998 resultados para Dwellings -- Catalonia -- 1982-1996


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Este trabajo trata de explicar los motivos que han llevado a los partidos políticos españoles a optar, en los procesos de formación de gobierno en situaciones parlamentarias minoritarias celebrados desde 1977, por la formación de gobiernos minoritarios. Contrariamente a lo sostenido por las teorías formales de las coaliciones políticas, la solución al proceso de formación de gobierno en el caso español responde a los cálculos estratégicos de los partidos políticos implicados en el fenómeno coalicional. Como se argumentará, la formación de gobiernos minoritarios en España se configura como soluciones racionales desde una óptica metodológica multidimensional.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation is responsible for maintaining approximately 3800 bridges throughout the State. Of these bridges approximately 3200 have concrete decks. The remaining bridges have been constructed or repaired with a Portland Cement (P. C.) concrete overlay. Surveys of the overlays have indicated a growing incidence of delaminations and surface distress. The need to replace or repair the overlay may be dictated by the amount of delamination in the deck. Additionally, the concrete bridges are periodically inspected and scheduled for the appropriate rehabilitation. Part of this analysis is an assessment of the amount of delamination present in the deck. The ability to accurately and economically identify delamination in overlays and bridge decks is necessary to cost-effectively evaluate and schedule bridge rehabilitation. There are two conventional methods currently being used to detect delaminations. One is ref erred to as a chain drag method. The other a electro-mechanical sounding method (delamtect). In the chain drag method, the concrete surface is struck using a heavy chain. The inspector then listens to the sound produced as the surface is struck. The delaminated areas produce a dull sound as compared to nondelaminated areas. This procedure has proved to be very time consuming, especially when a number of small areas of delamination are present. With the · electro-mechanical method, the judgement of the inspector has been eliminated. A· device with three basic components, a tapping device, a sonic receiver, and a system of signal interpretation has been developed. This· device is wheeled along the deck and the instrument receives and interprets the acoustic signals generated by the instrument which in turn are reflected through the concrete. A recently developed method of detecting delaminations is infrared thermography. This method of detection is based on the difference in surface temperature which exists between delaminated and nondelaminated concrete under certain atmospheric conditions. The temperature difference can reach 5°C on a very sunny day where dry pavement exists. If clouds are present, or the pavement is wet, then the temperature difference between the delaminated and nondelaminated concrete will not be as great and therefore more difficult to detect. Infrared thermography was used to detect delaminations in 17 concrete bridge decks, 2 P. C. concrete overlays, and 1 section of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) in Iowa. Thermography was selected to assess the accuracy, dependability, and potential of the infrared thermographic technique.


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Amb motiu de celebrar-se durant el present curs académic 1996-97 el 150é aniversari de la creació de l'Escola Normal de Barcelona -de la qual és hereva i continuadora historica l'actual Escola Universitaria de Formació del Professorat de la Universitat de Barcelona-, Temps d'Educació ha volgut afegir- se a l'efeméride amb la publicació d'un conjunt d'articles que s'ocupen d'aspectes diversos relacionats amb la historia d'aquest centre.


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Tungsten carbide used in snowplow blades was studied from three manufacturers. The carbides were measured for common industry properties including specific gravity and hardness. In addition, an abrasion resistance was performed. There was no significant difference found in abrasion resistance between the Kenametal and the Valk carbides. The Bucyrus carbides showed improved abrasion resistance, but were outside industry specifications for specific gravity.


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The use of voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) criteria for proper mix design of hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures is a time honored and fairly successful tool. Recent developments in the field of asphalt mix design have encouraged the use of mixtures with a coarse aggregate structure to resist the affect of heavy traffic loads. By using the equations presented, which account for both aggregate gradation and the volumetric properties of the materials, the mix designer is able to judge the proper VMA requirement for each unique blend of materials. By applying the new equations, the most economical mix may be selected without great risk of reduced durability. Supporting data from field application is presented to illustrate the use of the equations.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) received a Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) gyratory compactor in December 1994. Since then IDOT has been studying the ability of the compactor to analyze fundamental properties of aggregates such as shape, texture, and gradation by studying the volumetrics of the aggregate blends under a standard load using the SHRP gyratory compactor. This method of analyzing the volumetrics of aggregate blends is similar to SHRP's fine aggregate angularity procedure, which analyzes void levels in noncompacted aggregate blends, which in turn can be used to evaluate the texture or shape of aggregates, what SHRP refers to as angularity. Research is showing that by splitting the aggregate blend on the 2.36-mm (#8) sieve and analyzing the volumetrics or angularity of the separated blend, important fundamental properties can be determined. Most important is structure (the degree and location of aggregate interlock). In addition, analysis of the volumes of the coarse and fine portions can predict the voids in the mineral aggregate and the desired asphalt content. By predicting these properties, it can be determined whether the combined aggregate blend, when mixed with asphalt cement, will produce a mix with structural adequacy to carry the designed traffic load.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the performance and the use of asphalt rubber binders and recycled rubber granules in asphalt pavement in the state of Iowa. This five year research project was initiated in June 1991 and it was incorporated into Muscatine County Construction Project US 61 from Muscatine to Blue Grass over an existing 10 in. (25.4 cm) by 24 ft (7.3 m) jointed rigid concrete pavement constructed in 1957. The research site consisted of four experimental sections (one section containing rubber chip, one section containing reacted asphalt rubber in both binder and surface, and two sections containing reacted asphalt rubber in surface) and four control sections. This report contains findings of the University of Northern Iowa research team covering selected responsibilities of the research project "Determination of the aging and changing of the conventional asphalt binder and asphalt-rubber binder". Based on the laboratory test, the inclusion of recycled crumb rubber into asphalt affects the ductility of modified binder at various temperatures.


