637 resultados para EAT


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Introdução: As Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar (PCA) constituem um grave problema de saúde pública. Poucos estudos em Portugal ligam esta temática a áreas como o autocriticismo e a estima corporal. Assim, são nossos objetivos principais: explorar, numa amostra de adolescentes do sexo feminino, as diferenças entre praticantes de ballet e praticantes de andebol, nos sintomas de PCA, índice de massa corporal (IMC), dimensões avaliativas da aparência e níveis de autocriticismo; analisar se níveis maiores de autocriticismo e uma visão mais depreciativa em termos de aparência se associam a níveis mais elevados de sintomas de PCA (nas duas modalidades desportivas). Em virtude das associações encontradas, pretendemos realizar análises preditivas, controlando a influência de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e stress. Metodologia: A amostra é constituída por 105 adolescentes do sexo feminino (n = 52; 49,5% do ballet e n = 53; 50,5% do andebol) com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e 18 anos (M = 14,5; DP = 1,80). As participantes preencheram um protocolo composto por um questionário sociodemográfico, pela Escala de Autocriticismo e Autotranquilização (FSCRS), pelo Teste de Atitudes Alimentares-25 (TAA-25/EAT-25), pela Escala Estima Corporal (BES) e pela Escala Depressão Ansiedade e Stress (DASS-21). Resultados: Verificaram-se percentagens preocupantes de eventual PCA (ponto de corte de 19) nas praticantes de Ballet (7,7%) e de Andebol (9,4%). Quanto ao IMC, na amostra de praticantes de ballet, encontrou-se uma percentagem relevante de jovens com magreza (34,6%). As praticantes de Ballet e de Andebol apenas se diferenciaram no IMC e na dimensão FSCRS_eu inadequado (valores superiores nas praticantes de Andebol). Verificaram-se, na subamostra Ballet, associações significativas entre a Motivação para a Magreza e as formas de autocriticismo FSCRS_eu inadequado, FSCRS_eu detestado, FSCRS_eu tranquilizador e FSCRS_total e entre os Comportamentos Bulímicos e as formas de autocriticismo FSCRS_eu detestado e FSCRS_total. Na subamostra Andebol constataram-se associações significativas entre a Motivação para a Magreza e a forma de autocriticismo FSCRS_eu inadequado e FSCRS_total. A dimensão FSCRS_eu detestado mostrou predizer, na subamostra Ballet, a Motivação para a Magreza e os Comportamentos Bulímicos. Na subamostra Andebol o BES_Peso foi o preditor significativo da Motivação para a Magreza. Discussão: É preocupante a percentagem de eventual PCA (em ambas em subamostras) bem como a percentagem de jovens que praticam Ballet com um IMC indicador de magreza, principalmente por serem jovens atletas e estarem mais focadas no seu corpo e forma física, estando mais vulneráveis ao desenvolvimento da patologia. É um contributo fundamental deste trabalho verificar associações (bem como o papel preditivo) nestas duas modalidades desportivas, separadamente, entre as formas de autocriticismo e as dimensões do TAA-25 Motivação para a Magreza e Comportamentos Bulímicos. Parece essencial o desenvolvimento de ações de sensibilização junto dos professores/treinadores, com o intuito de despertar uma maior atenção para a visão crítica das suas bailarinas/atletas em relação ao seu corpo, que parece influenciar as suas atitudes alimentares. Será importante iniciar estas ações/intervenções precocemente (antes mesmo da adolescência) não esquecendo a inclusão das figuras paternas, com vista a melhorar o seu sucesso, tendo consciência que particularmente no “nicho” desportivo do ballet a imagem/aparência e o peso continuam e continuarão, muito provavelmente, a ser valorizados e reforçados. / Introduction: Eating Disorders are a major public health problem. Few studies in Portugal associate this theme with areas such as self-criticism and body esteem. Thus, our main objectives are: to explore, in a sample of female adolescents, the differences between ballet and handball practitioners as to symptoms of eating disorders, body mass index (BMI) and evaluative dimensions of appearance and self-criticism levels; to analyze whether higher levels of self-criticism and a more derogatory vision in terms of appearance are associated with higher levels of PCA symptoms (in both sports). Having these associations into account, we intend to perform predictive analysis, controlling the influence of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Methodology: Our sample is composed by 105 female adolescents (n = 52; 49.5% from ballet and n = 53; 50.5% from handball) with ages between 12 and 18 years (M = 14.5; DP = 1.80). The participants filled in a protocol composed by a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Forms of Self-Criticizing and Reassuring Scale (FSCRS), the Eating Attitudes Test-25 (TAA-25/EAT-25), the Body Esteem Scale (BES) and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Results: There were worrying percentages of eventual PCA (cutoff of 19) in Ballet practitioners (7.7%) and Handball (9.4%). As to the BMI, in the sample of practitioners of ballet we found a significant percentage of young people with malnutrition (34.6%). Ballet and Handball practitioners only differed in BMI and in the inadequate self form (higher values in Handball practitioners). In the Ballet subsample there were significant associations between Motivation for thinness and forms of self-criticism, inadequate self form, hated self form, reassure self form and total self criticism and between Bulimic behaviors and inadequate self form and total self criticism. In the Handball subsample, significant associations were found between Motivation for thinness, the inadequate self form and total self criticism. The hated self form predicted, in the Ballet subsample, Motivation for thinness and Bulimic behaviors. In the subsample Handball BES_Weight was the significant predictor of Motivation for thinness. Discussion: The percentage of any Eating Disorders (in both subsamples) and the percentage of young people who practice ballet with a IMC indicating thinness is worrying, especially in young athletes who are more focused on their body and physical form, being more vulnerable to develop these disorders/symptoms. A major contribution of this work is to have shown the associations (as well as the predictive role), in these two sports, separately, between self-criticism forms and the TAA-25 dimensions Motivation for thinness and Bulimic behaviors. It seems essential to develop awareness-raising among teachers/trainers, in order to raise greater attention to the critical view of their dancers / athletes in relation to their body, which seems to influence their eating attitudes. It will be important to start these actions/interventions earlier (even before adolescence) not forgetting the inclusion of parents in order to improve their success, particularly in the ballet “niche”, where image/appearance and weight will most likely continue to be valued and reinforced.


