1000 resultados para Enfermedad de Alzheimer -- Adultos
Abstract OBJECTIVE To understand the family dynamics when there is a member in the residence with Alzheimer's disease. METHOD A study of qualitative approach, using the creative sensitive method (CSM), and with participation of two families who had a member with Alzheimer's disease at home. RESULTS Three categories emerged: Effects of Alzheimer's disease and the family dynamics; Development process of Alzheimer's disease and Coping strategies in face of the disease. CONCLUSION It was possible to know the manifestations and consequences of Alzheimer's disease in the family, such as mutual help, the mobilization of resources to activate memories of the past, spirituality and faith. There was also understanding of the structure of family dynamics.
HNF1B (Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1-B localizado en el cromosoma 17q21.3) es un factor de transcripción con un papel fundamental en los primeros estadios del desarrollo y en la organogénesis de diferentes tejidos como el renal, hepático, pancreático o genital. Las mutaciones de este gen se heredan con un patrón autosómico dominante. A nivel renal acostumbran a haber alteraciones morfológicas y grados variables de afectación tubular. A nivel extrarenal se ha relacionado con la diabetes tipo MODY, malformaciones genitales o alteraciones hepáticas. La gran variabilidad de formas de presentación hace que la sospecha clínica resulte en muchas ocasiones dificultosa. En el presente estudio, se realiza una descripción clínica y génètica de los pacientes identificados en nuestro centro con mutación en el gen HNF1b. Observamos, en consonancia con lo descrito en la literatura, una gran variabilidad interfamiliar y intrafamiliar, así como una ausencia de relación fenotipo-genotipo en cuanto la forma de presentación o evolución de la enfermedad. Se recomienda el estudio de HNF1b en pacientes pediátricos o adultos con patología estructural renal, especialmente si se asocia a diabetes tipo MODY, malformaciones genitales, hipomagnesemia, hiperuricemia o antecedentes familiares de nefropatía.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To understand the content of Social Representation (SR) of family caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients. METHOD Interviews were conducted with 26 caregivers and analyzed by the ALCESTE software. RESULTS The SR content was structured in two thematic axes called Daily Life and Care and Medical and Emotional Concepts and Outcomes. The first axis creates images related to the routine of interaction with the sick person, and contains a description of care procedures, experiences, and practices applied every day. The second is composed of subjective and conceptual aspects that make up the social representation of Alzheimer's disease, with meanings related to the emotional, medical, and biological contexts. CONCLUSION Due to the importance of topics related to patients' dependence and the personal and emotional consequences of the disease, overload is the main content of the SR of Alzheimer's disease for caregivers, and the understanding of these SR by health professionals should support the planning of interventions addressing this group of individuals.
Key to adult flies of dipterous species (Muscidae, Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae) associated to human habitats in Brazil. An identification key for the main 33 species of Muscidae, Anthomyiidae and Fanniidae occurring in association to human habitats in Brazil is presented. Most of the characters used for identification of the species are illustrated. Based on literature records, a list of the 65 anthropic species known to Brazil is also included.
Morphologic characterization of adult of Nusalala tessellata (Gerstaecker, 1888) (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae). Adult of N. tessellata is redescribed based on morphological characters. 533 specimens were collected in São Paulo state in plantations of citrus (Santa Rosa de Viterbo), soybean (Nuporanga), cotton (Ribeirão Preto) and corn (Ribeirão Preto and Jaboticabal). Some other additional specimens collected on Sorghum bicolor (Lavras-MG) and Ilex paraguariensis (São Mateus do Sul, Cascavel-PR) were also studied. Illustrations obtained by SEM are given by first time.
A principal praga de trigo armazenado, no Brasil, Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius), foi testada na Embrapa Trigo, em Passo Fundo-RS, em papel filtro impregnado com deltametrina nas concentrações letais CL5, CL25 e CL50 para verificar alterações no comportamento de deslocamento do inseto, as quais podem contribuir para o manejo da resistência de pragas em grãos armazenados. Foram testados insetos de quatro raças, duas resistentes, BR6 e BR12, e duas suscetíveis, BR4 e UK1, que foram coletadas em unidades armazenadoras no Rio Grande do Sul e criadas em laboratório. Espécimes da raça UK1 foram obtidos do laboratório do Imperial College of Science and Technology, Reino Unido. Os resultados mostraram diferenças no comportamento ambulatorial das raças durante o período de 24 horas. Os espécimes das raças resistentes reduziram sua locomoção sobre a superfície contaminada na tentativa de evitar o contato com o inseticida.
