769 resultados para Ectasia corneal


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AIMS To evaluate the endothelial quality of corneas obtained from pseudophakic donors and to compare the data with matched phakic controls. METHODS Corneas from eyes with posterior chamber intraocular lenses (PCIOLs) and corneas from phakic eyes (controls) were stored for 1-2 weeks in organ culture and then examined after staining with Alizarin red S. The corneas were divided into two groups according to the duration of storage. Endothelial cell density, the percentage of hexagonal cells, and the coefficient of variation (CV) were determined. RESULTS There was no statistically significant difference between the 14 PCIOL corneas and the 13 controls stored in organ culture for 7 days for any of the three parameters studied. The mean cell density was 2155 (SD 529) cells/mm(2) in the PCIOL corneas and 2118 (453) cells/mm(2) in the controls (p=0.85). The mean percentage of hexagonal cells was 52% (8%) and 58% (7%), respectively (p=0.06). The mean CV was 0.32 (0.18) in the pseudophakic corneas and 0.39 (0.18) in the controls (p=0.33). Moreover, there was no significant difference between the PCIOL corneas and the controls stored for up to 2 weeks. CONCLUSIONS The corneal endothelium from eyes with PCIOLs appears to be similar to that of phakic eyes after 1-2 weeks in organ culture. This finding suggests that corneas from pseudophakic eyes should not routinely be disqualified for transplantation. The use of at least some pseudophakic corneas may substantially increase the potential donor pool.


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OBJECTIVES To report the mid-term results of aortic root replacement using a self-assembled biological composite graft, consisting of a vascular tube graft and a stented tissue valve. METHODS Between January 2005 and December 2011, 201 consecutive patients [median age 66 (interquartile range, IQR, 55-77) years, 31 female patients (15.4%), median logistic EuroSCORE 10 (IQR 6.8-23.2)] underwent aortic root replacement using a stented tissue valve for the following indications: annulo-aortic ectasia or ascending aortic aneurysm with aortic valve disease in 162 (76.8%) patients, active infective endocarditis in 18 (9.0%) and acute aortic dissection Stanford type A in 21 (10.4%). All patients underwent clinical and echocardiographic follow-up. We analysed survival and valve-related events. RESULTS The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 4.5%. One- and 5-year cardiac-related mortality rates were 3 and 6%, and overall survival was 95 ± 1.5 and 75 ± 3.6%, respectively. The rate of freedom from structural valve failure was 99% and 97 ± 0.4% at the 1- and 5-year follow-up, respectively. The incidence rates of prosthetic valve endocarditis were 3 and 4%, respectively. During a median follow-up of 28 (IQR 14-51) months, only 2 (1%) patients required valve-related redo surgery due to prosthetic valvular endocarditis and none suffered from thromboembolic events. One percent of patients showed structural valve deterioration without any clinical symptoms; none of the patients suffered greater than mild aortic regurgitation. CONCLUSIONS Aortic root replacement using a self-assembled biological composite graft is an interesting option. Haemodynamic results are excellent, with freedom from structured valve failure. Need for reoperation is extremely low, but long-term results are necessary to prove the durability of this concept.


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Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a rare, nonatherosclerotic arterial disease for which the molecular basis is unknown. We comprehensively studied 47 subjects with FMD, including physical examination, spine magnetic resonance imaging, bone densitometry, and brain magnetic resonance angiography. Inflammatory biomarkers in plasma and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) cytokines in patient-derived dermal fibroblasts were measured by ELISA. Arterial pathology other than medial fibrodysplasia with multifocal stenosis included cerebral aneurysm, found in 12.8% of subjects. Extra-arterial pathology included low bone density (P<0.001); early onset degenerative spine disease (95.7%); increased incidence of Chiari I malformation (6.4%) and dural ectasia (42.6%); and physical examination findings of a mild connective tissue dysplasia (95.7%). Screening for mutations causing known genetically mediated arteriopathies was unrevealing. We found elevated plasma TGF-β1 (P=0.009), TGF-β2 (P=0.004) and additional inflammatory markers, and increased TGF-β1 (P=0.0009) and TGF-β2 (P=0.0001) secretion in dermal fibroblast cell lines from subjects with FMD compared to age- and gender-matched controls. Detailed phenotyping of patients with FMD allowed us to demonstrate that FMD is a systemic disease with alterations in common with the spectrum of genetic syndromes that involve altered TGF-β signaling and offers TGF-β as a marker of FMD.


