807 resultados para Ehrenfests paradox
Upwelling along the western coast of Africa south of the equator may be partitioned into three major areas, each having its own dynamics and history: (1) the eastern equatorial region, comprising the Congo Fan and the area of Mid-Angola; (2) the Namibia upwelling system, extending from the Walvis Ridge to Lüderitz; and (3) the Cape Province region, where upwelling is subdued. The highest nutrient contents in thermocline waters are in the northern region, the lowest in the southern one. Wind effects are at a maximum near the southern end of the Namibia upwelling system, and maximum productivity occurs near Walvis Bay, where the product between upwelling rate and nutrient content of upwelled waters is at a maximum. In the Congo/Angola region, opal tends to follow organic carbon quite closely in the Quaternary record. However, organic carbon has a strong precessional component, while opal does not. Despite relatively low opal content, sediments off Angola show the same patterns as those off the Congo; thus, they are part of the same regime. The spectrum shows nonlinear interference patterns between high- and low-latitude forcing, presumably tied to thermocline fertility and wind. On Walvis Ridge, as in the Congo-Angola region, the organic matter record behaves normally; that is, supply is high during glacial periods. In contrast, interglacial periods are favorable for opal deposition. The pattern suggests reduction in silicate content of the thermocline during glacial periods. The reversed phase (opal abundant during interglacials) persists during the entire Pleistocene and can be demonstrated deep into the Pliocene, not just on Walvis Ridge but all the way to the Oranje River and off the Cape Province. From comparison with other regions, it appears that silicate is diminished in the global thermocline, on average, whenever winds become strong enough to substantially shorten the residence time of silicate in upper waters (Walvis Hypothesis, solving the Walvis Paradox of reversed phase in opal deposition). The central discovery during Leg 175 was the documentation of a late Pliocene opal maximum for the entire Namibia upwelling system (early Matuyama Diatom Maximum [MDM]). The maximum is centered on the period between the end of the Gauss Chron and the beginning of the Olduvai Chron. A rather sharp increase in both organic matter deposition and opal deposition occurs near 3 Ma in the middle of the Gauss Chron, in association with a series of major cooling steps. As concerns organic matter, high production persists at least to 1 Ma, when there are large changes in variability, heralding subsequent pulsed production periods. From 3 to 2 Ma, organic matter and opal deposition run more or less parallel, but after 2 Ma opal goes out of phase with organic matter. Apparently, this is the point when silicate becomes limiting to opal production. Thus, the MDM conundrum is solved by linking planetary cooling to increased mixing and upwelling (ramping up to the MDM) and a general removal of silicate from the upper ocean through excess precipitation over global supply (ramping down from the MDM). The hypothesis concerning the origin of the Namibia opal acme or MDM is fundamentally the same as the Walvis Hypothesis, stating that glacial conditions result in removal of silicate from the thermocline (and quite likely from the ocean as a whole, given enough time). The Namibia opal acme, and other opal maxima in the latest Neogene in other regions of the ocean, marks the interval when a cooling ocean selectively removes the abundant silicate inherited from a warm ocean. When the excess silicate is removed, the process ceases. According to the data gathered during Leg 175, major upwelling started in the late part of the late Miocene. Presumably, this process contributed to the drawing down of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to prepare the way for Northern Hemisphere glaciation.
Geological reconstructions and general circulation models suggest that the onset of both Northern Hemisphere glaciation, 2.7 Myr ago, and convection of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) were caused by the closure of the Panama Gateway ~4.5 Myr ago. Time series data that have been obtained from studies of ferromanganese crusts from the northwestern Atlantic suggest that radiogenic isotopes of intermediate ocean residence time (Pb and Nd) can serve as suitable tracers to reconstruct these events. However, it has been unclear until now as to whether the changes that have been observed in isotope composition at this time are the result of increased thermohaline circulation or due to the effects of increased glacial weathering. In this paper we adopt a box model approach to demonstrate that the shifts in radiogenic isotope compositions are unlikely to be due to changes in convection in LSW but can be explained in terms of increases of erosion levels due to the glaciation of Greenland and Canada. Furthermore, we provide experimental evidence for the incongruent release of a labile fraction of strongly radiogenic Pb and nonradiogenic Nd from continental detritus eroding into the Labrador Sea. This can be attributed to the glacial weathering of old continents and accounts for the paradox that one of the areas of the world most deficient in radiogenic Pb should provide such a rich supply of radiogenic Pb to the oceans. An important general conclusion is that the compositions of radiogenic isotopes in seawater are not always a reflection of their continental sources. Perhaps more importantly, the transition from chemical weathering to mechanical erosion is likely to result in significant variations in radiogenic tracers in seawater.
