963 resultados para Equações diferenciais não-lineares - Soluções numericas
OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a eficiência de diferentes equações antropométricas para a identificação de excesso de gordura corporal entre crianças e adolescentes. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 1.498 indivíduos (678 meninos e 820 meninas), com idade entre 7 e 17 anos (M=13,7, DP=2,0), da cidade de Presidente Prudente (SP). A massa corporal e a estatura foram mensuradas para o cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal. Também foi realizada a mensuração da circunferência de cintura e das dobras cutâneas subescapular, tricipital, abdominal e da panturrilha. O percentual de gordura corporal foi calculado por meio de quatro equações: Slaughter et al., Slaughter II et al., Dezenberg et al., e Deurenberg et al.. Para indicar a eficiência das diferentes equações antropométricas na indicação da obesidade, foi utilizada a análise da curva Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve. RESULTADOS: No grupo masculino, foram observados valores de sensibilidade elevados (82,4% a 100,0%) e valores oscilando de baixo a alto, para a especificidade (20,9% a 94,9%). Para o sexo feminino, os valores de sensibilidade variaram entre moderado e alto (72,2% a 99,4%); e os de especificidade apresentaram, também, grande oscilação entre baixo e alto (21,6% a 98,2%). CONCLSÃO: A equação proposta por Deurenberg et al., apresentou o melhor desempenho no diagnóstico tanto da presença como da ausência de obesidade na amostra investigada.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
In the Einstein s theory of General Relativity the field equations relate the geometry of space-time with the content of matter and energy, sources of the gravitational field. This content is described by a second order tensor, known as energy-momentum tensor. On the other hand, the energy-momentum tensors that have physical meaning are not specified by this theory. In the 700s, Hawking and Ellis set a couple of conditions, considered feasible from a physical point of view, in order to limit the arbitrariness of these tensors. These conditions, which became known as Hawking-Ellis energy conditions, play important roles in the gravitation scenario. They are widely used as powerful tools for analysis; from the demonstration of important theorems concerning to the behavior of gravitational fields and geometries associated, the gravity quantum behavior, to the analysis of cosmological models. In this dissertation we present a rigorous deduction of the several energy conditions currently in vogue in the scientific literature, such as: the Null Energy Condition (NEC), Weak Energy Condition (WEC), the Strong Energy Condition (SEC), the Dominant Energy Condition (DEC) and Null Dominant Energy Condition (NDEC). Bearing in mind the most trivial applications in Cosmology and Gravitation, the deductions were initially made for an energy-momentum tensor of a generalized perfect fluid and then extended to scalar fields with minimal and non-minimal coupling to the gravitational field. We also present a study about the possible violations of some of these energy conditions. Aiming the study of the single nature of some exact solutions of Einstein s General Relativity, in 1955 the Indian physicist Raychaudhuri derived an equation that is today considered fundamental to the study of the gravitational attraction of matter, which became known as the Raychaudhuri equation. This famous equation is fundamental for to understanding of gravitational attraction in Astrophysics and Cosmology and for the comprehension of the singularity theorems, such as, the Hawking and Penrose theorem about the singularity of the gravitational collapse. In this dissertation we derive the Raychaudhuri equation, the Frobenius theorem and the Focusing theorem for congruences time-like and null congruences of a pseudo-riemannian manifold. We discuss the geometric and physical meaning of this equation, its connections with the energy conditions, and some of its several aplications.
Um minuncioso estudo das propriedades de confinamento em heterostructuras bidimensionais(poços quânticos) GaAs/AlxGa1_xAs, com interfaces graduais é realizado. Um modelo teórico que represente bem a variação da fração molar do alumínio nas interfaces, resultante do aparecimento de micro-rugosidades e ilhas durante os processos de crescimento e recozimento pós-crescimento da amostra, é elaborado. Vários perfis desta fração molar de alumínio nas interfaces são considerados. Soluções analíticas da equação de Schrodinger, na aproximação da massa efetiva constatne nas interfaces, resultando em equações transcendentais, que possibilitam a obtenção dos níveis de energia dos portadores, decorrentes do seu confinamento quântico, são apresentadas. Energias de ligação e de confinamento de excitons 2D, utilizando-se um método analítico e numerérico e a aproximação do potencial efetivo, são também calculadas. Resultados numéricos para os níveis de energia dos portadores e para as energias de ligação e de confinamento dos excitons 2D, em poços quânticos GaAs/Al0.35Ga0.65As não-abruptos, sem e com a presença de campo elétrico aplicado para vários perfis interfaciais da fração de molar, são mostrados. Para a obtenção desses resultados, faz-se uso do método dos degraus múltiplos e da técnica da matriz de transferência, e adota-se, como operador de energia cinética, o de Ben-Daniel e Duque para uma massa efetiva dependente da posição. Conclui-se que um modelo que leva em conta a existência de interfaces não-abruptas e seus diversos perfis é indispensável para uma melhor descrição das propriedades opto-eletrônicas de poços quânticos GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs, enquanto que a aproximação das interfaces abruptas apresenta-se bastante limitada
In this work we obtain the cosmological solutions and investigate the thermodynamics of matter creation in two diferent contexts. In the first we propose a cosmological model with a time varying speed of light c. We consider two diferent time dependence of c for a at Friedmann-Robertson- Walker (FRW) universe. We write the energy conservation law arising from Einstein equations and study how particles are created as c decreases with cosmic epoch. The variation of c is coupled to a cosmological Λ term and both singular and non-singular solutions are possible. We calculate the "adiabatic" particle creation rate and the total number of particles as a function of time and find the constrains imposed by the second law of thermodynamics upon the models. In the second scenario, we study the nonlinearity of the electrodynamics as a source of matter creation in the cosmological models with at FRW geometry. We write the energy conservation law arising from Einstein field equations with cosmological term Λ, solve the field equations and study how particles are created as the magnetic field B changes with cosmic epoch. We obtain solutions for the adiabatic particle creation rate, the total number of particles and the scale factor as a function of time in three cases: Λ = 0, Λ = constant and Λ α H2 (cosmological term proportional to the Hubble parameter). In all cases, the second law of thermodynamics demands that the universe is not contracting (H ≥ 0). The first two solutions are non-singular and exhibit in ationary periods. The third case studied allows an always in ationary universe for a suficiently large cosmological term
I ntroduction: The assessment of respiratory muscle strength is important in the diagnosis and monitoring of the respiratory muscles weakness of respiratory and neuromuscular diseases. However, there are still no studies that provide predictive equations and reference values for maximal respiratory pressures for children in our population. Aim: The purpose of this study was to propose predictive equations for maximal respiratory pressures in healthy school children. Method: This is an observational cross-sectional study. 144 healthy children were assessed. They were students from public and private schools in the city of Natal /RN (63 boys and 81 girls), subdivided in age groups of 7-8 and 9-11 years. The students presented the BMI, for age and sex, between 5 and 85 percentile. Maximal respiratory pressures were measured with the digital manometer MVD300 (Globalmed ®). The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressures (MEP) were measured from residual volume and total lung capacity, respectively. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Statistics 15.0 software (Statistical Package for Social Science) by assigning the significance level of 5%. Descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. T'Student test was used for unpaired comparison of averages of the variables. The comparison of measurements obtained with the predicted values in previous studies was performed using the paired t'Student test. The Pearson correlation test was used to verify the correlation of MRP's with the independent variables (age, sex, weight and height). For the equations analysis the stepwise linear regression was used. Results: By analyzing the data, we observed that in the age range studied MIP was significantly higher in boys. The MEP did not differ between boys and girls aged 7 to 8 years, the reverse occurred in the age between 9 and 11 years. The boys had a significant increase in respiratory muscle strength with advancing age. Regardless sex and age, MEP was always higher than the MIP. The reference values found in this study are similar to a sample of Spanish and Canadian children. The two models proposed in previous studies with children from other countries were not able to consistently predict the values observed in this studied population. The variables sex, age and weight correlated with MIP, whereas the MEP was also correlated with height. However, in the regression models proposed in this study, only gender and age were kept exerting influence on the variability of maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures. Conclusion: This study provides reference values, lower limits of normality and proposes two models that allow predicting, through the independent variables, sex and age, the value of maximal static respiratory pressures in healthy children aged between 7 and 11 years old
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Neste trabalho é proposta uma metodologia de rastreamento de sinais e rejeição de distúrbios aplicada a sistemas não-lineares. Para o projeto do sistema de rastreamento, projeta-se os controladores fuzzy M(a) e N(a) que minimizam o limitante superior da norma H∞ entre o sinal de referência r(t) e o sinal de erro de rastreamento e(t), sendo e(t) a diferença entre a entrada de referência e a saída do sistema z(t). No método de rejeição de distúrbio utiliza-se a realimentação dinâmica da saída através de um controlador fuzzy Kc(a) que minimiza o limitante superior da norma H∞ entre o sinal de entrada exógena w(t) e o sinal de saída z(t). O procedimento de projeto proposto considera as não-linearidades da planta através dos modelos fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno. Os métodos são equacionados utilizando-se inequações matriciais lineares (LMIs), que quando factíveis, podem ser facilmente solucionados por algoritmos de convergência polinomial. Por fim, um exemplo ilustra a viabilidade da metodologia proposta.
