995 resultados para Fire insurance.


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Fire management ran increase the biomass of some plant species at fire breaks in reserves of the Cerrado. For example, numerous and large patches of monkey-nuts (Anacardium humile, Anacardiaceae) provide abundant food resources for wildlife in the lower strata of savanna woodlands managed by fire. The objective of this study was to examine the exploitation of A. humile patches by birds in managed savanna woodlands (fire breaks) at Emas National Park, southwest Brazil. The relationship between flock size and the size of Anacardium patches were also investigated. Fire breaks were sampled in September and October 2006, when fruits and flowers were abundant. Ara ararauna was often recorded exploiting resources of Anacardium patches. This species and other psittacids (Amazona aestiva, Alipiopsittaca xanthops, and Diopsittaca nobilis) consumed seeds usually on the ground around fruiting patches. Members of Aratinga aurea flocks and Ramphastos toco consumed pseudo-fruits. Larger flocks detected were those of A. aurea and A. ararauna. Groups of A. ararauna that exploited larger patches tended to be larger than flocks that exploited smaller patches. This study suggests that intra- and interspecific interactions and characteristics of Anacardium patches and of the surrounding vegetation are involved in the feeding ecology of birds in the lower stratum of managed woodlands. Fruiting Anacardium patches attract numerous frugivorous birds to fire breaks at Emas National Park. Further research is needed to a better understanding of the influence of fire management on birds in the Cerrado. Accepted 31 July 2009.


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Fire is an important factor in several ecosystems, affecting plant population biology. Campos grasslands are under constant influence of disturbance, mostly grazing and fire. However, few studies evaluated the effect of fire on plant population biology of grassland species. Therefore, we aim to analyze the effect of fire on the population biology of four species, from different functional groups and regeneration strategies: Chaptalia runcinata (forb, resprouter, absence of belowground organ), Vernonia flexuosa (forb, resprouter, presence of rhizophore), Eupatorium ligulaefolium (shrub, resprouter, presence of xylopodium) and Heterothalamus psiadioides (shrub, obligate seeder). Seven plots were established in different sites in southern Brazil: frequently burned (FB) and excluded from fire since 6 years (E). All plots were subjected to controlled burns during summer. Before experiments, populations were sampled. Further observations were carried out after 90 and after 360 days of fire experiments. In addition, we counted the number of seedlings and resprouters recruited after fire. Heat shock experiments were conducted with two species (H. psiadioides and V. flexuosa), as well as the study of the bud bank of the following species: E. ligulaefolium and V. flexuosa. The obligate seeder species had all individuals killed by fire and established only after 1 year. Resprouters, however, showed new stems immediately after fire. E. ligulaefolium and V. flexuosa showed only vegetative regeneration from belowground organs and more individuals in excluded sites 1 year after the fire. The bud bank of E. ligulaefolium tended to be larger in excluded sites, whilst V. flexuosa showed an opposite result. High temperatures did not enhance nor kill seeds from both studied species. Vegetative regeneration was the most important strategy for all studied species, except for H. psiadioides, the obligate seeder species. Fire thus, plays an important role on population structure and demography, being also important for plant recruitment.


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Brazilian Campos grasslands are rich in species and the maintenance of its diversity and physiognomy is dependent on disturbance (e.g. fire and grazing) Nevertheless, studies about fire intensity and severity are inexistent. The present paper describes fire parameters, using 14 experimental burn plots in southern Brazil (30 degrees 02` to 30 degrees 04`S, and 51 degrees 06` to 51 degrees 09`W. 311masl). Two sites under different fire histories were chosen: frequently burned and excluded since six years. Experimental burning was performed during summer (2006-2007), when most burning takes place in these grasslands. The following parameters were measured: air temperature and moisture, vegetation height, wind speed, fuel (fine, coarse), fuel moisture, fire temperatures (soil level and at 50cm), ash, residuals, flame freight, fire duration: burning efficiency and fire intensity were later calculated. Fuel load varied from 0.39 to 1.44kg.m(-2). and correlated positively with both fire temperature and fire intensity. Fire temperatures ranged 47 to 537.5 degrees C. being higher in the excluded site Fire intensity was low compared to grassland elsewhere (36 5-319.5kW.m(-1)), differing significantly between sties Fine fuel was the variable that best explained fire intensity. The results on fire intensity and severity in Campos grasslands can be considered a pilot study, since plots were very small. However the data provided can help other researchers to get permission for experimentation using larger plots The results provide support for further studies about the effects of fire on grassland vegetation and for studies involving fire models and fire risk prediction