Die Paläozeanographie versucht die Klimageschichte des Quartärs zu rekonstruieren und die Zusammenhänge zwischen Klimaänderungen und ozeanischer Zirkulation besser zu verstehen. Ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel stellen die planktischen Foraminiferen dar. Die Analyse planktischer Foraminiferengemeinschaften hat gezeigt, daß die Verbreitung dieser Protozoa durch die Umweltbedingungen in den Oberflächenwasserströmen bestimmt wird (BoLTOVSKOY, 1969; CIFELLI& BENIER, 1976; OTIENS, 1991). Durch ihre Ablagerung und Erhaltung am Meeresboden speichern sie diese Informationen und bilden einen Indikator für Wassermassen und Oberflächenwassertemperaturschichtung. Zeitliche und räumliche Veränderungen der Faunenvergesellschaftungen und der Verhältnisse stabiler Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotope einzelner Foraminiferenarten haben damit einen maßgeblichen Beitrag zur Kenntnis der spätquartären Temperatur- und Zirkulationsänderungen der Oberflächenströme geliefert (SHACKLETON & OPDYKE, 1973; BE et al., 1976; RUDDIMAN & McooYRE, 1976; VINCENT & BERGER, 1981; CLIMAP, 1981; RA VELO et al., 1990). Mit Hilfe der planktischen Foraminiferen soll diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion der spätquartären Ozeanographie des Südatlantiks liefern. Die Oberflächenströme des Südatlantiks sind das Bindeglied im Wärmeaustausch zwischen niederen und hohen Breiten. Durch den Südäquatorialstrom (SEC) werden warme Wassermassen, die sich aufgrund der hohen Sonneneinstrahlung im tropischen Atlantik gebildet haben, in den Nordatlantik transportiert. Die Wärme wird im Nordatlantik unter Bildung des Nordatlantischen-Tiefenwassers (NADW) an die Atmosphäre abgegeben. Durch dieses Ereignis wird maßgeblich das nordeuropäische Klima beeinflußt (BROECKER & DENTON, 1989). Die Intensität des SEC wird durch den saisonal variierenden SE-, NE-Passat gesteuert, der hauptsächlich durch die Präzession der geneigten Erdachse bzw. durch die Insolation auf der Nordhalbkugel kontrolliert wird (Mc OOYRE et aI., 1989; MOLFINO & Mc INTYRE, 1990). Der SEC fließt entlang des Äquators von Ost nach West und kalte, nährstotfreiche, tiefere Wassermassen (Südatlantisches-Zentralwasser (SACW)) steigen vor allem im Osten auf und erzeugen das hochproduktive äquatoriale Auftriebsgebiet. Im Osten ist der Temperaturgradient in der Wassersäule steiler, und die Thermoklinentiefe nimmt von Ost nach West zu. Die Lage der Thermokline ist damit ein wesentlicher Faktor, der den Wärmehaushalt im Atlantik mitbestimmt. So wird z. B. im äquatorialen Auftriebsgebiet und im Auftriebsgebiet des küstennahen Benguela-Stroms, wo die Thermoklinentiefe durch aufsteigende kalte Wassermassen gering ist, eine Wärmezunahme von 100 W/qm im Wärmehaushalt erreicht (PETERSON & STRAMMA, 1991). Zur spätquartären Rekonstruktion des Wärmeflusses und der Oberflächenzirkulation im Südostatlantik ist es daher wichtig, auch die zeitlichen und räumlichen Veränderungen tieferer Wasserschichten (bis 300 m) zu erfassen.
