679 resultados para Eukaryotes
Translation termination requires two codon-specific polypeptide release factors in prokaryotes and one omnipotent factor in eukaryotes. Sequences of 17 different polypeptide release factors from prokaryotes and eukaryotes were compared. The prokaryotic release factors share residues split into seven motifs. Conservation of many discrete, perhaps critical, amino acids is observed in eukaryotic release factors, as well as in the C-terminal portion of elongation factor (EF) G. Given that the C-terminal domains of EF-G interacts with ribosomes by mimicry of a tRNA structure, the pattern of conservation of residues in release factors may reflect requirements for a tRNA-mimicry for binding to the A site of the ribosome. This mimicry would explain why release factors recognize stop codons and suggests that all prokaryotic and eukaryotic release factors evolved from the progenitor of EF-G.
Infection of cells with picornaviruses, such as poliovirus and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV), causes a shutoff of host protein synthesis. The molecular mechanism of the shutoff has been partly elucidated for poliovirus but not for EMCV. Translation initiation in eukaryotes is facilitated by the mRNA 5' cap structure to which the multisubunit translation initiation factor eIF4F binds to promote ribosome binding. Picornaviruses use a mechanism for the translation of their RNA that is independent of the cap structure. Poliovirus infection engenders the cleavage of the eIF4G (formerly p220) component of eIF4F and renders this complex inactive for cap-dependent translation. In contrast, EMCV infection does not result in eIF4G cleavage. Here, we report that both EMCV and poliovirus activate a translational repressor, 4E-BP1, that inhibits cap-dependent translation by binding to the cap-binding subunit eIF4E. Binding of eIF4E occurs only to the underphosphorylated form of 4E-BP1, and this interaction is highly regulated in cells. We show that 4E-BP1 becomes dephosphorylated upon infection with both EMCV and poliovirus. Dephosphorylation of 4E-BP1 temporally coincides with the shutoff of protein synthesis by EMCV but lags behind the shutoff and eIF4G cleavage in poliovirus-infected cells. Dephosphorylation of 4E-BP1 by specifically inhibiting cap-dependent translation may be the major cause of the shutoff phenomenon in EMCV-infected cells.
The Ediacaran biota is the earliest diverse community of macroscopic animals and protoctists. Body and trace fossils in the Clemente Formation of northwestern Sonora extend downward the geologic range of Ediacaran forms. Taxa present in the Clemente Formation include cf. Cyclomedusa plana, Sekwia sp., an erniettid (bearing an air mattress-like "pneu" body construction), and the trace fossils Lockeia ichnosp. and Palaeophycus tubularis. The trace fossils confirm the presence of sediment-dwelling animals in this shallow marine community. The body fossils are headless, tailless, and appendageless. Some may be body fossils of animals but others may be fossils of large protoctists. These body and trace fossils, recovered from thinly bedded sandstones and siltstones, occur 75 meters lower in the Sonoran stratigraphic section than a distinctive Clemente Formation oolite. The stratigraphic position of the fossils below this oolite permits long-distance correlation between fossiliferous Proterozoic strata of Mexico and the United States. Correlations utilizing both the Clemente Formation oolite and a trace fossil (Vermiforma antiqua) confirm the antiquity (600 million years or more) of this body fossil-rich community of macroscopic eukaryotes. The recently discovered body fossils are the oldest known remains of the Ediacaran biota.
Proper chromosome segregation in eukaryotes depends upon the mitotic and meiotic spindles, which assemble at the time of cell division and then disassemble upon its completion. These spindles are composed in large part of microtubules, which either generate force by controlled polymerization and depolymerization or transduce force generated by molecular microtubule motors. In this review, we discuss recent insights into chromosome segregation mechanisms gained from the analyses of force generation during meiosis and mitosis. These analyses have demonstrated that members of the kinesin superfamily and the dynein family are essential in all organisms for proper chromosome and spindle behavior. It is also apparent that forces generated by microtubule polymerization and depolymerization are capable of generating forces sufficient for chromosome movement in vitro; whether they do so in vivo is as yet unclear. An important realization that has emerged is that some spindle activities can be accomplished by more than one motor so that functional redundancy is evident. In addition, some meiotic or mitotic movements apparently occur through the cooperative action of independent semiredundant processes. Finally, the molecular characterization of kinesin-related proteins has revealed that variations both in primary sequence and in associations with other proteins can produce motor complexes that may use a variety of mechanisms to transduce force in association with microtubules. Much remains to be learned about the regulation of these activities and the coordination of opposing and cooperative events involved in chromosome segregation; this set of problems represents one of the most important future frontiers of research.
Inverted repeats of DNA are widespread in the genomes of eukaryotes and prokaryotes and can mediate genome rearrangement. We studied rearrangement mediated by plasmid-borne inverted repeats in Escherichia coli. We show that inverted repeats can mediate an efficient and recA-independent recombination event. Surprisingly, the product of this recombination is not that of simple inversion between the inverted repeats, but almost exclusively an unusual head-to-head dimer with complex DNA rearrangement. Moreover, this recombination is dramatically reduced by increasing the distance separating the repeats. These results can be readily explained by a model involving reciprocal switching of the leading and lagging strands of DNA replication within the inverted repeats, which leads to the formation of a Holliday junction. Reciprocal strand switching during DNA replication might be a common mechanism for genome rearrangement associated with inverted duplication.
