969 resultados para Economic incentives
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[EN] Debt issue credit ratings can lead to conflicts of interest as the issuer itself is entrusted with contracting and compensating the rating agency. Into the bargain, the credit rating agency may be involved in designing the issues that the same agency subsequently rates. Credit rating agencies thus could have incentives to rate issues advantageously. Given the economic importance of this issue, in this paper we have proposed to analyze this phenomenon, known as rating shopping in academic literature, for Spanish market securitization issues for the period of time comprehensive from January 1993 to December 2011. In sum 3,665 published ratings are been analysed, for an issued nominal amount of 791,090 million Euros. The results show an association between the credit rating agency contracted and the mean rating awarded. Significant differences are observed in the ratings associated to the contracting manager (or special purpose vehicle SPV- manager firm), to the number of ratings or to the type of collateral. Furthermore, a pattern compatible with rating shopping was observed for some types of collateral: abnormally high market shares associated with certain agencies awarding unusually generous ratings. However, this phenomenon is not seen to be widespread on the rating market associated to Spanish securitization issues.
Background: Bronchiolitis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and its related complications are common in infants born prematurely, with severe congenital heart disease, or bronchopulmonary dysplasia, as well as in immunosuppressed infants. There is a rich literature on the different aspects of RSV infection with a focus, for the most part, on specific risk populations. However, there is a need for a systematic global analysis of the impact of RSV infection in terms of use of resources and health impact on both children and adults. With this aim, we performed a systematic search of scientific evidence on the social, economic, and health impact of RSV infection. Methods: A systematic search of the following databases was performed: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Spanish Medical Index, MEDES-MEDicina in Spanish, Cochrane Plus Library, and Google without time limits. We selected 421 abstracts based on the 6,598 articles identified. From these abstracts, 4 RSV experts selected the most relevant articles. They selected 65 articles. After reading the full articles, 23 of their references were also selected. Finally, one more article found through a literature information alert system was included. Results: The information collected was summarized and organized into the following topics: 1. Impact on health (infections and respiratory complications, mid-to long-term lung function decline, recurrent wheezing, asthma, other complications such as otitis and rhino-conjunctivitis, and mortality; 2. Impact on resources (visits to primary care and specialists offices, emergency room visits, hospital admissions, ICU admissions, diagnostic tests, and treatments); 3. Impact on costs (direct and indirect costs); 4. Impact on quality of life; and 5. Strategies to reduce the impact (interventions on social and hygienic factors and prophylactic treatments). Conclusions: We concluded that 1. The health impact of RSV infection is relevant and goes beyond the acute episode phase; 2. The health impact of RSV infection on children is much better documented than the impact on adults; 3. Further research is needed on mid-and long-term impact of RSV infection on the adult population, especially those at high-risk; 4. There is a need for interventions aimed at reducing the impact of RSV infection by targeting health education, information, and prophylaxis in high-risk populations.
Since 2008, Western countries are going through a deep economic crisis whose health impacts seem to be fundamentally counter-cyclical: when economic conditions worsen, so does health, and mortality tends to rise. While a growing number of studies have presented evidence on the effect of crises on the average population health, a largely neglected aspect of research is the impact of crises and the related political responses on social inequalities in health, even if the negative consequences of the crises are primarily borne by the most disadvantaged populations. This commentary will reflect on the results of the studies that have analyzed the effect of economic crises on social inequalities in health up to 2013. With some exceptions, the studies show an increase in health inequalities during crises, especially during the Southeast Asian and Japanese crises and the Soviet Union crisis, although it is not always evident for both sexes or all health or socioeconomic variables. In the Nordic countries during the nineties, a clear worsening of health equity did not occur. Results about the impacts of the current economic recession on health equity are still inconsistent. Some of the factors that could explain this variability in results are the role of welfare state policies, the diversity of time periods used in the analyses, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic and health variables considered, the changes in the socioeconomic profile of the groups under comparison in times of crises, and the type of measures used to analyze the magnitude of social inequalities in health. Social epidemiology should further collaborate with other disciplines to help produce more accurate and useful evidence about the relationship between crises and health equity.
This paper analyses the economic inequality in the municipalities of the Basque Country during the period 1996 and 2010. We have used dates from the Udalmap database mainly the GDP per capita. We have drawn Lorenz Curves and also we have computed Gini indexes to analyse the evolution of inequality during this period. Therefore, we have concluded that there has been an increase of the economic inequality in the municipalities of the Basque Country during this period of time.
modelo económico sobre la privatización de Telefónica
As a result of the natural evolution of the economy, ever-changing, unpredictable and cyclical, companies must adapt as far as possible to the changes that have taken place in order to continue with their normal operating activities. Likewise, they should also try to maintain a structure for long-term growth, trying at all times to generate the maximum value. The main objective of this project is to provide financial advisory services to a business group, trying to forward solutions and measures that according to the author can be effective. For this end, the situation of the group in question is analysed from early 2008 to the present day, examining its evolution, what steps have been taken together with their corresponding results and the economic-financial situation of the company at the end of last year. Contact with the company was kept throughout the process of analysis and assessment trying to take advantage of the feedback generated so that the appropriate measures can be adopted if the management considers it to be adequate.