The Neogene carbonate stratigraphy of five sites drilled on Ontong Java Plateau during Leg 130 reveals a number of patterns which are unexpected, and which we refer to as loss paradox, equatorial insensitivity, and climate paradox. They denote the following unresolved questions. 1 The loss of carbonate at depth (as derived from differences in accumulation rates) is much greater than suggested by the change in carbonate percentages (calculated under the assumption that carbonate dissolution is the cause of loss). This indicates an important role for redeposition processes, such as winnowing (bottom currents), sifting (resuspension and catabatic flow) and episodic sloughing or solifluction (presumably stimulated by earthquakes). 2 Accumulation rates are not markedly increased at the time a site crosses the equator. There are several possible reasons. Equatorial upwelling may be unimportant in controlling sedimentation rates this far in the western Pacific, or its output may be spread over a considerable distance from the equator. Alternatively, increased supply below the equator is compensated for by increased removal (e.g. from resuspension by bioturbation, combined with catabatic flow). It is conceivable that errors in the timescale could also produce the effect seen. 3 There is an overall tendency for agreement between the stratigraphic patterns of carbonate content and of accumulation rates, but neither pattern is readily explained by reference to changes in climate (represented by benthic delta18O) or in sea-level (as derived from sequence stratigraphy).
During most of the vegetation season from late May to early September large-sized diatom alga Proboscia alata forms local patches with high abundances and biomasses in different oceanographic domains of the eastern Bering Sea shelf. For 0-25 m layer average abundance and biomass of species in these patches are 700000 cells/l and 5 g/m**3 (wet weight), while corresponding estimates for the layer of maximal species concentrations are 40000000 cells/l and 38 g/m**3 (wet weight) or 1.6 g C/m**3. These levels of abundance and biomass are typical for the spring diatom bloom in the region. Outbursts of P. alata mass development are important for the carbon cycle in the pelagic zone of the shelf area in the summer season. The paradox of P. alata summertime blooms over the middle shelf lies in their occurrences against the background of the sharp seasonal pycnocline and deficiency in nutrients in the upper mixed layer. Duration of the outbursts in P. alata development is about two weeks and size of patches with high abundances can be as large as 200 km across. Degradation of the P. alata summertime outbursts may occur during 4-5 days. Rapid sinking of cells through the seasonal pycnocline results in intense transport of organic matter to bottom sediments. One of possible factors responsible for rapid degradation of the blooms is affect on the population by ectoparasitic flagellates. At terminal stages of the P. alata blooms percentage of infected cells can reach 70-99%.
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Based mainly on secondary data and partly on primary information obtained through field surveys in selected rural areas in Bihar in 2011, this paper firstly argues the critical importance of agricultural growth for overall economic development, and then reviews the sluggish growth of agriculture in Bihar in the past and examines the major reasons for this. The long-term negligence of agricultural research (especially development and diffusion endeavors for improved rice varieties suitable to the local conditions of Bihar) by the state government and some sort of ‘backwardness’ in tube-well irrigation technology can be pointed out as important constraints. There is, in particular, the ‘paradox’ in Bihar agriculture of why rice and wheat yields have remained so low in spite of the relatively well-developed irrigation by tube-wells. Finally, by showing the process of a rapid increase in autumn and winter rice yields during the 1990s in West Bengal, it is suggested that Bihar farmers and policy-makers should learn from the experience of West Bengal in order to get some hints for the development of the rice sector in Bihar.
This paper shows a physically cogent model for electrical noise in resistors that has been obtained from Thermodynamical reasons. This new model derived from the works of Johnson and Nyquist also agrees with the Quantum model for noisy systems handled by Callen and Welton in 1951, thus unifying these two Physical viewpoints. This new model is a Complex or 2-D noise model based on an Admittance that considers both Fluctuation and Dissipation of electrical energy to excel the Real or 1-D model in use that only considers Dissipation. By the two orthogonal currents linked with a common voltage noise by an Admittance function, the new model is shown in frequency domain. Its use in time domain allows to see the pitfall behind a paradox of Statistical Mechanics about systems considered as energy-conserving and deterministic on the microscale that are dissipative and unpredictable on the macroscale and also shows how to use properly the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem.
