970 resultados para Driedblood spots
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A century after the discovery of Chagas disease, it is still one of the most important parasitic diseases affecting humans. The subfamily Triatominae is important in medical health, because these insects are vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. These insects are also of important cytological relevance because they have particular cell characteristics, such as persistence of nucleolar material in spermatogenesis. The germ cells of the animal kingdom have chromatoid bodies (CBs) in their cytoplasm that can originate from nucleolar material that is fragmented in the early stages of spermatogenesis and plays an important role in cellular communication between the spermatids during spermiogenesis. Currently, there are few studies on the function and formation of the CB in nucleologenesis, especially with emphasis on the ultrastructure of the cells involved in spermatogenesis of insects. Considering the importance of knowledge about the triatomine fauna, we conducted a study of the biogeography and reports of these insects and a survey of patients with Chagas disease in the northwestern region of São Paulo State. Data collected from 1995 to 2009 indicated 700 individuals with Chagas disease, demonstrating a range of 0 to 40 years, which shows that the disease may be active in this region. Moreover, of the 1150 patients treated for cardiomyopathy, 44% were chagasic. Regarding the triatomines noted and captured in the period from 2004 to 2009, the species were Triatoma sordida and Rhodnius neglectus, with T. sordida being the most abundant. In addition, some triatomines were infected by T. cruzi in various developmental stages. We also analyzed the nucleolar cycle and fibrillarin nucleolar protein expression in CB of spermatogenic cells of T. infestans and T. sordida, using histological, ultrastructural and immunocytochemical techniques. The results revealed fibrillarin nucleolar protein expression in the nucleus and in some cytoplasmic spots of germ cells during spermatogenesis in triatomines. These data suggest that fibrillarin could be a constituent of CB, which was most likely derived from nucleolar fragmentation. This is the first time that fibrillarin protein expression has been shown in CB during spermatogenesis progression in triatomines. Knowledge about the biology of triatomines was deepened in this study and, in particular, the structural and ultrastructural aspects of spermatogenesis in triatomines. This study showed that the disease may be active in the northwestern region of São Paulo and expanded our knowledge of the biology of triatomines, the main vectors of Chagas disease. © FUNPEC-RP.
A new species of miniaturized froglet (genus Brachycephalus) is described from Morro Prumirim in the municipality of Ubatuba, São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Specimens were collected from the leaf litter at approximately 800 m above sea level. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by the combination of the following characters: snout-vent length 8.7-13.4 mm; skin on head and dorsum with dermal ossification; general color orange, with a narrow brownish vertebral stripe and belly without spots; and skull, spinal processes of sacral and pre-sacral vertebrae, and process of the fourth vertebra hyperossified. Canonical variates analysis of linear body measurement demonstrates that the new species is easily discriminated from other Brachycephalus species with which it shares an intermediate condition of hyperossification. © 2012 by The Herpetologists League, Inc.
The aim of this study was evaluate the renal hemodynamics of bitches with pyometra by means of laboratory tests, ultrasound B mode and Doppler, before and after treatment with ovariohysterectomy (OSH). This study evaluated 30 bitches with pyometra, all were subjected to OSH (moment 1) and 20 were evaluated after 7 days (moment 2). The renal perfusion, the resistivity index (RI) of the main renal artery and the interlobar arteries (cranial, middle and caudal) were statistically different between times 1 and 2 (p<0,05). There was no statistical difference for renal perfusion between the left and the right kidney at the time 1 and 2. The correlations between the IR of the main artery and the variables used to determine renal function were stablished at the time 1. For the correlated variables: urea, creatinine, proteinuria, ratio GGT/creatinine and protein/creatinine were curvilinear and positive associations with the resistivity index of the main renal artery (p<0,05), however these correlations were considered medium and weak. Comparing the RI of the main renal artery with different scores of dehydration and renal perfusion, there was statistical difference, and show increased of resistance renal in bitches with moderate reduction in renal perfusion as well as in dehydrated bitches. Were evaluated several features of renal morphology in ultrasound B mode, however, only the presence of pelvic dilatation, medullary signal and other changes as infarcts areas and diffuse hyperechoic spots in the renal cortical and medullary were statistically different from one moment to the other, most frequently at the time 2. The results of this study show that the Doppler ultrasound can identify changes of reduction in renal perfusion by color Doppler and the increasing of the resistivity index of the renal arteries in some bitches with pyometra. As well as, the ultrasound B mode, although has non-specific changes, can detect progressive renal disorders in bitches with pyometra.