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To elucidate the relationship between forest dynamics and fire frequency pollen percentages and charcoal amounts from a 120 cm long peat core and from samples of modern pollen rain were collected along a transect. The study site in southern Brazil is characterized by a species-rich mosaic of grassland-Araucaria forest. It is of crucial importance for management strategies for conservation to understand the development and maintenance of these vegetation mosaics including their sharp forest-grassland boundaries. During the late Holocene, considerable changes occurred in the area. From Anno Domini (AD) 1360 to 1410, the area was dominated by Campos (grassland) vegetation and fire was very common. From AD 1410 to 1500, Araucaria forest expanded and fire was less frequent. From AD 1500 to 1580, Campos grassland spread and the Araucaria forest ceased its development, apparently due to the increase of fire. From AD 1580 to 1935, after a decrease in fire frequency, Araucaria forest expanded again. From AD 1935 to the present, the Araucaria forest expanded while the Campos area decreased. Fire was very rare in this period. The results indicate a strong interaction of forest expansion, forming a mosaic of Campos and Araucaria forest, and the frequency of fire during the past 600 years. A possible collapse of the indigenous population following the post-Colombian colonization in southern Brazil after about AD 1550 may have caused a great reduction of fire frequency. The introduction of cattle (probably after AD 1780) and the resulting decrease of fire frequency might be the reason for forest expansion. Fire is probably the most important factor controlling the dynamics of the forest-grassland mosaics and the formation of sharp borders between these two vegetation types. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biological systems have facility to capture salient object(s) in a given scene, but it is still a difficult task to be accomplished by artificial vision systems. In this paper a visual selection mechanism based on the integrate and fire neural network is proposed. The model not only can discriminate objects in a given visual scene, but also can deliver focus of attention to the salient object. Moreover, it processes a combination of relevant features of an input scene, such as intensity, color, orientation, and the contrast of them. In comparison to other visual selection approaches, this model presents several interesting features. It is able to capture attention of objects in complex forms, including those linearly nonseparable. Moreover, computer simulations show that the model produces results similar to those observed in natural vision systems.


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The life insurance industry in Australia has traditionally been an important source of long term finance for both the public and private sector. However, very little historical analysis has been undertaken into an industry that constitutes a fundamental part of the economy's financial sector. The present climate of deregulation has initiated an irrevocable process of change within the industry. To comprehend the full implications of this change it is necessary to have an understanding of how the industry has evolved. This paper seeks to provide a background account of the growth of the life insurance industry in Australia highlighting the influences that have determined the structure of the industry.


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This study investigated the distribution, habitat and population dynamics of the swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus) in the eastern Otway Ranges. The species has a restricted, disjunct distribution and has been recorded at 25 sites between 1969 and 1999. All sites were located within 7 km of the coast, occurred at altitudes up to 80 m above sea level and within 10 m of a gully. Analysis of landscape site variables identified sun index as being significant in determination of the probability of occurrence of A. minimus. The presence of A. minimus is negatively associated with sun index, occuring at sites that have a southerly aspect and gentle slope. A. minimus was located in a range of structural vegetation including Open Forest, Low Woodland, Shrubland and Hummock Grassland and a number of floristic groups, some characterised by high frequencies of sclerophyll shrubs, others by high frequencies of Pteridium esculentum, hummock grasses and herbaceous species. A. minimus occurs in fragmented, small populations with maximum population densities of 1.1–18 ha–1. Populations at inland sites became extinct after the 1983 wildfire which burnt 41 000 ha. These sites have not been recolonised since, while on the coast the species did not re-establish until 1993–97. One population that is restricted to a narrow coastal strip of habitat is characterised by high levels of transient animals. The species is subject to extinction in the region due to habitat fragmentation, coastal developments and fire. Management actions to secure the present populations and ensure long-term survival of the species in the area are required and include implementation of appropriate fire regimes, prevention of habitat fragmentation, revegetation of habitat, and establishment of corridor habitat.