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L'objectiu que marca la Llei 19/1990, de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya és la conservació de la fauna i flora dels fons marins de les illes Medes. I l¿objectiu dels treballs de seguiment que, des del 1990, ve efectuant l¿equip del Departament d¿Ecologia en la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes per encàrrec delDepartament d¿Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca (primer de la seva Direcció General de Pesca Marítima, i des del 1996 de la Direcció General de Medi Natural) és avaluar els resultats de la dita conservació.


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Els seguiments o monitoritzacions, com els empenys humans, tenen per tret diferencial els alts i baixos, les dents de serra. I aixó, no només és vàlid per al comportament de les variables monitoritzades, sino també per als avatars administratius i financers. Fins l'extrem que la continuitat temporal, i no sols l'antiguitat delsregistres, és la millor mesura de la seriositat en la gestió d'un país; en aquest sentit, és evident que els països anglo-saxons tenen molt que ensenyar als llatins (p.e. en els registres de dades metereològiques).Abans del que haguèssim volgut, els alts i baixos polítics i financers van tocar, fent trontollar l'any 1995, al Seguiment del Patrimoni Biològic de les Illes Medes. L'any 1994 s'acabà el primer cicle del Pla d'Usos de l'Àrea protegida de les illes Medes (sorgit de la llei 19/1990 de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya).Aquest havia d'obrir les portes a un segon cicle quatrienal en el que, de forma preceptiva segons l'esmentada llei, s'havien de continuar els controls biològics del seu patrimoni natural. Per tant, no calia recorrer al nostre reiterat argument que en ecologia hom precisa de períodes d'estudi relativament llargs per definir amb fiabilitat les tendències de canvi: l'administració havia assumit l'argument i el feia seu. Malgrat tot, no podem dir que causès sorpresa la notícia que, després de moltes dil.lacions, informacions contradictòries i canvis de titularitat en els òrgans de gestió, el seguiment de 1995 es veia desproveït de suport financer (ens apresurem a reconeixer que a nivell d'intencions, el suport de les administracions involucrades no es va veure mai compromés). Conscients de la ingenuïtat d'esperar un suport lliure d'entrebancs, el nostre equip de treball havia assumit, des de l'inici del seguiment en 1990, el risc d'aquesta eventualitat. I havia previst que, arribat el cas, caldria continuar el seguiment, omplint si calia el buit derivat de la manca del marcadministratiu (en aquest cas el nou conveni entre la conselleria d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca i la Universitat de Barcelona) que per motius diversos no es restablí en tot el curs del 1995. És així que el seguiment del patrimoni natural de l'Àrea protegida de les illes Medes al llarg de l'any 1995 es feu amb recursos propis, la qual cosa vol dir amb moltes estretors econòmiques. Afortunadament, la situaciós'ha redrecat, en renovar-se per tres anys més (1996-1998) el conveni que estableix el seguiment. La satisfacció per la signatura d'aquest nou conveni, em fa alimentar l'esperança que ens anys a venir els nous gestors de la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes, conscients del paper capdavanter d'aquest espai en la gestió dels espais litorals mediterrànis, no permetràn que tals anomalies es repeteixin.


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A water-surface-elevation profile and peak discharges for the flood of May 19, 1990, along Perry Creek in Plymouth and Woodbury Counties, Iowa, are presented in this report. The peak discharge for the May 19, 1990, flood on Perry Creek at 38th Street, Sioux City (06600000) is the second largest flood-peak discharge recorded at the streamflow-gaging station for the period 1939-95. The peak discharge for May 19, 1990, of 8,670 cubic feet per second, is approximately equal to the 35-year recurrence-interval discharge. The report provides information on flood stages and discharges and floodflow frequencies for streamflow- gaging stations in the Perry Creek Basin using flood information collected during 1939-95. Information on temporary bench marks and reference points established in the Perry Creek Basin during 1990-93 is also included in the report. A flood history describes rainfall conditions for the three largest floods that occurred during 1939-95 (July 1944, September 1949, and May 1990).