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Ephrin-B/EphB family proteins are implicated in bidirectional signaling and were initially defined through the function of their ectodomain sequences in activating EphB receptor tyrosine kinases. Ephrin-B1-3 are transmembrane proteins sharing highly conserved C-terminal cytoplasmic sequences. Here we use a soluble EphB1 ectodomain fusion protein (EphB1/Fc) to demonstrate that ephrin-B1 transduces signals that regulate cell attachment and migration. EphB1/Fc induced endothelial ephrin-B1 tyrosine phosphorylation, migration and integrin-mediated (alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(5)beta(1)) attachment and promoted neovascularization, in vivo, in a mouse corneal micropocket assay. Activation of ephrin-B1 by EphB1/Fc induced phosphorylation of p46 JNK but not ERK-1/2 or p38 MAPkinases. By contrast, mutant ephrin-B1s bearing either a cytoplasmic deletion (ephrin-B1DeltaCy) or a deletion of four C-terminal amino acids (ephrin-B1DeltaPDZbd) fail to activate p46 JNK. Transient expression of intact ephin-B1 conferred EphB1/Fc migration responses on CHO cells, whereas the ephrin-B1DeltaCy and ephrin-B1DeltaPDZbd mutants were inactive. Thus ephrin-B1 transduces 'outside-in' signals through C-terminal protein interactions that affect integrin-mediated attachment and migration.


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Purpose To investigate the effect of topical glucose on visual parameters in individuals with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Design Double-blind, randomized, crossover study. Participants Nondiabetic pseudophakic patients with definite POAG were recruited; 29 eyes of 16 individuals participated in study 1. A follow-up study (study 2) included 14 eyes of 7 individuals. Intervention Eyes were randomly allocated to receive 50% glucose or saline eye drops every 5 minutes for 60 minutes. Main Outcome Measures The contrast sensitivity and best-corrected logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR). Results The 50% glucose reached the vitreous in pseudophakic but not phakic individuals. Glucose significantly improved the mean contrast sensitivity at 12 cycles/degree compared with 0.9% saline by 0.26 log units (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.13–0.38; P < 0.001) and 0.40 log units (95% CI, 0.17–0.60; P < 0.001) in the follow-up study. The intraocular pressure, refraction, and central corneal thickness were not affected by glucose; age was not a significant predictor of the response. Conclusions Topical glucose temporarily improves psychophysical visual parameters in some individuals with POAG, suggesting that neuronal energy substrate delivery to the vitreous reservoir may recover function of “sick” retinal neurons.


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OBJECTIVES Long-term follow-up reports after implantation of the Shelhigh® (Shelhigh, Inc., NJ, USA) No-React® aortic valved conduit used for aortic root replacement do not exist. METHODS Between November 1998 and December 2007, the Shelhigh® No-React® aortic valved conduit was implanted in 291 consecutive patients with a mean age of 69.6 ± 9.1 years, and 33.7% were female (n = 98). Indications were annulo-aortic ectasia (n = 202), aortic valve stenosis combined with ascending aortic aneurysm (n = 67), acute type A aortic dissection (n = 29), endocarditis (n = 26) and other related pathologies (n = 48) including 62 patients with previous cardiac surgery. Data from two cardiac institutions were analysed retrospectively using SPSS (SPSS Software IBM, Inc., 2014, NY, USA). RESULTS Operative mortality was 10% (n = 29). Main cause of death was cardiac failure in 15 patients (51.8%), neurological events in 6 patients (20.7%), respiratory failure in 4 patients (13.8%), bleeding complications in 2 patients (6.9%) and gastrointestinal ischaemia in 2 cases (6.9%). There were 262 hospital survivors and all were entered in the follow-up study (100% complete). During the long-term follow-up (mean 70.3 ± 53.1 in months), a total of 126/262 patients (44.3%) died. Main causes of death in patients after discharge were cardiac (n = 37, 14.1%), neurological (n = 15, 5.7%) respiratory (n = 12, 4.6%), endocarditis (n = 12, 4.6%) and peripheral vascular disease (n = 5, 1.9%). In 29 (11.1%) patients, the cause of death could not be determined. Reoperation was required in 25 (8.6%) patients due to infection of the conduit (n = 9), aortoventricular disconnection (n = 4), pseudoaneurysm formation (n = 4) and structural valve degeneration (n = 8). Reoperations were performed 5.0 ± 3.8 (range 0.1-11.7) years after index surgery. CONCLUSIONS The Shelhigh® No-React® aortic valved conduit showed satisfactory short-term operative results. However, the long-term follow-up revealed a relatively high rate of deaths, which may be explained by the epidemiology of the patient group, but a substantial proportion of deaths could not be clarified. The overall rate of reoperation (8.6%) during the mid-term follow-up is worrisome and the failures due to aortoventricular disconnection, endocarditis and pseudoaneurysm formation remain unexplained. The redo-procedures were technically demanding. We recommend close follow-up of patients with the Shelhigh® No-React® aortic valved conduit, because besides classical structural valve degeneration, unexpected findings may be observed.