The clay swelling is today one of the major problems during the well drilling. Nearly 50% of clays that constitute shale expand easily in the presence of water molecules. During the drilling of a geological formation containing swelling clays, when is feasible the use of water base fluids, it is necessary to apply clay inhibitors. This avoids the incorporation of the cutting to the drilling fluid which is responsible for the wall swelling and crumbling. The aim of this work was to evaluate the synergistic behavior that occurs when swelling clay inhibitors are associated to NaCl and KCl salts. Three swelling clay inhibitors samples, INIB A, INIB B and INIB C, were analyzed. Each inhibitor was characterized by the amount of chlorides and active matter content. For the water-clay interaction evaluation in the presence of various fluids, it was used the Capillary Suction Timer (CST, Fann) and Linear Swell Meter (LSM 2000, Fann). For better interpretation of results, a Design of Experiments (DOE, Umetrics MODDE 7.0 TM) through Result Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed, taking into account the type, the swelling inhibitors concentration and the contact time with the clay. The results showed different efficiencies among the inhibitors employed, and the salt-inhibitors mixtures were more efficient than those products alone. However, for field operation, other parameters should be taking into account, as operational cost, environmental requests and time of application for each product
In this work, chitosan was used as a coating of pure perlite in order to increase the accessibility of the groups OH- e NH2+the adsorptionof ions Mn2+ e Zn2+.The characterization results of the expanded perlite classified as microporous and whose surface area 3,176 m2 g-1after the change resulted in 4,664 m2g-1.From the thermogravimetry(TG) it was found that the percentage of coating was34,3%.The infrared analysis can prove the presence of groups Si-OH, Si-O e Al-O-Siresulting from the perlite and C=O, NH2and OH characterization of chitosan. The experiments on experiments on the adsorption of Mn and Zn were performed in the concentration range of10 a 50 mgL-1and the adsorption capacity inpH 5,8 e 5,2 was 19,49 and 23,09 mgg-1to 25 oC,respectively.The adsorption data were best fitted to Langmuir adsorption model to Langmuir adsorption model for both metalionsisindicative of monolayer adsorption. The kinetics of adsorption were calculated from the equation of Lagergren fitting the model pseudo-second-order for all initial concentrations, suggesting that adsorption of ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ follows the kinetics of pseudo-second-order and whose constant Speedk2(g/mg.min) are 0,105 e 3,98 and capacity and maximum removal qe 4,326 e 3,348,respectively.In this study we used a square wave voltammetry cathodic stripping voltammetry to quantify the adsorbed ions, and the working electrode glassy carbon, reference electrode silver / silver chloride and a platinum auxiliary electrode. The attainment of the peaks corresponding to ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ was evaluated in and electrochemical cell with a capacity of 30 mL using a buffer system (Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4)at pH 4 and was adjusted with solutionsH3PO4 0,1molL-1and NaOH 0,1 molL-1and addition of the analyte has been a cathodic peak in- 0,873 Vand detection limit of2,55x10-6molL-1para Zn.The dough used for obtaining the adsorption isotherm was 150 mg and reached in 120 min time of equilibrium for both metal ions.The maximum adsorption for 120 min with Mn concentration 20 mgL-1 and Zn 10 mgL-1,was91, 09 e 94, 34%, respectively
Gels consist of soft materials with vast use in several activities, such as in pharmaceutical industry, food science, and coatings/textile applications. In order to obtain these materials, the process of gelification, that can be physical (based on physical interactions) and/or chemical (based on covalent crosslinking), has to be carried out. In this work we used dynamic light scattering (DLS) and rheometry to monitor the covalent gelification of chitosan solutions by glutaraldehyde. Intensity correlation function (ICF) data was obtained from DLS and the exponential stretched Kohrausch-William-Watts function (KWW) was fitted to them. The parameters of the KWW equation, β, Γ and C were evaluated. These methods were effective in clarifying the process of sol-gel transition, with the emergence of non-ergodicity, and determining the range of gelation observed in about 10-20 minutes. The dependence between apparent viscosity on reaction time was used to support the discussion proposed.