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The First World War was won not just on the battlefields but on the Home Front, by the men, women and children left behind. This book explores the lives of the people of Pershore and the surrounding district in wartime, drawing on their memories, letters, postcards, photographs, leaflets and recipes to demonstrate how their hard work in cultivating and preserving fruit and vegetables helped to win the Great War. Pershore plums were used to make jam for the troops; but ensuring these and other fruits and vegetables were grown and harvested required the labour of land girls, Boy Scouts, schoolchildren, Irish labourers and Belgian refugees. When submarine warfare intensified, food shortages occurred and it became vital for Britain to grow more and eat less food. Housewives faced many challenges in feeding their families and so in 1916 the Pershore Women’s Institute was formed, providing many women with practical help and companionship during some of Britain’s darkest hours in history.


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Apesar de todos nós nos esquecermos, é comum atribuir-se os lapsos de memória às pessoas com idades avançadas. A evidência científica tem, no entanto, demonstrado que o esquecimento advém de uma multiplicidade de factores, como por exemplo, o excesso de trabalho, falta de descanso, entre outros. Neste estudo pretende-se saber se existe associação entre a tríade conceptual ansiedade, stress e depressão e os lapsos de memória, numa população em idade activa e com habilitações académicas de nível superior. A amostra é constituída por 68 professores que exercem a sua actividade profissional na Escola E.B. 2,3 de Cantanhede. A recolha dos dados foi efectuada recorrendo a: um questionário elaborado por nós, constituído por questões abertas e fechadas, uma Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress (EADS-21) e um Questionário de lapsos de memória (QLM). As análises estatísticas dos questionários foram efectuadas recorrendo ao programa informático SPSS (versão 15). As análises tiveram com objectivo final a testagem das hipóteses e tomaram em consideração a natureza métrica das variáveis. / In spite of all of we forget ourselves, it is common the lapses of memory are attributed to the persons with advanced ages. The scientific evidence has, however, when that the oblivion results from a multiplicity of factors was demonstrated, I eat for example, the excess of work, rest lack, between others. In this study one intends to know if there is association between the conceptual triad anxiety, stress and depression and the lapses of memory, in a population in active age and with academic competences of superior level. The sample is constituted by 68 teachers who practice his professional activity in the School E.B. 2,3 of Cantanhede. The gathering of the data was effectuated resorting to: a questionnaire prepared by us, constituted by questions open and shut, a Scale of Anxiety, Depression and Stress (EADS-21) and a Questionnaire of lapses of memory (QLM). The statistical analyses of the questionnaires were effectuated when there is resorting to the program informatics SPSS (version 15). The analyses had with final objective the testate of the hypotheses and took in consideration the metric nature of the variables.