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The impact of time since fire after two consecutive wildfires 44 years apart (1939 and 1983) within the same area, and the distance from the fire boundary «100 m or 500-2000 m), were investigated in relation to the distribution and abundance of arboreal marsupials in 1994. Arboreal marsupials were censused by stagwatching and spotlighting in two relatively young age classes of mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) dominated forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria. Five species of arboreal marsupial were detected, but only three were detected in sufficient numbers to determine habitat preferences. Petauroides volans (greater glider) was statistically more abundant in 1939 regrowth forests, while Trichosurus caninus (mountain brushtail possum) showed no significant preference for either age class of forest. All but one record of Gymnobelideus leadbeateri (Leadbeater's possum) came from young forest, though the effect of age-class was not statistically significant. Distance from fire boundary explained little or no variation in mammal distribution or abundance. While the actual number of hollow-bearing trees was similar in both age classes of forest, the long-term lifespan of hollow-bearing trees in more recently burnt forest is predicted to be lower than in unburnt or not recently burnt forest. Post-fire salvage logging following the 1983 wildfires appears to have reduced the number of hollow-bearing trees at sites burnt in 1983.


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This is an in-depth case study using a grounded theory approach to explore managers’ views of ABC as part of the control system in an insurance company. Relevant issues are allowed to emerge from the data rather than imposing a theoretical framework upon them. Hypotheses are derived rather than confirmed. Issues emerging from this case study include: the relevance of ABC to managers, increased cost awareness coupled with the problem of taking qualitative factors into account, and the existence of different perceptions of managers within the same department. One hypothesis is how an understanding of ABC can affect job satisfaction by influencing the impact of ABC on managers’ actions. In this case study process and non-process managers had different levels of understanding and use of ABC information. A second hypothesis is that how managers view ABC information depends on whether they adopt a personal or an organisational perspective.


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The decision to commit to the cost of training employees in insurance<br />organisations of all sizes is similar in nature to the decision by their customers to buy insurance. Both believe it is necessary but each has some reservations about its benefits.


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In southeastern Australia ecological burning is frequently used to maintain a number of plant and animal populations. However, many of these prescribed fires are small, and may focus intense grazing activity on new regrowth. At Reef Hills Regional Park, Victoria shrub species have senesced, presumably due to the absence of fire. Ecological burning may be necessary to promote regeneration, however, the population density of the Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) is high (approx 38 per km2), and grazing pressure presents a significant risk to postfire vegetation recovery. An assessment of grazing patterns and their effects on postfire recovery was carried out at Reef Hills Regional Park through grazing exclusion plots. Preferential grazing by Eastern Grey Kangaroos occurred on small burnt plots compared to adjacent unburnt areas as determined by faecal pellet counts. On burnt areas, there was a significant reduction in shrub diversity on grazed plots compared to ungrazed plots. Most observations of kangaroos were of animals grazing on farmland surrounding the Park, and it is likely that any burning might shift grazing from farmland to burnt areas when new growth occurs. This needs to be considered before any ecological burn plan is applied to manage vegetation communities, particularly if the plan requires small areas to be burnt. We recommended that a large area up to 200 ha area be burnt and monitored to determine whether burning larger areas disperses grazing pressure from macropods to a level where impacts on vegetation are reduced and localized plant extinctions do not occur.