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Several congenital syndromes associated with anterior segment (AS) anomalies can lead to impaired vision and glaucoma, such as nail-patella syndrome (NPS), caused by mutations in the LIM homeodomain transcription factor LMX1B and Axenfeld-Rieger's syndrome (ARS), caused by mutations in the bicoid-related homeodomain transcription factor PITX2. Targeted mutations in lmx1b and pitx2 and RNA in situ analysis reveal that both genes are required for AS development and are co-expressed within the periocular mesenchyme, suggesting they participate in a shared genetic pathway. Lmx1b homozygous mutants display iris and corneal stroma hypoplasia, and defects in ciliary body formation. In contrast, pitx2 homozygous mutants exhibit a more severe phenotype: the AS chamber, corneal endothelium, and extraocular muscles (EOM) fail to develop. The absence of EOM in pitx2 mutants suggests pitx2 acts upstream of lmx1b, or that other lmx1b family members, such as lmx1a, can compensate for lmx1b function. Lmxla/lmx1b double homozygous mutants have a reduced capacity to generate EOM, implying that lmx1 gene products have a redundant function in EOM development and that lmx1 family members may act downstream of pitx2. However, analysis of pitx2 expression in the AS tissues of lmx1b mutants and reciprocal studies of lmx1b expression in pitx2 mutants indicate that these genes do not function in a simple linear pathway. Instead, lmx1b and pitx2 may regulate a shared set of downstream targets or both genes may work in parallel transcribing unique targets required for a common biological process. Ultrastructural analysis of lmx1b and pitx2 mutant corneas indicates that collagen fibrillogenesis is perturbed, revealing a common role for both genes in the deposition of extracellular matrix. Furthermore, lmx1b/pitx2 double heterozygotes develop corneal opacities not observed in single heterozygotes demonstrating that lmx1b and pitx2 genetically interact. Data suggests that defects in the basement membrane of the corneal endothelium underlie the opacities observed in double heterozygotes. Additionally, double heterozygotes develop anterior synechias that occlude the trabecular meshwork, potentially blocking aqueous humor drainage. These data suggest that lmx1b and pitx2 are responsible for ECM deposition in multiple cell types and imply that such defects may contribute to the glaucomas observed in NPS and ARS patients. ^


