral membranes, several novel proteins were also identified. In particular, a number of proteins with putative roles in signal transduction were identified in both membranes. To our knowledge, this is the first reported study to try and characterize the membrane proteome of polarized epithelial cells and to provide a data set of the most abundant proteins present in renal proximal tubule cell membranes.


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Polarized epithelial cells are responsible for the vectorial transport of solutes and have a key role in maintaining body fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Such cells contain structurally and functionally distinct plasma membrane domains. Brush border and basolateral membranes of renal and intestinal epithelial cells can be separated using a number of different separation techniques, which allow their different transport functions and receptor expressions to be studied. In this communication, we report a proteomic analysis of these two membrane segments, apical and basolateral, obtained from the rat renal cortex isolated by two different methods: differential centrifugation and free-flow electrophoresis. The study was aimed at assessing the nature of the major proteins isolated by these two separation techniques. Two analytical strategies were used: separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) at the protein level or by cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after proteolysis (i.e., at the peptide level). Proteolytic peptides derived from the proteins present in gel pieces or from HPLC fractions after proteolysis were sequenced by on-line liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Several hundred proteins were identified in each membrane section. In addition to proteins known to be located at the apical and basolateral membranes, several novel proteins were also identified. In particular, a number of proteins with putative roles in signal transduction were identified in both membranes. To our knowledge, this is the first reported study to try and characterize the membrane proteome of polarized epithelial cells and to provide a data set of the most abundant proteins present in renal proximal tubule cell membranes.


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Phenotypic and molecular genetic studies were performed on an unknown facultative anaerobic, catalase-negative, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium isolated from a pig manure storage pit. The unknown bacterium was nutritionally fastidious with growth enhanced by the addition of rumen fluid and was phenotypically initially identified as an Eubacterium species. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies, however, revealed that the unknown bacterium was phylogenetically distant from Eubacterium limosum (the type species of the genus Eubacterium) and related organisms. Phylogenetically, the unknown species displayed a close association with an uncultured organism from human subgingival plaque and formed an unknown sub-line within a cluster of organisms which includes Alloioccoccus otitis, Alkalibacterium olivoapovliticus, Allofustis seminis, Dolosigranulum pigrum, and related organisms, within the low mol% G + C Gram-positive bacteria. Sequence divergence values of > 8% with all known taxonomically recognised taxa, however, clearly indicates the novel bacterium represents a hitherto unknown genus. Based on both phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium from pig manure be classified in a new genus and species, as Atopostipes suicloacale gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of Atopostipes suicloacale is PPC79(T) = NRRL 23919(T) = DSM 15692(T). Crown Copyright (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper provides an introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), their applications in the field of control engineering and elsewhere and gives pointers to future research needs. WSN are collections of stand-alone devices which, typically, have one or more sensors (e.g. temperature, light level), some limited processing capability and a wireless interface allowing communication with a base station. As they are usually battery powered, the biggest challenge is to achieve the necessary monitoring whilst using the least amount of power.


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The whole concept of just what is and what is not, intelligence is a vitally important one. As humans interact more with machines, so the similarities and differences between human and machine intelligence need to be looked at in a sensible, scientific way. This paper considers human and machine intelligence and links them closely to physical characteristics, as exhibited by robots. Potential interfaces between humans and machines are also considered, as is the state of the art in direct physical links between humans and machines.


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Common approaches to the simulation of borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) assume heat transfer in circulating fluid and grout to be in a quasi-steady state and ignore fluctuations in fluid temperature due to transport of the fluid around the loop. However, in domestic ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems, the heat pump and circulating pumps switch on and off during a given hour; therefore, the effect of the thermal mass of the circulating fluid and the dynamics of fluid transport through the loop has important implications for system design. This may also be important in commercial systems that are used intermittently. This article presents transient simulation of a domestic GSHP system with a single BHE using a dynamic three-dimensional (3D) numerical BHE model. The results show that delayed response associated with the transit of fluid along the pipe loop is of some significance in moderating swings in temperature during heat pump operation. In addition, when 3D effects are considered, a lower heat transfer rate is predicted during steady operations. These effects could be important when considering heat exchanger design and system control. The results will be used to develop refined two-dimensional models.


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Neuropeptide signaling at the cell surface is regulated by metalloendopeptidases, which degrade peptides in the extracellular fluid, and beta-arrestins, which interact with G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to mediate desensitization. beta-Arrestins also recruit GPCRs and mitogen-activated protein kinases to endosomes to allow internalized receptors to continue signaling, but the mechanisms regulating endosomal signaling are unknown. We report that endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) degrades substance P (SP) in early endosomes of epithelial cells and neurons to destabilize the endosomal mitogen-activated protein kinase signalosome and terminate signaling. ECE-1 inhibition caused endosomal retention of the SP neurokinin 1 receptor, beta-arrestins, and Src, resulting in markedly sustained ERK2 activation in the cytosol and nucleus, whereas ECE-1 overexpression attenuated ERK2 activation. ECE-1 inhibition also enhanced SP-induced expression and phosphorylation of the nuclear death receptor Nur77, resulting in cell death. Thus, endosomal ECE-1 attenuates ERK2-mediated SP signaling in the nucleus to prevent cell death. We propose that agonist availability in endosomes, here regulated by ECE-1, controls beta-arrestin-dependent signaling of endocytosed GPCRs.