852 resultados para Educação Física e Treinamento


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The objective of the present study was to compare the effects of a high speed isokinetic training (180°.s-1) and an isometric training (75°) on the maximum rate of force development (RFDmax) measured in the isokinetic and isometric modes. Twenty seven male non active subjects participated of this study (Mean + SD = body mass 78.6 + 14.1 kg; stature 175.1 + 8.9 cm; age 22.6 + 3.8 years). They were randomly divided into three groups: Control (GC); Isokinetic training (GISOC) and; Isometric training (GISOM). The subjects were submitted in different days to the following pre training protocols: 1) Familiarization to the isokinetic dynamometer tests; 2) Five maximum concentric isokinetic contractions of the knee extensors (180°.s-1) to access the maximum concentric torque (TMC) and the concentric RFDmax; 3) Two maximum isometric contractions of the knee extensors (75°) to access the maximum isometric torque (TMI) and the isometric RFDmax. The same tests were repeated after the training period, but without the familiarization session. Eighteen training sessions were performed (3 times per week). The GISOC performed the entire training whit concentric isokinetic contractions whit the speed of 180°.s-1. The GISOM performed the entire training whit isometric contractions whit the angle between the thigh end the leg being 75° (0° = full knee extension). TMI, TMC, concentric RFDmax, isometric RFDmax values of the GC was not different between pre and post training. GISOM increased only the TMI and the GSIOC increased the TMC, concentric RFDmax and isometric RFDmax. Furthermore, the GISOC had a higher percentage increase of the isometric RFDmax than the isokinetic RFDmax. Based on these results, it is possible to conclude that the increase in maximum strength corresponded to the training specificity theory, unlike to the RFDmax. Thus the use of isometric contraction ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The practice of regular physical activity has been considered a protective factor against the degenerative processes of the body, acting as a promoter of health, especially for risk groups such as obese and resistant groups exercise adherence as among the intellectually disabled (ID) . This study involved the administration of a training protocol and the physical parameters of longitudinal health in a subject about 43 years, intellectually deficient, hypertensive, obese and with a strong predisposition to develop diabetes and heart disease. The main objective of long-term program was to reduce body weight and normalize blood pressure (BP) after the student's physical activity and preferentially interfere with BP values at rest (ie before the daily schedule). The other objective was to improve general physical fitness. The protocol involved four meetings per week lasting one hour, in addition to participation in the program PROEFA (twice a week with sessions of one hour each), totaling 57 sessions spread over five months. The evaluation protocol included in each session the following tests: blood pressure measurements and heart rate, and amount of physical activity recorded via pedometer. Tests applied before and after the training included: anthropometric assessment, agility test, flexibility test, test drive through vertical and horizontal jumps and endurance to the test bench. The mass (kg) and BMI corresponded to the initial values of 127.7 kg and 42.05 kg m-2, and 5 months after 113.2 kg and 37.48 kg m-2, respectively. The waist-hip ratio was close to 1 after the intervention and this value corresponded to 0.98. For the test of agility (shuttle run) was not found improvement in performance. To test the values of the horizontal jump in pre-test were 52 cm and 56 cm post-test, vertical jump has been improved and...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of unilateral isokinetic strength training at high speed (180°.s-1) of the dominant leg on the rate of force development (RFD) of the contralateral limb. The study included 18 male individuals, apparently healthy, with an average of 23 years, and without regular practice of physical activities. The subjects were divided randomly into two groups: control group (GC) and isokinetic group (GISOC). Assessments were made of the values of peak isometric torque (PT isom) and RFD of both lower limbs in the pre-training. So, the GISOC underwent an isokinetic strength training with high speed (180°.s-1) for 6 weeks, with the dominant leg only and then reassessed. It was found that there was no significant improvement in value of PT isom (p> 0.05), and the RFD for the dominant limb had a significant improvement (p< 0.05) compared to the pre-training and that there was no transfer of values to the contralateral side (p> 0.05). It can be concluded that the isokinetic training at high speed was not enough for significant cross education


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Há muito tempo pesquisadores estudam os malefícios à saúde causados pelo sedentarismo. Atualmente a inatividade física representa um grave problema de saúde pública. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde – OMS (2009a), um estilo de vida sedentário é a principal causa de morte, doenças crônicos degenerativas e deficiências. Além disso, níveis insatisfatórios de atividade física associados a dietas hipercalóricas e com alto teor de gordura estão associados ao aumento de peso corporal, o que leva à desbalanços nos níveis lípedes circulantes, ou dislipidemia (DURSTINE, 2001). A disilipidemia está relacionada a alterações no metabolismo lipídico, incluindo níveis elevados de colesterol total, LDL colesterol, triglicerídeos e redução do HDL colesterol (DÂMASO, 2003). Em contrapartida, já é comprovado que a prática regular de atividade física aparece como uma ferramenta não medicamentosa na prevenção e tratamento de portadores de doenças crônicas. Estudos com indivíduos e grupos populacionais demonstram existir uma associação inversa entre os níveis de atividade física e a incidência de diversas doenças, como a hipertensão, a obesidade, os diabetes, a doença arterial coronariana e a depressão (NAHAS,2001). Sabe-se que a dislipidemia está associada a doenças de preocupação pública como obesidade, DM e doenças cardiovasculares. Por outro lado os benefícios da prática de atividade física já são consolidados. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é verificar o efeito de um programa de atividade física moderado no perfil lipídico e na glicemia em mulheres acima de 50 anos através da análise do efeito de 7 meses de atividade física moderada nos seguintes parâmetros bioquímicos: colesterol, lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL), lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL), triglicerídeos (TG) e glicemia. Conclui-se que o programa de atividade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma doença neurodegenerativa que afeta principalmente o controle motor com reflexos negativos no desempenho funcional de seus pacientes. Alterações no equilíbrio podem levar à diminuição da independência e funcionalidade. Alguns estudos evidenciam os benefícios do exercício físico, como alternativa nãofarmacológica para esses pacientes. Objetivo: O presente trabalho analisou e comparou os efeitos de dois programas de atividade física sobre o risco de quedas e o equilíbrio funcional em pacientes com doença de Parkinson. O presente estudo também teve como objetivo verificar a associação entre as variáveis clínicas e comportamentais. Método: Participaram do estudo 30 pacientes com DP idiopática entre os estágios I a III na escala de estagiamento clínico de Hoehn & Yahr, sendo distribuídos em três grupos: grupo de treinamento com pesos (GTP), atividade física generalizada (GAFG) e o grupo controle (GC). O período de intervenção para o GTP e o GAFG foi de quatro meses. As avaliações foram realizadas com os participantes na fase “on” da medicação. Para avaliar o equilíbrio dinâmico juntamente com o risco de quedas foi utilizado o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) e, para analisar o risco de quedas foi utilizada a Escala de Equilíbrio Funcional de Berg (EEFB). As avaliações clínicas foram realizadas por meio da Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (sub-escalas funcional e motora), escala de nível de gravidade da doença de Hohen & Yahr e Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparação das variáveis analisadas entre os três grupos separadamente por momento do treinamento. Resultados: Apenas em relação à EEFB foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, com pior desempenho para o grupo controle (GC). Conclusão: Foi possível observar que: os pacientes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative and progressive disease, mostly seen in elderly people, characterized by memory loss. This commitment leads causes deficits in functional capacity, compromising the individual in execution of activities of daily living, like dressing and bathing. This study, with a longitudinal character, aimed analyze the effects of a protocol of weights training (WT) in global cognitive status and realization of activities of daily living (ADL´s) basic and instrumental in AD patients, comparing the effects of four months of WT in the performance of ADL´s in global cognitive status. And also aimed to verify the possible relations between ADL's and global cognitive status of patients before and after the experimental period. The study included 24 patients with clinical diagnosis of AD, divided into two groups: a) training group (TG) consisted of 13 patients who underwent a protocol of WT b) Social Gathering Group (SCG) consists of 11 patients participating in a protocol of social gathering not systematized with activities of reading, writing and walking. Both protocols lasted four months, being developed in three non-consecutive weekly sessions, lasting 60 minutes each. To quantify global cognitive status and the basic and instrumental ADLs were used, respectively, the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Self Perception of Performance in Activities of Daily Living, along with the battery of tests of Activities of Daily Life of Andreotti and Okuma (1999). To analyze the results where complied the nature of the data, using analysis of variance for repeated measures ANOVA two-way and Pearson correlation for continuous data and tests of U Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon and Spearman correlation for non-continuous data, assuming level significance of 5% for all analysis. After analysis it´s possible... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of this study was to investigate whether aerobic capacity (VO2max) would be modified by antihypertensive therapy in elderly and middle-age women after 12 weeks of exercise training. The volunteers were divided in two groups: normotensive (n=14) and hypertensive (n=14). Aerobic exercise was performed for 3 days/week, during 60 minutes, for 12 weeks with an intensity of 50-70% rest heart hate. Anthropometric parameters (weight and height), body fat index, % of fat mass, cardiopulmonary evaluation to calculated VO2max and a cardiovascular evaluation with blood pressure and rest heart hate were evaluated at baseline and after training program. At the end of study abdominal circumference and Borg scale were also evaluated. Our findings showed the aerobic program of 12 weeks was effective to reduce diastolic blood pressure in both groups. Systolic blood pressure was reduced only hypertensive group. No evidences were found the aerobic capacity was affected by hypertensive therapies. In conclusion, the aerobic program for 12 weeks was effective to reduce blood pressure and there was no influence of antihypertensive therapy on the aerobic capacity in this particular population.