La durabilidad de las estructuras de hormigón armado no es ilimitada, en especial en determinados ambientes. El ingreso de agentes agresivos en el hormigón, fundamentalmente dióxido de carbono e iones cloruros, rebasando el espesor del recubrimiento y alcanzando las armaduras, reducen el alto pH del hormigón hasta alcanzar un umbral crítico, por debajo del cual, el acero queda despasivado. Posteriormente, si existe el suficiente aporte de humedad y oxígeno, el acero se corroe, lo que supone drásticas reducciones de la vida de servicio de estas estructuras y su inevitable reparación. La utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable es una alternativa que está recibiendo cada vez más consideración. Su resistencia a la corrosión en los ambientes más agresivos, incluso con ataque de cloruros, lo convierte en el material idóneo para prolongar de forma muy considerable la vida útil de la estructura. En este trabajo se ha evaluado el comportamiento mecánico y estructural, y de resistencia a la corrosión, de un nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex de bajo contenido en níquel, el EN 1.4482 (AISI 2001), y se ha comparado con el inoxidable austenítico más utilizado, el EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), con el dúplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304) y con el tradicional acero al carbono B-500-SD. El estudio mecánico y estructural se ha realizado en tres niveles diferentes: a nivel de barra, estudiando las propiedades mecánicas y de ductilidad de los cuatro aceros citados; a nivel de sección, estudiando su comportamiento a flexión con diferentes cuantías de armado por medio de los diagramas momento-curvatura; y a nivel de pieza, ensayando una serie de vigas armadas con diferentes aceros y cuantías, y comprobando su comportamiento a desplazamiento y resistencia por medio de los diagramas carga-desplazamiento. El estudio de resistencia a la corrosión se ha realizado embebiendo barras corrugadas, de los tres aceros inoxidables mencionados, en probetas de mortero contaminadas con diferentes cantidades de cloruros, y realizando mediciones electroquímicas durante un periodo de al menos un año. Se han preparado probetas de mortero para dos comparativas diferentes. La primera, manteniendo las probetas en un desecador con el 95 % de humedad relativa durante todo el periodo de mediciones. La segunda, sumergiendo parcialmente las probetas en una solución tampón para carbonatar el mortero. Los resultados de los ensayos mecánicos han demostrado dos aspectos diferentes. Uno, que las armaduras de acero inoxidable tienen un comportamiento muy similar a las de acero al carbono en lo referente a las resistencias alcanzadas, en el límite elástico y en rotura, pero distinto en cuanto al módulo de deformación longitudinal, cuyo valor es claramente inferior al del acero al carbono, por lo que su utilización en las estructuras de hormigón necesita tener en cuenta ese dato en los análisis lineales de cálculo. El segundo aspecto es que las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en caliente presentan una ductilidad muy superior a las de acero al carbono, por lo que ofrecen una mayor seguridad frente a su rotura o al colapso de la estructura, lo que se debe tener en cuenta en el análisis de cálculo plástico. En cambio, las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en frío sólo cumplen con los límites mínimos de ductilidad establecidos en la instrucción EHE-08 para los aceros soldables, y no para los aceros con características especiales de ductilidad. El estudio a nivel de sección refleja la paradoja de obtener secciones menos dúctiles con las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en caliente que con las armaduras de acero al carbono. Para subsanarlo, se definen los conceptos de curvatura última de rotura y ductilidad de la sección en rotura, que tienen en cuenta las altas deformaciones alcanzadas por las armaduras de acero inoxidable. Los resultados a nivel de pieza permiten identificar el comportamiento estructural del hormigón armado con barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable y compararlo con el de las estructuras de hormigón armado convencionales, verificando los resultados experimentales con los teóricos obtenidos con la formulación recogida en la instrucción EHE- 08. Los ensayos de resistencia a la corrosión por cloruros demuestran, durante el primer año y medio de vida de las probetas, un comportamiento muy similar entre el nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex bajo en níquel y el austenítico y el dúplex utilizados para la comparación, incluso para las probetas carbonatadas. Por último, se añade una comparativa económica, realizada sobre dos edificaciones tipo, para cuantificar el sobrecoste que supone la utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable respecto a las de acero