944 resultados para Embedded generators
O trabalho discute os sentidos da formação docente na profissionalização de professores do campo. Nasce do desassossego que interroga a prática da formação continuada, sobretudo, a especialização em educação do campo e os sentidos que são produzidos pelos sujeitos em interface com o trabalho docente nas experiências da Escola Família Agrícola, Escola do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra e Escola Multisseriada. Têm nos estudos de Vigotski (2005), Benjamin (1994) e Larrosa (2002) as contribuições que fundamentam a compreensão de sentidos e experiência, estes como produção subjetiva, temporal e singular que ecoam das vozes dos sujeitos. As narrativas como perspectiva metodológica da pesquisa são aqui adotadas como as histórias de práticas em situação (BERTAUX, 2010) ou histórias de vida que pensam um projeto (JOSSO, 2002) e que por assim se constituírem tem como ponto motivador nos diálogos a formação e a profissão docente no campo. Trata-se, de uma narrativa de vida situada, a partir de um impulso que proporciona ao narrador e seu interlocutor o adentrar de uma história que se faz em meio a pessoas, memórias, sentimentos, conflitos, práticas e todo um contexto acerca do impulso de suas experiências de vida, formação e profissão. A partir da escuta em diálogo com as questões da pesquisa registramos a escrita dos sentidos produzidos, não como universais, mas como heterogêneos e simultaneamente singulares aos sujeitos. Nessa perspectiva, os sujeitos produzem diferentes sentidos na relação formação e profissionalização, estes amalgamados e relacionados às suas aspirações com a formação continuada e a carreira docente, imbricados nas itinerâncias dos movimentos sociais nos quais militam, bem como, nas memórias e trajetórias na educação. Pensar, portanto, em processos de formação continuada de professores do campo, à luz dessa discussão, é abrir-se aos diferentes contornos que esta assume a partir dos sentidos produzidos pelos sujeitos, desafiando-nos à construção de projetos que dialoguem com a diversidade da educação do campo e que se colocam como espaçostempos da reflexão do ser e/ou estar professor (a)-monitor (a)-educador (a) do campo.
A economia informal compõe o mundo do trabalho de todas as sociedades capitalistas, em menor ou em maior grau. No Brasil, historicamente observa-se que esse fenômeno tem sido sempre muito abrangente, sobretudo motivado pelo e resultante do contexto socioeconômico, jurídico e político. Devido às idiossincrasias nacionais, desde o surgimento do mercado de trabalho no país, esta situação persiste em diversos panoramas e com vários matizes, obstaculizando uma melhor performance global da economia brasileira e negando oportunidades de desenvolvimento individual e social ao longo do tempo. Sendo assim, e através do prisma da Economia Social e do Trabalho, o objetivo desta dissertação é analisar os principais fatores conjunturais e estruturais da informalidade observada no mercado nacional de trabalho no interregno 1980-2012, apresentando a dimensão desse problema e expondo suas raízes econômicas e institucionais, a fim de contribuir com novos elementos para o debate da informalidade em nível nacional. A hipótese central dessa pesquisa é de que o elevado GI no Brasil persiste essencialmente – mesmo que com diferentes especificidades históricas – ao nível das mentalidades dos diversos agentes, isto é, antes de ter-se um mercado nacional de trabalho com um alto GI, tem-se uma sociedade brasileira altamente informal. A instituição “trabalho informal” persiste como um hábito incrustado mesmo diante de mudanças de ordem socioeconômica, o que impede que grande parcela da população brasileira tenha acesso ao trabalho formalizado e decente (a là OIT). É mister que haja maior efetividade das leis e aprimoramentos institucionais acompanhados de coordenação e “vontade política”, alicerçados pela tomada de consciência crescente da sociedade civil no que se refere à importância da formalização e aos males da informalidade tanto para seus cidadãos quanto para a nação. Sugere-se como uma possível alternativa para diminuir o GI de forma mais consistente a consideração, para além dos aspectos econômicos e jurídicos, do arcabouço cultural, histórico, comportamental e dos hábitos sociais incrustados que os condicionam e os orientam. Isto porque são estes os eixos que norteiam o processo de desenvolvimento individual e social. Nesse sentido, o estudo (de caráter descritivo e analítico) é fundamentado pelas teorias sistêmicas e multidisciplinares desenvolvidas por Karl Paul Polanyi e Amartya Kumar Sen, interpretadas como artífices de uma vida digna, além de apregoarem o “reincrustamento” da economia na sociedade e, por analogia, o “desincrustamento” da informalidade institucionalmente enraizada na sociedade brasileira. Isso se dará à medida que forem expandidas as liberdades instrumentais e substantivas, em uma espécie de “causação circular cumulativa” aplicada à questão da informalidade, tendo como “efeito colateral altamente desejável” o desenvolvimento socioeconômico. As principais contribuições deste estudo emergiram justamente das concepções teóricas dos dois autores, combinadas aos nexos de convergência estabelecidos entre a economia brasileira, seus desdobramentos institucionais e a informalidade no mercado nacional de trabalho no período estudado.