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Purpose. Fluorophotometry is a well validated method for assessing corneal permeability in human subjects. However, with the growing importance of basic science animal research in ophthalmology, fluorophotometry’s use in animals must be further evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate corneal epithelial permeability following desiccating stress using the modified Fluorotron Master™. ^ Methods. Corneal permeability was evaluated prior to and after subjecting 6-8 week old C57BL/6 mice to experimental dry eye (EDE) for 2 and 5 days (n=9/time point). Untreated mice served as controls. Ten microliters of 0.001% sodium fluorescein (NaF) were instilled topically into each mouse’s left eye to create an eye bath, and left to permeate for 3 minutes. The eye bath was followed by a generous wash with Buffered Saline Solution (BSS) and alignment with the Fluorotron Master™. Seven corneal scans using the Fluorotron Master were performed during 15 minutes (1 st post-wash scans), followed by a second wash using BSS and another set of five corneal scans (2nd post-wash scans) during the next 15 minutes. Corneal permeability was calculated using data calculated with the FM™ Mouse software. ^ Results. When comparing the difference between the Post wash #1 scans within the group and the Post wash #2 scans within the group using a repeated measurement design, there was a statistical difference in the corneal fluorescein permeability of the Post-wash #1 scans after 5 days (1160.21±108.26 vs. 1000.47±75.56 ng/mL, P<0.016 for UT-5 day comparison 8 [0.008]), but not after only 2 days of EDE compared to Untreated mice (1115.64±118.94 vs. 1000.47±75.56 ng/mL, P>0.016 for UT-2 day comparison [0.050]). There was no statistical difference between the 2 day and 5 day Post wash #1 scans (P=.299). The Post-wash #2 scans demonstrated that EDE caused a significant NaF retention at both 2 and 5 days of EDE compared to baseline, untreated controls (1017.92±116.25, 1015.40±120.68 vs. 528.22±127.85 ng/mL, P<0.05 [0.0001 for both]). There was no statistical difference between the 2 day and 5 day Post wash #2 scans (P=.503). The comparison between the Untreated post wash #1 with untreated post wash #2 scans using a Paired T-test showed a significant difference between the two sets of scans (P=0.000). There is also a significant difference between the 2 day comparison and the 5 day comparison (P values = 0.010 and 0.002, respectively). ^ Conclusion. Desiccating stress increases permeability of the corneal epithelium to NaF, and increases NaF retention in the corneal stroma. The Fluorotron Master is a useful and sensitive tool to evaluate corneal permeability in murine dry eye, and will be a useful tool to evaluate the effectiveness of dry eye treatments in animal-model drug trials.^


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This prospective cohort study estimated how antibacterial resistance affected the time until clinical response. Relative rates of improvement and cure were estimated by proportional-hazards regression for 391 patients with culture-confirmed bacterial keratitis who had the ciprofloxacin minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) measured of the principal corneal isolate and who were treated with ciprofloxacin 0.3% solution or ointment. After adjusting for age and hypopyon status and stratifying by ulcer size, clinic, and ciprofloxacin formulation, the summary rate of clinical improvement with ciprofloxacin therapy was reduced by 42% (95% confidence limits [CL], 3%, 65%) among patients whose corneal isolate's ciprofloxacin MIC exceeded 1.0 μg/mL compared to those with more sensitive isolates. The summary rate of resolution to improvement and cure was reduced by 36% (95% CL, 11%, 53%) among corneal infections having a higher ciprofloxacin MIC. Rate ratios were modified by the size of the presenting corneal ulceration; for ulcer diameters of 4 mm or less and of more than 4 mm, improvement rate ratios were 0.56 (95% CL, 0.31, 1.02) and 0.65 (95% CL, 0.23, 1.80), respectively; resolution rate ratios were 0.63 (95% CL, 0.44, 0.91) and 0.67 (95% CL, 0.32, 1.39), respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed that the summary improvement rate ratio could be maximally overestimated by 24% (95% CL, −29%, 114%) because of informative censoring or by 33% (95% CL, −21%, 126%) from loss to follow up. Based on reported corneal pharmacokinetics of topical ciprofloxacin, the probability of clinical improvement was 90% or more if the ratio of the achievable corneal ciprofloxacin concentration to the corneal isolate's ciprofloxacin MIC was above 8 or the ratio of the area under the 24-hour corneal concentration curve to the ciprofloxacin MIC was greater than 151. This study suggests that corneal infections by bacteria having a higher ciprofloxacin MIC respond more slowly to ciprofloxacin treatment than those with a lower MIC. While the rate of clinical resolution is affected by patient age and clinical severity, antimicrobial susceptibility testing of corneal cultures can indicate the relative effectiveness of antibacterial therapy. A pharmacodynamic approach to treating bacterial keratitis offers the prospect of optimal antimicrobial selection and modification. ^


