949 resultados para Facade walls


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The stems and roots of most dicot plants increase in diameter by radial growth, due to the activity of secondary meristems. Two types of meristems function in secondary plant body formation: the vascular cambium, which gives rise to secondary xylem and phloem, and the cork cambium, which produces a bark layer that replaces the epidermis and protects the plant stem from mechanical damage and pathogens. Cambial development, the initiation and activity of the vascular cambium, leads to an accumulation of wood, the secondary xylem tissue. The thick, cellulose-rich cell walls of wood provide a source of cellulose and have the potential to be used as a raw material for sustainable and renewable energy production. In this review, we will discuss what is known about the mechanisms regulating the cambium and secondary tissue development.


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A extracção clandestina de areia, nas faixas costeiras e nos leitos das ribeiras, tem sido prática de muitos agregados familiares cabo-verdianos. Nas últimas décadas, a praia de Calhetona (Ilha de Santiago) foi um dos muitos locais que sofreram degradação ambiental significativa, devido à realização desta actividade sem quaisquer planos de extracção e de posterior recuperação das áreas degradadas. Este trabalho, através da conjugação de recolha de dados por inquérito, observação directa e pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, teve como objectivos a caracterização da comunidade (que habita no bairro de Ponta Calhetona) que se dedica à extracção de areia na praia de Calhetona, a descrição da dinâmica da actividade extractiva, a avaliação da percepção que a comunidade tem relativamente às consequências da sua actividade e a descrição do impacte ambiental resultante da extracção de areia. Da análise dos inquéritos, efectuados em Fevereiro de 2012, a 25 chefes de agregados familiares que efectuam a extracção de areia na praia de Calhetona, constata-se que estes são maioritariamente mulheres, predominantemente com idade compreendida entre os 40 e os 59 anos, domésticas, com baixa escolaridade, com famílias numerosas e/ou alargadas a seu cargo e dedicando-se à extração de areia à mais de 10 anos. Os inquiridos, face à situação de vulnerabilidade económica, à falta de emprego e à grande procura de areia para a construção civil, vêem nesta actividade uma fonte de rendimento. Contudo, o proveito obtido desta actividade difícil e potencialmente perigosa é reduzido. Quem efectivamente beneficia são os camionistas que compram a areia a quem procede à extracção e a vendem ao consumidor final pelo dobro do preço. Os inquiridos demonstram uma consciência generalizada dos diversos impactes ambientais negativos resultantes da sua actividade, mas alegam que a extracção de areia é uma das poucas alternativas existentes para providenciar o sustento dos seus agregados familiares. Com base na comparação do estado actual da praia de Calhetona com relatos de habitantes locais, relativos às características da mesma no passado, verifica-se que nos últimos 40-50 anos, desde que se iniciou a intensa extracção de areia nesta praia, o seu aspecto físico se degradou claramente. Essa degradação caracteriza-se principalmente pelo recuo da linha de costa, pela quase ausência de areia e pela salinização dos solos localizados nas proximidades da praia, para além dos consequentes impactes negativos sobre a desova das tartarugas e o turismo balnear.


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Descripció de la muralla medieval del segle XIV del Mercadal a la ciutat de Girona


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In January 2006 the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), a large university hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, became the first hospital in Switzerland to allow assisted suicide (AS) in exceptional cases within its walls. However, euthanasia is illegal. This decision has posed several ethical and practical dilemmas for the hospital's palliative care consult service. To address these, the team embarked on a formal process of open dialogue amongst its members with the goal of identifying a collective response and position. This process involved meetings every 4 to 6 weeks over the course of 10 months. An iterative process unfolded. One of the principal dilemmas relates to finding a balance between the team's position against AS and the patient's autonomy and the institution's directive. Although all team members expressed opposition to AS, there were mixed opinions as to whether or not the team members should be present during the act if requested so by patients. Some thought this could be misinterpreted as complicity in the act and could send out mixed messages to the public and other health professionals about palliative care. Others felt that the team's commitment to nonabandonment obliged them to be present even if they did not provide the drug or give any advice or assistance. The implications of nonabandonment are explored, as are several other questions such as whether or not the teams are obliged to provide detailed information on AS when requested by patients.