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Scopo della tesi è la valutazione del potenziale di crescita (δ) di Listeria monocytogenes espressa come differenza tra il carico cellulare (log10 ufc/g) alla fine e all’inizio della prova, in monoporzioni di battuta di vitello (tartare) confezionate sottovuoto e conservate a temperatura di refrigerazione. Si tratta di un alimento ready to eat – RTE – prodotto dalla Ditta INALCA Spa e destinato ad una catena di ristorazione. I challenge test hanno lo scopo di fornire informazioni sul comportamento in determinate condizioni di conservazione, di L. monocytogenes inoculata artificialmente in un alimento. L. monocytogenes è un microrganismo patogeno ubiquitario nell’ambiente e resistente a diverse condizioni ambientali. E’ stato dimostrato che il batterio è responsabile della contaminazione post-processo degli alimenti, in quanto è stato isolato da impianti di trasformazione, macchine per l’imballaggio, nastri trasportatori, guanti, congelatori e guarnizioni. Sono state oggetto di studio: - i) 3 u.c. inoculate con soluzione fisiologica sterile su cui sono stati valutati Aw, pH, carica aerobia mesofila, batteri lattici, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, muffe e lieviti; - ii) 1 u.c. non soggetta ad alcun inoculo per la ricerca qualitativa/quantitativa di L. monocytogenes; - iii) 9 u.c. contaminate con una miscela di 5 ceppi di L. monocytogenes (circa 100 ufc/g). Le confezioni inoculate sono state conservate per 21 giorni (pari alla shelf-life commerciale), di cui i primi 7 alla temperatura di +3°C, ed i successivi 14 giorni a +5°C. Il valore δ è risultato pari a 0.57: essendo superiore, seppure di poco, al valore soglia 0.5, le tartare in esame sono classificate come alimenti pronti che costituiscono terreno favorevole alla crescita di L. monocytogenes (categoria 1.2); in base al regolamento (CE) 2073/2005, il microrganismo deve essere assente in 25 g alla produzione e < 100 ufc/g durante la shelf–life (nota 5 e 7).


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Um dos edifícios de tipologia palaciana que se destaca na iconografia da Lisboa antiga corresponde ao desaparecido Palácio dos Câmara, condes de Vila Franca (1583) e de Ribeira Grande (depois de 1662). Situava-se na colina de S. Francisco, uma área de ocupação aristocrática da cidade, frente à igreja de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, a leste do Paço dos Duques de Bragança e a norte do Corpo Santo, onde se erguia perto da margem do Tejo, o também já desaparecido Palácio Corte Real. Porventura ofuscada pela grandiosidade destes imóveis, a historiografia olisiponense não tem prestado a devida atenção ao palácio dos Câmara que, no entanto, deve ser encarado como um dos mais significativos palácios urbanos da primeira metade de seiscentos. Com base no cruzamento de fontes iconográficas, judiciais, administrativas e epistolares, o presente estudo dá conta dos aspetos da encomenda, da autoria e datação envolvidos na sua construção, procurando, acima de tudo, caracterizá-lo do ponto de vista tipológico, espacial e distributivo, por forma a entender as opções arquitetónicas, os padrões de gosto e as vivências do espaço interior protagonizados por um dos mais destacados membros da nobreza titular portuguesa.


