861 resultados para Edible coatings
The chemical compounds synthesised and secreted from the dermal glands of amphibian have diverse bioactivities that play key roles in the hosts' innate immune system and in causing diverse pharmacological effects in predators that may ingest the defensive skin secretions. As new biotechnological methods have developed, increasing numbers of novel peptides with novel activities have been discovered from this source of natural compounds. In this study, a number of defensive skin secretion peptide sequences were obtained from the European edible frog, P. kl. esculentus, using a 'shotgun' cloning technique developed previously within our laboratory. Some of these sequences have been previously reported but had either obtained from other species or were isolated using different methods. Two new skin peptides are described here for the first time. Esculentin-2c and Brevinin-2Tbe belong to the Esculentin-2 and Brevinin-2 families, respectively, and both are very similar to their respective analogues but with a few amino acid differences. Further, [Asn-3, Lys-6, Phe-13] 3-14-bombesin isolated previously from the skin of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda, was identified here in the skin of P. kl. esculentus. Studies such as this can provide a rapid elucidation of peptide and corresponding DNA sequences from unstudied species of frogs and can rapidly provide a basis for related scientific studies such as those involved in systematic or the evolution of a large diverse gene family and usage by biomedical researchers as a source of potential novel drug leads or pharmacological agents.
Deep fat frying process is one of the widely followed cooking practices throughout the world. Cooking oils serve as a medium for frying food for transferring heat and makes fried food tasty and palatable. Frying process is a most complex process involving numerous physicochemical changes which are complicated to understand. Frying leads to thermal degradation of oil through thermo-oxidation, hydrolysis, and polymerization. Hydrolysis results in formation of free fatty acids whereas oxidation process produces hydroperoxides and small molecular carbonyl compounds. This whole process leads to the formation of polar compounds and degradation of antioxidants that further degrades frying oil. Eventually, through mass transfer process these degradation products accumulate into fried food and reduce the nutritional quality of both oil and food. Thus, the frying process is of research interest calls for detailed systematic study which is chosen for the present study. The primary objective of this study is to understand the mechanism of degradation and characterization ofdegraded products which helps in arriving at the limits for frying oil utilization in terms of number of frying cycles. The mechanistic studies and the knowledge on the degraded products help to understand the way to retard the deterioration of oil for stability and enhancement of frying cycles. The study also explores the formation of the predominant polar compounds and their structural elucidation through mass spectrometry. Oxidation of oil is another important factor that ignites the degradation phenomena. One of the best ways to increase thermal stability of any oil is addition of potent antioxidants. But, most of the natural and synthetic antioxidants are unstable and ineffective at frying temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to screen alternative antioxidants for their activity in the refined oils which are devoid of any added antioxidants. In this context, this study discussed the efficacy of several natural and synthetic antioxidants to retard the formation of polar compounds and thermooxidation during prolonged frying conditions. Similarly, the advantage of blending of two different oils to improve the thermal stability was explored. The present study brings out the total picture on the type of degradation products formed during frying and the ways of retarding the determination to improve upon the stability of the oil and enhancement of frying cycles.
Food production and consumption for cities has become a global concern due to increasing numbers of people living in urban areas, threatening food security. There is the contention that people living in cities have become disconnected with food production, leading to reduced nutrition in diets and increased food waste. Integrating food production into cities (urban agriculture) can help alleviate some of these issues. Lack of space at ground level in high-density urban areas has accelerated the idea of using spare building surfaces for food production. There are various growing methods being used for food production on buildings, which can be split into two main types, soil-less systems and soil-based systems. This paper is a holistic assessment (underpinned by the triple bottom line of sustainable development) of these two types of systems for food production on buildings, looking at the benefits and limitation of each type in this context. The results illustrate that soil-less systems are more productive per square metre, which increases the amount of locally grown, fresh produce available in urban areas. The results also show that soil-based systems for cultivation on buildings are more environmentally and socially beneficial overall for urban areas than soil-less systems.