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L’OpenGL és un motor 3D que s’utilitza com a lligam entre el software i el hardware gràfic. Actualment és una de les tecnologies més utilitzades en el disseny d’aplicacions 3D. El treball està realitzat amb el programa Visual C++, que és el més recomanat per al desenvolupament d’aplicacions OpenGL. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és aprendre a programar amb aquest tipus de tecnologia que no hem estudiat durant el període de carrera. Un altre objectiu del treball era trobar una funció útil i pràctica per a l’aplicació i ens vam decantar per a realitzar un editor d’habitacions per un botiga o empresa de mobles. L’usuari pot de forma molt ràpida i senzilla dibuixar com és l’habitació que vol decorar de forma totalment personalitzada. El programa li generarà l’habitació en tres dimensions i amb els materials que s’han escollit (terra, parets, portes…). Després pot editar-hi mobles personalitzats o pertanyents a la llibreria del programa. El programa incorpora també una base de dades per a l’empresa que ens portarà la gestió de clients, habitacions, textures i mobles (permet ampliar la llibreria del programa). Un cop acabada l’habitació el programa ens hi permet fer una visita de forma interactiva i generar-ne la factura entre altres funcions. La conclusió principal després d’haver acabat aquest projecte, és que a part d’haver après OpenGL, hem aconseguit realitzar una aplicació molt pràctica de cares al disseny d’interiorisme.


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En els últims anys el sector de la construcció ha experimentat un creixement exponencial. Aquest creixement ha repercutit sobre molts aspectes: des de la necessitat de tenir més personal a les obres, la implantació d’unes oficines per a poder gestionar la compatibilitat i portar un control sobre les obres fins a la necessitat d’haver de disposar de programes informàtics específics que ajudin a realitzar la feina de la manera més còmode i àgil possible. El projecte que s’ha dut a terme consisteix a cobrir una d’aquestes necessitats, que és la de la gestió dels pressupostos en les diferents obres que els constructors realitzen. Utilitza la base de dades de l’ITEC (institut de Tecnologia de la Construcció de Catalunya) sobre la qual treballen la immensa majoria dels arquitectes quan dissenyen les obres, però també permet entrar les pròpies dades que el constructor vulgui. L’usuari de l’aplicació podrà fer pressupostos per obres de nova construcció, reformes ... agrupant cada una d’elles per capítols. Aquests capítols els podem entendre com les diferents fases a dur a terme, per exemple: la construcció dels fonaments, l’aixecament de les parets o fer la teulada. Dins dels capítols hi trobem les partides, que és un conjunt de materials i hores de feina i maquinària per a dur a terme una part de l’obra, com per exemple seria fer un envà de separació entre habitacions. En aquest cas hi tindríem els diferents materials que necessitaríem, totxanes, morter; les hores de manobre necessàries per aixecar-la, el transport de tot el material fins a l’obra... Tots aquests paràmetres (materials, hores, transport...) s’anomenen articles i van inclosos a dins de les partides. Aquesta aplicació està dissenyada per funcionar en un entorn client/servidor, utilitzant com a servidor un Linux OpenSuse 10.2 i com a clients estacions de treball amb Windows XP, tot i que també podríem utilitzar d’altres versions dels sistemes operatius de Microsoft. L’entorn de desenvolupament utilitzat és el del llenguatge FDS , el qual ja porta integrat un gestor de fitxers que és el que es farà servir.


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Boron deficiency in coffee is widely spread in Brazilian plantations, but responses to B fertilizer have been erratic, depending on the year, form and time of application and B source. A better understanding of the effects of B on plant physiology and anatomy is important to establish a rational fertilization program since B translocation within the plant may be affected by plant anatomy. In this experiment, coffee plantlets of two varieties were grown in nutrient solutions with B levels of 0.0 (deficient), 5.0 µM (adequate) and 25.0 µM (high). At the first symptoms of deficiency, leaves were evaluated, the cell walls separated and assessed for B and Ca concentrations. Scanning electron micrographs were taken of cuts of young leaves and branch tips. The response of both coffee varieties to B was similar and toxicity symptoms were not observed. Boron concentrations in the cell walls increased with B solution while Ca concentrations were unaffected. The Ca/B ratio decreased with the increase of B in the nutrient solution. In deficiency of B, vascular tissues were disorganized and xylem walls thinner. B-deficient leaves had fewer and deformed stomata.