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This thesis examines how married couples bought and created a modern home for their families in suburban Glasgow between 1945-1975. New homeowners were on the cusp of the middle-classes, buying in a climate of renters. As they progressed through the family lifecycle women’s return to work meant they became more comfortably ensconced within the middle-classes. Engaged with a process of homemaking through consumption and labour, couples transformed their houses into homes that reflected themselves and their social status. The interior of the home was focused on as a site of social relations. Marriage in the suburbs was one of collaboration as each partner performed distinct gender roles. The idea of a shared home was investigated and the story of ‘we’ rather than ‘I’ emerged from both testimony and contemporary literature. This thesis considers decision-making, labour and leisure to show the ways in which experiences of home were gendered. What emerged was that women’s work as everyday and mundane was overlooked and undervalued while husband’s extraordinary contributions in the form of DIY came to the fore. The impact of wider culture intruded upon the ‘private’ home as we see they ways in which the position of women in society influences their relationship to the home and their family. In the suburbs of post-war Glasgow women largely left the workforce to stay at home with their children. Mothers popped in and out of each other houses for tea and a blether, creating a homosocial network that was sociable and supportive unique to this time in their lives and to this historical context. Daily life was negotiated within the walls of the modern home. The inter-war suburbs of Glasgow needed modernising to post-war standards of modern living. ‘Modern’ was both an aesthetic and an engagement with new technologies within the house. Both middle and working-class practices for room use were found through the keeping of a ‘good’ or best room and the determination of couples to eat in their small kitchenettes. As couples updated their kitchen, the fitted kitchen revealed contemporary notions of modern décor, as kitchens became bright yellow with blue Formica worktops. The modern home was the evolution of existing ideas of modern combined with new standards of living. As Glasgow homeowners constructed their modern home what became evident was that this was a shared process and as a couple they placed their children central to all aspects of their lives to create not only a modern home, but that this was first and foremost a family home


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Evidence suggests that current levels of salt consumption across Europe are linked with several chronic diseases. In recent decades, high blood pressure has increased, together with the consumption of processed foods. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a salt intake of less than 5 g/day for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the salt content of processed foods available in the Portuguese market and to compare the determined values with the recommended daily intake established by WHO. Categories of processed foods that contribute to a higher intake of salt were identified: pastry, bakery, fast-food, snacks, ready-to-eat meals, nuts, seeds, soups, cereals, sauces, patties, among others. Between 2013 and 2015, 267 processed food samples were acquired in food chains and restaurants from Lisbon region (Portugal) and the salt content was quantified using Charpentier-Volhard method. High amounts of salt were quantified in the analysed processed foods, namely snacks, fast-food, patties, meals and bakery products. If we consider one portion of a curd cheese pie (193 g), the intake of salt can reach 45% of the recommended value. For snacks, regular portion size is 35 g. One portion of a salty snack can contribute with 31% of the salt recommended daily intake. Up to now food industry has developed efforts to decrease the salt content of some food products, namely bread. However, there still exist foods with high salt content and from a nutritional point of view this should be a priority area of intervention. The obtained results are an effective assessment of current salt content in foods which will be important for further reformulation strategies and to monitor progress in the next years.


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This sheet encourages children to eat vegetables and fruits by making it fun. Provide healthy ingredients and let kids help with preparation, based on their age and skills. Kids may try foods they avoided in the past if they helped make them. Recipes are included.


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This sheet gives tips on how to be a healthy influence on your children. You can do many things to help your children develop healthy eating habits for life. Offering a variety of foods helps children get the nutrients they need from every food group. They will also be more likely to try new foods and to like more foods. When children develop a taste for many types of foods, it’s easier to plan family meals. Cook together, eat together, talk together, and make mealtime a family time!


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This sheet printed in English and Spanish shows how you can eat healthy by eating colorful foods.