A recently described reverse gyrase from the hyperthermophilic methanogen Methanopyrus kandleri is the only known example of a heterodimeric type I topoisomerase. The enzyme is made up of a 42-kDa subunit which covalently interacts with DNA (RgyA) and a 138-kDa subunit which binds ATP (RgyB). We have now cloned and sequenced the genes for both subunits of this enzyme. Surprisingly, the universally conserved type I topoisomerase domain [Lima, C. D., Wang, J. C. & Mondragon, A. (1994) Nature (London) 367, 138-146] which has been found as a contiguous polypeptide in the prokaryotes and eukaryotes is shared between the protomers. The subdomain with the active-site tyrosine is entirely within RgyA, whereas the subdomain implicated in noncovalent binding of the cleaved DNA strand is contained entirely in RgyB. The appearance of this unique structure in a highly conserved enzyme family supports the hypothesis that the methanogens branched from other prokaryotes and eukaryotes very early in evolution.
We have sequenced the region of DNA adjacent to and including the flightless (fli) gene of Drosophila melanogaster and molecularly characterized four transcription units within it, which we have named tweety (twe), flightless (fli), dodo (dod), and penguin (pen). We have performed deletion and transgenic analysis to determine the consequences of the quadruple gene removal. Only the flightless gene is vital to the organism; the simultaneous absence of the other three allows the overriding majority of individuals to develop to adulthood and to fly normally. These gene deletion results are evaluated in the context of the redundancy and degeneracy inherent in many genetic networks. Our cDNA analyses and data-base searches reveal that the predicted dodo protein has homologs in other eukaryotes and that it is made up of two different domains. The first, designated WW, is involved in protein-protein interactions and is found in functionally diverse proteins including human dystrophin. The second is involved in accelerating protein folding and unfolding and is found in Escherichia coli in a new family of peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases; EC In eukaryotes, PPIases occur in the nucleus and the cytoplasm and can form stable associations with transcription factors, receptors, and kinases. Given this particular combination of domains, the dodo protein may well participate in a multisubunit complex involved in the folding and activation of signaling molecules. When we expressed the dodo gene product in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it rescued the lethal phenotype of the ESS1 cell division gene.
In nearly all eukaryotes, at least some individuals inherit mitochondrial and chloroplast genes from only one parent. There is no single mechanism of uniparental inheritance: organelle gene inheritance is blocked by a variety of mechanisms and at different stages of reproduction in different species. Frequent changes in the pattern of organelle gene inheritance during evolution suggest that it is subject to varying selective pressures. Organelle genes often fail to recombine even when inherited biparentally; consequently, their inheritance is asexual. Sexual reproduction is apparently less important for genes in organelles than for nuclear genes, probably because there are fewer of them. As a result organelle sex can be lost because of selection for special reproductive features such as oogamy or because uniparental inheritance reduces the spread of cytoplasmic parasites and selfish organelle DNA.
The histones of all eukaryotes show only a low degree of primary structure homology, but our earlier crystallographic results defined a three-dimensional structural motif, the histone fold, common to all core histones. We now examine the specific architectural patterns within the fold and analyze the nature of the amino acid residues within its functional segments. The histone fold emerges as a fundamental protein dimerization motif while the differentiations of the tips of the histone dimers appear to provide the rules of core octamer assembly and the basis for nucleosome regulation. We present evidence for the occurrence of the fold from archaebacteria to mammals and propose the use of this structural motif to define a distinct family of proteins, the histone fold superfamily. It appears that evolution has conserved the conformation of the fold even through variations in primary structure and among proteins with various functional roles.
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell cycle-regulatory protein suc1, named as the suppressor of cdc2 temperature-sensitive mutations, is essential for cell cycle progression. To understand suc1 structure-function relationships and to help resolve conflicting interpretations of suc1 function based on genetic studies of suc1 and its functional homologs in both lower and higher eukaryotes, we have determined the crystal structure of the beta-interchanged suc1 dimer. Each domain consists of three alpha-helices and a four-stranded beta-sheet, completed by the interchange of terminal beta-strands between the two subunits. This beta-interchanged suc1 dimer, when compared with the beta-hairpin single-domain folds of suc1, reveals a beta-hinge motif formed by the conserved amino acid sequence HVPEPH. This beta-hinge mediates the subunit conformation and assembly of suc1: closing produces the intrasubunit beta-hairpin and single-domain fold, whereas opening leads to the intersubunit beta-strand interchange and interlocked dimer assembly reported here. This conformational switch markedly changes the surface accessibility of sequence-conserved residues available for recognition of cyclin-dependent kinase, suggesting a structural mechanism for beta-hinge-mediated regulation of suc1 biological function. Thus, suc1 belongs to the family of domain-swapping proteins, consisting of intertwined and dimeric protein structures in which the dual assembly modes regulate their function.
