812 resultados para Ethics in advertising
This study explores the relationships between two central elements of marketing communication programs - advertising and sales promotions - and their impact on brand equity creation. In particular, the research focuses on advertising spend and individuals' attitudes toward the advertisements. The study also investigates the effects of two kinds of sales promotions, monetary and non-monetary promotions. Based on a survey of 302 UK consumers, findings show that the individuals' attitudes toward the advertisements play a key role influencing brand equity dimensions, whereas advertising spend for the brands under investigation improves brand awareness but is insufficient to positively influence brand associations and perceived quality. The paper also finds distinctive effects of monetary and non-monetary promotions on brand equity. In addition, the results show that companies can optimize the brand equity management process by considering the relationships existing between the different dimensions of brand equity. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
This paper studies the Spanish fictional novel by Andrés Barba, Ahora tocad música de baile (2004), one of the first cultural texts dealing entirely with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to appear in Spain. It argues that the significance of Barba’s fictional novel rests on two important issues: the ethics of representation of violence against vulnerable subjects and the ethics of care. The paper analyses how these two issues allow Barba to create a story in which the verbal and physical abuse to which the person living with Alzheimer’s disease is subjected places the reader, on the one hand, as voyeur/witness of the abuse; and, on the other, as interpreter, and ultimately judge, of the fine line that separates euthanasia, assisted suicide, and murder. The open ending of the novel defers all ethical and moral judgment to the reader. It examines how the novel offers a monolithic perspective about AD, in which care is presented as a burden. In fact, this study shows that the novel’s multi-layered structure and polyphonic nature places the emphasis on stigmas, stereotypes and negative metaphors around AD, as found in contemporary social discourses.
Credible endorsers are often used in advertisements. However, there is conflicting evidence on the role source credibility plays in persuasion. Early research found that source credibility affects persuasion when subjects pay attention to the communication. Other research indicates that a credible source enhances persuasion when people do not scrutinize the message claims carefully and thoroughly. This effect is opposite to what was indicated by early research. More recent research indicates that source credibility may affect persuasion when people scrutinize the message claims, but limits this effect to advertisements with certain type of claims (i.e., ambiguous or extreme claims). This dissertation proposes that source credibility might play a broader role during persuasion than suggested by the empirical literature. Source credibility may affect persuasion, at low levels of involvement, by serving as a peripheral cue. It may also affect persuasion, at high involvement, by serving as an argument or biasing elaboration. ^ Each of these possibilities was explored in an experiment using a 3 (source credibility) x 2 (type of claim) x 2 (levels of involvement) full factorial design. The sample consisted of 180 undergraduate students from a major southeastern University. ^ Results indicated that, at high levels of involvement, the credibility of the source affected persuasion. This effect was due to source credibility acting as an argument within the advertisement. This study did not find that source credibility affected persuasion by biasing elaboration, at high involvement, or by serving as a peripheral cue, at low involvement. ^
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
In the 1990s, competition among public health insurance funds (‘sickness funds’) was introduced in Germany. As one means of competition, free choice of initial health funds and subsequent switching between them was made available to all insured. Since then, the number of funds has decreased substantially, and funds have had to engage in competitive strategies to remain in the market. In this paper, we want to analyse the funds' advertising activities in the face of the changed competitive environment. This has not been possible to date due to a lack of data. We use two new datasets to get a first insight into the potential effects of competition on funds' advertising strategies; one of the volume and cost of advertisements and one of their contents. Our results suggest that competition has been associated with an increase in the amount of advertising. As to the adverts themselves, we find that there was a decrease in the share of advertisements of a ‘general’ content in favour of advertisements of a more ‘fund-specific’ content. The data therefore indicate that once the market was open to switching of funds by the insured, funds' advertising efforts changed to differentiating their own perceived strengths from those of competitor funds. These observations allow us to draw some tentative conclusions about the relevance of (attempts of) risk selection by health funds via advertisements and about the general success of the pro-competitive legislation.
The comments of Charles Kegan Paul, the Victorian publisher who was involved in publishing the novels of the nineteenth-century British-Indian author Philip Meadows Taylor as single volume reprints in the 1880s, are illuminating. They are indicative of the publisher's position with regard to publishing - that there was often no correlation between commercial success and the artistic merit of a work. According to Kegan Paul, a substandard or mediocre text would be commercially successful as long it met a perceived want on the part of the public. In effect, the ruminations of the publisher suggests that a firm desirous of acquiring commercial success for a work should be an astute judge of the pre-existing wants of consumers within the market. Yet Theodor Adorno, writing in the mid-twentieth century, offers an entirely distinctive perspective to Kegan Paul's observations, arguing that there is nothing foreordained about consumer demand for certain cultural tropes or productions. They in fact are driven by an industry that preempts and conditions the possible reactions of the consumer. Both Kegan Paul's and Adorno's insights are illuminating when it comes to addressing the key issues explored in this essay. Kegan Paul's comments allude to the ways in which the publisher's promotion of Philip Meadows Taylor's fictional depictions of India and its peoples were to a large extent driven in the mid- to late-nineteenth century by their expectations of what metropolitan readers desired at any given time, whereas Adorno's insights reveal the ways in which British-Indian narratives and the public identity of their authors were not assured in advance, but were, to a large extent, engineered by the publishing industry and the literary marketplace.
This article examines the use of trademarks as keywords in sponsored links campaigns - in particular the impact of such usage on consumer confusion. It is thus important to highlight that there are a number of reasons why a consumer uses search engines. For example, it may be that a consumer searches for a type of product or service that appeals to them; the consumer may engage in comparison-shopping; or the consumer may already know the specific brand that he or she intends to purchase. Secondly, this article explores the possibility of infringement on other functions of trademarks in the case of the double-identity rule. Thirdly, the article discusses the negative aspects of broadening the concept of taking advantage and isolates this concept from the possibilities of confusion, detriment to the distinctive character, or the reputation of the trademark. Lastly, the article proposes possible remedies to the current situation – in particular the introduction of licensing models for the use of trademarks in keyword advertising and the application of the law on comparative advertising regarding the way the licensee uses those trademarks.