The present study was undertaken the protein composition in 2D-electrophoretic pattern (2DE) of the seminal plasma (SP) can interfere in the semen bull freezability, and if we can use that for predicting semen bull freezability. Samples were obtained of 20 bulls (different breeds) with a minimum of 3 years history semen production in commercial semen collection Center. All animals ranged between 2 - 7 years of age. The semen freezability was calculated by # of thawed and approved ejaculates / # of ejaculates submitted to cryopreservation (after semen evaluation and approved to submitted to freeze). The bulls were divided in 3 groups: HIGH (=>80% ejaculates approved); MEDIUM (>60% and <79% ejaculates approved); LOW (=<59% ejaculates approved); the pattern and criteria were the same used in the routine of the commercial semen Center. 68 gels were carried through by 2DE of SP samples indicated 225 detected spots with protein different amount (VION) comparing. Comparing bull ́s semen freezability and VION of each spot found difference among 2 spots from High and Low, even considering just spots with % of detection frequency bigger than 75%. The taurine bulls demonstrated more homogeneous profile when comparing with zebu bulls, considering number and frequency of appearance of spots. The results showed that proteomics can be a useful tool to predict the semen freezability, but we ́ll need to study better the interactions between sperm membrane, seminal plasma and extender to comprehend better which proteome phenotype interfere positive or negatively in the semen freezability.
Background: In the absence of autologous bone for harvesting, fresh-frozen bone allografts turned into an alternative for bone reconstruction procedures. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to make a histological analysis of fresh-frozen onlay bone allografts (ALs), compared with autografts, in patients who needed maxillary reconstruction prior to dental implants placement. Materials and Methods: Twelve patients with bone deficiencies (width inferior to 4mm) in the sites where the implants were planned were enrolled in the study. From these, six were elected to be treated with autogenous (AT) bone grafts and six with fresh-frozen bone AL. This last group included the patients who had absence of a convenient amount of bone in donor sites. Each patient received from one to six graft blocks, totalling to 12 ATs and 17 ALs. Seven months after grafting procedures, biopsies of the grafts were made using 2-mm internal diameter trephine burs, and processed for histological analysis. One biopsy was retrieved from each patient. Results: Clinically, all grafts were found to be firm in consistency and well-incorporated to the receptor bed. Histological analysis showed a large amount of necrotic bone surrounded by few spots of new-formed bone in the AL group, suggesting low rate of graft remodeling. In the AT group, an advanced stage of bone remodeling was seen. Conclusions: Human fresh-frozen bone block AL showed clinical compatibility for grafting procedures, although associated to slow remodeling process. Further studies are needed to define, at long term, the remodeling process chronology the clinical longitudinal results for fresh-frozen bone AL. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Among the most important diseases affecting Eucalyptus is Mycosphaerella Leaf Disease (MLD) caused by Mycosphaerella spp. and Teratosphaeria spp. MLD has led to significant losses in eucalypt plantations in the South and Southeast Region of Brazil, as well as in several countries such as Portugal, Spain, South Africa and Australia. Symptoms of MLD include localized necrotic spots, early defoliation in juvenile plants, stem cankers, early death of branches, and in some cases, atrophy and death. In the present study, single spore isolations from leaves of E. globulus from five locations in Brazil allowed the differentiation of species of Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria based on ascospore germination and growth in culture. These isolates were also subjected to sequence analysis of the ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer regions, which allowed their identification to species level. The results of this study showed that six species of Mycosphaerella and four species of Teratosphaeria were associated with leaves showing symptoms of MLD in E. globulus plantations in various locations of Brazil. © 2013 KNPV.
Correspondence Analysis was adopted as tool for investigating the statistical structure of hydrochemical and weathering datasets of groundwater samples, with the main purpose of identifying impacts on mineral weathering caused by anthropogenic activities, namely fertilizing of farmlands. The hydrochemical dataset comprised measured concentrations of major inorganic compounds dissolved in groundwater, namely bicarbonate, silica (usually by-products of chemical weathering), chloride, sulphate and nitrate (typically atmospheric plus anthropogenic inputs). The weathering dataset consisted of calculated mass transfers of minerals being dissolved in loess sediments of a region located in SW Hungary (Szigetvár area), namely Na-plagioclase, calcite and dolomite, and of pollution-related concentrations of sodium, magnesium and calcium. A first run of Correspondence Analysis described groundwater composition in the study area as a system of triple influence, where spots of domestic effluents-dominated chemistries are surrounded by areas with agriculture-dominated chemistries, both imprinted over large regions of weathering dominated chemistries. A second run revealed that nitrification of N-fertilizers is promoting mineral weathering by the nitric acid reaction (anthropogenic pathway), in concurrence with the retreating of weathering by carbonic acid (natural pathway). It also indicated that dolomite and calcite are being players in a dedolomitization process driven by dissolution of gypsum fertilizers and nitrification of N-fertilizers. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
This paper presents the results obtained from selenium fractionation in plasma, muscle and liver samples of Nile tilapia's (Oreochromis niloticus) after protein separation. The plasma, muscle and liver proteome was obtained by 2D-PAGE, and selenium in protein spots was qualitatively and quantitatively determined by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). The fluorescence spectra indicated the presence of selenium in three protein spots of plasma, two of muscle and one of liver. Selenium was found to be distributed mainly in proteins with a molar mass smaller than 57.0 kDa and with pI in the range of 5.9-9.6, with one exception in the plasma sample, which presented protein with a molar mass of 60.0 kDa. After acid mineralization of the protein spots, a GFAAS determination of the concentration of selenium bound to these proteins indicated a range of 1.35-6.82 mg per g of protein. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE