997 resultados para Electron Lifetime
In underdense plasmas, the transverse ponderomotive force of an intense laser beam with Gaussian transverse profile expels electrons radially, and it can lead to an electron cavitation. An improved cavitation model with charge conservation constraint is applied to the determination of the width of the electron cavity. The envelope equation for laser spot size derived by using source-dependent expansion method is extended to including the electron cavity. The condition for self-guiding is given and illuminated by an effective potential for the laser spot size. The effects of the laser power, plasma density and energy dissipation on the self-guiding condition are discussed.
The cytochromes P450 (P450s) are a remarkable class of heme enzymes that catalyze the metabolism of xenobiotics and the biosynthesis of signaling molecules. Controlled electron flow into the thiolate-ligated heme active site allows P450s to activate molecular oxygen and hydroxylate aliphatic C–H bonds via the formation of high-valent metal-oxo intermediates (compounds I and II). Due to the reactive nature and short lifetimes of these intermediates, many of the fundamental steps in catalysis have not been observed directly. The Gray group and others have developed photochemical methods, known as “flash-quench,” for triggering electron transfer (ET) and generating redox intermediates in proteins in the absence of native ET partners. Photo-triggering affords a high degree of temporal precision for the gating of an ET event; the initial ET and subsequent reactions can be monitored on the nanosecond-to-second timescale using transient absorption (TA) spectroscopies. Chapter 1 catalogues critical aspects of P450 structure and mechanism, including the native pathway for formation of compound I, and outlines the development of photochemical processes that can be used to artificially trigger ET in proteins. Chapters 2 and 3 describe the development of these photochemical methods to establish electronic communication between a photosensitizer and the buried P450 heme. Chapter 2 describes the design and characterization of a Ru-P450-BM3 conjugate containing a ruthenium photosensitizer covalently tethered to the P450 surface, and nanosecond-to-second kinetics of the photo-triggered ET event are presented. By analyzing data at multiple wavelengths, we have identified the formation of multiple ET intermediates, including the catalytically relevant compound II; this intermediate is generated by oxidation of a bound water molecule in the ferric resting state enzyme. The work in Chapter 3 probes the role of a tryptophan residue situated between the photosensitizer and heme in the aforementioned Ru-P450 BM3 conjugate. Replacement of this tryptophan with histidine does not perturb the P450 structure, yet it completely eliminates the ET reactivity described in Chapter 2. The presence of an analogous tryptophan in Ru-P450 CYP119 conjugates also is necessary for observing oxidative ET, but the yield of heme oxidation is lower. Chapter 4 offers a basic description of the theoretical underpinnings required to analyze ET. Single-step ET theory is first presented, followed by extensions to multistep ET: electron “hopping.” The generation of “hopping maps” and use of a hopping map program to analyze the rate advantage of hopping over single-step ET is described, beginning with an established rhenium-tryptophan-azurin hopping system. This ET analysis is then applied to the Ru-tryptophan-P450 systems described in Chapter 2; this strongly supports the presence of hopping in Ru-P450 conjugates. Chapter 5 explores the implementation of flash-quench and other phototriggered methods to examine the native reductive ET and gas binding events that activate molecular oxygen. In particular, TA kinetics that demonstrate heme reduction on the microsecond timescale for four Ru-P450 conjugates are presented. In addition, we implement laser flash-photolysis of P450 ferrous–CO to study the rates of CO rebinding in the thermophilic P450 CYP119 at variable temperature. Chapter 6 describes the development and implementation of air-sensitive potentiometric redox titrations to determine the solution reduction potentials of a series of P450 BM3 mutants, which were designed for non-native cyclopropanation of styrene in vivo. An important conclusion from this work is that substitution of the axial cysteine for serine shifts the wild type reduction potential positive by 130 mV, facilitating reduction by biological redox cofactors in the presence of poorly-bound substrates. While this mutation abolishes oxygenation activity, these mutants are capable of catalyzing the cyclopropanation of styrene, even within the confines of an E. coli cell. Four appendices are also provided, including photochemical heme oxidation in ruthenium-modified nitric oxide synthase (Appendix A), general protocols (Appendix B), Chapter-specific notes (Appendix C) and Matlab scripts used for data analysis (Appendix D).
The rate of electron transport between distant sites was studied. The rate depends crucially on the chemical details of the donor, acceptor, and surrounding medium. These reactions involve electron tunneling through the intervening medium and are, therefore, profoundly influenced by the geometry and energetics of the intervening molecules. The dependence of rate on distance was considered for several rigid donor-acceptor "linkers" of experimental importance. Interpretation of existing experiments and predictions for new experiments were made.
The electronic and nuclear motion in molecules is correlated. A Born-Oppenheimer separation is usually employed in quantum chemistry to separate this motion. Long distance electron transfer rate calculations require the total donor wave function when the electron is very far from its binding nuclei. The Born-Oppenheimer wave functions at large electronic distance are shown to be qualitatively wrong. A model which correctly treats the coupling was proposed. The distance and energy dependence of the electron transfer rate was determined for such a model.