al carbono. El alto coste inicial de las armaduras de acero inoxidable se ve compensado en el coste final de la estructura de muy diferentes formas, principalmente dependiendo del grado de acero elegido y de si se emplean en el total de la estructura o solamente en los elementos más expuestos. The durability of the concrete structures is limited, especially in certain environments. The attack of aggressive agents in the concrete, mainly carbon dioxide and chloride ions, penetrating the thickness of concrete cover and reaching the reinforcements, reduce the high pH of concrete to the point of reaching a critical threshold, under which, the steel despasivates. Therefore, if there is enough humidity and oxygen, the steel corroes, causing drastic reductions in the service life of these structures and its inevitable repair. Despite the high initial cost compared to carbon steel, the usage of stainless steel reinforcements is an alternative with a major consideration nowadays. Its resistance to corrosion in the most aggressive atmospheres, including chlorides attack, makes the stainless steel a suitable material to extend considerably its lifetime. In this study, it’s been evaluated the mechanical and structural behaviour, and the corrosion resistance, of a new low-nickel duplex stainless steel EN 1.4482 (AISI 2001), and it has been compared with the most widely used austenitic type EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), with duplex steel EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304) and with the traditional carbon steel B-500-SD. The mechanical and structural study has been carried out in three different levels: bar level, studying mechanical properties and ductility of the four steels; section level, studying its behaviour when blending with different amounts of reinforcement through the moment-curvature diagrams; and structural element level, testing a series of reinforced beams with different steels and amounts, and checking its sag and resistance through the load-deflection diagrams. The corrosion resistance study was performed by embedding ribbed bars, using the three stainless steel listed, on mortar specimens contaminated with different amounts of chlorides, and taking electrochemical measurements over a period of at least one year. Mortar specimens have been prepared for two different comparisons. The first, keeping the specimens at 95% of relative humidity during the measurement period. The second, immersing the specimens partially in a carbonate buffer solution. The results of those tests have proved two different aspects. Firstly, that stainless steel reinforcements show a very similar behaviour to carbon steel, according to the reached levels of mechanical resistance, yield stress and steel strength, but a different behaviour in Young’s modulus, which value is clearly lower than the carbon steel. Therefore, when using in concrete structures it is need to consider on that point the existing calculus of linear analysis. The second aspect is that stainless steel reinforcement manufactured by hot-rolling process show a very higher ductility than carbon steel, offering a better security on cracks or structure collapse, which it has to be taken into account on plastic calculus analysis. However, the stainless steel reinfor9 cement cold-rolled bars only meet the minimum thresholds of ductility established by EHE-08 for welded steel, and not for steels with special ductility. The results at the section level reflect the paradox of getting less ductile sections with hot rolled stainless steel reinforcement than with carbon steel reinforcements. To overcome that, the concepts of last break curvature and break ductility section have been defined, which take into account the high deformation value achieved by stainless steel reinforcements. The results at the structural element level allow to identify the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete with stainless steel reinforcements and compared with that of conventional steel reinforcement, contrasting the experimental with the theoretical results obtained from the formulation contained in the instruction EHE-08. Tests on resistance of chloride corrosion show during the first year and a half of specimens life, a similar behaviour between the new low nickel duplex stainless steel and austenitic and duplex used for comparison, even for carbonated specimens. Finally, it has been included an economic comparison on two differents building types, to quantify the additional cost involved on the use of stainless steel reinforcement compared to that of carbon steel. The high initial cost of stainless steel reinforcements is offset in the final cost of the structure in many different ways, mainly depending on the chosen steel grade and whether the reinforcement is used in the total structure or only in risky structural elements.