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Making food choices for a healthy lifestyle can be as simple as using these 10 Tips : balance calories, enjoy your food, but eat less, avoid oversized portions, foods to eat more often, make half your plate fruits and vegetables, switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk, make half your grains whole grains, foods to eat less often, compare sodium in foods, drink water instead of sugary drinks.


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Discover the many benefits of adding vegetables and fruits to your meals. They are low in fat and calories, while providing fiber and other key nutrients. Most Americans should eat more than 3 cups—and for some, up to 6 cups—of vegetables and fruits each day. Vegetables and fruits don’t just add nutrition to meals. They can also add color, flavor, and texture. Explore these creative ways to bring healthy foods to your table.


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Animal welfare is a controversial topic in modern animal agriculture, partly because it generates interest from both the scientific community and the general public. The housing of gestating sows, particularly individual housing, is one of the most critical concerns in farm animal welfare. We hypothesize that the physical size of the standard gestation stall may limit movement and evoke demands and challenges on the sow to affect the physiological and psychological well-being of the individually housed sow. Thus, improvements in the design of the individual gestation stall system that allow more freedom to move, such as increasing stall width or designing a stall that could accommodate the changing size of the pregnant sow, may improve sow welfare. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the effects of a width adjustable stall (FLEX) on productivity and behavior of dry sows. The experiment consisted of 3 replications (block 1, n=4 sows; block 2, n=4 sows; block 3, n=8 sows), and multi-parious sows were allotted to either a FLEX stall or standard gestation stall for 1 gestation period. Sow mid-girth (top of the back to bottom of the udder) was measured 5-6 times throughout gestation to determine the best time points for FLEX stall width expansions. FLEX stall width was adjusted according to mid-girth measurements, and expanded to achieve an additional 2 cm of space between the bottom of the sow’s udder and floor of the stall so that sows could lie in full lateral recumbency without touching the sides of the stall. Productivity data recorded included: sow body weight (BW) and BW gain, number of piglets born and born alive, proportions of piglets stillborn, mummified, lost between birth and weaning, and weaned, and litter and mean piglet birth BW, weaning BW, and average BW gain from birth-to-weaning. Lesions were recorded on d 21 and d 111 of gestation. Sub-pilot behavior data were observed and registered for replicate 1 sows using continuous video-records for the l2 hour lights on period (period 1, 0600-1000; period 2, 1000-1400; period 3, 1400-1800) prior FLEX stall adjustment and 12 hour lights on period post adjustment on d 21, 22, 23, 43, 44, 45, 93, 94, 95. A randomized complete block design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement for treatments was used to analyze sow productivity and performance traits. Data were analyzed using the Mixed Models procedure of SAS. A preliminary analysis of data means and numerical trends was used to analyze sow behavior measurements. Sows housed in a FLEX stall had more (P < 0.05) total born and a tendency for more piglets born alive (P = 0.06) than sows housed in a standard stall. Sow body weight also tended to be higher (P = 0.06) for sows housed in a FLEX stall compared to sows housed in a standard stall. There were numerical trends for mean durations of sit, lay, lay (OUT), and eat behaviors to be greater for sows housed in a FLEX stall compared with sows housed in a standard stall. The mean duration of lay (IN) behavior tended to be numerically less for sows housed in a FLEX stall compared with sows housed in a standard stall. There were numerical trends for the mean durations of stand and drink behaviors to be greater for sows housed in a standard stall compared with sows housed in a FLEX stall. The mean frequencies of postural changes and mean durations of oral-nasal-facial and sham-chew behaviors were numerically similar between types of gestation stall. Mean durations and numerical trends indicate that time of day influenced all of the behaviors assessed in this study. The results of this pilot study indicate that the adjustable FLEX stall may affect sow productivity and behavior differently than the standard gestation stall, and thus potentially improve sow well-being. Future research should continue to compare the new FLEX stall design to current housing systems in use and examine physiological traits and immune status in addition to behavioral and productivity traits to assess the effects that this housing system has on the overall welfare of the gestating sow.