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Large phasic variations of respiratory mechanical impedance (Zrs) have been observed during induced expiratory flow limitation (EFL) (M. Vassiliou, R. Peslin, C. Saunier, and C. Duvivier. Eur. Respir. J. 9: 779-786, 1996). To clarify the meaning of Zrs during EFL, we have measured from 5 to 30 Hz the input impedance (Zin) of mechanical analogues of the respiratory system, including flow-limiting elements (FLE) made of easily collapsible rubber tubing. The pressures upstream (Pus) and downstream (Pds) from the FLE were controlled and systematically varied. Maximal flow (Vmax) increased linearly with Pus, was close to the value predicted from wave-speed theory, and was obtained for Pus-Pds of 4-6 hPa. The real part of Zin started increasing abruptly with flow (V) >85%Vmax and either further increased or suddenly decreased in the vicinity of V¿max. The imaginary part of Zin decreased markedly and suddenly above 95%Vmax. Similar variations of Zin during EFL were seen with an analogue that mimicked the changes of airway transmural pressure during breathing. After pressure andV measurements upstream and downstream from the FLE were combined, the latter was analyzed in terms of a serial (Zs) and a shunt (Zp) compartment. Zs was consistent with a large resistance and inertance, and Zp with a mainly elastic element having an elastance close to that of the tube walls. We conclude that Zrs data during EFL mainly reflect the properties of the FLE.


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The dolomite veins making up rhythmites common in burial dolomites are not cement infillings of supposed cavities, as in the prevailing view, but are instead displacive veins, veins that pushed aside the host dolostone as they grew. Evidence that the veins are displacive includes a) small transform-fault-like displacements that could not have taken place if the veins were passive cements, and b) stylolites in host rock that formed as the veins grew in order to compensate for the volume added by the veins. Each zebra vein consists of crystals that grow inward from both sides, and displaces its walls via the local induced stress generated by the crystal growth itself. The petrographic criterion used in recent literature to interpret zebra veins in dolomites as cements - namely, that euhedral crystals can grow only in a prior void - disregards evidence to the contrary. The idea that flat voids did form in dolostones is incompatible with the observed optical continuity between the saddle dolomite euhedra of a vein and the replacive dolomite crystals of the host. The induced stress is also the key to the self-organization of zebra veins: In a set of many incipient, randomly-spaced, parallel veins just starting to grow in a host dolostone, each vein¿s induced stress prevents too-close neighbor veins from nucleating, or redissolves them by pressure-solution. The veins that survive this triage are those just outside their neighbors¿s induced stress haloes, now forming a set of equidistant veins, as observed.


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A new high-precision ultrasonic device was developed to determine noninvasively arterial compliance as a function of blood pressure. Because of the nonlinear elastic properties of arterial walls, measurements of compliance can be appropriately compared only if obtained over a range of pressures. This apparatus was used to evaluate in a double-blind, parallel fashion the effect of three different antihypertensive drugs and of a placebo on radial artery compliance. Thirty-two normotensive volunteers were randomly allocated to an 8-day, once-a-day oral treatment with either a placebo, 100 mg atenolol, 20 mg nitrendipine, or 20 mg lisinopril. Blood pressure, heart rate, radial artery diameter, and arterial compliance were measured immediately before as well as 6 hours after dosing on the first and last days of the study. On the eighth day of administration, within 6 hours after dosing, lisinopril induced an acute increase in radial artery diameter, from 2.99 +/- 0.06 to 3.28 +/- 0.09 mm (mean +/- SEM, p less than 0.01). The compliance-pressure curve was shifted upward on day 1 (p less than 0.01) as well as on day 8 (p less than 0.05). None of the other drugs induced any significant modification of these parameters. Arterial compliance has a strong nonlinear dependency on intra-arterial pressure and therefore has to be defined as a function of pressure. Antihypertensive drugs acting by different mechanisms may have different effects on the mechanical properties of large arteries.