The 0.2% experimental accuracy of the 1968 Beers and Hughes measurement of the annihilation lifetime of ortho-positronium motivates the attempt to compute the first order quantum electrodynamic corrections to this lifetime. The theoretical problems arising in this computation are here studied in detail up to the point of preparing the necessary computer programs and using them to carry out some of the less demanding steps -- but the computation has not yet been completed. Analytic evaluation of the contributing Feynman diagrams is superior to numerical evaluation, and for this process can be carried out with the aid of the Reduce algebra manipulation computer program.
The relation of the positronium decay rate to the electronpositron annihilation-in-flight amplitude is derived in detail, and it is shown that at threshold annihilation-in-flight, Coulomb divergences appear while infrared divergences vanish. The threshold Coulomb divergences in the amplitude cancel against like divergences in the modulating continuum wave function.
Using the lowest order diagrams of electron-positron annihilation into three photons as a test case, various pitfalls of computer algebraic manipulation are discussed along with ways of avoiding them. The computer manipulation of artificial polynomial expressions is preferable to the direct treatment of rational expressions, even though redundant variables may have to be introduced.
Special properties of the contributing Feynman diagrams are discussed, including the need to restore gauge invariance to the sum of the virtual photon-photon scattering box diagrams by means of a finite subtraction.
A systematic approach to the Feynman-Brown method of Decomposition of single loop diagram integrals with spin-related tensor numerators is developed in detail. This approach allows the Feynman-Brown method to be straightforwardly programmed in the Reduce algebra manipulation language.
The fundamental integrals needed in the wake of the application of the Feynman-Brown decomposition are exhibited and the methods which were used to evaluate them -- primarily dis persion techniques are briefly discussed.
Finally, it is pointed out that while the techniques discussed have permitted the computation of a fair number of the simpler integrals and diagrams contributing to the first order correction of the ortho-positronium annihilation rate, further progress with the more complicated diagrams and with the evaluation of traces is heavily contingent on obtaining access to adequate computer time and core capacity.
We investigate the mechanism of formation of periodic void arrays inside fused silica and BK7 glass irradiated by a tightly focused femtosecond (fs) laser beam. Our results show that the period of each void array is not uniform along the laser propagation direction, and the average period of the void array decreases with increasing pulse number and pulse energy. We propose a mechanism in which a standing electron plasma wave created by the interference of a fs-laser-driven electron wave and its reflected wave is responsible for the formation of the periodic void arrays.
Nature has used a variety of protein systems to mediate electron transfer. In this thesis I examine aspects of the control of biological electron transfer by two copper proteins that act as natural electron carriers.
In the first study, I have made a mutation to one of the ligand residues in the azurin blue copper center, methionine 121 changed to a glutamic acid. Studies of intramolecular electron transfer rates from that mutated center to covalently attached ruthenium complexes indicate that the weak axial methionine ligand is important not only for tuning the reduction potential of the blue copper site but also for maintaining the low reorganization energy that is important for fast electron transfer at long distances.
In the second study, I begin to examine the reorganization energy of the purple copper center in the CuA domain of subunit II of cytochrome c oxidase. In this copper center, the unpaired electron is delocalized over the entire binuclear site. Because long-range electron transfer into and out of this center occurs over long distances with very small driving forces, the reorganization energy of the CuA center has been predicted to be extremely low. I describe a strategy for measuring this reorganization energy starting with the construction of a series of mutations introducing surface histidines. These histidines can then be labeled with a series of ruthenium compounds that differ primarily in their reduction potentials. The electron transfer rates to these ruthenium compounds can then be used to determine the reorganization energy of the CuA site.
This letter demonstrates an alternative method to form gallium silicate glass ceramics using high-energy electron irradiation. Compared with glass ceramics obtained from the conventional thermal treatment method, the distribution and crystal sizes of the precipitated Ga2O3 nanoparticles are the same. An advantage of this method is that the spatial distribution of the precipitated nanoparticles can be easily controlled. However, optically active dopants Ni2+ ions do not participate in the precipitation during electron irradiation. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
The triggering of wave-breaking in a three-dimensional laser plasma wake (bubble) is investigated. The Coulomb potential from a nanowire is used to disturb the wake field to initialize the wave-breaking. The electron acceleration becomes more stable and the laser power needed for self-trapping is lowered. Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations were performed. Electrons with a charge of about 100 pC can be accelerated stably to energy about 170 MeV with a laser energy of 460 mJ. The first step towards tailoring the electron beam properties such as the energy, energy spread, and charge is discussed. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Electrons accelerated by a propagating laser pulse of linear or circular polarization in vacuum have been investigated by one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations and analytical modeling. A stopping target is used to stop the laser pulse and extract the energetic electrons from the laser field. The effect of the reflected light is taken into account. The maximum electron energy depends on the laser intensity and initial electron energy. There is an optimal acceleration length for electrons to gain maximum energy where electrons meet the peak of the laser pulse. The optimal acceleration length depends strongly on the laser pulse duration and amplitude. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
The free neutron beta decay correlation A0 between neutron polarization and electron emission direction provides the strongest constraint on the ratio λ = gA/gV of the Axial-vector to Vector coupling constants in Weak decay. In conjunction with the CKM Matrix element Vud and the neutron lifetime τn, λ provides a test of Standard Model assumptions for the Weak interaction. Leading high-precision measurements of A0 and τn in the 1995-2005 time period showed discrepancies with prior measurements and Standard Model predictions for the relationship between λ, τn, and Vud. The UCNA experiment was developed to measure A0 from decay of polarized ultracold neutrons (UCN), providing a complementary determination of λ with different systematic uncertainties from prior cold neutron beam experiments. This dissertation describes analysis of the dataset collected by UCNA in 2010, with emphasis on detector response calibrations and systematics. The UCNA measurement is placed in the context of the most recent τn results and cold neutron A0 experiments.
