932 resultados para Flores - Anatomia


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Vol. 1 was first published in 1605; v. 2 was compiled in 1611 but remained unpublished until 1893. cf. J. Cejador y Fraucs, History de la lengua y lit. castellana, 1922, v. 4, p. 298.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Separately paged supplements accompany some volumes.


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"The present edition is confined to that portion of Wendover's chronicle which comprises the materials ... collected by himself" [i.e. 1154-1235]--Pref., v. 1.


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"The present edition is confined to that portion of Wendover's chronicle which comprises the materials ... collected by himself" [i.e. 1154-1235]--Pref., v. 1.


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Latest issue consulted: Ser. 3, v. 41, n. 15, published 1931.


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En el siguiente trabajo se tratarán algunas aproximaciones sobre las adaptaciones en los usos del espacio predeterminado del Conjunto Habitacional "Polideportivo". Este Conjunto es construido en 1998, producto de la implementación del "Programa de Radicación y Transformación de Villas y Barrios Carenciados" del Gobierno de la Ciudad en la Villa 1.11.14. Siguiendo a la concepción de vivienda de Bourdieu, ésta no es una mera inversión económica sino también es considerada una inversión social bajo la forma de reproducción social y biológica, ligando a la familia en tanto hogar. En este sentido, nuestra aproximación busca indagar hasta qué punto los espacios rígidos previstos por las tipologías del Conjunto han sido susceptibles de ser adaptados por parte de sus residentes para dar cuenta de sus estrategias habitacionales y de reproducción. Asimismo, queremos indagar estas estrategias en tanto se vinculan con una creciente informalización de los usos del espacio en la formalidad de los conjuntos, implicando una adaptación del espacio a las lógicas de habitar de sus residentes


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Excavations at Liang Bua, a large limestone cave on the island of Flores in eastern Indonesia, have yielded evidence for a population of tiny hominins, sufficiently distinct anatomically to be assigned to a new species, Homo floresiensis(1). The finds comprise the cranial and some post-cranial remains of one individual, as well as a premolar from another individual in older deposits. Here we describe their context, implications and the remaining archaeological uncertainties. Dating by radiocarbon (C-14), luminescence, uranium-series and electron spin resonance (ESR) methods indicates that H. floresiensis existed from before 38,000 years ago (kyr) until at least 18 kyr. Associated deposits contain stone artefacts and animal remains, including Komodo dragon and an endemic, dwarfed species of Stegodon. H. floresiensis originated from an early dispersal of Homo erectus ( including specimens referred to as Homo ergaster and Homo georgicus)(1) that reached Flores, and then survived on this island refuge until relatively recently. It overlapped significantly in time with Homo sapiens in the region(2,3), but we do not know if or how the two species interacted.


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As mulheres protestantes da cidade de Cali-Colômbia, ao reproduzir nos seus corpos os princípios da tradição religiosa, se deparam hoje com discursos e exigências que não conseguem ou aceitam articular na sua prática cotidiana. Assistimos na atualidade a uma tensão evidente entre a ortodoxia cristã e o imaginário e prática das mulheres cristãs a respeito da corporeidade. Nas últimas décadas a forma de assumir o corpo por parte das mulheres reflete incongruências em relação à matriz doutrinaria do sistema religioso protestante, o que é decorrente, por um lado, da influência cultural e midiática na promoção de uma nova representação do corpo feminino, baseada na beleza e na juventude, e por outro lado a cada vez maior relativização do poder religioso numa sociedade secularizada. As mulheres cristãs acham-se em meio aos ideais do corpo puro e regrado da sua instituição religiosa assim como às cobranças midiáticas, valores e padrões estabelecidos pela sociedade moderna. Neste sentido, a dissertação analisa as interfaces desta tensão discursiva que tem lugar nos corpos, através do próprio discurso das mulheres protestantes assim como das suas práticas cotidianas em relação à corporeidade.


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The taxonomic delimitation at the species level in plants is not an easy task due to the large polymorphism of plants. In this project we aimed to evaluate three morphotypes (forms) of Cryptanthus zonatus (Vis.) Beer ( Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae ) described in the literature using fl oral biology and phenology, as well as flo ral morphology and leaf anatomy . These studies were conducted in the Parque Estadual das Dunas de Natal, Rio Grande Norte (RN) and Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony Mata Estrela , in the municipality of Ba í a Form osa. The survey of the phenology of the morphotypes involved monthly specimen observation in the field, during one year. In each visit, we observed the status of flowering and fruiting phenophases of the population of the three forms of C. zonatus . For flo ral biology we sought to evaluate data like: observed floral visitors, nectar volume and concentration, time of anthesis and closing of flowers . Flowers of the three fo rms were collected in the field , analyzed by stereomicroscope, and measurements of the f loral pieces were made with the help of a caliper . Transversal and paradermal sections of the leaves of the three forms were stained and then examined under an optical microscope. Observations of the epidermis under scanning electron microscopy were also conducted. The three m orphotypes could not be sepated based on all evidence investigated. Thus, we conclude that there is not evidences to support the recognition of C. zonatus morphotypes as taxonomic entities, and also that the tools of phenology, anatomy, biology and floral morphology were not useful to delimit these three forms . Yet to characterize better the Flora of Bromeli aceae of RN, the leaf anatomy of Orthophytum disjunctum was also studied. Orthophytum is the sister genus to Cryptanthus and only recently documented in the semiarid of RN. The anatomical comparison between Cryptanthus and Orthophytum allowed the separatio n of both genera based on the arrangement of stomata and thickness of aquiferous parênquima . During the fieldwork, it was still possible to document the first occurrence of Aechmea muricata in RN, inside the Mata Estrela preserve, aiding the understanding of the distribution of the taxon that is currently threatened with extinction.