The ability to monitor fetal heart rate is vital during late pregnancy and labor in order to evaluate fetal well-being. Current monitoring practice is essentially based on external cardiotocography and, less frequently, during labor, invasive fetal scalp electrocardiography. Many current and envisaged applications could benefi t from simpler devices using a 3-lead ECG confi guration. We are designing a maternity support belt with an embedded wireless 3-lead ECG sensor, and have investigated the infl uence of the ground electrode position on signal quality. Data from over 100 pregnant women was collected with the ground electrode placed in 3 locations in order to determine optimum electrode placement and belt form factor.
This work is developed in the context of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and has, as main purpose, the development of a mechatronic system that allows caring of bedridden patients with ongoing medical care terminal (MCT), by a single person. This system allows higher autonomy in domiciliary care, safety, comfort and hygiene of bedridden patients. It contributes to a large increase in their quality of life as well as the ease of monitoring by providers of continuous care, which, in many cases, may be the family itself. The product includes an embedded processing interface for acquiring physiological data to support online monitoring. The development of this project was focused on improving the quality of life, autonomy, participation in social life and reducing healthcare costs in the area AAL. The developed societies currently face severe demographic changes: the world is aging at an unprecedented rate. In 2000, about 420 million people, or about 7 percent of the world population were over 65 years old. In 2050, that number will be near 1500 million people, about 16 percent of the world population. This demographic trend will be accompanied by the increase of people with physical limitations. This will impose new challenges for traditional health systems, not only for Portugal but also for all European countries. There is an urgent need to find solutions to improve the lives of people in their preferred environment by increasing their autonomy, self-confidence and mobility. Therefore, in the case of household scenarios, the provision of effective health services is of fundamental importance to the welfare and economic development of each country. This ongoing project aims to develop a mechatronic system to meet the diverse needs, namely: improving life, health care, safety, comfort, and remote monitoring of bedridden person.
Hand and finger tracking has a major importance in healthcare, for rehabilitation of hand function required due to a neurological disorder, and in virtual environment applications, like characters animation for on-line games or movies. Current solutions consist mostly of motion tracking gloves with embedded resistive bend sensors that most often suffer from signal drift, sensor saturation, sensor displacement and complex calibration procedures. More advanced solutions provide better tracking stability, but at the expense of a higher cost. The proposed solution aims to provide the required precision, stability and feasibility through the combination of eleven inertial measurements units (IMUs). Each unit captures the spatial orientation of the attached body. To fully capture the hand movement, each finger encompasses two units (at the proximal and distal phalanges), plus one unit at the back of the hand. The proposed glove was validated in two distinct steps: a) evaluation of the sensors’ accuracy and stability over time; b) evaluation of the bending trajectories during usual finger flexion tasks based on the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results revealed that the glove was sensitive mainly to magnetic field distortions and sensors tuning. The inclusion of a hard and soft iron correction algorithm and accelerometer and gyro drift and temperature compensation methods provided increased stability and precision. Finger trajectories evaluation yielded high ICC values with an overall reliability within application’s satisfying limits. The developed low cost system provides a straightforward calibration and usability, qualifying the device for hand and finger tracking in healthcare and animation industries.