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Wounding corneal epithelium establishes a laterally oriented, DC electric field (EF). Corneal epithelial cells (CECs) cultured in similar physiological EFs migrate cathodally, but this requires serum growth factors. Migration depends also on the substrate. On fibronectin (FN) or laminin (LAM) substrates in EF, cells migrated faster and more directly cathodally. This also was serum dependent. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) restored cathodal-directed migration in serum-free medium. Therefore, the hypothesis that EGF is a serum constituent underlying both field-directed migration and enhanced migration on ECM molecules was tested. We used immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, and confocal microscopy and report that 1) EF exposure up-regulated the EGF receptor (EGFR); so also did growing cells on substrates of FN or LAM; and 2) EGFRs and actin accumulated in the cathodal-directed half of CECs, within 10 min in EF. The cathodal asymmetry of EGFR and actin staining was correlated, being most marked at the cell–substrate interface and showing similar patterns of asymmetry at various levels through a cell. At the cell–substrate interface, EGFRs and actin frequently colocalized as interdigitated, punctate spots resembling tank tracks. Cathodal accumulation of EGFR and actin did not occur in the absence of serum but were restored by adding ligand to serum-free medium. Inhibition of MAPK, one second messenger engaged by EGF, significantly reduced EF-directed cell migration. Transforming growth factor β and fibroblast growth factor also restored cathodal-directed cell migration in serum-free medium. However, longer EF exposure was needed to show clear asymmetric distribution of the receptors for transforming growth factor β and fibroblast growth factor. We propose that up-regulated expression and redistribution of EGFRs underlie cathodal-directed migration of CECs and directed migration induced by EF on FN and LAM.


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Aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3 (ALDH3) constitutes 20–40% of the total water-soluble proteins in the mammalian cornea. Here, we show by Northern blot analysis that ALDH3 expression in the mouse is at least 500-fold higher in the cornea than in any other tissue examined, with very low levels of expression detected in the stomach, urinary bladder, ocular lens, and lung. Histochemical localization reveals that this exceptional level of expression in the mouse cornea occurs in the anterior epithelial cells and that little ALDH3 is present in the keratocytes or corneal endothelial cells. A 13-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment containing >12 kbp of the 5′ flanking sequence, the 40-bp untranslated first exon, and 29 bp of intron 1 directed cat reporter gene expression to tissues that express the endogenous ALDH3 gene, except that transgene promoter activity was higher in the stomach and bladder than in the cornea. By contrast, when driven by a 4.4-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment [1,050-bp 5′ flanking region, exon 1, intron 1 (3.4 kbp), and 7 bp of exon 2] expression of the cat reporter gene was confined to the corneal epithelial cells, except for very low levels in the liver, effectively reproducing the corneal expression pattern of the endogenous ALDH3 gene. These results indicate that tissue-specific expression of ALDH3 is determined by positive and negative elements in the 5′ flanking region of the gene and suggests putative silencers located in intron 1. We demonstrate regulatory sequences capable of directing cornea-specific gene expression, affording the opportunity for genetic engineering in this transparent tissue.


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The proliferative compartment of stratified squamous epithelia consists of stem and transient amplifying (TA) keratinocytes. Some polypeptides are more abundant in putative epidermal stem cells than in TA cells, but no polypeptide confined to the stem cells has yet been identified. Here we show that the p63 transcription factor, a p53 homologue essential for regenerative proliferation in epithelial development, distinguishes human keratinocyte stem cells from their TA progeny. Within the cornea, nuclear p63 is expressed by the basal cells of the limbal epithelium, but not by TA cells covering the corneal surface. Human keratinocyte stem and TA cells when isolated in culture give rise to holoclones and paraclones, respectively. We show by clonal analysis that p63 is abundantly expressed by epidermal and limbal holoclones, but is undetectable in paraclones. TA keratinocytes, immediately after their withdrawal from the stem cell compartment (meroclones), have greatly reduced p63, even though they possess very appreciable proliferative capacity. Clonal evolution (i.e., generation of TA cells from precursor stem cells) is promoted by the sigma isoform of the 14-3-3 family of proteins. Keratinocytes whose 14-3-3σ has been down-regulated remain in the stem cell compartment and maintain p63 during serial cultivation. The identification of p63 as a keratinocyte stem cell marker will be of practical importance for the clinical application of epithelial cultures in cell therapy as well as for studies on epithelial tumorigenesis.