The egg of Dixella martinii is described for the first time. The eggs of the Dixidae are placed in three morphological groups: bulbous and meshed; streamlined and smooth; streamlined and minutely spiculated. Ten of the fourteen species known from Britain are placed in these groups. After a detailed description of the egg of D. martinii, the three morphological groups are described and scanning electron micrographs are provided.
This work contains 4 topics dealing with the properties of the luminescence from Ge.
The temperature, pump-power and time dependences of the photoluminescence spectra of Li-, As-, Ga-, and Sb-doped Ge crystals were studied. For impurity concentrations less than about 1015cm-3, emissions due to electron-hole droplets can clearly be identified. For impurity concentrations on the order of 1016cm-3, the broad lines in the spectra, which have previously been attributed to the emission from the electron-hole-droplet, were found to possess pump-power and time dependent line shape. These properties show that these broad lines cannot be due to emission of electron-hole-droplets alone. We interpret these lines to be due to a combination of emissions from (1) electron-hole- droplets, (2) broadened multiexciton complexes, (3) broadened bound-exciton, and (4) plasma of electrons and holes. The properties of the electron-hole-droplet in As-doped Ge were shown to agree with theoretical predictions.
The time dependences of the luminescence intensities of the electron-hole-droplet in pure and doped Ge were investigated at 2 and 4.2°K. The decay of the electron-hole-droplet in pure Ge at 4.2°K was found to be pump-power dependent and too slow to be explained by the widely accepted model due to Pokrovskii and Hensel et al. Detailed study of the decay of the electron-hole-droplets in doped Ge were carried out for the first time, and we find no evidence of evaporation of excitons by electron-hole-droplets at 4.2°K. This doped Ge result is unexplained by the model of Pokrovskii and Hensel et al. It is shown that a model based on a cloud of electron-hole-droplets generated in the crystal and incorporating (1) exciton flow among electron-hole-droplets in the cloud and (2) exciton diffusion away from the cloud is capable of explaining the observed results.
It is shown that impurities, introduced during device fabrication, can lead to the previously reported differences of the spectra of laser-excited high-purity Ge and electrically excited Ge double injection devices. By properly choosing the device geometry so as to minimize this Li contamination, it is shown that the Li concentration in double injection devices may be reduced to less than about 1015cm-3 and electrically excited luminescence spectra similar to the photoluminescence spectra of pure Ge may be produced. This proves conclusively that electron-hole-droplets may be created in double injection devices by electrical excitation.
The ratio of the LA- to TO-phonon-assisted luminescence intensities of the electron-hole-droplet is demonstrated to be equal to the high temperature limit of the same ratio of the exciton for Ge. This result gives one confidence to determine similar ratios for the electron-hole-droplet from the corresponding exciton ratio in semiconductors in which the ratio for the electron-hole-droplet cannot be determined (e.g., Si and GaP). Knowing the value of this ratio for the electron-hole-droplet, one can obtain accurate values of many parameters of the electron-hole-droplet in these semiconductors spectroscopically.
The electrical and magnetic properties of amorphous alloys obtained by rapid quenching from the liquid state have been studied. The composition of these alloys corresponds to the general formula MxPd80-xSi20, in which M stands for a metal of the first transition series between chromium and nickel and x is its atomic concentration. The concentration ranges within which an amorphous structure could be obtained were: from 0 to 7 for Cr, Mn and Fe, from 0 to 11 for Co and from 0 to 15 for Ni. A well-defined minimum in the resistivity vs temperature curve was observed for all alloys except those containing nickel. The alloys for which a resistivity minimum was observed had a negative magnetoresistivity approximately proportional to the square of the magnetization and their susceptibility obeyed the Curie-Weiss law in a wide temperature range. For concentrated Fe and Co alloys the resistivity minimum was found to coexist with ferromagnetism. These observations lead to the conclusion that the present results are due to a s-d exchange interaction. The unusually high resistivity minimum temperature observed in the Cr alloys is interpreted as a result of a high Kondo temperature and a large s-d exchange integral. A low Fermi energy of the amorphous alloys (3.5 eV) is also responsible for the anomalies due to the s-d exchange interaction.