The Iowa Department of Elder Affairs, in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Elder Affairs (IDEA) and the University of Iowa College of Nursing (UI CON), has been engaged in developing and evaluating community based services for persons with dementia in the state of Iowa over the past 7 years under two grants form the Administration on Aging. In the current grant period, the involved agencies have completed a collaborative effort aimed to increase the capacity of Adult Day Health and Respite (ADR) providers in serving persons with dementia. Adult day services and respite care were identified by participants in the initial grant through various processes and service providers as important components of caring for persons with dementia and that there was a gap of these services in the state. Therefore, adult day and respite services were chosen as a target for the second AoA grant. The focus, in particular, was to enhance capacity to care for persons with later stages of the disease and those in rural settings as well as to begin to develop services that are more responsive to emerging minority populations. The process of the grant provided the state with a rich amount of information about the status of Iowa’s Adult Day Service providers in general and in regard to provision of dementia specific services, as well as valuable insights into the capability of rural communities to serve persons with dementia and their caregivers at home. Final Performance Report
The Iowa Department of Elder Affairs, in collaboration with the University of Iowa College of Nursing, has been engaged in developing and evaluating community based services for persons with dementia in the state of Iowa over the past 7 years under a grant form the Administration on Aging. This grant tested out several models of care (dementia nurse care manager, memory loss nurse specialist, “People Living Alone Need Support” (PLANS), varying models of respite care), surveyed agencies and service providers in regard to how they provide services for persons with dementia, and provided training to case management, community college instructors, adult day service providers and other related services providers including assisted living and nursing home facilities.
Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor, 1997 foi introduzida no Brasil na década de 1990 em plantios de eucalipto. Devido a importância de C. spatulata como praga de eucalipto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a morfologia externa do adulto e das ninfas, com detalhamento da ninfa de 5º ínstar. Foram observadas diferenças marcantes entre os ínstares, principalmente quanto ao tamanho e os caracteres das antenas, das pernas e do ápice do abdômen. A morfologia externa dos adultos foi apresentada com detalhamento da venação, das características das pernas e da terminália.
Following an overview of the history of the task force and background information on Alzheimer’s disease, the report is divided into four sections. These sections correspond to the delineation of four subcommittees into which task force members were divided. It should be noted that the term “Alzheimer’s Disease” is used to encompass not only Alzheimer’s disease but also additional brain disorders such as vascular dementia, mixed dementia, mild cognitive impairment, dementia with Lewy bodies, and other types of dementia. Interspersed throughout the report are verbatim comments received from Iowans who responded to on-line surveys about how Alzheimer’s disease has affected their lives. Their words poignantly give voice to the emotions, frustrations, and hopes of Iowans who are personally experiencing the impact of Alzheimer’s disease. The Report includes 22 recommendations to the Iowa General Assembly designed to improve the availability and quality of services for people with dementia, their caregivers, and their families. The recommendations fall into four categories; a) Education and Training; b) Services and Housing; c) Wellness and Disease Management; and, d) Funding and Reimbursement.
Chinavia Orian é um dos gêneros mais diversos da subfamília Pentatominae, distribuído nas regiões Afrotropical, Neártica e Neotropical. Para o Brasil, são conhecidas 32 espécies, dentre as quais 18 são endêmicas. Do total de espécies com registro para o Brasil, 18 têm algum tipo de registro com plantas-hospedeiras, a maioria delas cultivadas; apenas seis espécies têm os imaturos conhecidos ou algum aspecto de sua biologia estudado. Neste trabalho, é fornecida uma chave pictórica para os adultos das espécies registradas no Brasil, acompanhada da diagnose comparada de cada uma delas, além das informações disponíveis na literatura sobre imaturos e biologia das espécies. Duas novas sinonímias são propostas: Acrosternum (Chinavia) bellum Rolston, 1983 é sinônimo júnior de Chinavia nigrodorsata (Breddin, 1903) e Acrosternum (Chinavia) panizzii Frey-da-Silva & Grazia, 2001 é sinônimo júnior de Chinavia obstinata (Stål, 1860). Chinavia nigritarsis (Stål, 1872), anteriormente considerada sinônimo júnior de Chinavia gravis (Walker, 1867), é revalidada. Fotografias coloridas do aspecto dorsal de todas as espécies são fornecidas, a maioria delas confeccionadas a partir do material-tipo estudado. Novos registros de distribuição geográfica e de associação com plantas-hospedeiras no Brasil são apresentados.