988 resultados para Flavor changing neutral current
This report aims to provide a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the situation. The three categories of professionals covered are Chartered Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech and Language Therapists Download the Report here
Recirculating virgin CD4+ T cells spend their life migrating between the T zones of secondary lymphoid tissues where they screen the surface of interdigitating dendritic cells. T-cell priming starts when processed peptides or superantigen associated with class II MHC molecules are recognised. Those primed T cells that remain within the lymphoid tissue move to the outer T zone, where they interact with B cells that have taken up and processed antigen. Cognate interaction between these cells initiates immunoglobulin (Ig) class switch-recombination and proliferation of both B and T cells; much of this growth occurs outside the T zones B cells migrate to follicles, where they form germinal centres, and to extrafollicular sites of B-cell growth, where they differentiate into mainly short-lived plasma cells. T cells do not move to the extrafollicular foci, but to the follicles; there they proliferate and are subsequently involved in the selection of B cells that have mutated their Ig variable-region genes. During primary antibody responses T-cell proliferation in follicles produces many times the peak number of T cells found in that site: a substantial proportion of the CD4+ memory T-cell pool may originate from growth in follicles.
L’aigua i l’energia formen un binomi indissociable. En relació al cicle de l’aigua, des de fa varies dècades s’han desenvolupat diferents formes per recuperar part de l’energia relacionada amb l’aigua, per exemple a partir de centrals hidroelèctriques. No obstant, l’ús d’aquesta aigua també porta associat un gran consum energètic, relacionat sobretot amb el transport, la distribució, la depuració, etc... La depuració d’aigües residuals porta associada una elevada demanda energètica (Obis et al.,2009). En termes energètics, tot i que la despesa elèctrica d’una EDAR varia en funció de diferents paràmetres com la configuració i la capacitat de la planta, la càrrega a tractar, etc... es podria considerar que el rati mig seria d’ aproximadament 0.5 KWh•m-3.Els principals costos d’explotació estan relacionats tant amb la gestió de fangs (28%) com amb el consum elèctric (25%) (50% tractament biològic). Tot i que moltes investigacions relacionades amb el tractament d’aigua residual estan encaminades en disminuir els costos d’operació, des de fa poques dècades s’està investigant la viabilitat de que l’aigua residual fins i tot sigui una font d’energia, canviant la perspectiva, i començant a veure l’aigua residual no com a una problemàtica sinó com a un recurs. Concretament s’estima que l’aigua domèstica conté 9.3 vegades més energia que la necessària per el seu tractament mitjançant processos aerobis (Shizas et al., 2004). Un dels processos més desenvolupats relacionats amb el tractament d’aigües residuals i la producció energètica és la digestió anaeròbia. No obstant, aquesta tecnologia permet el tractament d’altes càrregues de matèria orgànica generant un efluent ric en nitrogen que s’haurà de tractar amb altres tecnologies. Per altre banda, recentment s’està investigant una nova tecnologia relacionada amb el tractament d’aigües residuals i la producció energètica: les piles biològiques (microbial fuel cells, MFC). Aquesta tecnologia permet obtenir directament energia elèctrica a partir de la degradació de substrats biodegradables (Rabaey et al., 2005). Les piles biològiques, més conegudes com a Microbial Fuel Cells (acrònim en anglès, MFC), són una emergent tecnologia que està centrant moltes mirades en el camp de l’ investigació, i que es basa en la producció d’energia elèctrica a partir de substrats biodegradables presents en l’aigua residual (Logan., 2008). Els fonaments de les piles biològiques és molt semblant al funcionament d’una pila Daniell, en la qual es separa en dos compartiments la reacció d’oxidació (compartiment anòdic) i la de reducció (compartiment catòdic) amb l’objectiu de generar un determinat corrent elèctric. En aquest estudi, bàsicament es mostra la posada en marxa d'una pila biològica per a l'eliminació de matèria orgànica i nitrogen de les aigües residuals.