Depuis ces dernières décennies, le domaine des biomatériaux a connu un essor considérable, évoluant de simples prothèses aux dispositifs les plus complexes pouvant détenir une bioactivité spécifique. Outre, le progrès en science des matériaux et une meilleure compréhension des systèmes biologiques a offert la possibilité de créer des matériaux synthétiques pouvant moduler et stimuler une réponse biologique déterminée, tout en améliorant considérablement la performance clinique des biomatériaux. En ce qui concerne les dispositifs cardiovasculaires, divers recouvrements ont été développés et étudiés dans le but de modifier les propriétés de surface et d’améliorer l’efficacité clinique des tuteurs. En effet, lorsqu’un dispositif médical est implanté dans le corps humain, son succès clinique est fortement influencé par les premières interactions que sa surface établit avec les tissus et les fluides biologiques environnants. Le recouvrement à la surface de biomatériaux par diverses molécules ayant des propriétés complémentaires constitue une approche intéressante pour atteindre différentes cibles biologiques et orienter la réponse de l’hôte. De ce fait, l’élucidation de l’interaction entre les différentes molécules composant les recouvrements est pertinente pour prédire la conservation de leurs propriétés biologiques spécifiques. Dans ce travail, des recouvrements pour des applications cardiovasculaires ont été créés, composés de deux molécules ayant des propriétés biologiques complémentaires : la fibronectine (FN) afin de promouvoir l’endothélialisation et la phosphorylcholine (PRC) pour favoriser l’hémocompatibilité. Des techniques d’adsorption et de greffage ont été appliquées pour créer différents recouvrements de ces deux biomolécules sur un polymère fluorocarboné déposé par traitement plasma sur un substrat en acier inoxydable. Dans un premier temps, des films de polytétrafluoroéthylène (PTFE) ont été utilisés en tant que surface modèle afin d’explorer l’interaction de la PRC et de la FN avec les surfaces fluorocarbonées ainsi qu’avec des cellules endothéliales et du sang. La stabilité des recouvrements de FN sur l’acier inoxydable a été étudiée par déformation, mais également par des essais statiques et dynamiques sous-flux. Les recouvrements ont été caractérisés par Spectroscopie Photoéléctronique par Rayons X, immunomarquage, angle de contact, Microscopie Électronique de Balayage, Microscopie de Force Atomique et Spectrométrie de Masse à Ionisation Secondaire à Temps de Vol (imagerie et profilage en profondeur). Des tests d’hémocompatibilité ont été effectués et l’interaction des cellules endothéliales avec les recouvrements a également été évaluée. La FN greffée a présenté des recouvrements plus denses et homogènes alors que la PRC quant à elle, a montré une meilleure homogénéité lorsqu’elle était adsorbée. La caractérisation de la surface des échantillons contenant FN/PRC a été corrélée aux propriétés biologiques et les recouvrements pour lesquels la FN a été greffée suivie de l’adsorption de la PRC ont présenté les meilleurs résultats pour des applications cardiovasculaires : la promotion de l’endothélialisation et des propriétés d’hémocompatibilité. Concernant les tests de stabilité, les recouvrements de FN greffée ont présenté une plus grande stabilité et densité que dans le cas de l’adsorption. En effet, la pertinence de présenter des investigations des essais sous-flux versus des essais statiques ainsi que la comparaison des différentes stratégies pour créer des recouvrements a été mis en évidence. D’autres expériences sont nécessaires pour étudier la stabilité des recouvrements de PRC et de mieux prédire son interaction avec des tissus in vivo.