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Este estudo tem como objectivos conhecer o perfil do consumidor dos enchidos DOP/IGP/ETG da Região de Trás-os-Montes e descrever os seus hábitos de compra e consumo. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário que foi aplicado, directamente, à população do Concelho de Bragança, durante os meses de Junho e Julho de 2011. Neste estudo participam 376 indivíduos (43,4% do género masculino e 56,6% do género feminino) com uma média de 38,9 anos de idade (DP±16). Do total de respondentes, 53,5% são profissionalmente activo, 55,8% possuem até 12 anos de escolaridade e 51,6% residem na cidade de Bragança. A maioria dos inquiridos (58,8%) é consumidora de enchidos. Destes, mais de 80% afirma consumir enchidos da Região de Trás-os-Montes mas apenas 32% consome produtos DOP/IGP/ETG. Os produtos mais consumidos são as Alheiras de Mirandela (50%) e de Vinhais (45%), a Chouriça de Carne e o Salpicão de Vinhais (ambos com 41,3%).


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O principal objetivo deste estudo foi compreender as etapas do percurso artístico do compositor portuense Ciríaco de Cardoso (1846 – 1900) e os discursos em torno de uma das suas obras mais célebres: O burro do Sr. Alcaide (1891). No primeiro capítulo procurou-se identificar e discutir os critérios que estiveram na base das opções profissionais tomadas por Ciríaco. O decurso da sua carreira leva a crer que possuía uma noção profunda das atividades que, no espaço lusófono, apresentavam maior potencial de aquisição quer de capital económico, quer de capital simbólico. É por isso que, mobilizando recursos das suas redes de sociabilidade, circula por instituições no Porto e em Lisboa mas, também, pelo lucrativo mercado teatral do Rio de Janeiro, assim como em Paris. Concentra-se no popular teatro musical – principal fonte de sustento – em paralelo com a atividade concertística e operática – forma de distinção atendendo à competitividade no mercado musico-teatral. Percebe também que a maximização do seu poder simbólico depende da legitimação alcançada pela sua associação às elites socioculturais locais, pelo que fomenta o estabelecimento de sociabilidades que se estendem inclusive às casas reais portuguesa e brasileira. Paradoxalmente, as edes mais próximas de Ciríaco estavam vinculadas a um idealismo republicano, relacionamento que exponencial proliferação de discursos dessa índole pelos media lusófonos (sobretudo a partir do tricentenário camoniano de 1880) e, por outro, pela aparente inexistência de registos que associem inequivocamente o artista ao ativismo republicano. Não obstante, é provável que Ciríaco de Cardoso tenha explorado o filão antimonárquico na programação da temporada de 1891 do Teatro da Avenida. O segundo capítulo explora a produção de O burro do Sr. Alcaide, através da análise da sua estrutura e das relações da obra com a realidade portuguesa da última década do século XIX. Embora respeite o modelo da opereta francesa, apresenta também características que poderão levar a que seja interpretada como transmissora de uma portugalidade idealizada, em linha com o nacionalismo português do último quartel do século. A ação decorre em Lisboa, cenário de interação entre personagens-tipo e caricaturas de personalidades concretas da elite sociopolítica portuguesa. Através de referências ao sebastianismo, satiriza-se o comportamento dessas elites, assim como as instituições da monarquia constitucional e a prevalência de uma visão messiânica dos governantes por parte da sociedade em geral. Faz-se a apologia da ruralidade através de tópicos musicais e de quadros onde se constrói uma imagem da música tradicional, correspondendo a uma idealização da nação – notada e enfatizada na receção pela crítica. Utiliza também outros tópicos pertencentes à paisagem sonora do público burguês, completando a expressão da urbanidade de um país onde essas duas realidades não eram ainda completamente dissociáveis. Contudo, ao não propor alterações efetivas à hierarquia da sociedade portuguesa finissecular, o desfecho da obra leva a concluir que esta terá consistido numa forma de propaganda o que, por um lado, explica o seu mediatismo e, por outro, vincula os seus autores – mais ou menos conscientes disso – às lutas políticas em curso aquando do ano da sua estreia.