This study investigated the effect of acute exposition to zinc (Zn) on histology of the liver and testes of yellow tail lambari (Astyanax aff. bimaculatus). The exposure consisted of six concentrations of Zn (0, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/L) for 96 hours of exposure. Fragments of liver and testis were routinely processed and embedded in plastic resin based on glycol methacrylate. Fragments of bones, muscles, liver and testis were dehydrated and digested to quantify the absorption levels of Zn in the tissue. Acute exposure to concentrations above 10mg/L has produced structural changes in the liver and gonads. The changes found in the liver were vascular congestion; decrease of cellular volume; displacement of the hepatocyte nucleus; necrosis; disarrangement of cordon structure; leukocyte infiltrate and vacuolization. The changes found in the gonads were ruptured cyst, delayed development of germ cells, pyknotic nucleus, cell cluster, displacement of cyst wall and vacuolization. The histological changes observed were compatible with the increasing concentration of zinc in environment, compromising liver and reproductive functions, because there was an increase in relative frequency of hepatocytes and reduced sperm production
Abstract: The growing proliferation of management systems standards (MSSs), and their individualized implementation, is a real problem faced by organizations. On the other hand, MSSs are aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness of organizational responses in order to satisfy the requirements, needs and expectations of the stakeholders. Each organization has its own identity and this is an issue that cannot be neglected; hence, two possible approaches can be attended. First, continue with the implementation of individualized management systems (MSs); or, integrate the several MSSs versus related MSs into an integrated management system (IMS). Therefore, in this context, organizations are faced with a dilemma, as a result of the increasing proliferation and diversity of MSSs. This paper takes into account the knowledge gained through a case study conducted in the context of a Portuguese company and unveils some of the advantages and disadvantages of integration. A methodology is also proposed and presented to support organizations in developing and structuring the integration process of their individualized MSs, and consequently minimize problems that are generators of inefficiencies, value destruction and loss of competitiveness. The obtained results provide relevant information that can support Top Management decision in solving that dilemma and consequently promote a successful integration, including a better control of business risks associated to MSSs requirements and enhancing sustainable performance, considering the context in which organizations operate.
This paper seeks to investigate the use of performance information by politicians and whether the institutional reforms on performance management (PM) have been operationalized by local politicians. Differences on the policy field and the organizational context have been analyzed. Our goal is contribute to knowledge on PM in the political sphere and understand the different responses of politicians to government change initiatives (mainly coercive pressures). Our findings show that local politicians support the notion that greater attention should be devoted to the use of performance information on the evaluation process. Nevertheless they are very skeptic in relation to effective execution of government reforms. There is an internal culture where agencies are embedded, strongly influenced by the high degree of politicisation among senior managers, that lead politicians to be more concerned about personal opinions and informal performance information rather than to use more sophisticated information (output and outcome measures). The institutional approach helps us to identify political responses to institutional pressures and understand the reasons for a reduced use in the Portuguese context.
As the world changes ever faster, managers increasingly recognize the complexity and turbulence of the business systems in which they are embedded. The management problems are dynamic, while the dynamic complexity comes frequently from few variables with circle and delays interrelations that introduce nonlinearities.The present paper describes a research conducted in Portugal with two different groups - one, academic; the other, professional - where we explored the subjects’ understanding of some basic systems thinking concepts such as stock-flow relationship, feedback processes and time delays.
Urban regeneration is more and more a “universal issue” and a crucial factor in the new trends of urban planning. It is no longer only an area of study and research; it became part of new urban and housing policies. Urban regeneration involves complex decisions as a consequence of the multiple dimensions of the problems that include special technical requirements, safety concerns, socio-economic, environmental, aesthetic, and political impacts, among others. This multi-dimensional nature of urban regeneration projects and their large capital investments justify the development and use of state-of-the-art decision support methodologies to assist decision makers. This research focuses on the development of a multi-attribute approach for the evaluation of building conservation status in urban regeneration projects, thus supporting decision makers in their analysis of the problem and in the definition of strategies and priorities of intervention. The methods presented can be embedded into a Geographical Information System for visualization of results. A real-world case study was used to test the methodology, whose results are also presented.
Lossless compression algorithms of the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) family are widely used nowadays. Regarding time and memory requirements, LZ encoding is much more demanding than decoding. In order to speed up the encoding process, efficient data structures, like suffix trees, have been used. In this paper, we explore the use of suffix arrays to hold the dictionary of the LZ encoder, and propose an algorithm to search over it. We show that the resulting encoder attains roughly the same compression ratios as those based on suffix trees. However, the amount of memory required by the suffix array is fixed, and much lower than the variable amount of memory used by encoders based on suffix trees (which depends on the text to encode). We conclude that suffix arrays, when compared to suffix trees in terms of the trade-off among time, memory, and compression ratio, may be preferable in scenarios (e.g., embedded systems) where memory is at a premium and high speed is not critical.