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Omapatrilat belongs to the vasopeptidase inhibitors, ie, drugs that possess the ability to inhibit simultaneously the membrane-bound zinc metalloproteases, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), and the neutral endopeptidase EC (NEP). Omapatrilat was targeted to treat patients with hypertension and congestive heart failure. The preclinical and early clinical studies conducted with omapatrilat were very promising. Indeed, omapatrilat appeared to be a very potent antihypertensive agent with very favorable effects on cardiac function in heart failure patients. In contrast to these early studies, the large clinical trials were more disappointing. The results of the OCTAVE trial confirmed the antihypertensive efficacy of omapatrilat, but at the price of an angioedema rate more than threefold higher than that of an ACE inhibitor in the overall population (2.17% vs 0.68%), and close to fourfold higher in the black population. In OVERTURE, a large randomized control trial in heart failure, angioedema was also more common with omapatrilat, but the incidence was much lower (0.8% with omapatrilat vs 0.5% with enalapril). However, omapatrilat was not convincingly superior to the ACE inhibitor. Because angioedema is probably a class side effect of vasopeptidase inhibitors, the higher incidence of this potentially life-threatening complication with omapatrilat has likely stopped the development of this new class of agents. The future of vasopeptidase inhibitors will depend on the ability to improve the risk/benefit ratio either by developing agents that produce less angioedema, or by defining more precisely a high-risk population that could take advantage of dual ACE/NEP inhibition.
This new cardiovascular policy, Changing Cardiovascular Health covering the period 2010-2019, comes a decade after the first national cardiovascular health strategy, entitled Building Healthier Hearts, was published by the Department of Health in 1999. The new policy is timely given the pace of scientific discovery and related changes in medical practice, changes in health service structures, and patterns and influences on population health behaviours in Ireland over the decade. Cardiovascular health and its maintenance is a microcosm of health more generally. A policy that can improve cardiovascular health and cardiovascular disease management will have beneficial effects for the whole healthcare system and population.Download this document
Given the scale of the challenge facing the health system for 2013 and subsequent years, the Department of Health invited the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies to prepare a report on the implications for the Irish health system of our current financial pressures. The Observatory is an international partnership hosted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The partnership includes three other international agencies (European Commission, the European Investment Bank, World Bank), several national and decentralized governments, including Ireland, and academic institutions. As an independent and neutral knowledge broker the Observatory's core mission is to inform policy-making and decision-making processes by providing tailored, timely and reliable evidence on health policy and health systems. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb
Dr James Reilly, Minister for Health requested the Health Service Executive to review the policy regarding the retention and disposal of Newborn Screening Cards (NSCs). The NSCs are an integral component of the National Newborn Bloodspot Screening Programme (NNBSP). The Minister had received representations concerning the archived NSCs stored by the National Newborn Bloodspot Screening Laboratory (NNBSL) at the Childrenâ?Ts University Hospital, Temple Street (CUH, T/S).  Click here to download PDF 146kb
Chagas disease, named after Carlos Chagas who first described it in 1909, exists only on the American Continent. It is caused by a parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted to humans by blood-sucking triatomine bugs and by blood transfusion. Chagas disease has two successive phases, acute and chronic. The acute phase lasts 6 to 8 weeks. After several years of starting the chronic phase, 20% to 35% of the infected individuals, depending on the geographical area will develop irreversible lesions of the autonomous nervous system in the heart, esophagus, colon and the peripheral nervous system. Data on the prevalence and distribution of Chagas disease improved in quality during the 1980's as a result of the demographically representative cross-sectional studies carried out in countries where accurate information was not available. A group of experts met in Brasília in 1979 and devised standard protocols to carry out countrywide prevalence studies on human T. cruzi infection and triatomine house infestation. Thanks to a coordinated multi-country program in the Southern Cone countries the transmission of Chagas disease by vectors and by blood transfusion has been interrupted in Uruguay in1997, in Chile in 1999, and in 8 of the 12 endemic states of Brazil in 2000 and so the incidence of new infections by T. cruzi in the whole continent has decreased by 70%. Similar control multi-country initiatives have been launched in the Andean countries and in Central America and rapid progress has been recorded to ensure the interruption of the transmission of Chagas disease by 2005 as requested by a Resolution of the World Health Assembly approved in 1998. The cost-benefit analysis of the investments of the vector control program in Brazil indicate that there are savings of US$17 in medical care and disabilities for each dollar spent on prevention, showing that the program is a health investment with good return. Since the inception in 1979 of the Steering Committee on Chagas Disease of the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases of the World Health Organization (TDR), the objective was set to promote and finance research aimed at the development of new methods and tools to control this disease. The well known research institutions in Latin America were the key elements of a world wide network of laboratories that received - on a competitive basis - financial support for projects in line with the priorities established. It is presented the time line of the different milestones that were answering successively and logically the outstanding scientific questions identified by the Scientific Working Group in 1978 and that influenced the development and industrial production of practical solutions for diagnosis of the infection and disease control.