Dans ce projet de recherche, le dépôt des couches minces de carbone amorphe (généralement connu sous le nom de DLC pour Diamond-Like Carbon en anglais) par un procédé de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur assisté par plasma (ou PECVD pour Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor deposition en anglais) a été étudié en utilisant la Spectroscopie d’Émission Optique (OES) et l’analyse partielle par régression des moindres carrés (PLSR). L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’établir un modèle statistique pour prévoir les propriétés des revêtements DLC selon les paramètres du procédé de déposition ou selon les données acquises par OES. Deux séries d’analyse PLSR ont été réalisées. La première examine la corrélation entre les paramètres du procédé et les caractéristiques du plasma pour obtenir une meilleure compréhension du processus de dépôt. La deuxième série montre le potentiel de la technique d’OES comme outil de surveillance du procédé et de prédiction des propriétés de la couche déposée. Les résultats montrent que la prédiction des propriétés des revêtements DLC qui était possible jusqu’à maintenant en se basant sur les paramètres du procédé (la pression, la puissance, et le mode du plasma), serait envisageable désormais grâce aux informations obtenues par OES du plasma (particulièrement les indices qui sont reliées aux concentrations des espèces dans le plasma). En effet, les données obtenues par OES peuvent être utilisées pour surveiller directement le processus de dépôt plutôt que faire une étude complète de l’effet des paramètres du processus, ceux-ci étant strictement reliés au réacteur plasma et étant variables d’un laboratoire à l’autre. La perspective de l’application d’un modèle PLSR intégrant les données de l’OES est aussi démontrée dans cette recherche afin d’élaborer et surveiller un dépôt avec une structure graduelle.
The individual and interactive impacts of guar gum and glycerol on the pea starch-based edible film characteristics were examined using three factors with three level Box–Behnken response surface design. The results showed that density and elongation at break were only significantly (p < 0.05) affected by pea starch and guar gum in a positive linear fashion. The quadratic regression coefficient of pea starch showed a significant effect (p < 0.05) on thickness, density, puncture force, water vapour permeability, and tensile strength. While tensile strength and Young modulus affected by the quadratic regression coefficient of glycerol and guar gum, respectively. The results were analysed using Pareto analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the developed predictive equations for each response variable presented reliable and satisfactory fit with high coefficient of determination (R2) values (≥ 0.96). The optimized conditions with the goal of maximizing mechanical properties and minimizing water vapour permeability were 2.5 g pea starch, 0.3 g guar gum and 25 % (w/w) glycerol based on the dry film matter in 100 ml of distilled water. Generally, changes in the concentrations of pea starch, guar gum and glycerol resulted in changes in the functional properties of film.
The main aim of this study was to develop rice starch (RS), ι-carrageenan (ι-car) based film. Different formulations of RS (1-4%, w/w), ι-car (0.5-2%, w/w) was blended with stearic acid (SA; 0.3-0.9%, w/w) and glycerol (1%, w/w) as a plasticizer. The effect of film ingredients on the thickness, water vapour permeability (WVP), film solubility (FS), moisture content (MC), colour, film opacity (FO), tensile strength (TS), elongation-at-break (EAB) of film was examined. Interactions and miscibility of partaking components was studied by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Hydrocolloid suspension solution of mix polysaccharides imparted a significant impact (p<0.05) on the important attributes of resulting edible film. TS and EAB of film were improved significantly (p<0.05) when ι-car was increased in the film matrix. Formulation F1 comprising 2% ι-car, 2% 33 RS, 0.3% SA, Gly 30% w/w and 0.2% surfactant (tween®20) provided film with good 34 physical, mechanical and barrier properties. FT-IR and XRD results reveal that molecular interactions between RS-ι-car have a great impact on the film properties confining the compatibility and miscibility of mixed polysaccharide. Results of the study offers new biodegradable formulation for application on fruit and vegetables.