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The decapod burrow Spongeliomorpha sudolica occurs associated with transgressive firmgrounds in the transition between Aragonian continental red beds and Langhian marine units in some of the inner sectors of the Vallès-Penedès Basin. This ichnospecies designates branching burrow systems with scratch marks in the walls produced by marine crustacean decapods. The occurrence of Spongeliomorpha represents an example of theGlossifungites ichnofacies. The several horizons where the traces are found are intercalated with continental red beds a few meters below the main transgressive surface, which is overlain by fossiliferous marine sandstones. The Spongeliomorpha-bioturbated layers record short, high frequency marine flooding surfaces that may be related either to actual sea-level changes or to variations in tectonic subsidence or sediment input. In any case, these flooding events punctuated the early phases of the Langhian transgression in the basin.


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A Monte Carlo study of the late time growth of L12-ordered domains in a fcc A3B binary alloy is presented. The energy of the alloy has been modeled by a nearest-neighbor interaction Ising Hamiltonian. The system exhibits a fourfold degenerated ground state and two kinds of interfaces separating ordered domains: flat and curved antiphase boundaries. Two different dynamics are used in the simulations: the standard atom-atom exchange mechanism and the more realistic vacancy-atom exchange mechanism. The results obtained by both methods are compared. In particular we study the time evolution of the excess energy, the structure factor and the mean distance between walls. In the case of atom-atom exchange mechanism anisotropic growth has been found: two characteristic lengths are needed in order to describe the evolution. Contrarily, with the vacancyatom exchange mechanism scaling with a single length holds. Results are contrasted with existing experiments in Cu3Au and theories for anisotropic growth.


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We present a complete calculation of the structure of liquid 4He confined to a concave nanoscopic wedge, as a function of the opening angle of the walls. This is achieved within a finite-range density functional formalism. The results here presented, restricted to alkali metal substrates, illustrate the change in meniscus shape from rather broad to narrow wedges on weak and strong alkali adsorbers, and we relate this change to the wetting behavior of helium on the corresponding planar substrate. As the wedge angle is varied, we find a sequence of stable states that, in the case of cesium, undergo one filling and one emptying transition at large and small openings, respectively. A computationally unambiguous criterion to determine the contact angle of 4He on cesium is also proposed.


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We investigate adsorption of helium in nanoscopic polygonal pores at zero temperature using a finite-range density functional theory. The adsorption potential is computed by means of a technique denoted as the elementary source method. We analyze a rhombic pore with Cs walls, where we show the existence of multiple interfacial configurations at some linear densities, which correspond to metastable states. Shape transitions and hysterectic loops appear in patterns which are richer and more complex than in a cylindrical tube with the same transverse area.


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Castor bean is a nutrient-demanding species, but there is still little information on its micronutrient requirements. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of levels of B (2.5, 12.5 and 25.0 µmol L-1), Cu (0.05, 0.25 and 0.50 µmol L-1), Mn (0.2, 1.0 and 2.0 µmol L-1) and Zn (0.2, 1.0 and 2.0 µmol L-1) in a nutrient solution on plant B, Cu, Mn and Zn concentrations and uptake, vegetative growth and fruit yield of castor bean "Iris", grown in greenhouse. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block design with three replicates. The first deficiency symptoms were observed for B, followed by Zn, Cu and Mn. The main changes in the cell ultrastructure due to lack of B were thickening of the cell walls and middle lamellae, distorted chloroplasts and tightly stacked thylakoids, besides the absence of starch grains. The Mn, Zn and Cu deficiencies led to disruption of chloroplasts, disintegration of thylakoids and absence of amyloplasts. The concentration and uptake of B, Cu, Mn, and Zn in castor bean plants increased with micronutrient supply in the solution. Fruit yield was drastically reduced by B and Mn deficiencies. On the other hand, the dry matter yield of the shoot and root of castor bean plants was not. In the treatment with full nutrient solution, the leaves accumulated 56 and 48 % of the total B and Mn taken up by the plants, respectively, and the seeds and roots 85 and 61 % of the total Cu and Zn taken up, respectively. This shows the high demand of castor bean Iris for B and Mn for fruit yield.