It is widely accepted that the rate of evolution (substitution rate) at neutral genes is unaffected by population size fluctuations. This result has implications for the analysis of genetic data in population genetics and phylogenetics, and provides, in particular, a justification for the concept of the molecular clock. Here, we show that the substitution rate at neutral genes does depend on population size fluctuations in the presence of overlapping generations. As both population size fluctuations and overlapping generations are expected to be the norm rather than the exception in natural populations, this observation may be relevant for understanding variation in substitution rates within and between lineages.
The effects of mucosally added Escherichia coli heat stable enterotoxin (STa 30 ng ml-1) on the basal short-circuit current (Isc in µA cm-2) across stripped and unstripped sheets of jejuna and ilea taken from fed, starved (4 days, water ad lib) and undernourished (50% control food intake for 21 days) gerbil (Gerbillus cheesmani) were investigated. The effect of neurotoxin tetrodotoxin (TTX 10 µM) and the effects of replacing chloride by gluconate or the effects of removing bicarbonate from bathing buffers on the maximum increase in Isc induced by STa were also investigated. The maximum increase in Isc which resulted from the addition of STa were significantly higher in jejuna and ilea taken from starved and undernourished gerbils when compared with the fed control both using stripped and unstripped sheets. In the two regions of the small intestine taken from fed and starved animals TTX reduced the maximum increase in Isc induced by STa across unstripped sheets only. Moreover in jejuna and ilea taken from undernourished gerbils TTX reduced significantly the maximum increase in Isc induced by STa across stripped and unstripped sheets. Replacing chloride by gluconate decreased the maximum increase in Isc induced by STa across jejuna and ilea taken from undernourished gerbils only. Removing bicarbonates from bathing buffer decreased the maximum increase in Isc across the jejuna and ilea taken from starved and undernourished gerbils.
In the past, safefood’s consumer focused reviews (CFRs) have focused on key food chains including chicken, finfish, fruit and vegetables, milk, beef and pork. The reviews aimed to address consumer concerns surrounding food safety, production methods and nutritional issues related to key foods, with a view to communicating directly to consumers on those issues. More recently, there has been a shift in emphasis by safefood to address broader issues of consumer concern, such as food origin. The aim of the current CFR is different from previous reports. Instead of addressing key consumer food concerns, it focuses on understanding consumer food behaviour. Its primary aim is to inform the research, policies and practices of all those working towards changing consumer food safety and dietary behaviour on the island of Ireland and to ensure that communication with consumers is both evidence-based and effective.
