973 resultados para Farmed livestock
En els últims 30 anys, el número d’incendis patits a Galicia han augmentat de manera important. En el Massís Central Ourensano l’home ha utilitzat el foc com a eina de gestió forestal per tal de permetre pasturar al bestiar i per tal de recuperar terres per a pastos i culius. Aquesta pràctica ha generat grans extensions de matollar sec europeu on hi hauria d’haver formacions boscoses. Partim de la necessitat de recuperar zones de bosc i ecosistema original i per això mesurem el comportament de les diferents espècies que trobem al matollar y al bosc en aquestes altituds davant la pertorbació que suposen els incendis recurrents. Per realitzar això s’ha mostrejat la vegetació de zones cremades en moments diferents o repetides vegades, mesurant superfície i alçades així com nombre d’individus de cada espècie. També s’han analitzat perfils del sòl per tal de conèixer amb més detall les característiques de cada zona. S’ha observat mitjançant el mostreig com per a la recuperació del matollar el factor determinant és el temps, encara que no trobem un sòl de bona qualitat i profund, en una mitjana de 8 anys trobem un matollar ben desenvolupat amb una bona diversitat d’espècies i grau de cobertura. En canvi, per tal d’arribar a un estat de la successió vegetal on trobem un bosc és necessari que existeixin comunitats arbòries a prop per tal de que arribin individus al matollar desenvolupat. Cal aleshores treballar en l’educació de la població i en la cerca d’alternatives a la gestió forestal vigent, donant èmfasi en la valoració econòmica dels ecosistemes en bon estat i facilitant que aquest bon estat proporcioni beneficis a la població local. Per això cal generar una infraestructura per atraure un turisme rural respectuós amb el medi al mateix temps que es duen altres iniciatives com la implantació de centrals de biomassa als pobles que puguin proporcionar calefacció o aigua calenta. Generant llocs de feina i estalvis a la població d’una zona on l’economia encara es basa potencialment en la ramaderia. Al mateix temps l’esforç monetari dedicat a les plantacions ha de dedicar-se a generar espais al territori amb espècies autòctones com el roure en aquells matollars que presentin condicions adients per a recuperar el bosc.
This directory is for all the meat producers in Iowa.
El projecte se centra en el la vall d’Alinyà, en els terrenys de la Fundació Territori i Paisatge que abasten des dels cims del Port del Comte, a més de 2.000 m d’altitud fins més avall del nucli de Perles en els 500 m, en un ambient de muntanya a la comarca de l’Alt Urgell, Catalunya. L’objectiu principal ha estat diagnosticar la situació de la ramaderia extensiva de la vall, tot predient la seva viabilitat socioeconòmica com a estratègia de futur, tant pel que fa la seva població, com per les característiques d’un paisatge en mosaic molt ben afaiçonat per la mà humana en el passat. Aquesta diversitat paisatgística assegurada per l’existència de la ramaderia extensiva, provoca una riquesa en biodiversitat ecològica, en front del creixement continu de la massa forestal causat per l’abandonament de les activitats a la muntanya. Un dels aspectes estudiats de la ramaderia de la vall, ha estat la gestió dels cinc ramats existents en l’actualitat, dos de vaques, un de cabres, un d’ovelles i un de cavalls. Des de la identificació dels moviments de transtermitància durant les diferents estacions de l’any, a la de l’obtenció dels diferents recursos alimentaris pel bestiar provinents directament de la natura. Les entrevistes personals als ramaders han estat una important font d’informació i de tractament de dades per poder diagnosticar la situació actual del sector i de la figura del pastor com a figura professional clau en la vessant socioeconòmica i paisatgística local. Es van poder identificar clarament els problemes amb els quals es troba la ramaderia extensiva i quins reptes presenta per poder arribar a ser un sector de futur per a la població de la vall. En aquest context es proposen mesures de millora de l’activitat i de difusió dels productes agroramaders de qualitat.
Newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.
Report produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
The feeder animal price is a derivative in the sense that its value depends upon the price of animals for the consumption market. It also depends upon the biological growth technology and feed costs. Daily maintenance costs are of particular interest to the husbander because they can be avoided through accelerated feeding. In this paper, the optimal feeding path under equilibrium feeder animal prices is established. This analysis is used to gain a better understanding of feeding decisions, regulation in feedstuff markets, and the consequences of genetic innovations. It is shown that days on feed can increase or decrease with a genetic innovation or other improvement in feed conversion efficiency. The structure of comparative prices for feeder animals at different weights, the early slaughter decision, and equilibrium in feeder animal markets are also developed. Feeder animal prices can increase over a weight interval if biological feed efficiency parameters are low over the interval.
The development of the field-scale Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC) model was initiated in 1981 to support assessments of soil erosion impacts on soil productivity for soil, climate, and cropping conditions representative of a broad spectrum of U.S. agricultural production regions. The first major application of EPIC was a national analysis performed in support of the 1985 Resources Conservation Act (RCA) assessment. The model has continuously evolved since that time and has been applied for a wide range of field, regional, and national studies both in the U.S. and in other countries. The range of EPIC applications has also expanded greatly over that time, including studies of (1) surface runoff and leaching estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from fertilizer and manure applications, (2) leaching and runoff from simulated pesticide applications, (3) soil erosion losses from wind erosion, (4) climate change impacts on crop yield and erosion, and (5) soil carbon sequestration assessments. The EPIC acronym now stands for Erosion Policy Impact Climate, to reflect the greater diversity of problems to which the model is currently applied. The Agricultural Policy EXtender (APEX) model is essentially a multi-field version of EPIC that was developed in the late 1990s to address environmental problems associated with livestock and other agricultural production systems on a whole-farm or small watershed basis. The APEX model also continues to evolve and to be utilized for a wide variety of environmental assessments. The historical development for both models will be presented, as well as example applications on several different scales.
This manuscript reports on a project to examine the feasibility of extensive radio frequency identification (RFID) tagging to determine product provenance in the meat production industry. The investigators examined existing technologies and meat production processes as well as emerging technologies in RFID tagging to assess the potential of RFID technologies for provenance assurance. While RFID technologies hold tremendous promise for traceability, the current state of the technology and production process creates challenges for effectively creating full traceability. However, RFID holds tremendous potential for improving processing throughput, which will help make RFIDbased traceability more attractive for adoption by meat processors.
In China, with the cost of improved technology rising, surplus labor shrinking, and demand for food quality and safety increasing, it will be just a matter of time before the country’s hog production sector will be commercialized like that of developed countries. However, even if China’s cost of production converges to international levels, as shown in this case study, China may continue to retain some competitive advantage because of the labor-intensive nature of the marketing services involved in hog processing and meat distribution. The supply of variety meats offers the most promising market opportunity for foreign suppliers in China. The market may open further if the tariff rate for variety meats is reduced from 20% and harmonized with the pork muscle meat rate of 12%, and if the value-added tax of 13% is applied equally to both imported and domestic products. The fast-growing Western-style family restaurant and higher-end dining sector is another market opportunity for high-quality imported pork.
This study provides a comparative economic analysis of the primary production of pork and its marketing channel in Spain and the United States. The focus on Spain is due to the profound growth and transformation of its pork sector over the last 20 years, compared with other major players in the world market for pig meat. The analysis reveals a number of similar characteristics but also important differences between the two countries. The significant expansion of Spain’s pork production sector stemmed from a number of factors that apply, to a relatively large extent, to some U.S. states (in particular, North Carolina) but do not apply to the U.S. pork production sector as a whole. This implies that it is unlikely that the U.S. pork production sector as a whole will mimic an expansion driven by the same type of factors in the future. Likewise, it seems highly unlikely that the U.S. consumption of pig meat will expand in the future based on the same driving forces behind the sharp increase in Spain’s domestic demand for pig meat over the last 20 years. The analysis also indicates that Spanish pig producers are currently being subjected to more stringent environmental and animal welfare regulations than their U.S. counterparts and that these regulations are becoming increasingly more restrictive. It would not be surprising to see similar trends emerging in the United States, leading to a substantially more restrictive regulatory environment for U.S. hog producers.