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A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública mundial e está fortemente associada à doença cardíaca isquêmica, aterosclerose, hipertensão arterial, entre outros problemas cardiovasculares. Na atualidade, o tratamento sugerido para as doenças cardiovasculares, comumente decorrentes da obesidade, consiste na diminuição da ingestão de gordura aliada à atividade física. Contudo, pouco se sabe quanto aos protocolos de treinamento mais adequados para a prevenção ou tratamento dessas doenças. O presente estudo objetivou analisar os efeitos do exercício físico na intensidade de 80% do limiar anaeróbio (LAn) sobre os aspectos bioquímicos cardíacos de ratos obesos. Para a indução da obesidade, os animais, a partir dos 90 dias de idade, foram mantidos com dieta hiperlipídica/hipercalórica (35% de gordura animal/vegetal) e os animais controles, mantidos com dieta balanceada (AIN-93M). Todos os animais pertencentes ao grupo treinado foram submetidos a testes de lactato mínimo para a identificação do limiar anaeróbio (LAn) durante exercício de natação, treinando desde os 28 dias de idade até aos 90 dias em intensidade equivalente a 80% do LAn 1 h/dia, 5 dias/semana. Depois dos 90 dias uma parte dos animais treinados interrompeu o treinamento ficando em observação até o final do experimento (150 dias de idade). Os demais animais permaneceram sedentários ao longo de todo o experimento. Foram analisados: peso corporal, tolerância à glicose e à insulina (TTGo e TTI), perfil lipídico sérico (colesterol total, triglicerídeos, AGL e HDL), concentrações séricas de glicose e insulina e alíquotas do ventrículo esquerdo foram retiradas para análise das concentrações de triglicerídeos, glicogênio, proteína/DNA e atividade lipogênica. Os animais tratados com dieta hiperlipídica tiveram aumento significativo no peso corporal, intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina e o treinamento físico neutralizou tais...


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The Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia in the elderly. Among the harmful changes arising from the DA, there may be sleep disturbance and impaired quality of life. Physical activity is an important non-pharmacological feature that would provide positive effects for the treatment of disease. However, there are still few studies that clarify the effects of resistance training in this population. Thus, the present study has as objective analyzes the effects of the resistance training in sleep disturbance and quality of life of patients with AD. Participated in this study 22 patients with clinical diagnosis of AD divided into two groups: Training Group (TG) and Social Interaction Group (SIG). The subjects of TG underwent a resistance training protocol, appropriate to the individual conditions, during three days no consecutive in the week, with duration of 60 minutes each session, for 16 weeks. The SIG won't participate in any systematized physical activity, but they realized other activities, such as reading, poetry, hiking and painting, among others. This protocol also was realized three times in week for 16 weeks, with duration of 60 minutes each session. Both groups were assessed at the beginning of the program and after 16 weeks. For the assessment of sleep disturbance was used the Mini Sleep Questionnaire and to assess of quality of life was used the Scale for Assessment of Quality of Life in Alzheimer's disease (QL), versions: patient, caregiver, family and the final score. Due to the scalar nature of the data and small sample, all variables were analyzed by nonparametric statistics. The U-Mann Whitney test, Wilcoxon test and Spearman correlation test was used, except for the Modified Baecke... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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As influências do exercício físico crônico sobre o tecido ósseo e hematológico de ratos Wistar têm sido investigados na literatura, porém são raros os trabalhos que abordam tais aspectos numa faixa etária mais precoce, na qual os efeitos podem ser benéficos ou até prejudiciais ao desenvolvimento. Assim, os principais objetivos deste estudo foram investigar os efeitos do treinamento físico regular e predominantemente aeróbio sobre aspectos endócrinos e metabólicos, sobre o tecido ósseo e sistema imunológico. Foram utilizados ratos machos, da linhagem Wistar, recém-desmamados (30 dias), mantidos no Biotério do Laboratório de Biodinâmica do Departamento de Educação Física, sob condições controladas (temperatura ambiente controlada de 25ºC e fotoperíodo de 12h claro/12h escuro). Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos experimentais: grupo sedentário (GS) e grupo treinado (GT). Os animais treinados foram submetidos a um protocolo de natação, 5 vezes/semana, 1 hora/dia, com carga de 5% em relação ao peso corporal, durante 6 semanas consecutivas, em água com temperatura controlada (32±2ºC). Ao final do período experimental, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos e hematócrito. Após o sacrifício, foram coletadas amostras de soro para dosagem de glicose, proteínas totais, triglicérides, colesterol e amostras do fígado e músculo para a determinação dos teores de glicogênio, e tíbia para determinação do comprimento e área ósseas. Os dados foram apresentados como média ± desvio padrão. Para identificar diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos utilizou-se teste-t de Student para amostras independentes. O nível de significância foi pré-estabelecido em 5%. Pôde-se constatar que o treinamento físico regular realizado ...(Resumo completo clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticoid widely used to treat allergic and inflammatory processes. This drug is used in three main situations, are used to contain acute or chronic inflammatory processes, or like immunosuppressive drug's. In these cases the patient will receive high doses for a chronic period and, therefore, has a much greater chance of adverse side effects, such as hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia. Dexamethasone promotes deleterious effects on the arachidonic acid pathway, when administered in high doses, because it is a potent anti-inflammatory drug. We recently demonstrated that dexamethasone significantly reduces the protein expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in both skeletal muscle and heart, but the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Meanwhile, exercise has been shown to be effective against high blood pressure, diabetes and dyslipidemia, promoting, among other factors, the increase in VEGF and angiogenesis. One possible explanation for these effects would be the creation of new vessels mediated by inflammation, or by the stimulation of the formation of products of the metabolism of arachidonic acid (AA), such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and VEGF, by increasing the stimulation of the enzymes cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 (COX-1 and COX-2). Little is known about the preventive effects of training on the action of dexamethasone in the arachidonic acid pathway. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether aerobic exercise training, performed before and concomitant treatment with dexamethasone, was able to prevent the effects of the dexamethasone in the protein expression of COX-2 and VEGF. For this, we used young Wistar rats (n = 40) which were randomly divided into 4 groups: sedentary control (SC), sedentary and treated with dexamethasone (SD), trained control (TC) and trained and treated with dexamethasone (TD). These rats performed aerobic exercise training, 60% of maximum capacity, 5


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To the practitioners of resistance exercise, a better performance is associated with nutritional habits and the help of nutritional supplements. Whatever, this use has been made improperly and without foundation, advised by persons not trained, leading to misuse. To analyze the profile of practitioners in the knowledge of and access to supplements, as well as knowledge about the sport and the need to use additional food resources. A questionnaire will be used to youths aged 15 to 21 consumers of nutritional supplements on the sports, the substance used, why the substance used, who appointed her, which substances have been used, satisfaction with that product, and socioeconomic characteristics of the individual. The data will be correlated by Pearson's correlation coefficient. It is expected that the abuse of supplements is associated with ease by socioeconomic status and experience in the sport for the little progress with the adoption of a routine training exercise in the circumstances only. The major difference compared to the goal of practice, was the motivation for the improvement of physical fitness (Guaruja 21% and Bauru 9.6%), with the intention of increasing muscle mass response occurring closer (Guaruja 22% and Bauru 19.2%) among respondents, and reported more emphasis on the Interior Health (17.3%). The use of supplements is somewhat similar to trends involving body aesthetics and fitness for participation in sports, in the Coast (hypertrophy: 33% body fat reduction, improved endurance and improved performance in sports: 20%), and beauty, fitness and health, the Interior (hypertrophy: 41% increase in strength: 22%, and quality of life: 15%). Interest in the use of supplements is mostly aimed at the improvement of overload training (Guaruja 67% and Bauru 56%) but the sources of information on the use of supplements have become more secure among the respondents of the Interior (gym teacher: 20%, Conferences and Symposia: 12%, and the...