CONTEXT: Several genetic risk scores to identify asymptomatic subjects at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been proposed, but it is unclear whether they add extra information to risk scores based on clinical and biological data. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to assess the extra clinical value of genetic risk scores in predicting the occurrence of T2DM. DESIGN: This was a prospective study, with a mean follow-up time of 5 yr. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: The study included 2824 nondiabetic participants (1548 women, 52 ± 10 yr). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Six genetic risk scores for T2DM were tested. Four were derived from the literature and two were created combining all (n = 24) or shared (n = 9) single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the previous scores. A previously validated clinic + biological risk score for T2DM was used as reference. RESULTS: Two hundred seven participants (7.3%) developed T2DM during follow-up. On bivariate analysis, no differences were found for all but one genetic score between nondiabetic and diabetic participants. After adjusting for the validated clinic + biological risk score, none of the genetic scores improved discrimination, as assessed by changes in the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (range -0.4 to -0.1%), sensitivity (-2.9 to -1.0%), specificity (0.0-0.1%), and positive (-6.6 to +0.7%) and negative (-0.2 to 0.0%) predictive values. Similarly, no improvement in T2DM risk prediction was found: net reclassification index ranging from -5.3 to -1.6% and nonsignificant (P ≥ 0.49) integrated discrimination improvement. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, adding genetic information to a previously validated clinic + biological score does not seem to improve the prediction of T2DM.
Although leishmaniasis is regarded as a significant health problem in Ecuador by the Ministry of Health, and the incidence has increased over the last years, an official map on the geographic distribution of disease and sand fly vectors or a control strategy do not exist yet. This article reviews the current situation based on published information to improve our knowledge and understand the epidemiological situation of leishmaniasis in Ecuador in order to help future research and to develop a national control strategy. The disease is endemic in most provinces throughout Pacific coastal region, Amazonian lowlands, and some inter-Andean valleys with a total 21,805 cases reported during 1990-2003. Whereas cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is found throughout Ecuador, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) appears to be restricted to the Amazon region; one, parasitologically unconfirmed case of visceral form was reported in 1949. Most human infections are caused by Leishmania (Viannia) spp., which is distributed in the subtropical and tropical lowlands; infections due to L. (Leishmania) spp. are found in the Andean highlands and in the Pacific lowlands as well. The proven vectors are Lutzomyia trapidoi and Lu. ayacuchensis. Canis familiaris, Sciurus vulgaris, Potos flavus, and Tamandua tetradactyla have been found infected with Leishmania spp. It is estimated that around 3000-4500 people may be infected every year, and that 3.1 to 4.5 millions people are estimated to be at risk of contracting leishmaniasis.
If we create the space in which children and young people can talk openly and in their own language even upon challenging subjects such as sex, then we are likely to learn more from what they tell usâ?T proposes the final UNICEF Ireland report which examines adolescent perspectives on sexual health and behaviour. Key findings in the report included: 63%, and 1 in 5 sixteen year old respondents, reported that they have had sex; 1 in 5 sexually active respondents reported that they did not use a condom the first time that they had sex; 2 in 5 girls who were sexually active reported that they had consumed alcohol before their first sexual experience, compared to 3 in 10 boys; The majority of respondents (54%) reported that they had watched pornography on the internet, and more than one third of the respondents who had watched pornography on the internet believed that it was accurate or educational; Only 1 in 5 respondents reported that they ever speak to their parents about sex. Noting â?~the broad spectrum from which young people living in Ireland draw down information about sexâ?T the UNICEF Ireland report concludes that â?~we must be sure that when a young person is making decisions about their sexual health and behaviour, every opportunity is afforded them in terms of open discussion, understanding, support, information and adviceâ?T Commenting on the Report, Amel Yucef a Youth Health Coordinator at the Base Youth Centre, Ballyfermot said â?oAs the participants in UNICEF Irelandâ?Ts survey have shown, many young people do not feel equipped with the information and support they need to make informed choices about their sexual health. Providing those supports is a priority for us at the Base.â? The Youth Health Programme, that Amel co-ordinates is a HSE funded initiative which was created to respond to the health needs of young people, as identified by the young people of the Dublin 10 area themselves. The Programme delivers community-based and youth-friendly health responses, based upon a harm-reduction model. The Youth Health Programme works towards building the capacity of young people to access health services, while also encouraging those services to deliver in an accessible and youth-friendly way.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.