The spatial dimension of agricultural production is important when a communicable disease enters a region. This paper considers two sorts of biosecurity risk that producers can seek to protect against. One concerns the risk of spread: that neighboring producers do not take due care in protecting against being infected by a disease already in the region. In this case, producer efforts substitute with those of near neighbors. For representative spatial production structures, we characterize Nash equilibrium protection levels and show how spatial production structure matters. The other sort of risk concerns entry: that producers do not take due care in preventing the disease from entering the region. In this case, producer heterogeneity has subtle effects on welfare loss due to strategic behavior. Efforts by producers complement, suggesting that interfarm communication will help to redress the problem.
China’s economic reforms, which began in 1978, resulted in remarkable income growth, and urban Chinese consumers have responded by dramatically increasing their consumption of meat, other livestock products, and fruits and by decreasing consumption of grain-based foods. Economic prosperity, a growing openness to international markets, and domestic policy reforms have changed the food marketing environment for Chinese consumers and may have contributed to shifts in consumer preferences. The objective of this paper is to uncover evidence of structural change in food consumption among urban residents in China. Both parametric and nonparametric methods are used to test for structural change in aggregate household data from 1981 to 2004. The tests provided a reasonably clear picture of changing food consumption over the study period.
At one time, Clear Creek lived up to its name. Originally set among the prairie and oak savannah of the Iowa River valley, legend has it that early settler and Johnson County sheriff Samuel Trowbridge gave the creek its name because of its pristine waters. However, the stream’s natural protections began to weaken as more settlers moved into Iowa. Over time, the prairie disappeared, livestock trampled streambanks, the creek was dredged and straightened, wetlands were drained and urban areas began to take their toll.
In the months following the reopening of the Japanese market to imports of U.S. beef on July 26, 2006, Japanese importers were unable to procure adequate supplies. This paper discusses reasons for early supply shortages and some of the policy and trade issues that will affect demand for U.S. beef in the short to medium term. The paper also discusses current marketing efforts for domestic and imported beef, new marketing technologies, and general consumer trends. The information presented in this paper includes on-site observations and data from meetings with Japanese importers and retailers and industry experts during market research in Tokyo and Osaka in November 2006.
Esta dissertação propõe estudar o papel que a casa desempenha na vida dos cabo-verdianos residentes em Portugal, particularmente na região de grande Lisboa, observando-os como um grupo étnico, isto é, como um conjunto de pessoas que tem por referência a sua origem, ou os seus antepassados próximos em Cabo Verde, ou noutras regiões para onde estes tenham emigrado assim como os imigrantes que já regressaram a Cabo Verde. Por “origem” entendese tanto a procedência geográfica de um lugar que ficou distante, quanto a vinculação a determinados referenciais culturais. A imigração em causa é da segunda metade do século XX, cujas motivações ora são de ordem económica (movidos pelo sistema fundiário que não permitia o acesso à terra para a maioria das populações das ilhas, pobreza extrema, etc.), ora de ordem natural (escassez e irregularidade das chuvas, com as consequentes secas prolongadas e fomes, dizimando pessoas e gados), ora de ordem política (perseguição política, fuga à prestação de serviços militares na Guiné, antes e após o 25 de Abril). Assim, será dado uma especial atenção ao papel que a casa, sobretudo a que foi deixada em Cabo Verde, desempenha nas relações de parentesco de pessoas que se encontram espalhadas por diversos países, bem como todo o processo que enrola a construção e a manutenção da mesma.