Dynamic light scattering was used to monitor relaxation processes in chitosan solutions at concentrations within the semi-dilute and concentrated regimes, Kowhlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW) equation being successfully fitted to intensity correlation function data. The dependence of KWW equation parameters on chitosan concentration indicated that an increase in concentration from semi-dilute to concentrated regimes resulted in narrowing the distribution of relaxation rates; temperature dependence indicated the relaxation process as described as an energy activated process, whose parameters were function of the interaction between chitosan chains (enthalpy of activation) and rigidity of chitosan conformations (pre-exponential factor)
Surfactant-polymer interactions are widely used when required rheological properties for specific applications, such as the production of fluids for oil exploration. Studies of the interactions of chitosan with cationic surfactants has attracted attention by being able to cause changes in rheological parameters of the systems making room for new applications. The commercial chitosan represents an interesting alternative to these systems, since it is obtained from partial deacetylation of chitin: the residues sites acetylated can then be used for the polymer-surfactant interactions. Alkyl ethoxylated surfactants can be used in this system, since these non-ionic surfactants can interact with hydrophobic sites of chitosan, modifying the rheology of solutions or emulsions resultants, which depends on the relaxation phenomenon occurring in these systems. In this work, first, inverse emulsions were prepared from chitosan solution as the dispersed phase and cyclohexane as the continuous phase were, using CTAB as a surfactant. The rheological analysis of these emulsions showed pronounced pseudoplastic behavior. This behavior was attributed to interaction of "loops" of chitosan chains. Creep tests were also performed and gave further support to these discussions. Subsequently, in order to obtain more information about the interaction of chitosan with non-ionic surfactants, solutions of chitosan were mixed with C12E8 and and carried out rheological analysis and dynamic light scattering. The systems showed marked pseudoplastic behavior, which became less evident when the concentration of surfactant was increased. Arrhenius and KWW equations were used to obtain parameters of the apparent activation energy and relaxation rate distribution, respectively, to which were connected to the content of surfactant and temperature used in this work
Sustainable development is a major challenge in the oil industry and has aroused growing interest in research to obtain materials from renewable sources. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) is a polysaccharide derived from cellulose and becomes attractive because it is water-soluble, renewable, biodegradable and inexpensive, as well as may be chemically modified to gain new properties. Among the derivatives of carboxymethylcellulose, systems have been developed to induce stimuli-responsive properties and extend the applicability of multiple-responsive materials. Although these new materials have been the subject of study, understanding of their physicochemical properties, such as viscosity, solubility and particle size as a function of pH and temperature, is still very limited. This study describes systems of physical blends and copolymers based on carboxymethylcellulose and poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM), with different feed percentage compositions of the reaction (25CMC, 50CMC e 75CMC), in aqueous solution. The chemical structure of the polymers was investigated by infrared and CHN elementary analysis. The physical blends were analyzed by rheology and the copolymers by UV-visible spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta potential. CMC and copolymer were assessed as scale inhibitors of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) using dynamic tube blocking tests and chemical compatibility tests, as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thermothickening behavior was observed for the 50 % CMC_50 % PNIPAM and 25 % CMC_75 % PNIPAM physical blends in aqueous solution at concentrations of 6 and 2 g/L, respectively, depending on polymer concentration and composition. For the copolymers, the increase in temperature and amount of PNIPAM favored polymer-polymer interactions through hydrophobic groups, resulting in increased turbidity of polymer solutions. Particle size decreased with the rise in copolymer PNIPAM content as a function of pH (3-12), at 25 °C. Larger amounts of CMC result in a stronger effect of pH on particle size, indicating pH-responsive behavior. Thus, 25CMC was not affected by the change in pH, exhibiting similar behavior to PNIPAM. In addition, the presence of acidic or basic additives influenced particle size, which was smaller in the presence of the additives than in distilled water. The results of zeta potential also showed greater variation for polymers in distilled water than in the presence of acids and bases. The lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of PNIPAM determined by DLS corroborated the value obtained by UV-visible spectroscopy. SAXS data for PNIPAM and 50CMC indicated phase transition when the temperature increased from 32 to 34 °C. A reduction in or absence of electrostatic properties was observed as a function of increased PNIPAM in copolymer composition. Assessment of samples as scale inhibitors showed that CMC performed better than the copolymers. This was attributed to the higher charge density present in CMC. The SEM micrographs confirmed morphological changes in the CaCO3 crystals, demonstrating the scale inhibiting potential of these polymers