Es en el campo de los recursos naturales y su aplicación a la industria, el entorno donde se desarrolla esta Tesis. El objetivo de la misma es demostrar cómo la minería del hierro puede resultar una actividad sostenible, logrando continuar de esta manera la estrecha relación de siempre entre las necesidades del hombre y la pervivencia de los recursos naturales. Es en la minería del hierro donde hace mayor énfasis este trabajo, dando lugar a un nuevo Indicador Sostenible que intenta evaluar las explotaciones de mineral de hierro desde una visión sostenible, empleando el consumo energético y las emisiones de CO2 como principales herramientas. Como se observa en el día a día, el tema de la sostenibilidad es de plena actualidad, lográndose en este trabajo implicar, tanto a la eficiencia energética, como al control de emisiones de gases efecto invernadero; ambas herramientas cobran más importancia cada día que pasa. La Tesis se desarrolla en 5 capítulos, aparte de su bibliografía correspondiente. En el primer capítulo se introduce el sentido de la sostenibilidad, desde sus inicios conceptuales, hasta sus actuales clasificaciones y definiciones empleadas; todo ello desde el punto de vista de los recursos naturales, y más habitualmente desde la minería. Resulta llamativo el contraste de opiniones, en lo que se ha dado a llamar la paradoja de la minería sostenible, quedando tras su lectura, la posición de la minería en una situación, si no ventajosa, si de equilibrio en importancia entre las necesidades a cubrir y el agotamiento de recursos. El segundo capítulo nos muestra el entorno donde se va a conducir la Tesis. El marco que engloba este trabajo se extiende desde la extracción del mineral de hierro (minería), su tratamiento y concentración (mineralurgia), su venta a los hornos altos (mercados) hasta su posterior fabricación en acero terminado (siderurgia). En este capítulo se presentan los principales actores que entrarán en el sector de la minería del hierro (productores y fabricantes) incluyendo una serie de datos estadísticos de gran interés para el desarrollo de la Tesis. El tercer capítulo se refiere al proceso completo que precisa la actividad sobre la que se va a evaluar la sostenibilidad. Es donde se definen, paso a paso, y obteniendo todos los datos de consumos energéticos y emisiones de CO2, las diferentes etapas por las que pasa el mineral de hierro, hasta encontrarse laminado en la acería. Es aquí donde se analizan los diversos tipos de yacimientos de hierro dispersos por el mundo y el mineral extraído, de manera que las propiedades aprendidas se puedan emplear más adelante en un indicador, y que así diferencie la sostenibilidad en función de los orígenes motivo de las necesidades energéticas para su transformación. El capítulo 4 consta de dos bloques: el uso de las herramientas de medida de la sostenibilidad, a día de hoy en el mundo industrial, y de una manera pormenorizada, el consumo energético y sus emisiones medioambientales como herramienta de gestión ambiental para la minería del hierro. Esta herramienta resultará básica para el cálculo del indicador buscado para la medida de la sostenibilidad. El capítulo 5 constituye el núcleo de la tesis, y supone el desarrollo del indicador, la metodología de uso y las conclusiones obtenidas. A través de varios ejemplos se logra entender la aplicación del indicador, dando lugar a una clasificación sostenible sencilla y práctica, situando en orden las diferentes explotaciones en función de un nivel de sostenibilidad determinado. Este último capítulo da origen al Indicador Sostenible Energético buscado, mostrándose en todo su esplendor y descubriendo cómo la relación ponderada entre el consumo energético y sus emisiones de CO2 permite, a través de una valoración, mostrar todos los parámetros de relevancia para el mineral de hierro y su posterior transformación en acero. Esa cifra obtenida por el indicador, clasificará la explotación teniendo en cuenta, el tipo de yacimiento, características del mineral (especie mineralógica, tipo de mineral, ley del mineral en hierro, tipo de ganga, características físicas como dureza o tamaño de grano, susceptibilidad magnética, etc.), situación geográfica, infraestructuras, etc. Sin profundizar en la siderurgia, por lo menos sí incluir los principales parámetros (relacionados siempre desde el mineral) que pudieran tener influencia en la disminución de energía requerida (y sus emisiones de CO2 relacionadas): la reducibilidad, el contenido en hierro, y mencionar la influencia del SiO2. Se completa la Tesis con las referencias bibliográficas y documentales, así como con una bibliografía general. ABSTRACT This Thesis is set in a context of natural resources and applied science. The aim of this document is to prove that iron mining is a sustainable activity, so the ancient relationship between men and natural resources will continue. Iron mining is the main subject of this work, so a new sustainable indicator is created in order to evaluate the iron mining from a sustainable point of view. The main tools applied are energy consumption and CO2 emissions. In this research document two relevant issues are involved: energy efficiency and GHGs control; both tools gain significance by the day. This thesis develops along 5 chapters and its bibliography. The first chapter refers to the concept of sustainability, from the beginning to the current definitions and classifications; all this information is focused from the natural resources point of view, especially mining. The contrast of opinion is remarkable, which has been called the “paradox of sustainable mining”; however this chapter concludes that taking into account the less bright side of the mining its activity maintains an important balance between necessities to cover, available resources and environment. The second chapter sets out where this Thesis has been conducted. The frame of this work lies between iron mining, ore processing, the market and the latter steel fabrication (steelmaking). This chapter shows the iron mining key stakeholders, supported with statistical data. The third chapter refers to the whole process definition. From the iron mineral to the rolled steel, all data related with energy consumption and CO2 emissions are considered step by step. Different iron deposits widespread all over the world are analyzed now, as well as the exploited iron mineral in order to apply the lessons learned to create a new sustainability tool. Then, our sustainability studies will consider the influence of this in the energy necessities when iron is transformed. Chapter four is divided in the currently applied sustainability measurement tools, and focusing on energy consumption and CO2 emissions linked to the iron mining process. This tool is essential to calculate the required indicator that reflects the sustainability. Chapter five is the Thesis’ core: it is where the new sustainable indicator is developed, the methodology stated and the final conclusions obtained. Through several examples the indicator application is explained, and a practical and simple sustainable classification will show the ranking of every exploitation. This last chapter develops the sustainable tool and discovers how the weighted relation between energy consumption and CO2 emissions allows understanding all the relevant parameters in the iron mineral transformation. The number calculated will be used to classify the mineral exploitation, taking into account the deposit typology, mineral characteristics (mineralogy, type of mineral, iron percentage, physical properties as hardness or grain size, magnetic susceptibility, etc.), geographic situation, infrastructures, etc. Although steelmaking is not studied in depth, main parameters (from the mineral side) which can operate in the energy decrease (and CO2 emissions in parallel) are referred to: reducibility, iron content and SiO2 influence. The bibliography used is included at the end of this paper.
La tesis se acerca a la cuestión del método en arquitectura focalizando su análisis principalmente en 5 obras concretas del panorama contemporáneo, tratando de desvelar las motivaciones últimas que las constituyen. El objeto y la obra arquitectónica se consideran así los elementos susceptibles de ofrecer el conocimiento material que permite desentrañar el modo y la metodología por el que éstos han sido concebidos. Con esta particular aproximación se desafían los tradicionales estudios que han comprendido al método como una sistemática universal o reglada, ya que en este caso el propósito consiste más bien en esclarecer los fundamentos y principios que subyacen a cada objeto arquitectónico más específico. Este hecho ha llevado al índice de la tesis a ordenarse según una lista de arquitectos y obras que no presentan otra particularidad que la de ser recientes y muy diferentes entre sí. Esta aparente arbitrariedad con la que las obras se eligen cobra sentido a lo largo del propio análisis y recorrido, ya que éste apuesta por recabar el suficiente contenido que diversifique y singularice cada elección, de tal modo que ya en sí, ésta obtenga rango paradigmático. El hecho de que la tesis evite los planteamientos totalitarios no quiere decir que trate de promover el relativismo de las diferentes opciones, dado que más bien pretende analizar hasta el fondo las cuestiones últimas y lo más valioso que cada opción representa. Por su parte, la conclusión de la tesis muestra una complementariedad al carácter específico de los capítulos previos, ya que ésta se atreve a avanzar con cierta voluntad conclusiva hacia la definición de los principios más sustanciales del método en arquitectura hoy. Y precisamente, una de las claves esenciales que ha mostrado la arquitectura del hoy que nos toca vivir consiste en la condición más específica de la obra arquitectónica misma por encima de cualquier connotación genérica o transcendente que ésta pueda sugerir. De tal modo que los arquitectos elegidos, por muy diferentes que aparentan ser, han tomado como punto de partida la condición objetual de la obra más allá de cualquier contenido ideal que a ésta pueda adscribírsele. En todos los casos, si bien de diferente manera, la obra arquitectónica en sí misma se ha constituido en una nueva clave en la que tratan de dirimirse las eternas dialécticas entre el