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Although the systemic administration of a number of different gene products has been shown to result in the inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor growth in different animal tumor models, the relative potency of those gene products has not been studied rigorously. To address this issue, recombinant adenoviruses encoding angiostatin, endostatin, and the ligand-binding ectodomains of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptors Flk1, Flt1, and neuropilin were generated and used to systemically deliver the different gene products in several different preexisting murine tumor models. Single i.v. injections of viruses encoding soluble forms of Flk1 or Flt1 resulted in ≈80% inhibition of preexisting tumor growth in murine models involving both murine (Lewis lung carcinoma, T241 fibrosarcoma) and human (BxPC3 pancreatic carcinoma) tumors. In contrast, adenoviruses encoding angiostatin, endostatin, or neuropilin were significantly less effective. A strong correlation was observed between the effects of the different viruses on tumor growth and the activity of the viruses in the inhibition of corneal micropocket angiogenesis. These data underscore the need for comparative analyses of different therapeutic approaches that target tumor angiogenesis and provide a rationale for the selection of specific antiangiogenic gene products as lead candidates for use in gene therapy approaches aimed at the treatment of malignant and ocular disorders.


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Myofibroblasts, defined by their expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin, appear at corneal and dermal incisions and promote wound contraction. We report here that cultured fibroblasts differentiate into myofibroblasts by a cell density-dependent mechanism. Fibroblasts seeded at low density (5 cells per mm2) produced a cell culture population consisting of 70-80% myofibroblasts, 5-7 days after seeding. In contrast, fibroblasts seeded at high density (500 cells per mm2) produced cultures with only 5-10% myofibroblasts. When the myofibroblast-enriched cultures were subsequently passaged at high density, the smooth muscle alpha-actin phenotype was lost within 3 days. Furthermore, initially 60% of the low density-cultured cells incorporated BrdUrd compared to 30% of cells passaged at high density. Media from myofibroblast-enriched cultures had more latent and active transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) than did media from fibroblast-enriched cultures. Although there was a trend towards increased numbers of myofibroblasts after addition of exogenous TGF-beta, the results did not reach statistical significance. We conclude that myofibroblast differentiation can be induced in fibroblasts by plating at low density. We propose a cell density-dependent model of myofibroblast differentiation during wounding and healing in which at least two factors interact: loss of cell contact and the presence of TGF-beta.


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Relative cerebral glucose metabolism was examined with positron-emission tomography (PET) as a measure of neuronal activation during performance of the classically conditioned eyeblink response in 12 young adult subjects. Each subject received three sessions: (i) a control session with PET scan in which unpaired presentations of the tone conditioned stimulus and corneal airpuff unconditioned stimulus were administered, (ii) a paired training session to allow associative learning to occur, and (iii) a paired test session with PET scan. Brain regions exhibiting learning-related activation were identified as those areas that showed significant differences in glucose metabolism between the unpaired control condition and well-trained state in the 9 subjects who met the learning criterion. Areas showing significant activation included bilateral sites in the inferior cerebellar cortex/deep nuclei, anterior cerebellar vermis, contralateral cerebellar cortex and pontine tegmentum, ipsilateral inferior thalamus/red nucleus, ipsilateral hippocampal formation, ipsilateral lateral temporal cortex, and bilateral ventral striatum. Among all subjects, including those who did not meet the learning criterion, metabolic changes in ipsilateral cerebellar nuclei, bilateral cerebellar cortex, anterior vermis, contralateral pontine tegmentum, ipsilateral hippocampal formation, and bilateral striatum correlated with degree of learning. The localization to cerebellum and its associated brainstem circuitry is consistent with neurobiological studies in the rabbit model of eyeblink classical conditioning and neuropsychological studies in brain-damaged humans. In addition, these data support a role for the hippocampus in conditioning and suggest that the ventral striatum may also be involved.