The selective solar absorber surface is a fundamental part of a solar thermal collector, as it is responsible for the solar radiation absorption and for reduction of radiation heat losses. The surface’s optical properties, the solar absorption (á) and the emittance (å), have great impact on the solar thermal collector efficiency. In this work, two coatings types were studied: coatings obtained by physical vapor deposition (PVDs) and coatings obtained by projection with different paints (PCs) on aluminum substrates. The most common industrial high performing solar selective absorbers are nowadays produced by vacuum deposition methods, showing some disadvantages, such as lower durability, lower resistance to corrosion, adhesion and scratch, higher cost and complex production techniques. Currently, spectrally selective paints are a potential alternative for absorbing surfaces in low temperature applications, with attractive features such as ease of processing, durability and commercial availability with low cost. Solar absorber surfaces were submitted to accelerated ageing tests, specified in ISO 22975-3. This standard is applicable to the evaluation of the long term behavior and service life of selective solar absorbers for solar collectors working under typical domestic hot water system conditions. The studied coatings have, in the case of PVDs solar absorptions between 0.93 and 0.96 and emittance between 0.07 and 0.10, and in the case of PCs, solar absorptions between 0.91 and 0.93 and emittance between 0.40 and 0.60. In addition to evaluating long term behavior based on artificial ageing tests, it is also important to know the degradation mechanism of different coatings that are currently in the market. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) allows for the assessment of mechanistic information concerning the degradation processes, providing quantitative data as output, which can easily relate to the kinetic parameters of the system. EIS measures were carried out on Gamry FAS2 Femostat coupled with a PCL4 Controller. Two electrolytes were used, 0.5 M NaCl and 0.5 M Na2SO4, and the surfaces were tested at different immersion times up to 4 weeks. The following types of specimens have been tested: Aluminium with/without surface treatment, 3 selective paint coatings (one with a poly(urethane) binder and two with silicone binders) and 2 PVD coatings. Based on the behaviour of the specimens throughout the 4 weeks of immersion, it is possible to conclude that the coating showing the best protective properties corresponds to the selective paint coating with a polyurethane resin followed by the other paint coatings, whereas both the PVD coatings do not confer any protection to the substrate, having a deleterious effect as compared to the untreated aluminium reference.
In order to power our planet for the next century, clean energy technologies need to be developed and deployed. Photovoltaic solar cells, which convert sunlight into electricity, are a clear option; however, they currently supply 0.1% of the US electricity due to the relatively high cost per Watt of generation. Thus, our goal is to create more power from a photovoltaic device, while simultaneously reducing its price. To accomplish this goal, we are creating new high efficiency anti-reflection coatings that allow more of the incident sunlight to be converted to electricity, using simple and inexpensive coating techniques that enable reduced manufacturing costs. Traditional anti-reflection coatings (consisting of thin layers of non-absorbing materials) rely on the destructive interference of the reflected light, causing more light to enter the device and subsequently get absorbed. While these coatings are used on nearly all commercial cells, they are wavelength dependent and are deposited using expensive processes that require elevated temperatures, which increase production cost and can be detrimental to some temperature sensitive solar cell materials. We are developing two new classes of anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) based on textured dielectric materials: (i) a transparent, flexible paper technology that relies on optical scattering and reduced refractive index contrast between the air and semiconductor and (ii) silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanosphere arrays that rely on collective optical resonances. Both techniques improve solar cell absorption and ultimately yield high efficiency, low cost devices. For the transparent paper-based ARCs, we have recently shown that they improve solar cell efficiencies for all angles of incident illumination reducing the need for costly tracking of the sun’s position. For a GaAs solar cell, we achieved a 24% improvement in the power conversion efficiency using this simple coating. Because the transparent paper is made from an earth abundant material (wood pulp) using an easy, inexpensive and scalable process, this type of ARC is an excellent candidate for future solar technologies. The coatings based on arrays of dielectric nanospheres also show excellent potential for inexpensive, high efficiency solar cells. The fabrication process is based on a Meyer rod rolling technique, which can be performed at room-temperature and applied to mass production, yielding a scalable and inexpensive manufacturing process. The deposited monolayer of SiO2 nanospheres, having a diameter of 500 nm on a bare Si wafer, leads to a significant increase in light absorption and a higher expected current density based on initial simulations, on the order of 15-20%. With application on a Si solar cell containing a traditional anti-reflection coating (Si3N4 thin-film), an additional increase in the spectral current density is observed, 5% beyond what a typical commercial device would achieve. Due to the coupling between the spheres originated from Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) inside each nanosphere, the incident light is strongly coupled into the high-index absorbing material, leading to increased light absorption. Furthermore, the SiO2 nanospheres scatter and diffract light in such a way that both the optical and electrical properties of the device have little dependence on incident angle, eliminating the need for solar tracking. Because the layer can be made with an easy, inexpensive, and scalable process, this anti-reflection coating is also an excellent candidate for replacing conventional technologies relying on complicated and expensive processes.