O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é o estudo da residência médica e de suas articulações com o campo educacional e o da saúde. Propõe-se uma análise histórico - dialética, tomando como ponto de partida a articulação da medicina e da educação na estrutura social. Parte-se da concepção segundo a qual a prática e o saber no campo educacional e na saúde estão ligados à transformação histórica do processo de produção econômica. Essa compreensão remete à chamada determinação em última instância: a estrutura econômica determina o lugar e a forma de articulação da medicina e da educação na estrutura social. Para compreender a peculiaridades do ensino e da residência médica no Brasil faz-se uma caracterização da assistência médica, sobretudo do papel assumido pelo Estado na configuração do campo: primeiro, a adoção de um sistema em que compete ao Estado a responsabilidade pela universalização da atenção básica, através de serviços próprios ou em parceria com organizações não governamentais; segundo, a atenção especializada, com maior incorporação tecnológica, seria prestada pelo setor privado, mediante incentivos concedidos pelo Estado. Dessa divisão, resulta, no desenho atual, ao invés de um único sistema, a conformação de dois ou mais sistemas de saúde, em que a segmentação da assistência implica em práticas diferenciadas. O efeito desta divisão no mercado de trabalho repercute na escola e na residência médicas. A residência, em particular, por suas características de treinamento em serviço, responde diretamente aos condicionantes do mundo do trabalho, reproduzindo o modelo de prática hegemônica.
O objetivo central desta tese foi analisar em que medida, no contexto das décadas de 1990 e 2000, o agronegócio, ao mitigar desajustes nas contas externas e contribuir para o esforço de estabilização dos preços, recebeu incentivos públicos e também benefícios privados, para isso valendo-se da intermediação política de seus representantes em atividade no Congresso Nacional. Inspirada em trabalhos dedicados ao estudo da distribuição de recursos necessários à modernização da produção agrícola, a análise explora explicações possíveis para dados recentes da distribuição do crédito rural subsidiado com base em variáveis de concentração da propriedade de terras e outras, com destaque para aquelas referentes à localização geográfica das propriedades rurais, ao nível educacional dos seus gestores e ao grau de organização dos mesmos. São ainda analisados debates no Congresso que revelam como a escassez de recursos fiscais pode ter acirrado disputas que trouxeram à tona a preocupação diferenciada dos chamados deputados ruralistas com o apoio governamental de que a agricultura empresarial ainda se faz dependente. As mudanças observadas no crédito rural brasileiro desde os anos 1980 revelam uma semitransição no sentido da maior participação de recursos privados e de uma concentração menor de recursos controlados entre grandes produtores. Porém, o processo não eliminou efeitos da capacidade de captação de recursos financeiros de grandes proprietários, que nela parecem ter encontrado compensações em um ambiente hostil criado por políticas de ajuste macroeconômico. Em perspectiva mais ampla, o arcabouço institucional da economia política do agronegócio constitui uma das variáveis básicas para uma caracterização do modus operandi do capitalismo brasileiro. A dependência do setor em relação a recursos controlados e subsidiados pelo Sistema Nacional de Crédito Rural põe em questão a retórica que outrora associava ao Estado apenas as mazelas do da economia e nenhuma de suas virtudes. sendo paradigmático o caso do agronegócio no Brasil, tratado muitas vezes como exemplo de sucesso exclusivo da aliança entre o espírito de empresa do setor privado e as vantagens comparativas do País em termos de recursos naturais. Ao mesmo tempo, a centralidade da intervenção do Estado no desenvolvimento econômico observado no Brasil é o elemento que mais fortemente questiona tentativas de detectar correspondências dominantes com economias liberais tipicamente anglo-saxônicas ou economias tipicamente eurocontinentais.
Results of the economic assessment of shrimp hatchery industry in Panay Island, Philippines are presented. In order to ensure continuous viability of hatcheries, the critical areas of concern are: financing of operating capital and improvement of facilities; collective marketing efforts through cooperatives; updating of technology especially in disease prevention and control; and diversification strategies.
The length-weight relationship (LWR) parameters of 23 small pelagic fish species (belonging to 13 families) from the south-southeast Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone in 1996 and 1997 are presented. The b values varied between 2.72 and 3.53. The samples for this study were collected during hydroacoustic surveys covering an area of 700 000 square km.
Causes and impact of the Philippine small pelagic fishery sector problems are presented together with the proposed solutions from fisheries and external sectors. The results of the biological and economic analysis of the small pelagic fishery in the Philippines lead to two conclusions: First, small pelagic fish stocks are subjected to levels of fishing effort far beyond that necessary to generate Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) let alone Maximum Economic Yield (MEY). Second, and as a result, both sectors are sustaining economic losses (negative economic rents) implying inefficiencies in the use of labor and capital in the small pelagic fishery. Solutions to the problems of overexploitation will rest not only within the fishery sector, but, more importantly, in sectors outside its traditional realm. The underlying causes of fisheries resource over exploitation are also discussed.