objeto y su significado, entre la estructura conceptual y su connotación simbólica. De este modo, las dialécticas relativas a la unidad de la diversidad, la identidad de la multiplicidad, la síntesis que pretende la integración de lo complejo, o en su caso, la indispensable sostenibilidad de lo inconsistente, se han convertido en la temática principal de este análisis que ha comprendido al método a partir la misma paradoja por la que la arquitectura actual se ve afectada. La misma dialéctica imposible de resolver que ha conducido a la arquitectura más reciente a decantarse a favor de la consustancialidad intrínseca a la misma obra. La tesis por su parte también se ha focalizado en la obra y en el hecho arquitectónico puntual, siguiendo la tendencia de la misma arquitectura que se analizaba. Sin embargo, sus extensos análisis nos han llevado a desentrañar el sentido y la posición estratégica personal que se encuentra más allá de la exacerbación inmanente de la arquitectura de estos últimos años. Es decir, tal y como se ha insistido, el análisis de la obra nos ha llevado, a través de la pregunta por su método, al arquitecto que la ha proyectado. Y así se ha creado este triángulo trinitario, ‘Arquitecto, obra y método’, tratando de preguntarse hasta el final por la singularidad más específica del método de cada arquitecto, en el convencimiento de que método y obra se vinculan precisamente ahí, en las experiencias personales singulares que han posibilitado las mayores creaciones y más sustantivas novedades. ABSTRACT This thesis approaches the question of Method in architecture by focusing its analysis on 5 specific contemporary projects, trying to unveil their underlying constitutive motivations. Thus, architectonical object and work are considered the susceptible elements that provide the material knowledge that unravels the manner and the methodology by which they were conceived. With this particular approach, this thesis challenges other traditional studies, those that regard the Method in architecture as a regulated or universal systematic procedure. On the contrary, the purpose of this thesis is to clarify the foundations and principles that underlie each specific architectonical object. This has led to the ordering of the thesis index according to a list of architects and projects that do not present any other distinctiveness except that they are recent and very different to each other. However, this apparent arbitrariness of the choice of each architect becomes meaningful during its analytical development. This analysis attempts to seek out the content which diversifies each choice enough, and makes it singular enough, so that each selected candidate acquires paradigmatic range by itself. Therefore, the fact that the thesis avoids totalitarian approaches does not lead it to promote the relativism of different choices, but rather the thesis tries to thoroughly analyze the most valuable achievements of each option. Nonetheless, the conclusion of the thesis shows a position that complements the specific character of the previous chapters, since it dares to move forward conclusively towards the definition of the essential principles of the Method in architecture today. Indeed, the thesis shows one of the basic keys of today’s architecture, which is the specific condition of the architectural work itself above any generic or transcendental connotation. Thus, the selected architects, however different they appear to be, take the objectual condition of the work (thingness) as their starting point beyond any ideal content that might be ascribed to their architecture. Although differently, in each case the architectonical work itself has become the new indispensable key to deal with the eternal dialectics between the object and its meaning, between conceptual structure and its symbolic connotation. Thus, the dialectics between unity and diversity, the identity of multiplicity, the synthesis that aims at the integration of complexity, or even, the indispensable consistency of the unavoidable inconsistency, have all become the main themes of this analysis, an analysis that understands the issue of Method from the same paradoxical situation of today’s architecture. This is the same paradox which has led the latest architecture to align itself with the intrinsic consubstantiality of the architectonical work itself. Therefore, the thesis is also focused on the Work, on the specific architectonical fact, following the course of the same architecture that it analyses. However, extensive analyses of the thesis have led us to clarify the sense and personal strategic position that is beyond the immanent exacerbation of architecture in recent years. Therefore, as stressed throughout the text, the analysis, that has explored the Method of architectonical Work, has led us to the architect who conceived it. Thus, this trinitarian triangle, ‘Architect, Work and Method’, has been created, attempting to explore in depth the specific uniqueness of each architect’s method, convinced that Method and Work do actually connect in the singular experiences that have achieved the greatest and most substantial creations.