Eukaryotic chromosomes terminate with long stretches of short, guanine-rich repeats. These repeats are added de novo by a specialized enzyme, telomerase. In humans telomeres shorten during differentiation, presumably due to the absence of telomerase activity in somatic cells. This phenomenon forms the basis for several models of telomere role in cellular senescence. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) telomeres consist of thousands of TTTAGGG repeats, closely resembling other higher eukaryotes. In vivo differentiation and aging resulted in reduction of terminal restriction fragment length paralleled by a decrease of telomere repeat number. Dedifferentiation in callus culture resulted in an increase of the terminal restriction fragment length and in the number of telomere repeats. Long-term callus cultures had very long telomeres. Absolute telomere lengths were genotype dependent, but the relative changes due to differentiation, dedifferentiation, and long-term callus culture were consistent among genotypes. A model is presented to describe the potential role of the telomere length in regulation of a cell's mitotic activity and senescence.
The reconstruction of multitaxon trees from molecular sequences is confounded by the variety of algorithms and criteria used to evaluate trees, making it difficult to compare the results of different analyses. A global method of multitaxon phylogenetic reconstruction described here, Bootstrappers Gambit, can be used with any four-taxon algorithm, including distance, maximum likelihood, and parsimony methods. It incorporates a Bayesian-Jeffreys'-bootstrap analysis to provide a uniform probability-based criterion for comparing the results from diverse algorithms. To examine the usefulness of the method, the origin of the eukaryotes has been investigated by the analysis of ribosomal small subunit RNA sequences. Three common algorithms (paralinear distances, Jukes-Cantor distances, and Kimura distances) support the eocyte topology, whereas one (maximum parsimony) supports the archaebacterial topology, suggesting that the eocyte prokaryotes are the closest prokaryotic relatives of the eukaryotes.
Genes for glycolytic and Calvin-cycle glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of higher eukaryotes derive from ancient gene duplications which occurred in eubacterial genomes; both were transferred to the nucleus during the course of endosymbiosis. We have cloned cDNAs encoding chloroplast and cytosolic GAPDH from the early-branching photosynthetic protist Euglena gracilis and have determined the structure of its nuclear gene for cytosolic GAPDH. The gene contains four introns which possess unusual secondary structures, do not obey the GT-AG rule, and are flanked by 2- to 3-bp direct repeats. A gene phylogeny for these sequences in the context of eubacterial homologues indicates that euglenozoa, like higher eukaryotes, have obtained their GAPDH genes from eubacteria via endosymbiotic (organelle-to-nucleus) gene transfer. The data further suggest that the early-branching protists Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica--which lack mitochondria--and portions of the trypanosome lineage have acquired GAPDH genes from eubacterial donors which did not ultimately give rise to contemporary membrane-bound organelles. Evidence that "cryptic" (possibly ephemeral) endosymbioses during evolution may have entailed successful gene transfer is preserved in protist nuclear gene sequences.
The TATA box sequence in eukaryotes is located about 25 bp upstream of many genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and some genes transcribed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III). The TATA box is recognized in a sequence-specific manner by the TATA box-binding protein (TBP), an essential factor involved in the initiation of transcription by all three eukaryotic RNA polymerases. We have investigated the recognition of the TATA box by the Pol II and Pol III basal transcription machinery and its role in establishing the RNA polymerase specificity of the promoter. Artificial templates were constructed that contained a canonical TATA box as the sole promoter element but differed in the orientation of the 8-bp TATA box sequence. As expected, Pol II initiated transcription in unfractionated nuclear extracts downstream of the "forward" TATA box. In distinct contrast, transcription that initiated downstream of the "reverse" TATA box was carried out specifically by Pol III. Importantly, this effect was observed regardless of the source of the DNA either upstream or downstream of the TATA sequence. These findings suggest that TBP may bind in opposite orientations on Pol II and Pol III promoters and that opposite, yet homologous, surfaces of TBP may be utilized by the Pol II and Pol III basal machinery for the initiation of transcription.
The gene encoding the glycolytic enzyme triose-phosphate isomerase (TPI; EC has been central to the long-standing controversy on the origin and evolutionary significance of spliceosomal introns by virtue of its pivotal support for the introns-early view, or exon theory of genes. Putative correlations between intron positions and TPI protein structure have led to the conjecture that the gene was assembled by exon shuffling, and five TPI intron positions are old by the criterion of being conserved between animals and plants. We have sequenced TPI genes from three diverse eukaryotes--the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and the insect Heliothis virescens--and have found introns at seven novel positions that disrupt previously recognized gene/protein structure correlations. The set of 21 TPI introns now known is consistent with a random model of intron insertion. Twelve of the 21 TPI introns appear to be of recent origin since each is present in but a single examined species. These results, together with their implication that as more TPI genes are sequenced more intron positions will be found, render TPI untenable as a paradigm for the introns-early theory and, instead, support the introns-late view that spliceosomal introns have been inserted into preexisting genes during eukaryotic evolution.