Esta tese tem por objectivo o desenho e avaliação de um sistema de contagem e classificação de veículos automóveis em tempo-real e sem fios. Pretende, também, ser uma alternativa aos actuais equipamentos, muito intrusivos nas vias rodoviárias. Esta tese inclui um estudo sobre as comunicações sem fios adequadas a uma rede de equipamentos sensores rodoviários, um estudo sobre a utilização do campo magnético como meio físico de detecção e contagem de veículos e um estudo sobre a autonomia energética dos equipamentos inseridos na via, com recurso, entre outros, à energia solar. O projecto realizado no âmbito desta tese incorpora, entre outros, a digitalização em tempo real da assinatura magnética deixada pela passagem de um veículo, no campo magnético da Terra, o respectivo envio para servidor via rádio e WAN, Wide Area Network, e o desenvolvimento de software tendo por base a pilha de protocolos ZigBee. Foram desenvolvidas aplicações para o equipamento sensor, para o coordenador, para o painel de controlo e para a biblioteca de Interface de um futuro servidor aplicacional. O software desenvolvido para o equipamento sensor incorpora ciclos de detecção e digitalização, com pausas de adormecimento de baixo consumo, e a activação das comunicações rádio durante a fase de envio, assegurando assim uma estratégia de poupança energética. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a viabilidade desta tecnologia para a detecção e contagem de veículos, assim como para a captura de assinatura usando magnetoresistências. Permitiram ainda verificar o alcance das comunicações sem fios com equipamento sensor embebido no asfalto e confirmar o modelo de cálculo da superfície do painel solar bem como o modelo de consumo energético do equipamento sensor.
This paper studies the evolution of the default risk premia for European firms during the years surrounding the recent credit crisis. We employ the information embedded in Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and Moody’s KMV EDF default probabilities to analyze the common factors driving this risk premia. The risk premium is characterized in several directions: Firstly, we perform a panel data analysis to capture the relationship between CDS spreads and actual default probabilities. Secondly, we employ the intensity framework of Jarrow et al. (2005) in order to measure the theoretical effect of risk premium on expected bond returns. Thirdly, we carry out a dynamic panel data to identify the macroeconomic sources of risk premium. Finally, a vector autoregressive model analyzes which proportion of the co-movement is attributable to financial or macro variables. Our estimations report coefficients for risk premium substantially higher than previously referred for US firms and a time varying behavior. A dominant factor explains around 60% of the common movements in risk premia. Additionally, empirical evidence suggests a public-to-private risk transfer between the sovereign CDS spreads and corporate risk premia.
Lifelong learning (LLL) has received increasing attention in recent years. It implies that learning should take place at all stages of the “life cycle and it should be life-wide, that is embedded in all life contexts from the school to the work place, the home and the community” (Green, 2002, p.613). The ‘learning society’, is the vision of a society where there are recognized opportunities for learning for every person, wherever they are and however old they happen to be. Globalization and the rise of new information technologies are some of the driving forces that cause depreciation of specialised competences. This happens very quickly in terms of economic value; consequently, workers of all skills levels, during their working life, must have the opportunity to update “their technical skills and enhance general skills to keep pace with continuous technological change and new job requirements” (Fahr, 2005, p. 75). It is in this context that LLL tops the policy agenda of international bodies, national governments and non-governmental organizations, in the field of education and training, to justify the need for LLL opportunities for the population as they face contemporary employability challenges. It is in this context that the requirement and interest to analyse the behaviour patterns of adult learners has developed over the last few years
The idea of grand unification in a minimal supersymmetric SU(5) x SU(5) framework is revisited. It is shown that the unification of gauge couplings into a unique coupling constant can be achieved at a high-energy scale compatible with proton decay constraints. This requires the addition of minimal particle content at intermediate energy scales. In particular, the introduction of the SU(2)(L) triplets belonging to the (15, 1)+((15) over bar, 1) representations, as well as of the scalar triplet Sigma(3) and octet Sigma(8) in the (24, 1) representation, turns out to be crucial for unification. The masses of these intermediate particles can vary over a wide range, and even lie in the TeV region. In contrast, the exotic vector-like fermions must be heavy enough and have masses above 10(10) GeV. We also show that, if the SU(5) x SU(5) theory is embedded into a heterotic string scenario, it is not possible to achieve gauge coupling unification with gravity at the perturbative string scale.