Consumers face enormous amounts of promotional messages daily whereas the pharmaceutical companies among other industries spend considerable time and money developing effective advertising strategies. There are multiple possible ways to appeal the target customer in order to increase the effectiveness of the advertisement. In spite of the various possibilities to categorize persuasive communication, the informational and the emotional appeals are the typical approaches. This study assesses the influence of the informational and emotional advertising appeals on the advertising effectiveness in the context of OTCs in Finland. The research method applied in this study is a quantitative survey. The data consists of 461 responses from the target population of 18–80 years old Finnish speaking consumers. The results from the marketing research indicate that the positive correlations of the emotional appeals are much stronger than the positive correlations of the informational appeals relating to the advertising effectiveness. However, on average the Finnish consumers experience the OTC advertisements relying on the informational appeals more effective than the OTC advertisements relying on the emotional appeals. Furthermore, within emotional appeals there is a much greater variety in the experienced advertising effectiveness not providing as stabile and consistent experienced advertising effectiveness compared to the informational appeals. Thus, the OTC advertisement relying more on the emotional appeals are much more risky in terms of advertising effectiveness. There are also differences with the experienced advertising effectiveness between the Finnish consumer groups and the information can be utilised when designing tailored OTC advertisements. The Finnish men consider humorous advertisements more effective than the Finnish women. In addition, the people living outside Uusimaa Region experience higher advertising effectiveness with the advertisements relying more on the informational advertisements compared to the people living in Uusimaa Region. In similar vein, the people with lower education experience higher advertising effectiveness with the advertisements relying more on the informational advertisements compared to the people with high education. Additionally, the older generation perceive an OTC advertisement with a middle-aged celebrity more effective than the younger consumers
This study proposes the continuous bioethics education in university health and biology courses. A field study was conducted with matriculating students at a university in southern Brazil about the ethics and legal questions regarding the use of animals in research and teaching. It was found that almost half of the students were unaware of important animal ethics issues, showing that these themes are merely incipient in the education provided within this particular university. Considering this reality, the inclusion of bioethics only as a discipline and isolated from the formal curriculum has not been effective and that bioethics education, incorporating polemic subjects such as animal ethics, should be included in an all-encompassing and constant approach throughout the training of students in biomedical fields.
Despite a current emphasis in Romantic scholarship on intersubjectivity, this study suggests that we still have much to learn about how theories of intersubjectivity operate in Romantic-era writings that focus on the family—the most common vehicle for exploring relationships during the period. By investigating how sympathy, intimacy, and fidelity are treated in the works of Mary Hays, Felicia Hemans, and Mary Shelley, this dissertation discovers the presence of an “ethics of refusal” within women’s Romantic-era texts. Texts that promote an ethics of refusal, I argue, almost advocate for a particular mode of relating within a given model of the family as the key to more equitable social relations, but, then, they ultimately refuse to support any particular model. Although drawn towards models of relating that, at first, seem to offer explicit pathways towards a more ethical society, texts that promote an ethics of refusal ultimately reject any program of reform. Such rejection is not unaccountable, but stems from anxieties about appearing to dictate what is best for others when others are, in reality, other than the self. In this dissertation, I draw from feminist literary critiques that focus on ethics; genre-focused literary critiques; and studies of sympathy, intimacy, and fidelity that investigate modes of relating within the context of literary works and reader-textual relations. Psychoanalytic theory also plays an important role within my third chapter on Mary Shelley’s novel Falkner. Scholarship that investigates the dialectical nature of Romantic-era literature informs my entire project. Through theorizing and studying an ethics of refusal, we can more fully understand how intersubjective modes functioned in Romantic literature and discover a Romanticism uniquely committed to attempting to turn dialectical reasoning into a social practice.
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit ist es zu überprüfen in wie weit Werbung und Videospiele miteinander vereinbar sind und ob Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz im Zusammenhang stehen (in Bezug auf In-Game-Advertising). Zunächst erfolgt eine Recherche der theoretischen Grundlagen über In-Game-Advertising. Hierbei werden als erstes Begriffe und Rahmenbedingungen definiert und erklärt. Weiter wird die Geschichte der Videospielindustrie erläutert. Anschließend wird das aktuelle Nutzungsverhalten von Videospielen behandelt und die Zielgruppe analysiert. Danach erfolgt eine Analyse des Marktes. Dabei werden Daten verwendet, welche sich auf die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart beziehen. Eine kurze Prognose ist auch enthalten. Das Potenzial in der Videospielbranche wird kurz geklärt. Die Begrifflichkeiten Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz werden im Anschluss erläutert. Bevor am Ende die Kernhypothese überprüft werden kann, wird In-Game-Advertising anhand von zwei Videospielen beschrieben. Diese bilden die Grundlage für die empirische Analyse. Der letzte Teil beschäftigt sich mit dieser empirischen Analyse. Anhand der Antworten eines Onlinefragebogens werden die Hypothesen, welche sich unter anderen aus der Recherche ergeben haben, erörtert. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz im Zusammenhang stehen, aber nicht so stark wie angenommen. In-Game-Advertising hat eine Zukunft, wenn bestimmte Rahmenbedingungen im Vorfeld der Implementierung beachtet und eingehalten werden. Am Ende der Arbeit erfolgt ein Fazit, in dem die Arbeit kurz zusammengefasst wird, mit einer kurzen Prognose in Sachen In-Game-Advertising.